The Master FA - GovOffice

Finding Aid

for the Holdings of the

Campbellsport Area Historical Society

(Abbreviation: CAHS)

Arranged according to Topic Category

Most recent update: March 29, 2010


o To assist users in locating material

o To inform users about CAHS holdings

o To serve as an inventory of holdings

Using the Finding Aid (FA)

Campbellsport Area Historical Society is abbreviated CAHS.

Explanation of the structure of the Finding Aid:

1. The abbreviation in the first column stands for the topic category or categories dealt with in the item (See explanation below)

2. The number in the second column of the Finding Aid is the item number. (See list of item names below.) It is there simply to help you find the material quickly if you are working at the CAHS area in the library. It is also used as the link for items which can be viewed online.

3. The third column describes the item.

4. The fourth column tells what can be viewed onsite, that is, at the CAHS (Campbellsport Area Historical Society) area of the Campbellsport Public Library. It also tells if the material is in a comb-bound Cemetery Series book or a Local History Series book and/or in a patron folder (P folder). Patron folders have the same item number as the folder in general.

5. The last column tells what you can view online. If there is nothing online, it will say “None”, and there will be no link. In that case, you can request the information or come in person to do the research. If the FA (Finding Aid) indicates that there is something which can be viewed online, ordinarily you can click on the item number, or in the case of cemeteries, on the name of the cemetery, and the “folder” will open up before you.


1. This Finding Aid is arranged according to topics dealt with in the folders or other items. Decide which of the topic categories below is most likely to contain information you want. Click on the link word or words, and that entire section of the Finding Aid will open up.

2. Look over the list and decide if any of the items might contain what you want. Click on the link. If it is a cemetery, the link will usually be the name of the cemetery. Otherwise, it will be the item number. This will open up that particular item for you to view. If that does not prove helpful, try another category.

3. OR – Once a folder is open, you can use Edit/Find to locate the information within that folder.

The Topic Categories:

|Ag | Agriculture: Some examples would be accounts of the weather as it affected the crops in a given year; invention or introduction of new farming equipment (e.g., the combine in the |

| |1940s); agricultural statistics; effect of the WWII on local farming; soil analysis, etc. A list of local farmers from a given period could fit under Agriculture or People, but People|

| |would be the preferred category. |

|AP |Atlases and Plat Maps Atlases of Fond du Lac County from the 1800s and early 1900s included plat maps, as well as historical data and lists of patrons for each township. |

|Bs | Businesses: Some examples: construction of a new store building (would probably be under Businesses rather than Buildings); a history of a certain business, e.g., the Bernard |

| |Ullrich Cigar plant; account of the state of local businesses during the Depression. The Reese Collection contains a great deal about businesses. |

|Bu | Buildings: Some examples: fire destroying a local barn (this could also be under agriculture); account of the construction of a new bank; article about types of rock found locally |

| |which are commonly used in construction of public buildings; changes of ownership of a certain building; the razing of a local church after the construction of a new church, e.g., |

| |Shepherd of the Hills. The latter would probably be listed under both Buildings and Churches/Religion. |

|Ce |Cemetery Data Base This includes information on many cemeteries in the area, whether private, public, or associated with a church. There will usually be a list of burials as well as |

| |some introductory information on the history and location of the cemetery, and church, if connected with a church. The burial information was usually obtained from lists drawn up by |

| |researchers who recorded the inscriptions as they appeared on the headstones. At times, cemetery office records were available, and in a few cases, information was obtained from a |

| |copy of the parish register of deaths. The Cemetery Data Base can be entered directly, without going through the Finding Aid. See also the USGenWeb Archives Project for updated |

| |information and photographs for some cemeteries. |

|Ch |Churches/Religion: A variety of examples: histories of the founding of a given parish/congregation; religious beliefs of a given congregation; description of the stained glass windows|

| |in a given church (would probably be listed also under Buildings); centennial celebration, religious events; parish picnics; newspaper account of charitable work or event of a given |

| |church; parish registers of births/baptisms, confirmations, marriages, and deaths. |

|CR |Civil Records: Most of these would be found at court houses, but a few might be found in libraries, national or state archives (and copied and then placed in our collection), abstract|

| |offices, or even in required newspaper reporting of certain land transactions or the vacation of streets. They would include the following: births, marriages, and deaths (but note |

| |that recording of these was not required in Wisconsin until about 1900, so early records are hit and miss); surveying records; land and property records (legal descriptions, grantor |

| |and grantee records in case of sale…); abstracts; lawsuits; tax records; arrests and incarcerations; fines; naturalization records… |

|DL |Daily Life: This could include many things! Clothing styles, entertainment, town picnics, local customs about how area people did just about anything, e,g, how farmers grouped |

| |together for threshing, how the washing of clothing was done, etc. might all fit here. |

|Ec |Economy: This is more general than the topics of Businesses and Finances. Examples: newspaper article on many farmers losing their farms in the 1980s (could also check Agriculture); |

| |articles about local economy in the Depression and articles about recovery during and after WWII; analytical account of factors affecting local economy… |

|Ed |Education: Some examples: anything about schools or a specific school; High School Year Books; lists of teachers, administrators, graduates, or school programs or activities. |

| |Information on the school buildings might be found under Education and/or Buildings. |

|Fi |Finances: This refers to actual financial records (ledgers, computer printouts, etc.). CAHS will probably never have much of this. It does include insurance information. |

| | |

|Ge |Genealogy & Family histories: This consists mainly in genealogies and family trees done by people from the area. |

|Gl |Geology: In the case of Mr. Reese’s folders, this usually refers to lakes and ponds. Occasionally, there is a brief reference to the terrain or type of soil. Conservation projects |

| |also fit here. |

|Go |Government: This refers to local government, not county, state, or federal. It also refers to law. Some examples: lists of village board members, governmental structures, positions; |

| |articles or information on a rezoning issue; group of lawyers forming new office (also under People); voting on change in a specific law; election results. |

|Gr |Groups/ Organizations: This refers to local organizations, societies, clubs, religious orders, etc. Examples: An article on activities of local chapter of Knights Templar; Scouts; |

| |music groups; sports teams; a book on the history of the School Sisters of St. Francis (included here because the order was founded here, and because it has its largest retirement |

| |home in Campbellsport). Articles on groups that are not specifically local are under Other. |

|Hs |Histories: These are principally about local history of a general nature. These items may also be listed under other topic categories. Examples: 1) A list and description of early |

| |businesses in the area would be under Businesses, as well as early history. 2) An account of the founding period for a certain church would go under Churches/Religion, as well as |

| |Histories. 3) A history telling about the early settlers would, of course, be under histories. |

|IS |Infra-structures: Information about electricity, telephone, roads, sewerage, etc. |

|Mi |Military records: The CAHS does not have any actual governmental military records, but an account of someone’s experiences in the Civil War could be included here, although it would |

| |more likely be under People. |

|O |Other: Most items fit under named categories, but occasionally an item has a class all by itself. For example, the flood of 1924 is listed under Other. It is an extraordinary event.|

| | |

|Pe |People: In general, this refers to items where the emphasis is on individual people, not groups. This could include articles about a given person, short biographies, obituaries, |

| |engagement and marriage announcements, an article about a local person graduating from high school (emphasis is on an individual, not the class), an article about a local person |

| |becoming a famous actor, etc. There is often some overlap with a number of other categories, such as businesses, founding period histories, family histories, etc. |

|PO |Property Ownership: This is often similar to an abbreviated abstract. It focuses on a specific plot of land, sometimes listing the succession of owners, sometimes including uses of |

| |the land/property. The Reese Collection contains quite a few folders on that topic. Both rural and city/town records can be found here. In the case of rural plots, the legal |

| |description is usually given. In the case of the towns, block and lot numbers are given. Plat maps from the 1893 Atlas of Fond du Lac County (item number AP-01) are provided for |

| |some towns to help researchers determine the exact location. |

|PS | Public Services: Examples: police, fire, libraries, parks, Chamber of Commerce |

The Item Numbers:

CAHS has among its holdings a variety of types of materials. The first one or 2 letters of the item number of an item indicates which type the item is. Thus, an item whose item number is B-089 tells you that the item is a book. The types and their abbreviations are as follows:

A = Artifacts (Simple objects, material items. Examples: farm implements, a medical instrument used by

Dr. Nicholas Senn, an article of clothing worn by an early settler)

AP = Atlases and Plat Books

B = Books

C = Charts and Posters

EM = Electronic Media (films, tapes, discs, videos, CD’s, DVD’s, etc)

F = Folders other than the Reese Collection of Folders (Found under “Archives” on the web site)

G = Genealogies and Family Histories

N = Collections of News Clippings

P = Photos

R = A collection of research notes on local history by Mr. Roderick Reese. For further information about

Mr. Reese and the exceptionally informative collection of his papers, click on the word Reese, above.

S = Scrapbooks

LHS = Local History Series

CS = Cemetery Series

P folder = Patron folder. These have the same number as the folder item number. They are not found on the open shelves. Ask a patron helper to get the folder for you.

Requesting Information Contact the president of the Campbellsport Area Historical Society (CAHS). Contact information is on the website.

|Agriculture: Some examples would be accounts of the weather as it affected the crops in a given year; invention or introduction of new farming equipment (e.g., the combine in the 1940s); |

|agricultural statistics; effect of the WWII on local farming; soil analysis, etc. A list of local farmers from a given period could fit under Agriculture or People, but People would be the |

|preferred category. Also use Edit/Find to search for “century farms”. |

|Cat |# | |Onsite viewing |Online viewing |

|Ag |A-009 |Farm tool. Possibly hook used for hay bales |All |None |

|Ag |A-013 |Farm tool. Possibly an older style post-hole digger. Owned and used by Stuart Campbell |All |None |

|Ag |A-014 |Farm tool. Used for cutting. Owned and used by Stuart Campbell |All |None |

|Ag |B-120 |Visiting Our Past: America’s History Lands, National Geographic Society, 1977, 400 pages. |All |None |

| | |Covers a broad variety of topics. Donated by Fond du Lac County Historical Society, | | |

| | |Summer, 2006 | | |

|Ag |B-176 |PLOUGHS AMONG THE ESKERS, a Story of the Settlement of the Kettle Moraine, by Bernard L. |All |None |

| | |Michaels, published by Bernard L. Michaels, 1995. 81 pages | | |

|Ag |R-023 |Early history of area; Undated Plat Maps of Auburn, Ashford, Eden, and Osceola Townships; |All, plus brief index, in LHS bk 23 |Cemetery and Church information; Brief |

| | |Broad Variety of Topics about Ashford Township, including businesses, doctors, farmers, | |index |

| | |taverns & stores, cheese factories, mills, land owners, small segments about churches and | | |

| | |cemeteries (St. Kilian, St. Martin, Evangelical, Old German Methodist, Private cemeteries, | | |

| | |German Reformed of Elmore, Senn Family Cemetery, Evangelical Smitzer, Gudex, and Union. No| | |

| | |burials are listed) | | |

|Ag |R-042 |Businesses in Eden and Marblehead |All, plus Index, LHS bk 9 |Index only |

|Ag |R-061 |Crouchville School, Columbus School; history, teachers |All, LHS bk 20 |All |

|Atlases and Plat Maps |

|Cat |# | |Onsite viewing |Online viewing |

|AP |AP-01 |Laminated photo-copied plats of Ashford, Auburn, Eden, Empire, Forest, and Osceola |All |The plats of the villages are online, but |

| | |Townships, from the 1893 ATLAS OF FOND DU LAC COUNTY. Also village plat for some of the | |not the township plats. |

| | |villages in those townships: New Cassel, Campbellsport, Elmore (known as Ashford then), St.| | |

| | |Kilian, Dundee, Jersey (New Prospect), Eblesville (New Fane), Eden, and Waucousta | | |

|AP |AP-02 |Copy 1 of PICTORIAL ATLAS FOND DU LAC COUNTY WISCONSIN, 1971. Published by Tri-Tabula |All |None |

| | |Co. Includes plat map for each township, lists of residents with small amount of | | |

| | |biographical info, many photos of individuals, families, houses and other buildings, aerial| | |

| | |views of farms, short histories of a number of churches, and advertisements | | |

|AP |AP-03 |Copy 2 of PICTORIAL ATLAS OF FOND DU LAC COUNTY, WISCONSIN, 1971 (See AP-02) |All |None |



|AP |AP-06 |1862 Plat maps for Ashford, Auburn, Eden, Empire, Forest, and Osceola. These are not |All |None |

| | |photo-copies of the original; extremely few readable copies of the atlas for 1862 are | | |

| | |extant. It is a highly accurate, hand-done reproduction. Photo-copy was made at the | | |

| | |Register of Deeds Office in the Fond du Lac County courthouse. | | |

|AP |AP-07 |ATLAS OF THE WORLD, pub. By Funk & Wagnalls, 1931. 93 pages |All |None |

|AP |AP-08 |UNIVERSAL ATLAS OF THE WORLD, Rand McNally & Co., 1892. 360 pages. Binding in poor |All |None |

| | |condition | | |

|AP |AP-08 |Fond du Lac County Land Atlas and Plat Book, 1979, 76 pages |All |None |

|AP |AP-09 |Fond du Lac County Land Atlas and Plat Book, 1993, 90 pages |All |None |

|AP |AP-10 |Fond du Lac County Land Atlas and Plat Book, 1982, 80 pages |All |None |

|AP |AP-11 |Fond du Lac County Land Atlas and Plat Book, 1985, 76 pages |All |None |

|AP |AP-12 |Fond du Lac County Land Atlas and Plat Book, 1988, 70 pages |All |None |

|AP |AP-13 |Fond du Lac County Land Atlas and Plat Book, 1991, 80 pages |All |None |

|AP |AP-14 |Fond du Lac County Land Atlas and Plat Book, 1996, 80 pages |All |None |

|AP |AP-15 |Fond du Lac County Land Atlas and Plat Book, 1999-2000, 86 pages |All |None |

|AP |AP-16 |Fond du Lac County Land Atlas and Plat Book, 1948, 46 pages |All |None |

|AP |AP-17 |ATLAS OF WASHINGTON AND FOND DU LAC COUNTIES, date unknown. Very poor condition. Covers |All |None |

| | |off, pages torn. | | |

|AP |AP-20 |Crams Unrivaled Atlas. World Atlas, George F. Cram Company, Inc., 1952, 403 pages |All |None |

|AP |AP-21 |The New Encyclopedic Atlas and Gazeteer of the World, 1910, 254 pages. Donated by Fond du |All |None |

| | |Lac county Historical Society, Summer, 2006 | | |

|AP |B-121 |Webster’s Twentieth Century Dictionary, Publishers’ guild, Inc., 1939, about 2000 pages. |All |None |

| | |Includes many sections in addition to the dictionary: Atlas, population statistics, federal| | |

| | |agencies, dictionary of authors, dictionary of noted names, and more | | |

|AP |F-02 |Fond du Lac County Genealogical Society Newsletter, May, 1996. Queries, excerpts form an |All, in P folder |None |

| | |1854 book, HISTORY OF THE COUNTY OF FOND DU LAC, WISCONSIN, by Martin Mitchel - about Byron| | |

| | |Township. 1874 Plat map of Byron Twp. Partial index to marriages1864 and small part of | | |

| | |1865. | | |

|AP |R-053 |Broad variety of topics, including ham radio, high school coaches, Boy Scouts, High School |All (photo-copy of original) plus index,|Index |

| | |graduates and alumni, Incorporation of Village of Campbellsport (1902), village officers, |LHS bk 12 | |

| | |Schlaefer Construction Company, century farms, Chamber of Commerce | | |

|AP |R-098 |1862 Atlas of the Townships of Fond du Lac County |All, P folder (photocopy) |None (Copies are not sharp enough to scan) |

|AP |R-108 |Union Cemetery, Deed Readings of Land Purchase; Additions to Villages of Campbellsport and |All, P folder |None |

| | |New Cassel. The latter consists of 3 large heavy-duty cardboard charts showing the | | |

| | |following additions: Campbell’s Original, Campbell’s Out Lots, Rhodes Addition, Van | | |

| | |Blarcom’s Addition, Schurck’s, Senft’s, E.L. Peck’s, and Ludin Crouch Additions | | |

|Businesses: Some examples: construction of a new store building (would probably be under Businesses rather than Buildings); a history of a certain business, e.g., the Bernard Ullrich Cigar |

|plant; account of the state of local businesses during the Depression. The Reese Collection contains a great deal about businesses. |

|Cat |# | |Onsite viewing |Online viewing |

|Bs |A-010 |Pencil advertising Stella Cheese Company |All |None |

|Bs |A-012 |Metal spice box. Readable parts of label: Cinnamon Paa_ The _EXALL _tore Campbellsport, |All |None |

| | |Wisconsin | | |

|Bs |AP-08 |Fond du Lac County Land Atlas and Plat Book, 1979, 76 pages |All |None |

|Bs |AP-09 |Fond du Lac County Land Atlas and Plat Book, 1993, 90 pages |All |None |

|Bs |AP-10 |Fond du Lac County Land Atlas and Plat Book, 1982, 80 pages |All |None |

|Bs |AP-11 |Fond du Lac County Land Atlas and Plat Book, 1985, 76 pages |All |None |

|Bs |AP-12 |Fond du Lac County Land Atlas and Plat Book, 1988, 70 pages |All |None |

|Bs |AP-13 |Fond du Lac County Land Atlas and Plat Book, 1991, 80 pages |All |None |

|Bs |AP-14 |Fond du Lac County Land Atlas and Plat Book, 1996, 80 pages |All |None |

|Bs |AP-15 |Fond du Lac County Land Atlas and Plat Book, 1999-2000, 86 pages |All |None |

|Bs |AP-16 |Fond du Lac County Land Atlas and Plat Book, 1948, 46 pages |All |None |

|Bs |B-102 |COKE'S FIRST 100 YEARS...AND A LOOK INTO THE FUTURE, 1986 |All |None |

|Bs |B-104 |Fond du Lac City Directory, 1967-1968 |All |None |

|Bs |B-105 |Fond du Lac City Directory, 1971 |All |None |

|Bs |B-106 |Fond du Lac city Directory, 1984 |All |None |

|Bs |B-114 |Bauer Hotel Register, from about 1928- about 1937. About 288 pages |All |None |

|Bs |B-115 |Milwaukee Grain Exchange, booklet, No date, shows picture of building constructed in 1879 |All |None |

|Bs |B-120 |Visiting Our Past: America’s History Lands, National Geographic Society, 1977, 400 pages. |All |None |

| | |Covers a broad variety of topics. Donated by Fond du Lac County Historical Society, | | |

| | |Summer, 2006 | | |

|Bs |B-128 |Bound copies of TIME: THE WEEKLY NEWS MAGAZINE, January 7, 1924 through January 30, 1924 |All |None |

| | |(23 magazines) | | |

|Bs |B-132 |Wisconsin Then and Now (Magazine). CAHS has the following issues: October, 1965 (132-A); |All |None |

| | |October, 1972 (132-B); December, 1972 (132-C); January, 1973 (132-D); August, 1973 (132-E);| | |

| | |September, 1973 (132-F); February, 1974 (132-G); May, 1974 (132-H); March, 1975 (132-I); | | |

| | |January, 1976 (132-J); and October, 1976 (132-K) The magazines are all assigned the | | |

| | |number B-132, but after the 132 there is a letter (A through J) | | |

|Bs |F-13 |A STORY OF GROWTH: FIRST STATE BANK OF CAMPBELLSPORT, Supplement to the Campbellsport News,|All, P folder |None |

| | |Nov. 30, 1978 | | |

|Bs |F-37 |TWIN VILLAGE NEWS, Vol. II, Number 53, Campbellsport and New Cassel, Wisconsin, April 7, |All, in Oversize Box 1 (Ask the patron helper|None |

| | |1899. Is printed on wood-based paper and was folded, so there has been significant damage,|to get it for you.) | |

| | |but very little loss of printed areas. The item has been de-acidified, and placed in an | | |

| | |acid-free, oversize folder. Donor: Mrs. Martin Engels | | |

|Bs |F-38 |THE CAMPBELLSPORT NEWS, Thursday, June 30, 1960. entire issue. Includes history of the |All. In Oversize Box 1 |None (But see F-39 for article on |

| | |fire department, which has ben put online (See F-39). Has been deacidified. | |Fire Department.) |

|Bs |P-002 |Byron Glass, 1920; Dorothy VandeZande, Arthur Guenther, Sr. Black & white photo, glued to |All |None |

| | |paperboard. Appears to be quite old. | | |

|Bs |R-001 |Business places in Waucousta & Osceola; churches in Waucousta area; people of |All, LHS bk 1 |All |

| | |Campbellsport; history of Campbellsport | | |

|Bs |R-008 |Traces record of property ownership and use, with legal description (block and lot #s) of |All, in LHS bk 29 |All |

| | |the property mainly for New Cassel and Campbellsport; information on dams, mills, and | | |

| | |ponds; includes biographical info and info on businesses. Gives good sense of general | | |

| | |history of Campbellsport; Flood of 1924 | | |

|Bs |R-015 |1880 business places; Veterans of Foreign Wars, Post 8339, 1946 & 1954; Modern Woodsmen of |All, P folder and LHS bk 8 |None |

| | |America; History of Royal Neighbors; American Legion Auxiliary; Campbellsport Women’s Club;| | |

| | |WWI Armistice Celebration; Lumber Yard of Campbellsport; Village Board Action on New | | |

| | |Equipment, 1915-1917 | | |

|Bs |R-018 |History of Radio in Campbellsport |All, LHS bk 20 |All |

|Bs |R-020 |Lists of Community Dentists, Optometrists, Surgeons, Doctors, Chiropractors, Veterinarians,|All, LHS bk 21 |All |

| | |Justice of the Peace, Lawyers, Auto Agencies, Barber Shops, Real Estate, and Insurance | | |

| | |Companies | | |

|Bs |R-021 |First Fire Department Picnic, First Village Hall, Astonishing News Items, Early Postal |All, LHS bk 21 |All |

| | |Service, Businesses, Various Groups, Roads, Government, Electrical Services… A small folder| | |

| | |with a great variety of topics. Some papers may have been in other folders. For Fire | | |

| | |Dept., See also R-004, R-050, R-069, and R-106 | | |

|Bs |R-022 |Business People & Places of Campbellsport, 1847-1874 (Names, Year they came to area, Place|All, LHS bk 8 |All |

| | |from which they came, Type of Business) | | |

|Bs |R-023 |Early history of area; Undated Plat Maps of Auburn, Ashford, Eden, and Osceola Townships; |All, plus brief index, |All |

| | |Broad Variety of Topics about Ashford Township, including businesses, doctors, farmers, |LHS bk 23 | |

| | |taverns & stores, cheese factories, mills, land owners, small segments about churches and | | |

| | |cemeteries (St. Kilian, St. Martin, Evangelical, Old German Methodist, Private cemeteries, | | |

| | |German Reformed of Elmore, Senn Family Cemetery, Evangelical Smitzer, Gudex, and Union. No| | |

| | |burials are listed) | | |

|Bs |R-024 |Schlaefer Hardware Store Building; Histories written by H. Wrucke and Catherine Weld; |All, LHS bk 21 |All |

| | |Present Businesses Traced to Origin, by Henry Weld (probably 1952) | | |

|Bs |R-026 |Chronological list of Owners of Businesses, Farms, and Homes in Ashford and Auburn |All, LHS bk 28 |All |

| | |Townships; Churches, Small list of deaths & burials from 1850s & 1860s, church name not |Burials also in Cemetery Series book 7 | |

| | |given, but it is Trinity Evangelical Lutheran Church, also known as Buffalo Unity (north of| | |

| | |Kewaskum); Early History of Ashford and Auburn Townships; Mills, ponds, and lakes; Schools;| | |

| | |Early Doctors; Postmasters; St. Kilian | | |

|Bs |R-029 |St. Martin’s (Ashford), Elmore Reformed Congregation, Register of the Dead, 1858- 1888, |All: See also Cemetery Series, Books 2, 3, & | All (Rootsweb for St. |

| | |Gudex, Rauch, and Deutsche Bisch Methodist Cemeteries; Biography of Rev. Matt. Heigl; Town |7. For St. Martin’s Cemetery, See F-01 |Martin’sCemetery) |

| | |of Ashford Business Places |For Business places see LHS Bk 20 | |

|Bs |R-030 |Postal Services; Electricity; Early History; Cheese Factories |All, LHS bk 2 & P folder |All |

|Bs |R-032 |Area Electric Light Companies 1900 - __; Schlaefer Construction Company 1845 - ___; |All, in LHS bk 22 |All |

| | |Theresa Union Telephone Co 1904 - ___, with Lomira, Kewaskum, East Valley, and Eden | | |

| | |Exchanges; Airline Railroad (later Chicago-Northwestern); Grocery prices 1952 & 1981 | | |

|Bs |R-033 |Deals with a very broad variety of topics: Businesses, churches, cemeteries, geology, |All, Indexed |Index only |

| | |sports groups, railroads and other roads, conservation projects, and Kettle Moraine Park; |LHS bk 22 | |

| | |Ice Age Center. Index plus photocopy of original | | |

|Bs |R-035 |Business People of Campbellsport, pages 1-80 | (Folder missing) |None |

|Bs |R-039 |Early history of Campbellsport. History of businesses and business people, and of |All, LHS bk 26 |All |

| | |buildings and properties. Often gives information commonly found in abstracts. History of | | |

| | |area Roads, the Dam and Mill Pond, and Mills.Short biography of Stuart Campbell. | | |

|Bs |R-040 |Booklet: “WISCONSIN IN PARADE” (Centennial Souvenir, 1982); Lists of businesses for |All, Patron Folder |None |

| | |1888-1889, 1893, 1908, 1913, 1929, 1939, 1945, 1952, 1959, 1969, 1982 | | |

|Bs |R-047 |Reese’s field notes on individuals and some businesses; Short biographies on numerous |All plus index, |Index only |

| | |Campbellsport area people – births, deaths, activities during life, with special focus on |Some in LHS bk 11; | |

| | |businesses; histories of a few businesses. The Index usually lists only original owner of a|some in P folder | |

| | |business; subsequent owners’ names are listed in these notes, but not in the Index.. | | |

|Bs |R-049 |Auburn & Ashford Townships: broad variety of topics, including Board Officials 1845-1988, |All, plus Index, in P folder; Index is also in|Index only |

| | |census data, postal service info, Pony Express and Stagecoach, businesses, halls, |LHS bk 2. | |

| | |restaurants, histories of churches and cemeteries (but no burial lists), lakes and ponds, | | |

| | |doctors, property owners, list of area farmers in 1862, and more | | |

|Bs |R-050 |Variety of topics: history of dams, ownership of lots in New Cassel (See AP-01 for map of |All, plus Index, Index in LHS bk 2; All other |Index only |

| | |New Cassel showing block and lot numbers), businesses, firemen and Firemen’s Park |in P folder | |

|Bs |R-051 |Complete list of business places in Campbellsport and New Cassel, with some info on |All, LHS bk 2 |All |

| | |buildings | | |

|Bs |R-052 |History of the Town of Auburn, businesses, lakes, roads, churches, bridges, early history, |All (photo-copy of original) plus index, in |Index |

| | |early settlers, property ownership with legal descriptions, early postal service |LHS bk 3 | |

|Bs |R-053 |Broad variety of topics, including ham radio, high school coaches, Boy Scouts, High School |All (photo-copy of original) plus index, in |Index |

| | |graduates and alumni, Incorporation of Village of Campbellsport (1902), village officers, |LHS bk 12 | |

| | |Schlaefer Construction Company, century farms, Chamber of Commerce | | |

|Bs |R-054 |Founding of Campbellsport; Stuart Campbell, Jacob Haessley, Ernest Martin, and other early |All, in LHS bk 12 |All |

| | |settlers; Crouchville postmasters; Original plats with legal descriptions; Buildings; | | |

| | |Traces the history of Campbellsport through the history of a number of area businesses; the| | |

| | |flood of 1924; Refers to pictures, but there are none in the file; telephone service | | |

|Bs |R-056 |Osceola Township: property ownership with legal descriptions, farms, businesses, history. |All, in LHS bk 27 |All |

| | |There is one paragraph on history of churches in Eden Township. | | |

|Bs |R-057 |Building Identification list for Ashford Township (gives street and house numbers, but does|All, in LHS bk 13 |None |

| | |not give date); Liquor Licenses, 1889-1901 | | |

|Bs |R-058 |History of Crown Cork and Glass Bottles; photos of Mr. Roderick Reese |All, in P folder. |None |

| | | |See also Photo Collection | |

|Bs |R-061 |Crouchville School, Columbus School; history, teachers |All, in LHS bk 20 |All |

|Bs |R-075 |Fond du Lac County Tourist booklet; environmental brochures |All, in P folder |None |

|Bs |R-088 |History of Kleinhans Business; Campbellsport Cornet Band; Photocopy (poor copy) of page 207|All, in LHS bk 17 |All |

| | |of State Gazeteer Business Directory for 1888-1889. (See also R-089) | | |

|Bs |R-091 |Jaeger Home & Appliance; Dr. Nicholas Senn; the John Senn farm; Dr. Hausman (an obit?); |All, in LHS bk 27 |All except brochure and news clipping|

| | |History of Elmore – Ashford Station (also called Leglerville); Old Ironsides Corporation | | |

|Bs |R-092 |The Huge Co (pest control). Brochure |All, Patron folder |None |

|Bs |R-107 |160-page notebook (fair to poor condition) of Mr. Reese’s field notes: traces ownership of |All, plus index in LHS bk 21. Notebook in P |Index only |

| | |specific block and lot numbers, brief biographies or facts about people, info on early |folder | |

| | |history of the area . Businesses; Plat maps; Post offices; Dams, mills, and mill ponds; | | |

| | |Lakes, Cheese factories; Electricity and telephone; coopers; Vineyards; Geology; Clinics; | | |

| | |Doctors; Flood of 1924 | | |

|Bs |R-111 |Broad variety: Ashford, Auburn, Osceola, and Eden schools; Plat-type drawing locating |All, in LHS Book 27 |All |

| | |Sacred Heart Church in Dundee; genealogical information on Sausen families; a few cemetery | | |

| | |inscriptions (possibly research requests) from Holy Trinity Kewaskum, St. Mathias New Fane,| | |

| | |Auburn Cemetery on County Y, and Union Cemetery; taverns, antique shops, trucking; the | | |

| | |Campbellsport mill; a list of warranty deeds (but not the deeds themselves) | | |

|Bs |R-112 |Moritz and Adolph Rosenheimer Malt house of Kewaskum. Includes clippings about the fire |All, in P folder |None |

|Bs |R-113 |Updating information on the Chamber of Commerce, 1946-1986. Includes booklet titled COMPARE|All, in P folder |None |

| | |WISCONSIN. | | |

|Bs |R-115 |Names and locations of breweries in Wisconsin. Mostly clippings from magazines and |All, in LHS bk 18 |None |

| | |newspapers, one from 1938 listing 71 Wisconsin breweries | | |

|Buildings: Some examples: fire destroying a local barn (this could also be under agriculture); account of the construction of a new bank; article about types of rock found locally which are |

|commonly used in construction of public buildings; changes of ownership of a certain building; the razing of a local church after the construction of a new church, e.g., Shepherd of the Hills. |

|The latter would probably be listed under both Buildings and Churches/Religion. |

| |

|Cat |# | |Onsite viewing |Online viewing |

|Bu |B-176 |PLOUGHS AMONG THE ESKERS, a Story of the Settlement of the Kettle Moraine, by Bernard L. |All |None |

| | |Michaels, published by Bernard L. Michaels, 1995. 81 pages | | |

|Bu |R-024 |Schlaefer Hardware Store Building; Histories written by H. Wrucke and Catherine Weld; |All, LHS bk 21 |All |

| | |Present Businesses Traced to Origin, by Henry Weld (probably 1952) | | |

|Bu |R-041 |History of Town of Auburn (Crouchville); Traces the ownership of businesses/property and |All, Patron folder |None |

| | |people who operated them or lived there; Legal descriptions; Newspaper photo of Seering and| | |

| | |Curram Store, 1920; Wm Folts first veterinarian; Dams; Chamber of Commerce | | |

|Bu |R-048 |Broad variety of topics, especially about professional people, by occupation/profession; |All, plus Index, in P folder. Index is |Index only |

| | |schools; churches; buildings. Notebook |in LHS bk 18 | |

|Bu |R-049 |Auburn & Ashford Townships: broad variety of topics, including Board Officials 1845-1988, |All, plus Index, in P folder. Index is |Index only |

| | |census data, postal service info, Pony Express and Stagecoach, businesses, halls, |also in LHS bk 2 | |

| | |restaurants, histories of churches and cemeteries (but no burial lists), lakes and ponds, | | |

| | |doctors, property owners, list of area farmers in 1862, and more | | |

|Bu |R-051 |Complete list of business places in Campbellsport and New Cassel, with some info on |All, in LHS bk 2 |All |

| | |buildings | | |

|Bu |R-057 |Building Identification list for Ashford Township (gives street and house numbers, but does|All, in LHS bk 13 |None |

| | |not give date); Liquor Licenses, 1889-1901 | | |

|Bu |R-086 |Campbellsport Public Library Architectural Plans |All, in LHS bk 17 |Verbal material, but no graphic plans or |

| | | | |news clippings |

|Cemetery Data Base This includes information on many cemeteries in the area, whether private, public, or associated with a church. There will usually be a list of burials as well as some |

|introductory information on the history and location of the cemetery, and church, if connected with a church. The burial information was usually obtained from lists drawn up by a researcher who|

|recorded the inscriptions on the headstones. At times, cemetery office records were available, and in a few cases, information was obtained from a copy of the parish register of deaths. |

|Further information on the history of a cemetery may also be found under Churches/Religion. |

|Cat |# | |Onsite viewing |Online viewing |

|Ce |B-002 |St. John's Lutheran Church, New Fane, Parish Register and Cemetery Records: Index to |All |None |

| | |cemetery, Row-by row list of burials and inscriptions, Alphabetical list of deaths from | | |

| | |Church Register 1862-1996, Marriages 1863-1932 (2 alphabetical lists, one by groom, the | | |

| | |other by bride, plus the list as it was entered in the register), Alphabetical list of | | |

| | |baptisms which gives date of birth and names of parents, Confirmations, 1866-1934 which | | |

| | |gives name, date and place | | |

|Ce |B-003 |History and Burial Records for Union, St. Matthew's, and School Sisters of St. Francis |All |None for St. Matthew’s at this time. |

| | |Cemeteries, Campbellsport: Union 1843-1994; St. Matthew's 1866-1994; School Sisters of St. | |Burials of School Sisters of St. Francis, |

| | |Francis 1881-1994 | |1880-2007, can be found in F-20. |

| | | | |A list of burials for Union Cemetery (from|

| | | | |beginning until December, 2004) may be |

| | | | |viewed by clicking on Union |

| | | | |Cemetery.(chronological list) or Union, |

| | | | |Alphabetical list |

|Ce |B-027 |THE HISTORY OF FOND DU LAC COUNTY AS TOLD BY ITS PLACE NAMES, by Ruth Shaw Worthing, , |All |None |

| | |Illustrated by Ray Thornton, 1976. Includes some photos. 117 pages. Appendices: Fond du Lac| | |

| | |Land Company, Schools (listed by township), Cemeteries (listed by township) | | |

|Ce |F-01 |Burials in St. Martin Cemetery, Ashford |All, CS bk 2 |None. But can be viewed on Rootsweb. |

|Ce |F-20 |Burials of School Sisters of St. Francis, 1880-2007. Introduction, Alphabetical list, |All, Cemetery Series, Bk. 6. See also |All, up to March 19, 2007 |

| | |Chronological list March 19, 2007), List according to Plot in cemetery. St. Matthew’s, |B-003 | |

| | |Union, and School Sisters of St. Francis burials are in this one large cemetery on the | | |

| | |northeast edge of Campbellsport. | | |

|Ce |F-42 |Sacred Heart Cemetery, Dundee, Wisconsin |Cemetery Series Book 9 |All |

|Ce |R-006 |St. Mathias Catholic Parish, New Fane: Centennial Booklet (1863-1963) and list of burials |All, in Cemetery Series Book. 1; booklet|Cemetery records only |

| | |in parish cemetery |in P folder | |

|Ce |R-014 |St. John’s Lutheran, New Fane: burials (see Cemeteries), history with warranty deeds, 3 |All, in Cemetery Series, Book 1; LHS |Burials (See Cemetery Data Base, St. John’s|

| | |commemorative booklets |bk 1 for parish history; Commemorative |Cemetery, New Fane), clipping on history, |

| | |See also R-036. Note: The death/burial records found in R-014 & R-036 have been combined |booklets in P folder |notes on history. The notes are in the |

| | |into one file. It can be found in the Cemetery Data Base, where it is listed as St. John’s| |Reese Collection, under R-014. The deeds |

| | |Cemetery, New Fane. | |and the booklets cannot be viewed online. |

|Ce |R-019 |Burials at German Reformed Cemetery (also called Auburn Cemetery), about 1864-1972, with |All, Cemetery Series, Book 1 |All (No other cemeteries are listed in |

| | |plot map (Location: east of Campbellsport, on Y) | |this folder. Therefore, the item number is|

| | | | |used as the link.) |

|Ce |R-023 |Early history of area; Undated Plat Maps of Auburn, Ashford, Eden, and Osceola Townships; |All, plus brief index, LHS bk 23 |Cemetery and Church information; Brief |

| | |Broad Variety of Topics about Ashford Township, including businesses, doctors, farmers, | |index |

| | |taverns & stores, cheese factories, mills, land owners, small segments about churches and | | |

| | |cemeteries (St. Kilian, St. Martin, Evangelical, Old German Methodist, Private cemeteries, | | |

| | |German Reformed of Elmore, Senn Family Cemetery, Evangelical Smitzer, Gudex, and Union. No| | |

| | |burials are listed) | | |

|Ce |R-026 |Chronological list of Owners of Businesses, Farms, and Homes in Ashford and Auburn |All, LHS bk 28 |All, for the list of burials, click on the |

| | |Townships; Churches, Small list of deaths & burials from 1850s & 1860s, church name not |Burials also in CS bk 7 |word “burials”, in the description column. |

| | |given, but it is Trinity Evangelical Lutheran Church, also known as Buffalo Unity (north of| | |

| | |Kewaskum), There are some names on each list (Buffalo Unity and R-026) which are not on the| | |

| | |other list; Early History of Ashford and Auburn Townships; Mills, ponds, and lakes; | | |

| | |Schools; Early Doctors; Postmasters; St. Kilian | | |

|Ce |R-027 |Burials at St. Kilian Cemetery, with small amount of parish history. Burial information |All, Cemetery Series, Book 2 |All. The link provided opens the entire |

| | |from R-037 has been incorporated with this folder. See also R-037 for history of parish and| |record, which includes all arrangements (by|

| | |of cemetery. | |row, alphabetical, and chronological) and a|

| | | | |plot map. The arrangements can be opened |

| | | | |separately by going into Cemetery Database.|

|Ce |R-028 |Burials at Hakes-Childs, Gage, Jersey Cemeteries, all in Auburn Township, and Buffalo |All Hakes-Childs and Gage in Cemetery |All |

| | |Unity Evangelical Lutheran Cemetery, in Washington County, near Kewaskum. The church was |Series, Books 1; Jersey in Books 3 & 4; | |

| | |also known as Trinity Evangelical Lutheran. See also Unidentified Burials, R-026. |Buffalo Unity in Book 3 | |

|Ce |R-029 |St. Martin’s (Ashford), Elmore Reformed Congregation, Register of the Dead, 1858-1888, |All: Burials in Deutsche Bisch, Rauch,|All (St. Martin’s in Ashford can be found |

| | |Gudex, Rauch, and Deutsche Bisch Methodist Cemeteries; Biography of Rev. Matt. Heigl; Town |Gudex, St. Kilian, and St. Martin |in Rootsweb.) |

| | |of Ashford Business Places |(Ashford) are in Cemetery Series, Book | |

| | | |2. The data from St. Martin’s, Ashford, | |

| | | |was taken from F-01. Burials in Elmore | |

| | | |Reformed Cemetery are in CS bk 3 and CS | |

| | | |bk 7 | |

| | | |For Business places see LHS Bk 20 | |

|Ce |R-033 |Deals with a very broad variety of topics: Businesses, churches, cemeteries, geology, |All |Index only |

| | |sports groups, railroads and other roads, conservation projects, and Kettle Moraine Park; |Indexed, in LHS bk 22 | |

| | |Ice Age Center. Index plus photocopy of original | | |

|Ce |R-037 |St. Kilian Parish History; This folder contained one of three lists of burials in St. |All, in LHS bk 2 |All |

| | |Kilian Cemetery. That list has been incorporated with the other two lists, and will not be|(Burial lists in Cemetery Series Bk. 2) | |

| | |found in this folder. (See Cemetery Data Base. See also R-027, which has the other two | | |

| | |lists.) | | |

|Ce |R-038 |Trinity Lutheran Cemetery, Dundee |All See Cemetery Series, Book 3 |All |

|Ce |R-049 |Auburn & Ashford Townships: broad variety of topics, including Board Officials 1845-1988, |All, plus Index, which is in LHS bk 2 |Index only |

| | |census data, postal service info, Pony Express and Stagecoach, businesses, halls, | | |

| | |restaurants, histories of churches and cemeteries (but no burial lists), lakes and ponds, | | |

| | |doctors, property owners, list of area farmers in 1862, and more | | |

|Ce |R-056 |Osceola Township: property ownership with legal descriptions, farms, businesses, history. |All, LHS Bk. 27 |All |

| | |Contains a very brief amount on Mitchell Cemetery in Osceola Township, with the William | | |

| | |Mitchell data. There is also a reference to E C Airhart being buried in a private cemetery| | |

| | |in Osceola Township. There is one paragraph on history of churches in Eden Township. | | |

|Ce |R-063 |Burial lists for Salem Evangelical and Reformed Church Cemetery, Wayne |All Cemetery Series, Book 3 |All |

|Ce |R-064 |Burial lists for the following cemeteries: Zion German Baptist Church at Wayne; Eden |All Reformed at Elmore in Cemetery |All |

| | |Central Odekirk (1975); St. Marys Eden Alphabatical and Chronological (updated to 2005); |Series, | |

| | |Rohlf Town of Eden (1976) ; German Evangelical Reformed Church at Elmore. See also |Book 3; | |

| | |~wifonddu/resources/cemindex2.htm for Odekirk and Rohlf. These lists are |Zion Baptist. Odekirk, and Rohlf in CS | |

| | |not identical with the CAHS lists. The Rootsweb list for Odekirk contains a few obits, |bk 7. | |

| | |which must be viewed online. |St. Mary’s, Eden in CS book 8 | |

|Ce |R-065 |Cemetery list for St. John’s Catholic Church in Byron |Not available at this time |Not online at this time |

|Ce |R-068 |Burials of School Sisters of St. Francis in the Sisters’ part of the cemetery at |This is an old list. An up-to-date list |None. But see F-20 for a complete, |

| | |Campbellsport |is in Cemetery Series Bk 6. See also |up-to-date listing. |

| | | |B-003 | |

|Ce |R-070 |Maps of the following counties, showing location of cemeteries: Fond du Lac, Sheboygan, |All, in LHS bk 14 |None |

| | |Calumet, and Manitowoc. 1978. Includes corresponding list | | |

|Ce |R-071 |Early history of Ashford & Auburn Union Cemetery Association; include constitutions and |All, in LHS bk 14 |None |

| | |minutes of meetings, treasurer’s report, warranty deed, and by-laws. No burial lists. |Photocopy | |

|Ce |R-072 |St. Matthew’s Cemetery, and Cemetery rules & Regulations. Pages 6,7, & 8 missing. This |None. CAHS has a more recent list. See |None |

| | |folder will not be made available to the public, as it is incomplete and not up-to-date. |F-20 for Sisters’ Cemetery (Cemetery | |

| | |See B-003 and F-20 for more current records.] |Series Bk.6) and B-003 | |

|Ce |R-080 |Hand-written burial records of Union and St. Matthew Cemeteries, including the Sisters |None (In storage). CAHS has a more |None (In storage) However, a current (2004)|

| | |Cemetery. Incomplete. |current record. |list of burials may be viewed by clicking |

| | | | |on Union Cemetery.(chronological list) or |

| | | | |Union, Alphabetical list |

|Ce |R-082 |Hand-written Union Cemetery records. Incomplete. Not current |None (in storage). Outdatede and |None (in storage) However, a current (2004)|

| | | |incomplete. CAHS has a more current list|list of burials may be viewed by clicking |

| | | |of burials, online only. |on Union Cemetery. .(chronological list) or|

| | | | |Union, Alphabetical list |

|Ce |R-094 |By-laws of St. Matthew’s Catholic Cemetery, History of St. Matthew’s Church and of the |Photocopy of original, in LHS bk 24. In|See description column to the left. |

| | |School Sisters of St. Francis focusing on property acquisition relative to the parish; |many cases the original was very faint. | |

| | |Warranty Deeds of 1861, 1921, 1927; Brief histories of 14 nearby parishes: Immaculate | | |

| | |Conception, Barton; St. John, Byron; St. Mary. Cascade; St. Michael, Dotyville; St. Mary, | | |

| | |Eden; Holy Trinity, Kewaskum; St. Bridgit, Wayne; Nativity of Mary, Lomira; Holy Cross, Mt.| | |

| | |Calvary; St. Matthew’s, Campbellsport; Sacred Heart, Dundee; St. Kilian, St. Kilian; St. | | |

| | |Michael, St. Michael (Washington County). | | |

|Ce |R-111 |Broad variety: Ashford, Auburn, Osceola, and Eden schools; Plat-type drawing locating |LHS Bk 27 |All |

| | |Sacred Heart Church in Dundee; genealogical information on Sausen families; a few cemetery | | |

| | |inscriptions (possibly research requests) from Holy Trinity Kewaskum, St. Mathias New Fane,| | |

| | |Auburn Cemetery on County Y, and Union Cemetery; taverns, antique shops, trucking; the | | |

| | |Campbellsport mill; a list of warranty deeds (but not the deeds themselves) | | |

|Ce |R-122 |Inscription records for Sacred Heart Cemetery, Dundee, Wisconsin, dated August 15, 1975. |All, in patron folder |None at this time. |

| | |Includes copy of map, showing location of the church before it was torn down. The | | |

| | |inscription list is very short, and is obviously incomplete, as there have been a few | | |

| | |recent burials there, even though the parish closed in 1923. Surnames on the list are: | | |

| | |Brown, Schenk, Montag, Wilke, White, Calvery, Cummings, and Murphy. Also: location of | | |

| | |cemetery. | | |

|Churches/Religion: A variety of examples: histories of the founding of a given parish/congregation; religious beliefs of a given congregation; description of the stained glass windows in a given|

|church (would probably be listed also under Buildings); centennial celebration, religious events; parish picnics; newspaper account of charitable work or event of a given church; parish |

|registers of births/baptisms, confirmations, marriages, and deaths. |

|Cat |# | |Onsite viewing |Online viewing |

|Ch |B-002 |St. John's Lutheran Church, New Fane, Parish Register and Cemetery Records: Index to |All |None |

| | |cemetery, Row-by row list of burials and inscriptions, Alphabetical list of deaths from | | |

| | |Church Register 1862-1996, Marriages 1863-1932 (2 alphabetical lists, one by groom, the | | |

| | |other by bride, plus the list as it was entered in the register), Alphabetical list of | | |

| | |baptisms which gives date of birth and names of parents, Confirmations, 1866-1934 which | | |

| | |gives name, date and place | | |

|Ch |B-016 |HOLY BIBLE, Catholic Action Edition |All |None |

|Ch |B-038 |KATEKES, by Olai Petri, No date, 84 pages. A catechism. Written in Swedish. The book is |All. Is in an envelope (P folder) |None. Search Internet for Olavus Petri for|

| | |to be found in an archival envelope, labeled B-038. In addition to the book, the envelope | |info on author |

| | |contains a sheet explaining how the librarians at Campbellsport Public Library determined | | |

| | |the language. There is also a sheet about the author, obtained from the Internet. | | |

|Ch |B-118 |Evangelical Lutheran Songbook for church, School, and Home. Is written in the German |All |None |

| | |language. 620 pages. Published by Northwestern Publishing House, Milwaukee. Publication | | |

| | |date not given, but appears to be early 20th century. Words only; no notation for the | | |

| | |songs. | | |

|Ch |B-120 |Visiting Our Past: America’s History Lands, National Geographic Society, 1977, 400 pages. |All |None |

| | |Covers a broad variety of topics. Donated by Fond du Lac County Historical Society, | | |

| | |Summer, 2006 | | |

|Ch |B-128 |Bound copies of TIME: THE WEEKLY NEWS MAGAZINE, January 7, 1924 through January 30, 1924 |All |None |

| | |(23 magazines) | | |

|Ch |B-131 |Katholische Kirche in Wisconsin (History of the Catholic Church in Wisconsin). Published |All (Ask staff person to get it for |None |

| | |in 1895. Written in German. It was also published in English, but CAHS does not have a |you. The book is in very poor | |

| | |copy. Gives brief history of each Catholic parish in Wisconsin. Also more general |condition.) | |

| | |information, such as history of the area before the coming of the Europeans. Life of the | | |

| | |Native Americans, even some information on their music. Includes many pictures of churches | | |

| | |and people. Donated to Public Library by Joseph Schlaefer (date unknown). Donated to the | | |

| | |Campbellsport Area Historical Society in 2004, Over 1000 pages. Title page and a number | | |

| | |of first pages of the book are missing. This book is especially valuable because it was | | |

| | |written so close in time to the events it recounts. | | |

|Ch |B-175 |German Bible, Printed in 1871 and 1874, American bible Society, New York |All |None |

|Ch |EM-01 |Audio Cassette tape: History of St. Matthew’s Church, Campbellsport, WI. Also history of |All |None |

| | |others in the area. | | |

|Ch |F-07 |Empire Methodist Church: 1895-1919 Record of Members. Copied from |All, in P folder |Use web address for this and further info |

| | |~wifonddu/resources/church/empch.htm | | |

|Ch |F-10 |St. Martin’s Catholic Church, Ashford, Fond du Lac County, WI: Baptisms by Fr. Casper |All, in LHS bk 21 |All |

| | |Rehrl,, itinerant missionary, November, 1855 through May, 1859 | | |

|Ch |F-14 |FOND DU LAC COUNTY GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY NEWSLETTER, Vol. 21 No. 2, August, 1999. Lists |All, in P folder |None |

| | |which volumes of GERMANS TO AMERICA the society has. Historical info on Our Lady of the | | |

| | |Angels Church in Armstrong. Includes pictures. Continuation of History of Eden Township, | | |

| | |begun in May issue. Pedigree charts: Overbeck, McCarty, Keefe. Continuation of 1868 | | |

| | |Gazetteer, Schmitz – Smith. Items for sale by FdL Genealogical Society. | | |

|Ch |F-15 |FOND DU LAC COUNTY GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY NEWSLETTER, Vol. 21 No. 1, May, 1999. History of |All, in P folder |None |

| | |Eden Township, including 1874 plat map and patrons’ directory. St. Matthew’s Church, | | |

| | |Campbellsport. Pedigree charts: Goodman, Flesch. Continuation of directory from 1868 | | |

| | |Gazetteer of FdL Cty. | | |

| | |List of FdL county dead in WWII. Prominent early citizens. Pictures of Gustave and | | |

| | |Harriet deNeveu. Assorted items from files | | |

|Ch |F-42 |Sacred Heart Cemetery, Dundee, Wisconsin |Cemetery Series Book 9 |All |

|Ch |R-001 |Business places in Waucousta & Osceola; churches in Waucousta area; people of |All, in LHS bk 1 |All |

| | |Campbellsport; history of Campbellsport | | |

|Ch |R-006 |St. Mathias Catholic Parish, New Fane: Centennial Booklet (1863-1963) and list of burials |All; Cemetery Series Book 1 |Cemetery records only |

| | |in parish cemetery | | |

|Ch |R-011 |Poem on history of village and of St. Matthew’s Church, by S. Andrene Flasch |All, in LHS bk 1 |All |

|Ch |R-013 |Our Lady of the Angels Catholic Church and School, Armstrong; warranty deeds; two |All. Deeds & booklets in P folder. All |All but warranty deeds and booklets |

| | |commemorative booklets (one with history – 1856-1981); life of William Mitchell |else in LHS bk. 1 | |

|Ch |R-014 |St. John’s Lutheran, New Fane: burials (see Cemetery Data Base, under St. John’s, New |All, in Cemetery Series, Book 1; LHS |Burials (Combines burial records from R-014|

| | |Fane), history with warranty deeds, 3 commemorative booklets |bk 1 for parish history; Commemorative |& R-036. See Cemetery Data Base), clipping |

| | | |booklets in P folder |on history, notes on history. Not the |

| | | | |deeds and the booklets |

|Ch |R-023 |Early history of area; Undated Plat Maps of Auburn, Ashford, Eden, and Osceola Townships; |All, plus brief index, in LHS bk 23 |All |

| | |Broad Variety of Topics about Ashford Township, including businesses, doctors, farmers, | | |

| | |taverns & stores, cheese factories, mills, land owners, small segments about churches and | | |

| | |cemeteries (St. Kilian, St. Martin, Evangelical, Old German Methodist, Private cemeteries, | | |

| | |German Reformed of Elmore, Senn Family Cemetery, Evangelical Smitzer, Gudex, and Union. No| | |

| | |burials are listed) | | |

|Ch |R-026 |Chronological list of Owners of Businesses, Farms, and Homes in Ashford and Auburn |All, in LHS bk 28 |All. Burials also in Cemetery Data Base. |

| | |Townships; Churches, Small list of deaths & burials from 1850s & 1860s, church name not |Burials in CS bk 7 |Click on the word “burials” in the |

| | |given, but it is Trinity Evangelical Lutheran Church, also known as Buffalo Unity (north of| |description column. |

| | |Kewaskum), There are some names on each list (Buffalo Unity and R-026) which are not on the| | |

| | |other list; Early History of Ashford and Auburn Townships; Mills, ponds, and lakes; | | |

| | |Schools; Early Doctors; Postmasters; St. Kilian Chronological list of Owners of Businesses,| | |

| | |Farms, and Homes in Ashford and Auburn Townships; Churches, Lakes, Small list of deaths & | | |

| | |burials from 1850s & 1860s, church name not given, , but it is Trinity Evangelical Lutheran| | |

| | |Church, also known as Buffalo Unity (north of Kewaskum) | | |

|Ch |R-027 |Burials at St. Kilian Cemetery, with small amount of parish history. See also R-037 |All, Cemetery Series, Book 2 |All |

|Ch |R-029 |St. Martin’s (Ashford), Elmore Reformed Congregation, Register of the Dead, 1858-1888, |All See also Cemetery Series, |All; For St. Martin’s, see |

| | |Gudex, Rauch, and Deutsche Bisch Methodist Cemeteries; Biography of Rev. Matt. Heigl; Town |Books 2, 3, and 7 |~wifonddu/resources/cemind|

| | |of Ashford Business Places |For Business places see LHS Bk 20 |ex2.htm |

|Ch |R-033 |Deals with a very broad variety of topics: Businesses, churches, cemeteries, geology, |All |Index only |

| | |sports groups, railroads and other roads, conservation projects, and Kettle Moraine Park; |Indexed, in LHS bk 22 | |

| | |Ice Age Center. Index plus photocopy of original | | |

|Ch |R-036 |Death Register for St. John’s Lutheran, New Fane. See also |All, in LHS bk 2 and CS bk 1 |All. For deaths/burials, See Cemetery Data |

| | |R-014. The death/burial records for St. John’s, New Fane, as found in R-014 & R-036 have | |Base, St. John’s Lutheran, New Fane See |

| | |been combined into one file. | |also R-014 |

|Ch |R-037 |St. Kilian Parish History; Also contains one of three lists of burials in St. Kilian |All, in LHS bk 2 |All |

| | |Cemetery (See also R-027, which has the other two lists.All three listed have been | | |

| | |incorporated in R-027.) | | |

|Ch |R-043 |Trinity Lutheran Church, Dundee, Book I: births & baptisms, |All, plus Index, in LHS bk 5. Also P |All except Godparents |

| | |1878-1929 |folder | |

|Ch |R-044 |Trinity Lutheran Church, Dundee, Book II: Registry of births/baptisms (1923-1929); |All, plus Index, in LHS bk 5, plus P |Index (includes most details) |

| | |Confirmations (1895-1929); Marriages (1889-1928) |folder | |

|Ch |R-045 |Parish Death Register for Trinity Lutheran, Dundee, 1881-1929. This may be particularly |All, in LHS bk 11, plus P folder |All |

| | |helpful for genealogists, as it often gives the name of the town in Germany where the | | |

| | |individual was born, the cause of death, and other details. | | |

|Ch |R-046 |Waucousta Parish Register of Baptisms (1888-1930), Marriages, 1890-1928, and |All, in LHS bk 11 plus P folder |All |

| | |Deaths/burials, 1911-1930 | | |

|Ch |R-048 |Notebook with Broad variety of topics, especially about professional people, by |All, plus Index, in LHS bk 18 |Index only |

| | |occupation/profession; schools; churches; buildings | | |

|Ch |R-049 |Auburn & Ashford Townships: Notebook with broad variety of topics, including Board |All, plus Index, Notebook and Index in P|Index only |

| | |Officials 1845-1988, census data, postal service info, Pony Express and Stagecoach, |folder; Index also in LHS bk 2 | |

| | |businesses, halls, restaurants, histories of churches and cemeteries (but no burial lists),| | |

| | |lakes and ponds, doctors, property owners, list of area farmers in 1862, and more | | |

|Ch |R-052 |History of the Town of Auburn, businesses, lakes, roads, churches, bridges, early history, |All (photo-copy of original) plus index.|Index |

| | |early settlers, property ownership with legal descriptions, early postal service |In LHS bk 3 | |

|Ch |R-078 |Bicentennial materials (1976); Order of worship for funeral of Congressman William Steiger |All. P folder |None |

| | |of Oshkosh, Dec. 7, 1978; news clipping showing future development of property NE corner | | |

| | |bordered by Helena and Mill Streets (no date) | | |

|Ch |R-081 |Immanuel Lutheran Church, Campbellsport (including 1956 division) – to start of Trinity |All. Patron folder. The history |The history parts of the booklets have been|

| | |Evangelical Church, Dundee: commemorative booklets, 1956, 1971, 1975, 1978 |sections of the booklets are in a LHS bk|entered online. |

| | | |25 | |

|Ch |R-093 |St. Matthew Parish, Campbellsport, 3 souvenir booklets (1935, 1939, 1964) and one financial|All. P folder |None |

| | |report booklet (1911) | | |

|Ch |R-094 |By-laws of St. Matthew’s Catholic Cemetery, History of St. Matthew’s Church and of the |Photocopy of original, in LHS bk 24. In|See description column to the left |

| | |School Sisters of St. Francis focusing on property acquisition relative to the parish; |many cases, the original was very faint.| |

| | |Warranty Deeds of 1861, 1921, 1927; Brief histories of 14 nearby parishes: Immaculate | | |

| | |Conception, Barton; St. John, Byron; St. Mary. Cascade; St. Michael, Dotyville; St. Mary, | | |

| | |Eden; Holy Trinity, Kewaskum; St. Bridgit, Wayne; Nativity of Mary, Lomira; Holy Cross, Mt.| | |

| | |Calvary; St. Matthew’s, Campbellsport; Sacred Heart, Dundee; St. Kilian, St. Kilian; St. | | |

| | |Michael, St. Michael (Washington County). | | |

|Ch |R-095 |History of the United Church of Christ (German Reformed Church): typed histories by |All |The typed histories, but not the booklet |

| | |Wernecke, Mohr, and unknown; Centennial booklet. No burial lists. |Booklet in P folder; All else in LHS bk | |

| | | |25 | |

|Ch |R-096 |History of Campbellsport Methodist Church and its Predecessor, the Deutsche Bisch Church; |All, in LHS bk 23 |All |

| | |Warranty deed | | |

|Ch |R-097 |2-page History of the Baptist Church of Campbellsport |All, in LHS bk 25 |All |

|Ch |R-104 |Catholic Knights Insurance: St. Kilian, St. Martin, & St. Matthew Parishes. By-laws, lists|All, Patron folder |None |

| | |of officers, Reese’s answer to a letter of inquiry for the above information | | |

|Ch |R-111 |Broad variety: Ashford, Auburn, Osceola, and Eden schools; Plat-type drawing locating |All, in LHS bk 27 |All |

| | |Sacred Heart Church in Dundee; genealogical information on Sausen families; a few cemetery | | |

| | |inscriptions (possibly research requests) ) from Holy Trinity Kewaskum, St. Mathias New | | |

| | |Fane, Auburn Cemetery on County Y, and Union Cemetery; taverns, antique shops, trucking; | | |

| | |the Campbellsport mill; a list of warranty deeds (but not the deeds themselves); part of | | |

| | |the history of the churches in Eden Township (found in R-056) | | |

|Ch |R-121 |History of the Elmore Reformed Church, Written by Pastor J.G. Beisser, 1904. Three |All, in patron folder |None |

| | |quarters of a page, single-spaced. Photocopy of a rexographed copy. | | |

|Civil Records: Most of these would be found at court houses, but a few might be found in libraries, national or state archives (and copied and then placed in our collection), abstract offices, |

|or even in required newspaper reporting of certain land transactions or the vacation of streets. They would include the following: births, marriages, and deaths (but note that recording of |

|these was not required in Wisconsin until about 1900, so early records are hit and miss); surveying records; land and property records (legal descriptions, grantor and grantee records in case of|

|sale…); abstracts; lawsuits; tax records; arrests and incarcerations; fines; naturalization records… |

|Cat |# | |Onsite viewing |Online viewing |

|CR |B-004 |Index of Fond du Lac County Births, Volume 1, Spiral bound 54-page book published by Fond |All |None |

| | |du Lac Genealogical Society, April, 1979. First part (1849- 1915) lists all the names | | |

| | |beginning with A; not in alphabetical order, however. The next section (1828-1868) lists | | |

| | |the B's through Z's, which are arranged by year, again not in perfect chronological order. | | |

|CR |B-005 |Index of Fond du Lac County Deaths, Volume 1, 1868-1906 (lists only surnames beginning with|All |None |

| | |A) and 1867-1891 (year-by-year list, and within each year, alphabetical order). | | |

| | |Spiral-bound 54-page book published by Fond du Lac County Genealogical Society, April, | | |

| | |1979. Possibly FdL Genealogical Society has complete listing. | | |

|CR |B-006 |Index of Fond du Lac County Marriages, Book 1, 1844-1861, date of filing only (not date of |All |None |

| | |marriage), 2 alphabetical lists - one for grooms and one for brides, submitted April, 1979 | | |

|CR |F-02 |Fond du Lac County Genealogical Society Newsletter, May, 1996. Queries, excerpts form an |All, in P folder |None |

| | |1854 book, HISTORY OF THE COUNTY OF FOND DU LAC, WISCONSIN, by Martin Mitchel - about Byron| | |

| | |Township. 1874 Plat map of Byron Twp. Partial index to marriages1864 and small part of | | |

| | |1865. | | |

|Daily Life: This could include many things! Clothing styles, entertainment, town picnics, local customs about how area people did just about anything, e,g, how farmers grouped together for |

|threshing, how the washing of clothing was done, etc. might all fit here. |

|Cat |# | |Onsite viewing |Online viewing |

|DL |A-008 |4 door knobs from Stuart Campbell residence, 1890 |All |None |

|DL |A-011 |Metal nail. Was found inside spice box (A-012) |All |None |

|DL |A-015 |Banner from World’s Largest Brat Event, Summer, 2004, donated by Campbellsport Chamber of |All |None |

| | |Commerce | | |

|DL |A-016 |Framed T-shirt, from World’s Largest Brat Event, Summer, 2004, donated by Campbellsport |All |None |

| | |Chamber of Commerce | | |

|DL |A-017 |Framed letter to Joel Fleischman from Guiness World Records, from World’s Largest Brat |All |None |

| | |Event, Summer, 2004, donated by Campbellsport Chamber of Commerce | | |

|DL |A-018 |Framed Certificate from Guiness World Records, from World’s Largest Brat Event, Summer, |All |None |

| | |2004, donated by Campbellsport Chamber of Commerce | | |

|DL |A-019 |Insulated cloth gloves, from World’s Largest Brat Event, Summer, 2004, donated by |All |None |

| | |Campbellsport Chamber of Commerce | | |

|DL |A-020 |Knife, from World’s Largest Brat Event, Summer, 2004, donated by Campbellsport Chamber of |All |None |

| | |Commerce | | |

|DL |A-021 |Table covering , crocheting on linen, by hand, owned and used by Alice Fleischmann (Weber),|All |None |

| | |about 1920 | | |

|DL |B-109 |Catalogue of Newspaper Files, 1911. Published by State Historical Society, 591 pages |All |None |

|DL |B-120 |Visiting Our Past: America’s History Lands, National Geographic Society, 1977, 400 pages. |All |None |

| | |Covers a broad variety of topics. Donated by Fond du Lac County Historical Society, | | |

| | |Summer, 2006 | | |

|DL |B-126 |Don’t Let Me Sleep Till Noon, book by Joseph A. Pesch. Stories about the family of the |All |None |

| | |author, and about daily life in Cambellsport and the area. 2005. Local history | | |

|DL |B-132 |Wisconsin Then and Now (Magazine). CAHS has the following issues: October, 1965 (132-A); |All |None |

| | |October, 1972 (132-B); December, 1972 (132-C); January, 1973 (132-D); August, 1973 (132-E);| | |

| | |September, 1973 (132-F); February, 1974 (132-G); May, 1974 (132-H); March, 1975 (132-I); | | |

| | |January, 1976 (132-J); and October, 1976 (132-K) The magazines are all assigned the | | |

| | |number B-132, but after the 132 there is a letter (A through J) | | |

|DL |B-169 |Women’s Club Bicycle Safety Project, 1967. An album |All |None |

|DL |B-170 |SIDE ROADS, Excursions into Wisconsin’s Past, by Fred L. Holmes, 1949, The State Historical|All |None |

| | |Society of Wisconsin. 123 pages | | |

|DL |B-171 |WISCONSIN IS MY DOORSTEP, A Dramatist’s Yarn Book of Wisconsin Lore, by Robert E. Gard, |All |None |

| | |1948, donated to CAHS by Campbellsport Public Library. 194 pages. Folklore | | |


| | |Booklet printed in 1944 honoring the 10th anniversary of the Rainbow Baseball League. | | |

| | |Includes pictures of many local servicemen who were in the armed service between 1934 and | | |

| | |1944, including a number who died in action. 48 pages (Same as R-116) | | |

|DL |F-35 |Menus of 5 local restaurants: Campo Grill, The Village Inn (Random Lake), Club 49, Bauer’s,|All |None |

| | |and Cash’s Kettleaire. None are dated, and only one gives prices: Bauer’s (Choice T-Bone | | |

| | |Steak cost $4.45.) | | |

|DL |F-37 |TWIN VILLAGE NEWS, Vol. II, Number 53, Campbellsport and New Cassel, Wisconsin, April 7, |All, in Oversize Box 1 (Ask the patron |None |

| | |1899. Is printed on wood-based paper and was folded, so there has been significant damage,|helper to get it for you.) | |

| | |but very little loss of printed areas. The item has been de-acidified, and placed in an | | |

| | |acid-free, oversize folder. Donor: Mrs. Martin Engels | | |

|DL |F-38 |THE CAMPBELLSPORT NEWS, Thursday, June 30, 1960. entire issue. Includes history of the |All. In Oversize Box 1 |None (But see F-39 for article on Fire |

| | |fire department, which has ben put online (See F-39). Has been deacidified. | |Department.) |

|DL |N-01 |Margaret Wenzlaff Scrapbook Collection, News clippings. Contains obits, articles about |All, plus Index of Marriages and |Index only. For a complete alphabetical |

| | |engagements & marriages, births, interesting or unusual events, people, business, local |Obituaries, Events, People, Businesses, |index of Books 1 through 16, See N-21 |

| | |history, and more |& Articles on History of the Area | |

| | |April, 1956 – May, 1957 plus historical events | | |

|DL |N-02 |Margaret Wenzlaff Scrapbook Collection, News clippings. Contains obits, articles about |All, plus Index of Marriages and |Index only For a complete alphabetical |

| | |engagements & marriages, births, interesting or unusual events, people, business, local |Obituaries |index of Books 1 through 16, See N-21 |

| | |history, and more | | |

| | |April, 1956 – April, 1958 | | |

|DL |N-03 |Margaret Wenzlaff Scrapbook Collection: News clippings |All, plus Index of Marriages and |Index only For a complete alphabetical |

| | |April, 1958 – May, 1960 |Obituaries; |index of Books 1 through 16, See N-21 |

|DL |N-04 |Margaret Wenzlaff Scrapbook Collection: News clippings |All, plus Index of Marriages and |Index only. For a complete alphabetical |

| | |May, 1960 – May, 1962 |Obituaries |index of Books 1 through 16, See N-21 |

|DL |N-05 |Margaret Wenzlaff Scrapbook Collection: News clippings |All, plus Index of Marriages and |Index only. For a complete alphabetical |

| | |May, 1962 – March, 1964 |Obituaries |index of Books 1 through 16, See N-21 |

|DL |N-06 |Margaret Wenzlaff Scrapbook Collection: News clippings |All, plus Index of Marriages and |Index only. For a complete alphabetical |

| | |March, 1964 – March, 1966 |Obituaries |index of Books 1 through 16, See N-21 |

|DL |N-07 |Margaret Wenzlaff Scrapbook Collection: News clippings |All, plus Index of Marriages and |Index only. For a complete alphabetical |

| | |March, 1966 – April, 1968 |Obituaries |index of Books 1 through 16, See N-21 |

|DL |N-08 |Margaret Wenzlaff Scrapbook Collection: News clippings |All, plus Index of Marriages and |Index only. For a complete alphabetical |

| | |May, 1968 – December, 1969 |Obituaries |index of Books 1 through 16, See N-21 |

|DL |N-09 |Margaret Wenzlaff Scrapbook Collection: News clippings |All, plus Index of Marriages and |Index only. For a complete alphabetical |

| | |December, 1969 – December, 1971 |Obituaries; |index of Books 1 through 16, See N-21 |

|DL |N-10 |Margaret Wenzlaff Scrapbook Collection: News clippings |All, plus Index of Marriages and |Index only. For a complete alphabetical |

| | |December, 1971 – December, 1974 |Obituaries |index of Books 1 through 16, See N-21 |

|DL |N-11 |Margaret Wenzlaff Scrapbook Collection: News clippings |All, plus Index of Marriages and |Index only. For a complete alphabetical |

| | |Feb., 1975 – December, 1976 |Obituaries |index of Books 1 through 16, See N-21 |

|DL |N-12 |Margaret Wenzlaff Scrapbook Collection: News clippings |All, plus Index of Marriages and |Index only. For a complete alphabetical |

| | |January, 1977 – December, 1978 |Obituaries |index of Books 1 through 16, See N-21 |

|DL |N-13 |Margaret Wenzlaff Scrapbook Collection: News clippings |All, plus Index of Marriages and |Index only. For a complete alphabetical |

| | |May, 1979 – May, 1981 |Obituaries |index of Books 1 through 16, See N-21 |

|DL |N-14 |Margaret Wenzlaff Scrapbook Collection: News clippings |All, plus Index of Marriages and |Index only. For a complete alphabetical |

| | |June, 1981 – June, 1984 |Obituaries |index of Books 1 through 16, See N-21 |

|DL |N-15 |Margaret Wenzlaff Scrapbook Collection: News clippings |All, plus Index of Marriages and |Index only. For a complete alphabetical |

| | |August, 1984 – May, 1987 |Obituaries |index of Books 1 through 16, See N-21 |

|DL |N-16 |Margaret Wenzlaff Scrapbook Collection: News clippings |All, plus Index of Marriages and |Index only. For a complete alphabetical |

| | |October, 1987 – 1991?? |Obituaries |index of Books 1 through 16, See N-21 |

| | | |Can be found in Oversize Box 2 | |

|DL |N-17 |Margaret Wenzlaff Scrapbook Collection: News clippings |All |None |

| | |Historic national and international events, including the Robert Kennedy and Martin Luther|Can be found in Oversize Box 2 | |

| | |King Assassinations; Space missions, most from the 1960s | | |

|DL |N-18 |Margaret Wenzlaff Scrapbook Collection: News clippings of articles about local, national, |All |None |

| | |and international events, most from the 1960s |Can be found in Oversize Box 2 | |

|DL |N-19 |Margaret Wenzlaff Scrapbook Collection: This album consists mainly of segments titles How |All |None |

| | |Good Is Your Memory, and 25 Years Ago. The clippings are from the 1960s, but the events |Can be found in Oversize Box 2 | |

| | |recalled occurred in the 1940s. | | |

|DL |N-20 |Margaret Wenzlaff Scrapbook Collection |All |None |

| | |50th Anniversary Book of Syl and Margaret Wenzlaff |Can be found in Oversize Box 2 | |

|DL |N-21 |Combined index for N-01 through N-16 |All (2 comb-bound books) |All |

|DL |P-05 |2 single colored photos of World’s Largest Brat Event, Summer, 2004. |All |None |

|DL |R-015 |1880 business places; Veterans of Foreign Wars, Post 8339, 1946 & 1954; Modern Woodsmen of |All, in P folder and LHS Bk 8 |None |

| | |America; History of Royal Neighbors; American Legion Auxiliary; Campbellsport Women’s Club;| | |

| | |WWI Armistice Celebration; Lumber Yard of Campbellsport; Village Board Action on New | | |

| | |Equipment, 1915-1917 | | |

|DL |R-021 |First Fire Department Picnic, First Village Hall, Astonishing News Items, Early Postal |All, in LHS bk 21 |All |

| | |Service, Businesses, Various Groups, Roads, Government, Electrical Services… A small folder| | |

| | |with a great variety of topics. Some papers may have been in other folders. For fire | | |

| | |dept., see also R-004, R-050, R-069, and R-106. | | |

|DL |R-066 |Book: A PHOTOGRAPHIC HISTORY OF FOND DU LAC COUNTY City and Townships, by Ray Thornton, |All, in P folder |None |

| | |1977, 159 pages | | |

|DL |R-083 |Early history of education in the area; Schools in Auburn, Ashford, Eden, and Osceola |All, in LHS bk 23 |All |

| | |townships; Campbellsport High School Principals, 1907-1980; Campbellsport Opera house; | | |

| | |Wisconsin State law re acquisition of school land | | |

|DL |R-088 |History of Kleinhans Business; Campbellsport Cornet Band |All, in LHS bk 17 |All |

| | |Photocopy (poor copy) of page 207 of State Gazeteer Business Directory for 1888-1889. (See| | |

| | |also R-089) | | |

|DL |R-109 |Single sheet of news highlights of the area: bits & pieces of news from 1868, 1907, 1917 |All, in LHS bk 4 |All |

| | |(grocery prices), 1924 (damages from the flood of 1924), 1948 (grocery prices), 1949, 1976 | | |

|DL |R-116 |RAINBOW BASEBALL LEAGUE: TENTH ANNIVERSARY. Booklet printed in 1944 honoring the 10th |All, in P folder |None |

| | |anniversary of the Rainbow Baseball League. Includes pictures of many local servicemen who | | |

| | |were in the armed service between 1934 and 1944, including a number who died in action. 48| | |

| | |pages | | |

|DL |R-119 |"Life in the Country at the Turn of the Century", by Reuben Backhaus, December, 1980. |All, in LHS bk 20 |All |

| | |Unpublished history | | |

|Economy: This is more general than the topics of Businesses and Finances. Examples: newspaper article on many farmers losing their farms in the 1980s (could also check Agriculture); articles |

|about local economy in the Depression and articles about recovery during and after WWII; analytical account of factors affecting local economy… |

|Ec |B-120 | Our Past: America’s History Lands, National Geographic Society, 1977, 400 pages. Covers a|All |None |

| | |broad variety of topics. Donated by Fond du Lac County Historical Society, Summer, 2006 | | |

|Ec |B-141 |Fond du Lac County Economic Development Corporation: 1991 Annual Report. Booklet |All |None |

|Ec |B-143 |WISCONSIN Auto Tour Escapes: 21 Circle Routes and Attractions Guide, Wisconsin Department |All |None |

| | |of Development, about 1983. 80 pages. Donated to CAHS by Campbellsport Public Library | | |

|Education: Some examples: anything about schools or a specific school; lists of teachers, administrators, graduates, or school programs or activities. Information on the school buildings might |

|be found under Education and/or Buildings. |

|Cat |# | |Onsite viewing |Online viewing |

|Ed |B-026 |O.H. SCHULTZ ELEMENTARY SCHOOL 1984-1985. Booklet of photos |All |None |

|Ed |B-033 |BROOKS'S READERS SIXTH YEAR, American Book Company, 1906 |All |None |

|Ed |B-034 |ADVENTURES OF HUCKLEBERRY FINN, by Mark Twain, Charles L. Webster & Co., New York, 1892. |All |None |

|Ed |B-035 |LITTLE MEN AND WOMEN, OR BOYS AND GIRLS OF MANY LANDS, by Milton Hadley, 1900. 1916 |All |None |

| | |Edition | | |

|Ed |B-036 |THE LAST OF THE MOHICANS, by James Fennimore CooperCharles Scribner's Sons, 1947 |All |None |

|Ed |B-039 |THE RIPPLE, 1925. Campbellsport High School Year book |All |None |

|Ed |B-040 |CAMPBELLSPORT HIGH SCHOOL, 1933, Year book |All |None |

|Ed |B-041 |ECHO, 1940, Campbellsport High School Year Book |All |None |

|Ed |B-042 |ECHO, 1941, Campbellsport High School Year Book |All |None |

|Ed |B-043 |ECHO, 1942, Campbellsport High School Year Book |All |None |

|Ed |B-044 |ECHO, 1944, Campbellsport High School Year Book |All |None |

|Ed |B-045 |CHS, 1945, Campbellsport High School Year Book, copy 1 |All |None |

|Ed |B-046 |CHS, 1945, Campbellsport High School Year Book, copy 2 |All |None |

|Ed |B-047 |ECHO, 1946, Campbellsport High School Year Book |All |None |

|Ed |B-048 |BELLES ECHO, 1948, Campbellsport High School Year Book |All |None |

|Ed |B-049 |BELLES ECHO, 1950, Campbellsport High School Year Book |All |None |

|Ed |B-050 |BELLES ECHO, 1951, Campbellsport High School Year Book |All |None |

|Ed |B-051 |BELLS ECHO, [19]52, Campbellsport High School Year Book |All |None |

|Ed |B-052 |BELLS ECHO, 1953, Campbellsport High School Year Book |All |None |

|Ed |B-053 |BELLS ECHO, 1954, Campbellsport High School Year Book |All |None |

|Ed |B-054 |BELLS ECHO, 1955, Campbellsport High School Year Book |All |None |

|Ed |B-055 |BELLS ECHO, 1956, Campbellsport High School Year Book |All |None |

|Ed |B-056 |BELLS ECHO, 1957, Campbellsport High School Year Book |All |None |

|Ed |B-057 |BELLS ECHO, 1958, Campbellsport High School Year Book, copy 1 paper-back |All |None |

|Ed |B-058 |BELLS ECHO, 1958, Campbellsport High School Year Book, copy 2, hard bound |All |None |

|Ed |B-059 |BELLS ECHO, 1959, Campbellsport High School Year Book, copy 1, paper-back |All |None |

|Ed |B-060 |BELLS ECHO, 1959, Campbellsport High School Year Book, copy 2, hard bound |All |None |

|Ed |B-061 |BELLS ECHO, 1960, Campbellsport High School Year Book |All |None |

|Ed |B-062 |BELLS ECHO, 1961, Campbellsport High School Year Book |All |None |

|Ed |B-063 |BELLS ECHO, 1962, Campbellsport High School Year Book |All |None |

|Ed |B-064 |BELLS ECHO, 1963, Campbellsport High School Year Book |All |None |

|Ed |B-065 |BELLS ECHO, 1964, Campbellsport High School Year Book, copy 1 |All |None |

|Ed |B-066 |BELLS ECHO, 1964, Campbellsport High School Year Book, copy 2 |All |None |

|Ed |B-067 |BELLS ECHO, 1965, Campbellsport High School Year Book, copy 1 |All |None |

|Ed |B-068 |BELLS ECHO, 1965, Campbellsport High School Year Book, copy 2 |All |None |

|Ed |B-069 |BELLS ECHO, 1966, Campbellsport High School Year Book |All |None |

|Ed |B-070 |BELLS ECHO, 1967, Campbellsport High School Year Book |All |None |

|Ed |B-071 |BELLS ECHO, 1968, Campbellsport High School Year Book, copy 1 |All |None |

|Ed |B-072 |BELLS ECHO, 1968, Campbellsport High School Year Book, copy 2 |All |None |

|Ed |B-073 |BELLS ECHO, 1969, Campbellsport High School Year Book |All |None |

|Ed |B-074 |BELLS ECHO, 1970, Campbellsport High School Year Book |All |None |

|Ed |B-075 |COUGARS, 1971, Campbellsport High School Year Book |All |None |

|Ed |B-076 |COUGARS, 1972, Campbellsport High School Year Book |All |None |

|Ed |B-077 |COUGARS, 1973, Campbellsport High School Year Book |All |None |

|Ed |B-078 |COUGARS, 1974, Campbellsport High School Year Book |All |None |

|Ed |B-079 |COUGARS, 1975, Campbellsport High School Year Book |All |None |

|Ed |B-080 |NINETEEN HUNDRED SEVENTY-SEVEN, 1977, Campbellsport High School Year Book |All |None |

|Ed |B-081 |PAWPRINT, 1979, Campbellsport High School Year Book |All |None |

|Ed |B-082 |PAWPRINT, 1980, Campbellsport High School Year Book |All |None |

|Ed |B-083 |REFLECTIONS, 1975, Moraine Park Technical Institute Year Book |All |None |

|Ed |B-084 |PAWPRINT, 1981, Campbellsport High School Year Book |All |None |

|Ed |B-085 |PAWPRINT, 1982, Campbellsport High School Year Book |All |None |

|Ed |B-086 |PAWPRINT, 1983, Campbellsport High School Year Book |All |None |

|Ed |B-087 |MEMORIES, 1984, Campbellsport High School Year Book |All |None |

|Ed |B-088 |PAWPRINT, 1985, Campbellsport High School Year Book |All |None |

|Ed |B-089 |MEMORIES, REFLECTIONS, DIRECTIONS, 1986, Campbellsport High School Year Book |All |None |

|Ed |B-090 |PAWPRINT, 1987, Campbellsport High School Year Book |All |None |

|Ed |B-091 |PAWPRINT, 1988, Campbellsport High School Year Book |All |None |

|Ed |B-092 |EIGHTY NINE, 1989, Campbellsport High School Year Book |All |None |

|Ed |B-093 |PAWPRINT, 1990, Campbellsport High School Year Book |All |None |

|Ed |B-094 |PAWPRINT COUGARS, 1991, Campbellsport High School Year Book |All |None |

|Ed |B-095 |PAWPRINT, 1992, Campbellsport High School Year Book |All |None |

|Ed |B-096 |COUGARS PAWPRINT, 1993, Campbellsport High School Year Book |All |None |

|Ed |B-097 |PAWPRINT, 1996, Campbellsport High School Year Book |All |None |

|Ed |B-128 |Bound copies of TIME: THE WEEKLY NEWS MAGAZINE, January 7, 1924 through January 30, 1924 |All |None |

| | |(23 magazines) | | |

|Ed |B-159 |The Welch System of Close Supervision, a ledger of printed forms for school supervision, |All |None |

| | |1935-1948 | | |

|Ed |B-160 |Town of Auburn, Ashford, and Village of Campbellsport, Joint School District Twelve, |All. (Ask patron helper to get the |None |

| | |School Board Record, Minutes of Meetings, 1927-1946 |ledger for you) | |

|Ed |B-161 |School Board Record, Town of Auburn, Fond du Lac County, Wisconsin, School District Twelve,|All. (Ask patron helper to get the |None |

| | |Records of School Board Meetings, Teachers’ Contracts, Register of Teachers, Bonds, List of|ledger for you) | |

| | |Legal Voters, September, 1875 to 1891. This ledger does not contain any lists of pupils. | | |

| | |There are a few loose sheets inserted in this ledger. | | |

|Ed |B-162 |Clerk’s Record Book of School district Twelve, Auburn Township, Fond du Lac County, |All. (Ask patron helper to get the |None |

| | |Wisconsin, Minutes of Meetings, Teachers’ Records, Teachers’ Contracts (Some years |ledger for you) | |

| | |missing), Annual Financial Report (for July, 1915 only), Annual Report of the District | | |

| | |Clerk to the County Superintendent for June, m1916, and 1919, School Census (list of | | |

| | |pupils) for 1916 only. Records begin with July, 1914, and end with July, 1926, but some | | |

| | |sections for some years are absent. | | |

|Ed |F-03 |CELEBRATING EVERYDAY LIFE IN WISCONSIN HISTORY, packet prepared by State Historical Society|All, in P folder |None |

| | |of Wisconsin, a sesquicentennial project, 1998. Resource and planning guide for classroom | | |

| | |exhibits | | |

|Ed |F-17 |JUST REMEMBER 1973, published by the 7th grade class of St. Matthew’s School, |All, in P folder |None |

| | |Campbellsport, WI | | |

|Ed |F-18 |THE TIMES OF ’73-’74, published by the 7th grade class of St. Matthew School, |All, in P folder |None |

| | |Campbellsport, WI | | |

|Ed |F-19 |1991 Reunion of Class of 1936, Campbellsport High School. 2 news clippings with pictures, |All, in P folder |None |

| | |hand-written list of names, summary printed on library stationery | | |

|Ed |F-24 |History of Campbellsport, written by Campbellsport high School students, 1937-1938. |All, Patron folder |N |

|Ed |F-36 |Reunion Booklet, Campbellsport High School, Class of 1960 |All, |None |

|Ed |F-40 |Obituaries and a memorial card from S-01, a scrapbook assembled about the Reunion of the |All |All (Obits & memorial card from S-01 only) |

| | |Campbellsport high School class of 1942. | | |

|Ed |P-001 |Campbellsport Graded School, Memorial Day, Year not given. Black & white photo glued to |All |None |

| | |paperboard. Appears to be quite old. | | |

|Ed |P-003 |Classes of 1932, 1930, and 1933. 3 black & white photos, glued to paper board. Persons on |All |None |

| | |photos are identified, on the reverse side, but some are only partially. | | |

|Ed |R-003 |Campbellsport High School Coaches, 1911-1984 |All, in LHS bk 1 |None (can request copy) |

|Ed |R-013 |Our Lady of the Angels Catholic Church and School, Armstrong; warranty deeds; two |All. Deeds & booklets in P folder; all |All but warranty deeds and booklets |

| | |commemorative booklets (one with history – 1856-1981); life of William Mitchell |else in LHS bk 1 | |

|Ed |R-016 |Public Schools of Ashford, Auburn, Eden, and Osceola Townships; History, Names of Teachers |All, in LHS bk 20 |All |

|Ed |R-025 |Campbellsport High School & Grade School Teachers, 1935-1986. Staff for some elementary |All, in P folder |None (May request photo-copy) |

| | |schools, and some neighboring schools: Eden, Dotyville, and ElderGrove. | | |

|Ed |R-048 |Broad variety of topics, especially about professional people, by occupation/profession; |All, plus Index. In P folder. Index is |Index only |

| | |schools; churches; buildings. Notebook |in LHS bk 18 | |

|Ed |R-053 |Broad variety of topics, including ham radio, high school coaches, Boy Scouts, High School |All (photo-copy of original) plus index,|Index |

| | |graduates and alumni, Incorporation of Village of Campbellsport (1902), village officers, |in LHS bk 12 | |

| | |Schlaefer Construction Company, century farms, Chamber of Commerce | | |

|Ed |R-061 |Crouchville School, Columbus School; history, teachers |All, in LHS bk 20 |All |

|Ed |R-077 |The first year of Campbellsport High School, 1909-1910: Photos of entire student body |All, in LHS bk. 2 |All (Photos have been scanned, and are |

| | |(individuals not identified), the principal and the assistant principal, the first |See also Photo Collection |online.) |

| | |graduates. Short account of the beginning of girls’ basketball at CHS | | |

|Ed |R-083 |Early history of education in the area; Schools in Auburn, Ashford, Eden, and Osceola |All. Verbatim computer entry in LHS bk |All |

| | |townships; Campbellsport High School Principals, 1907-1980; Campbellsport Opera house; |23 | |

| | |Wisconsin State law re acquisition of school land | | |

|Ed |R-084 |Early History of Education in Auburn and Ashford Townships, by Roderick Reese; District 12 |All, in LHS bk. 16 |Only the photo and the short history by |

| | |(New Cassel); Expenditures with photocopy of names of school system officers and teachers; |See also Photo collection |Roderick Reese |

| | |photo of second school, built in 1858; law requiring lands reserved for schools | | |

|Ed |R-085 |Coaches at Campbellsport High School, 1910-1986; Use of Opera house for sports; List of |All, in LHS bk 16, plus P folder |None |

| | |graduates, 1910-1986 | | |

|Ed |R-111 |Broad variety: Ashford, Auburn, Osceola, and Eden schools; Plat-type drawing locating |All, in LHS bk 27 |All |

| | |Sacred Heart Church in Dundee; genealogical information on Sausen families; a few cemetery | | |

| | |inscriptions (possibly research requests) from Holy Trinity Kewaskum, St. Mathias New | | |

| | |Fane, Auburn Cemetery on County Y, and Union Cemetery; taverns, antique shops, trucking; | | |

| | |the Campbellsport mill; a list of warranty deeds (but not the deeds themselves) | | |

|Ed |S-01 |Scrapbook of the Reunion of the 1942 graduating class of Campbellsport High School. |All |See F-40 for the obituaries found in S-01 |

| | |Assembled by Fern Johnson (Mrs. Jerome Kreif). The scrapbook contains a number of obits. | | |

| | |See F-40 for a copy of these obits. Surnames for the obits are: Baumann, Baumhardt, Berg, | | |

| | |Thelen, Glass, Huenink, Scheid, Reilly, Bleck, Dickman, Beisbier, Burns, Marski, Ringland, | | |

| | |and Martin. In addition to the scrapbook itself, there is also an expansion folder of | | |

| | |The latter packet of materials has been assigned the number S-01a. | | |

|Ed |S-01a |Organizational materials related to the Reunion of the Campbellsport High School graduating|All |None |

| | |class of 1942 | | |

|Finances: This refers to actual financial records (ledgers, computer printouts, etc.). CAHS will probably never have much of this. It does include insurance information. |

| |

|Cat |# | |Onsite viewing |Online viewing |

|Fi |B-025 |WISCONSIN INSURANCE REPORT 1896, PART I, FIRE AND MARINE, 926 PAGES, plus 60 pages of fire |All |None |

| | |and marine insurance cases | | |

|Fi |F-13 |A STORY OF GROWTH: FIRST STATE BANK OF CAMPBELLSPORT, Supplement to the Campbellsport News,|All, in P folder |None |

| | |Nov. 30, 1978 | | |

|Fi |R-104 |Catholic Knights Insurance: St. Kilian, St. Martin, & St. Matthew Parishes. By-laws, lists|All, Patron folder |None |

| | |of officers, Reese’s answer to a letter of inquiry for the above information | | |

|Bs |R-042 |Businesses in Eden and Marblehead |All, plus Index, in LHS bk 9 |Index only |

|Genealogy & Family Histories: This consists mainly in genealogies and family trees done by people from the area. |

|Cat |# | |Onsite viewing |Online viewing |

|Ge |B-009 |BACKWARDS FROM NINETY: The Autobiography of Marie Mathilde Brinker 1848-1873, by Martha |All |None |

| | |Marie Kuechenmeister, paperback, 212 pages, 1970, third printing, Serigraph Sales & Mfg. | | |

| | |Co., Inc. | | |

|Ge |B-010 |CAMPBELL'S PORT: A FAMILY MEMOIR, by Cheryl Callahan, Calla Publishing, 1998, 98 pages. |All |None |

| | |Short stories about the Campbell family, by a descendant of Stuart Campbell | | |

|Ge |B-011 |ALL HER LIVING, by Cynthia Buehler Huenink, 328 pages. A historical novel based on the |All |None |

| | |life of the author's mother-in-law. No date | | |

|Ge |B-012 |UPWARD TO ZION, by Cynthia Buehler Huenink, in collaboration with Cynthia Joan Huenink |All |None |

| | |Lamey, 75 pages. Stories about families of the author. No date | | |

|Ge |B-013 |THROUGH SUNSHINE AND SHADOW, by Cynthia Buehler Huenink, Stories about families of the |All |None |

| | |author. 192 pages. Photographs. No date | | |


| | |WISCONSIN, Ed. by James O. Danky, Madison, 1986 | | |

|Ge |B-126 |Don’t Let Me Sleep till Noon, book by Joseph A. Pesch. Stories about the family of the |All |None |

| | |author, and about daily life in Cambellsport and the area. 2005. Local history | | |

|Ge |B-127 |My Nine Lives, by Paula Hoffmann Delfeld, 155-page book. Story format. Stories about the |All |None |

| | |author’s family. Donated by Phil Delfeld | | |

|Ge |B-128 |Bound copies of TIME: THE WEEKLY NEWS MAGAZINE, January 7, 1924 through January 30, 1924 |All |None |

| | |(23 magazines) | | |

|Ge |F-02 |Fond du Lac County Genealogical Society Newsletter, May, 1996. Queries, excerpts form an |All, in P folder |None |

| | |1854 book, HISTORY OF THE COUNTY OF FOND DU LAC, WISCONSIN, by Martin Mitchel - about Byron| | |

| | |Township. 1874 Plat map of Byron Twp. Partial index to marriages1864 and small part of | | |

| | |1865. | | |

|Ge |F-22 |Scanned, but “cleaned up” copy of THE HISTORY OF THE CHESLEY FAMILY, by Israel Chesley, |All, in LHS bk 15 |All |

| | |Twin Village News Print, Campbellsport, Wisconsin, 1898. Did not scan well. Hand-written | | |

| | |pages have been typed, as they could not be scanned. See F-23 for a photo-copy of the book.| | |

|Ge |F-23 |Photo-copy of THE HISTORY OF THE CHESLEY FAMILY, by Israel Chesley, Twin Village News |All, in LHS bk 15 |Story of how CAHS came to have the book; |

| | |Print, Campbellsport, Wisconsin, 1898. The folder includes 1) A letter from Frank Bowles, | |scanned copy of the Frank Bowles letter. |

| | |in England, with the unusual story of how the book came to be in the Campbellsport Public | |See F-22 for scanned copy of the book. |

| | |Library, and 2) the entry for Arthur Chesley, son of Israel Chesley, author of the above | | |

| | |family history, from FOND DU LAC COUNTY, WISCONSIN, PAST AND PRESENT, Maurice McKenna, | | |

| | |Editor, 1912 | | |

|Ge |F-25 |Simon Family Tree (Single sheet, typed, single spaced, both sides of paper) |All |None |

|Ge |F-33 |Fond du Lac County MATURITY TIMES, Vol. 7, No. 6, June 1993. Features article about Elaine|All, in Oversize Box 1 |None |

| | |Koenig’s book, Family Stories, and about the Braun family. | | |

|Ge |F-34 |In Memoriam, booklet containing memorial address given by Rev. James W. Taylor, April 6, |All, patron folder |None |

| | |1918. Commemorates Private Pearson L. Brown, died in France, March 29, 1918 (WWI) | | |





| | |December, 2001 | | |

|Ge |G-04 |Descendants of Johann Buslaff and Dorothea Louise Seeker, 1790-2001, compiled by John |All |None |

| | |Mauer, December, 2001 | | |

|Ge |G-05 |The Kleinke and Opperman Families, compiled by Diane Kleinke, from the church books of St. |None |None |

| | |John Lutheran Church, in New Fane, Wisconsin. Kleinke data = 8 typed pages. Opperman | | |

| | |Family: 3 typed pages | | |

|Ge |G-06 |HISTORY OF THE CHESLEY FAMILY, by Israel Chesley, Campbellsport, Wisconsin, Twin Village |The fragile original is kept in archival|None. See F-22 and F-23 |

| | |News Print, 1898. Tells about the Chesley Family from its earliest days in North America, |storage. But both scanned and | |

| | |from 1642 until 1898. Some written by Thomas Chesley, uncle of Israel Chesley. The book is |photo-copies can be viewed. See F-22 | |

| | |unusual in that it has a section of 11 pages which are printed (very small print) followed |and F-23. | |

| | |by pages which allow for hand-written notes.It is accompanied by the letter of the donor, | | |

| | |Frank Bowles, of Saffron Walden, Essex, England, Feb. 21, 1996. | | |

|Ge |G-07 |THE ROMAINE FAMILY HISTORY: 1804-1998. 2 volumes. Loose-leaf binding |All |None |

|Ge |N-18 |Margaret Wenzlaff Scrapbook Collection |All |None |

| | |50th Anniversary Book of Syl and Margaret Wenzlaff | | |

|Ge |R-009 |Theisen Family Tree |All, in LHS bk 1 |None. Request copy |

|Ge |R-034 |Part of a small ledger in which Mr. Reese wrote what appears to be his research for queries|All, in LHS bk 8 |All |

| | |he received. A few notes are about himself. | | |

|Ge |R-041 |History of Town of Auburn (Crouchville); Traces the ownership of businesses/property and |All, Patron folder |None |

| | |people who operated them or lived there; Legal descriptions; Newspaper photo of Seering and| | |

| | |Curram Store, 1920; Wm Folts first veterinarian; Dams; Chamber of Commerce | | |

|Ge |R-059 |Senn Family information from Federal Census of 1860, 1870, and 1880. Penmanship often |All, in P folder |None |

| | |difficult to read. Abbreviations not explained | | |

|Ge |R-062 |Short biographies of many farmers and businessmen, most from Ashford and Auburn Townships |All plus Index, in LHS bks 6 & 7 |Index only |

|Ge |R-111 |Broad variety: Ashford, Auburn, Osceola, and Eden schools; Plat-type drawing locating |All, LHS Bk 27 |All |

| | |Sacred Heart Church in Dundee; genealogical information on Sausen families; a few cemetery | | |

| | |inscriptions (possibly research requests) from Holy Trinity Kewaskum, St. Mathias New Fane,| | |

| | |Auburn Cemetery on County Y, and Union Cemetery; taverns, antique shops, trucking; the | | |

| | |Campbellsport mill; a list of warranty deeds (but not the deeds themselves) | | |

|Geology: In the case of Mr. Reese’s folders, this usually refers to lakes and ponds. Occasionally, there is a brief reference to the terrain. |

|Cat |# | |Onsite viewing |Online viewing |

|Gl |R-001 |Business places in Waucousta & Osceola; churches in Waucousta area; people of |All, in LHS bk 1 |All |

| | |Campbellsport; history of Campbellsport | | |

|Gl |R-005 |Development of Northern Kettle Moraine Park, by Jeanne Marchant and Roderick Reese |All, in LHS bk 1 |All |

|Gl |R-008 |Traces record of property ownership and use, with legal description (block and lot #s) of |All, in LHS bk 29 |All |

| | |the property mainly for New Cassel and Campbellsport; information on dams, mills, and | | |

| | |ponds; includes biographical info and info on businesses. Gives good sense of general | | |

| | |history of Campbellsport; Flood of 1924 | | |

|Gl |R-026 |Chronological list of Owners of Businesses, Farms, and Homes in Ashford and Auburn |All, in LHS bk 28 |All. Burials also in Cemetery Data Base |

| | |Townships; Churches, Small list of deaths & burials from 1850s & 1860s, church name not |Burials also in CS 7 | |

| | |given, but it is Trinity Evangelical Lutheran Church, also known as Buffalo Unity (north of| | |

| | |Kewaskum); Early History of Ashford and Auburn Townships; Mills, ponds, and lakes; Schools;| | |

| | |Early Doctors; Postmasters; St. Kilian | | |

|Gl |R-033 |Deals with a very broad variety of topics: Businesses, churches, cemeteries, geology, |All |Index only |

| | |sports groups, railroads and other roads, conservation projects, and Kettle Moraine Park; |Indexed, in LHS bk 22 | |

| | |Ice Age Center. Index plus photocopy of original | | |

|Gl |R-049 |Auburn & Ashford Townships: broad variety of topics, including Board Officials 1845-1988, |All, P folder, plus Index which is in |Index only |

| | |census data, postal service info, Pony Express and Stagecoach, businesses, halls, |LHS bk 2. | |

| | |restaurants, histories of churches and cemeteries (but no burial lists), lakes and ponds, | | |

| | |doctors, property owners, list of area farmers in 1862, and more | | |

|Gl |R-052 |History of the Town of Auburn, businesses, lakes, roads, churches, bridges, early history, |All (photo-copy of original) plus index,|Index |

| | |early settlers, property ownership with legal descriptions, early postal service |in LHS bk 3 | |

|Gl |R-107 |160-page notebook (fair to poor condition) of Mr. Reese’s field notes: traces ownership of |All, P folder, plus index in LHS bk 21. |Index only |

| | |specific block and lot numbers, brief biographies or facts about people, info on early | | |

| | |history of the area . Businesses; Plat maps; Post offices; Dams, mills, and mill ponds; | | |

| | |Lakes, Cheese factories; Electricity and telephone; coopers; Vineyards; Geology; Clinics; | | |

| | |Doctors; Flood of 1924 | | |

|Government: This refers to local government, not county, state, or federal. It also refers to law. Some examples: lists of village board members, governmental structures, positions; articles or|

|information on a rezoning issue; group of lawyers forming new office (also under People); voting on change in a specific law; election result |

|Cat |# | |Onsite viewing |Online viewing |

|Go |B-014 |THE WISCONSIN BLUE BOOK, 1948, by the State of Wisconsin |All |None |

|Go |B-015 |THE WISCONSIN BLUE BOOK, 1942, by the State of Wisconsin |All |None |

|Go |B-107 |THE WISCONSIN BLUE BOOK, 1911, by the State of Wisconsin |All |None |

|Go |B-108 |THE WISCONSIN BLUE BOOK, 1929, by the State of Wisconsin |All |None |

|Go |B-120 |Visiting Our Past: America’s History Lands, National Geographic Society, 1977, 400 pages. |All |None |

| | |Covers a broad variety of topics. Donated by Fond du Lac County Historical Society, | | |

| | |Summer, 2006 | | |

|Go |B-122 |Saturday Evening Post, December 2, 1967, 85-page magazine devoted to the John F. Kennedy |All |None |

| | |assassination | | |

|O |B-140 |FIRST EDITION WISCONSIN ALMANAC AND GOVERNMENT GUIDE, 1962, 120 pages. History and |All |None |

| | |government of each Wisconsin County. Elected officials to state and federal positions, | | |

| | |major political parties, history of the Republican party, buyers guide | | |

|Go |R-002 |Town of Auburn officials, 1845-1986; Federal and state census data, Town of Auburn, and |All, in LHS bk 18 |Census data only; other by request |

| | |Fond du Lac County, 1840-1875 | | |

|Go |R-012 |Early history of Town of Ashford; Info on Stuart Campbell; list of Ashford Town officials |All, in LHS bk 8 |All |

|Go |R-015 |1880 business places; Veterans of Foreign Wars, Post 8339, 1946 & 1954; Modern Woodsmen of |All, in P folder and LHS Bk 8 |None |

| | |America; History of Royal Neighbors; American Legion Auxiliary; Campbellsport Women’s Club;| | |

| | |WWI Armistice Celebration; Lumber Yard of Campbellsport; Village Board Action on New | | |

| | |Equipment, 1915-1917 | | |

|Go |R-017 |History of town of Ashford; Ashford Town Board Officials, 1849-1874; founding of |All, in LHS bk 25 |All |

| | |Campbellsport; Info on Stuart Campbell; Small amount of census data from 1853 & 1870 | | |

|Go |R-021 |First Fire Department Picnic, First Village Hall, Astonishing News Items, Early Postal |All, in LHS bk 21 |All |

| | |Service, Businesses, Various Groups, Roads, Government, Electrical Services… A small folder| | |

| | |with a great variety of topics. Some papers may have been in other folders. For fire | | |

| | |dept., see also R-004, R-050, R-069, and R-106 | | |

|Go |R-049 |Auburn & Ashford Townships: broad variety of topics, including Board Officials 1845-1988, |All, P folder, plus Index, |Index only |

| | |census data, postal service info, Pony Express and Stagecoach, businesses, halls, |Which is in LHS bk 2 | |

| | |restaurants, histories of churches and cemeteries (but no burial lists), lakes and ponds, | | |

| | |doctors, property owners, list of area farmers in 1862, and more | | |

|Go |R-053 |Broad variety of topics, including ham radio, high school coaches, Boy Scouts, High School |All (photo-copy of original) plus index,|Index |

| | |graduates and alumni, Incorporation of Village of Campbellsport (1902), village officers, |in LHS bk 12 | |

| | |Schlaefer Construction Company, century farms, Chamber of Commerce | | |

|Go |R-055 |List of Campbellsport Village Officials, 1902-1986; Copy of village By-laws (almost |All, LHS bk 13 |None (Can request copy) |

| | |unreadable); Incorporation, 1902 | | |

|Go |R-079 |Village of Campbellsport, resolutions and ordinances, with some news related clippings |All, in P folder |None |

|Groups/ Organizations: This refers to local organizations, societies, clubs, religious orders, etc. Examples: An article on activities of local chapter of Knights Templar; a book on the history|

|of the School Sisters of St. Francis (included here because the order was founded here, and because it has its largest retirement home in Campbellsport). Articles on groups that are not |

|specifically local are under Other. |

|Cat |# | |Onsite viewing |Online viewing |

|Gr |B-020 |STANISLAUS...WITH FEET IN THE WORLD, by S. Barbaralie Stiefermann, OSF, Gateway Press, |All |None |

| | |Inc., Baltimore, 1990. Historical Biography of Mother M. Stanislaus (Theresia Hegner, born| | |

| | |in Elmore, Wisconsin); a history of the School Sisters of St. Francis., of which M. | | |

| | |Stanislaus was "Mother General" 1930-1942. | | |

|Gr |B-024 |A CENTURY OF SERVICE: THE SCHOOL SISTERS OF ST. FRANCIS, by S. JoAnn Euper, OSF, 1976, Book|All |None |

| | |(129 pages) and box of charts showing locations of places where the School Sisters of St. | | |

| | |Francis served. | | |


| | |Borgia Rothluebber, Bruce Publishing Co., Milwaukee, 1965 | | |

|Gr |B-019 |A CENTURY OF CHRISTIAN LOVE, by S. Plato Fleischmann, 1976, 98 pages. History of the |All |None |

| | |School Sisters of St. Francis, with focus on St. Joseph Convent, Campbellsport. Spiral | | |

| | |bound book | | |

|Gr |B-120 |Visiting Our Past: America’s History Lands, National Geographic Society, 1977, 400 pages. |All |None |

| | |Covers a broad variety of topics. Donated by Fond du Lac County Historical Society, | | |

| | |Summer, 2006 | | |

|Gr |B-128 |Bound copies of TIME: THE WEEKLY NEWS MAGAZINE, January 7, 1924 through January 30, 1924 |All |None |

| | |(23 magazines) | | |

|Gr |B-163 |Women’s club Record Book, 1928-1938 |All |None |

|Gr |B-164 |Women’s Club Record Book, 1938-1960. There are a number of loose sheets inserted in this |All |None |

| | |ledger. A few are correspondence. The is also an entire issue of THE CAMPBELLSPORT NEWS, | | |

| | |from October 21, 1965. | | |

|Gr |B-165 |Women’s Club Record Book, 1957-1968 |All |None |

|Gr |B-166 |Women’s Club Record Book, 1968-1970 (Much of this ledger is empty.) |All |None |

|Gr |B-167 |Women’s Club Record Book, 1961-1984 |All |None |

|Gr |B-168 |Women’s Club Record Book, 1927-1957 (See also B-164.) |All |None |

| | |There are a few loose sheets inserted in this ledger. | | |

|Gr |B-169 |Women’s Club Bicycle Safety Project, 1967. An album |All |None |

|Gr |P-004 |Four black & white photos of a band, possibly a color guard. Undated, but appear to be |All |None |

| | |quite old. | | |

|Gr |R-007 |History of Campbellsport Baseball Teams (adult), lists of players, some photos; THE |All, in patron folder |Photos and some of the news clipping |

| | |CAMPBELLSPORT NEWS, Oct. 5, 1950 (features the baseball teams) | |content |

|Gr |R-010 |American Legion Auxiliary; Royal Neighbors |All, in LHS bk 1 |None |

|Gr |R-015 |1880 business places; Veterans of Foreign Wars, Post 8339, 1946 & 1954; Modern Woodsmen of |All, in P folder and LHS Bk 8 |None |

| | |America; History of Royal Neighbors; American Legion Auxiliary; Campbellsport Women’s Club;| | |

| | |WWI Armistice Celebration; Lumber Yard of Campbellsport; Village Board Action on New | | |

| | |Equipment, 1915-1917 | | |

|Gr |R-021 |First Fire Department Picnic, First Village Hall, Astonishing News Items, Early Postal |All, in LHS bk 21 |All |

| | |Service, Businesses, Various Groups, Roads, Government, Electrical Services… A small folder| | |

| | |with a great variety of topics. Some papers may have been in other folders. For Fire | | |

| | |Dept., see also R-004, R-050, R-069, and R-106. | | |

|Gr |R-033 |Deals with a very broad variety of topics: Businesses, churches, cemeteries, geology, |All |Index only |

| | |sports groups, railroads and other roads, conservation projects, and Kettle Moraine Park; |Indexed, LHS bk 22 | |

| | |Ice Age Center. Index plus photocopy of original | | |

|Gr |R-060 |Booklet: Camping with Father Fischer; camp for groups of boys |Booklet, P folder |None |

|Gr |R-069 |Fire Department; picture of firemen, with names identified (1967); Names of firemen |All, LHS bk.14 |All, including picture |

| | |1938-1968; Conservation, Projects; Boy Scout Masters. See also R-106, R-004, R-021, and |See also Photo Collection | |

| | |R-050 for more on Fire Department | | |

|Gr |R-076 |Girl Scouts; name lists 1958-1963 |All, P folder |None |

|Gr |R-088 |History of Kleinhans Business; Campbellsport Cornet Band |All, LHS bk 17 |All |

| | |Photocopy (poor copy) of page 207 of State Gazeteer Business Directory for 1888-1889. (See| | |

| | |also R-089) | | |

|Gr |R-102 |History of Scouting in the Area. See also R-105 |All, LHS bk 10 |None |

|Gr |R-103 |History of Campbellsport Sportsman’s Club |All, LHS bk 9 |None |

|Gr |R-105 |History of girl scouting in the area, 1940-1965. See also R-102 |All, Patron folder |None |

|Gr |R-114 |History of St. Joseph Convent, Campbellsport. Research article by Roderick Reese, news |Reese account in LHS bk 20. Worship |All except Worship Booklet and news |

| | |clipping from centennial, worship booklet from centennial Mass, May 18, 1974. |booklet and clipping in Patron Folder |clipping |

|Gr |R-120 |History of the Campbellsport Lions Club |All. LHS Book 22 |All |

|Histories: These are principally about local history of a general nature. These items may also be listed under other topic categories. Examples: 1) A list and description of early businesses in |

|the area would be under Businesses, as well as early history. 2) An account of the founding period for a certain church would go under Churches/Religion, as well as Histories. 3) A history |

|telling about the early settlers would, of course, be under histories. |

|Cat |# | |Onsite viewing |Online viewing |

|Hs |B-007 |WISCONSIN HERITAGE, by Bertha Kitchell Whyte, Charles T. Branford Co., Boston, 1954, 327 |All |None |

| | |pages. Covers various topics, e.g., bridges, taverns, quaint gravestones, lumber era, and | | |

| | |much more. | | |

|Hs |B-027 |THE HISTORY OF FOND DU LAC COUNTY AS TOLD BY ITS PLACE NAMES, by Ruth Shaw Worthing, , |All |None |

| | |Illustrated by Ray Thornton, 1976. Includes some photos. 117 pages. Appendices: Fond du Lac| | |

| | |Land Company, Schools (listed by township), Cemeteries (listed by township) | | |


| | |Beck, 1990 | | |

|Hs |B-101 |FORTY-SEVEN WISCONSIN STORIES, by Mary Gates Muggah, and Paul H. Raihle, Chippewa Falls |All |None |

| | |Book Agency, 1944 | | |

|Hs |B-109 |Catalogue of Newspaper Files, 1911. Published by State Historical Society, 591 pages |All |None |


| | |State Highway Commission, 1947. 272 pages | | |

|Hs |B-111 |VISITING OUR PAST; AMERICA’S HISTORYLANDS, published by National Geographic Society, |All |None |

| | |1977. 400 pages | | |

|Hs |B-112 |THE MILWAUKEE SENTINEL’S HISTORY OF THE YEAR IN PICTURES, published by the Milwaukee |All |None |

| | |Sentinel, 1914, 67 pages. | | |

|Hs |B-113 |HISTORY OF FOND DU LAC COUNTY, WISCONSIN, published by Western Historical Company, Chicago,|Check with staff person on duty. |None |

| | |1880. 1063 pages. The CAHS copy is in very poor condition. The first 66 pages are | | |

| | |missing. | | |

|Hs |B-117 |This is a collection of Badger Books, which is a children’s publication, but it has much |All |None |

| | |valuable material useful for adults as well. The collection is incomplete, but | | |

| | |periodically another issue is donated. We list here the issues CAHS holds as of Sept. 14, | | |

| | |2006: 1967, Wisconsin Government; 1967, Early Wisconsin Industry; Vol. 21, March, 1968l;| | |

| | |Vol. 22, Nov., 1968; Vol. 22, Jan., 1969; V 22, March, 1969; | | |

| | |V 23, Sept., 1969; V 23, Nov., 1969; V 23, May, 1970; V 24, Sept., 1970; V 24, | | |

| | |March, 1971; V 25, Sept., 1971; | | |

| | |V 25, March, 1972; V 25, Nov., 1973 (possible error); | | |

| | |V 26, Sept., 1972; V 26, Nov., 1972; V 26, Jan., 1973; V 26, March, 1973; V 27, | | |

| | |Jan., 1974; V 28, Sept., 1974; V 28, Nov., 1974; V 28, Jan., 1975; V 29, Sept.,| | |

| | |1975; V 29, Nov., 1975; V 29, March, 1976; V 31, Nov., 1977; V 31, March, 1978; V | | |

| | |32, Nov., 1978; V 33, March, (probably 1979) | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

|Hs |B-119 |Die Geschichten von Karl dem Grossen, Written and published by Fr. Brugmann, Leipzig, |All |None |

| | |Germany. No date. 104 pages | | |

|Hs |B-120 |Visiting Our Past: America’s History Lands, National Geographic Society, 1977, 400 pages. |All |None |

| | |Covers a broad variety of topics. Donated by Fond du Lac County Historical Society, | | |

| | |Summer, 2006 | | |

|HS |B-122 |Saturday Evening Post, December 2, 1967, 85-page magazine devoted to the John F. Kennedy |All |None |

| | |assassination | | |

|Hs |B-123 |Life Magazine, 1963, 80-page issue devoted to the assassination of President John F. |All |None |

| | |Kennedy. | | |

|Hs |B-124 |Saturday Evening Post Magazine, December 14, 1963. 84-page magazine, titled In Memoriam, |All |None |

| | |devoted to the assassination of President John F. Kennedy | | |

|Hs |B-125 |Tragedy! (Title). The life and death of Robert Kennedy, Published by Smifty, Inc., 1968. |All |None |

| | |Magazine format | | |

|Hs |B-126 |Don’t Let Me Sleep till Noon, book by Joseph A. Pesch. Stories about the family of the |All |None |

| | |author, and about daily life in Cambellsport and the area. 2005. Local history | | |

|Hs |B-128 |Bound copies of TIME: THE WEEKLY NEWS MAGAZINE, January 7, 1924 through January 30, 1924 |All |None |

| | |(23 magazines) | | |

|Hs |B-130 |Four Days, 143-page book on the death of President Kennedy, American Publishers, 1964 |All |None |

|Hs |B-131 |Katholische Kirche in Wisconsin (History of the Catholic Church in Wisconsin). Published |All (Ask staff person to get it for |None |

| | |in 1895. Written in German. It was also published in English, but CAHS does not have an |you. The book is in very poor | |

| | |English copy. Gives brief history of each Catholic parish in Wisconsin. Also more general|condition.) | |

| | |information, such as history of the area before the coming of the Europeans. Life of the |However, there is a second copy, donated| |

| | |Native Americans, even some information on their music. Includes many pictures of churches |more recently: | |

| | |and people. Donated to Public Library by Joseph Schlaefer (date unknown). Donated to the | | |

| | |Campbellsport Area Historical Society in 2004, Over 1000 pages. Title page and a number | | |

| | |of first pages of the book are missing. This book is especially valuable because it was | | |

| | |written so close in time to the events it recounts. | | |

|Hs |B-132 |Wisconsin Then and Now (Magazine). CAHS has the following issues: October, 1965 (132-A); |All |None |

| | |October, 1972 (132-B); December, 1972 (132-C); January, 1973 (132-D); August, 1973 (132-E);| | |

| | |September, 1973 (132-F); February, 1974 (132-G); May, 1974 (132-H); March, 1975 (132-I); | | |

| | |January, 1976 (132-J); and October, 1976 (132-K) The magazines are all assigned the | | |

| | |number B-132, but after the 132 there is a letter (A through J) | | |

|Hs |B-135 |WISCONSIN MAGAZINE OF HISTORY, Autumn, 1966, Vol. 50, No. 1, State Historical Society of |All |None |

| | |Wisconsin. Magazine. 128 pages. Some topics in this issue: National Park Service Act of | | |

| | |1916, Menominee People, Black Hawk Wars (Battle of Bad Axe), John C. Calhoun and the | | |

| | |Military Establishment, Book Reviews, Business Meeting of the State Historical Society of | | |

| | |Wisconsin | | |

|Hs |B-136 |WISCONSIN MAGAZINE OF HISTORY, Autumn, 1967, Vol. 51, No. 1, State Historical Society of |All |None |

| | |Wisconsin. Magazine. 128 pages. Some topics in this issue: Wisconsinite in WWI, General | | |

| | |George Van Horn Moseley, and Hoover, the Legion, and the Bonus Army. Also: Book Reviews | | |

| | |and Minutes of the State Historical Society of Wisconsin | | |

|Hs |B-137 |WISCONSIN MAGAZINE OF HISTORY, Winter, 1974-1975, Vol. 58, No. 2, State Historical Society |All |None |

| | |of Wisconsin. Magazine. Some topics in this issue: the New Democrats, Lucas Bradley, | | |

| | |Organic Living, Catholic and Protestant Missionaries among Wisconsin Indians, Book Reviews | | |

|Hs |B-138 |BADGER HISTORY, October, 1947, Vol. 1, No. 1, State Historical Society of Wisconsin. A |All |None |

| | |magazine for children. Contains many topics of interest to adults, such as the | | |

| | |Roi-Porlier-Tank Cottage, built in 1776, Aztalan, Old Indian Agency House at Portage, | | |

| | |Chippewa Indians at Reserve, Indian roots at what is now Milwaukee. | | |

|Hs |B-139 |BADGER HISTORY, November, 1947, Vol 1, No. 2, State Historical Society of Wisconsin. A |All |None |

| | |magazine for children. Contains information and topics of interest to adults as well, such | | |

| | |as the Tercentennial Stamp of 1934 . John Muir, Josette Fontaine and Old Fort Winnebago | | |

| | |Hospital, Wisconsin Lumber Camps, Neenah and Chief Four Legs, and Birds’ Nests | | |

|Hs |B-140 |FIRST EDITION WISCONSIN ALMANAC AND GOVERNMENT GUIDE, 1962, 120 pages. History and |All |None |

| | |government of each Wisconsin County. Elected officials to state and federal positions, | | |

| | |major political parties, history of the Republican party, buyers guide | | |

|Hs |B-142 |The Fond du Lac, Wisconsin VISITORS GUIDE, 1990, Fond du Lac Convention and Visitors Bureau|All |None |

| | |Publication | | |

|Hs |B-143 |WISCONSIN Auto Tour Escapes: 21 Circle Routes and Attractions Guide, Wisconsin Department |All |None |

| | |of Development, about 1983. 80 pages. Donated to CAHS by Campbellsport Public Library | | |

|Hs |B-144 |FOND DU LAC COUNTY WISCONSIN: PAST AND PRESENT, Edited by Maurice McKenna, 1912. Two |All |None |

| | |volumes | | |


| | |Illustrated by Ray Thornton, Copyright by Ruth Shaw Worthing, 1976 | | |

|HS |B-170 |SIDE ROADS, Excursions into Wisconsin’s Past, by Fred L. Holmes, 1949, The State Historical|All |None |

| | |Society of Wisconsin. 123 pages. Donated to CAHS by Campbellsport Public Library. | | |

|HS |B-171 |WISCONSIN IS MY DOORSTEP, A Dramatist’s Yarn Book of Wisconsin Lore, by Robert E. Gard, |All |None |

| | |1948, donated to CAHS by Campbellsport Public Library. 194 pages. Folklore | | |


| | |James A. Larsen, Publication date not given (page may have been torn out). 160 pages. | | |

| | |Donated to CAHS by Campbellsport Public Library. | | |

|HS |B-173 |HANDBOOK ON WISCONSIN INDIANS, compiled and written by Joyce M. Erdman, Research Assistant,|All |None |

| | |Governor’s Commission on Human Rights, 1966. 103 pages. Donated to CAHS by Campbellsport | | |

| | |Public Library. | | |

|HS |B-174 |THE WISCONSIN STORY; The Building of a Vanguard State, by Russell Austin, published by The |All |None |

| | |Milwaukee Journal, Sixth printing, 1964. 649 pages. Donated to CAHS by Campbellsport | | |

| | |Public Library | | |

|HS |B-176 |PLOUGHS AMONG THE ESKERS, a Story of the Settlement of the Kettle Moraine, by Bernard L. |All |None |

| | |Michaels, published by Bernard L. Michaels, 1995. 81 pages | | |

|HS |C-02 |Mill and Residence of J.H. Reysen, New Cassel. Picture photocopied from 1874 ATLAS OF FOND |All |None |

| | |DU LAC COUNTY. (Is an artist’s rendering, not a photograph) | | |

|Hs |EM-02 |16 mm film of Campbellsport, by Arthur J. Higgins (of Fond du Lac), October, 1938 |All (Check with staff person on duty) |None |

|Hs |EM-03 |16 mm film, LOCAL SHOTS OF CAMPBELLSPORT (buildings), by Arthur J. Higgins of Fond du Lac, |All (Check with staff person on duty) |None |

| | |October, 1936. | | |

|Hs |F-02 |Fond du Lac County Genealogical Society Newsletter, May, 1996. Queries, excerpts form an |All, P folder |None |

| | |1854 book, HISTORY OF THE COUNTY OF FOND DU LAC, WISCONSIN, by Martin Mitchel - about Byron| | |

| | |Township. 1874 Plat map of Byron Twp. Partial index to marriages1864 and small part of | | |

| | |1865. | | |

|Hs |F-06 |Historical Events in the Kettles. Written in style of a timeline of significant events, |All, LHS bk 21 |All |

| | |with focus on northernmost part of the Northern Kettle Moraine. A few items relating to | | |

| | |southern parts of the Northern Kettle Moraine. 4 typed pages | | |

|Hs |F-09 |History of Eden Township, by Jenny Tripp Sievers, 1926. 3 pages. Taken from Local History |All, P folder |Use web address |

| | |Web: . | | |

|Hs |F-11 |A short history of Auburn Township, taken from HISTORY OF FOND DU LAC COUNTY, WISCONSIN, |All, P folder |Use this Web site: |

| | |published by Western Historical Company, Chicago, 1880. Copied from the Internet | |`wifonddu/resources|

| | |(Rootsweb) | |/histories/1880/auburn.htlm |

|Hs |F-14 |FOND DU LAC COUNTY GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY NEWSLETTER, Vol. 21 No. 2, August, 1999. Lists |All, P folder |None |

| | |which volumes of GERMANS TO AMERICA the society has. Historical info on Our Lady of the | | |

| | |Angels Church in Armstrong. Includes pictures. Continuation of History of Eden Township, | | |

| | |begun in May issue. Pedigree charts: Overbeck, McCarty, Keefe. Continuation of 1868 | | |

| | |Gazetteer, Schmitz – Smith.. Items for sale | | |

|Hs |F-15 |FOND DU LAC COUNTY GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY NEWSLETTER, Vol. 21 No. 1, May, 1999. History of |All, P folder |None |

| | |Eden Township, including 1874 plat map and patrons’ directory. St. Matthew’s Church, | | |

| | |Campbellsport. Pedigree charts: Goodman, Flesch. Continuation of directory from 1868 | | |

| | |Gazetteer of FdL Cty. | | |

| | |List of FdLCounty dead in WWII. Prominent early citizens. Pictures of Gustave and Harriet| | |

| | |deNeveu. Assorted items from files | | |

|Hs |F-28 |Deals with the relationship between the Chicago North Western Railroad and the Village of |All. In patron folder |None |

| | |Campbellsport. Appears to be material provided for Jim Yanke who was working ion a book | | |

| | |for the Chicago & North Western Historical Society (Jan. 12, 2006). Correspondence 1910, | | |

| | |1916 (3 letters), 1927, and 1936; Agreement, Nov. 19, 1935; 3 Maps of railroad area in | | |

| | |Campbellsport (1927, 1935, 1936); architectural plans for proposed depot (3 sheets, 1935)| | |

|Hs |F-26 |The Peshtigo Holocaust, by Marian Gabert,. A magazine article NEWmonth magazine, October, |All |None |

| | |1981. Donor unknown | | |

|Hs |F-29 |Chart: IMMIGRATION FROM GERMANY, 1820-1980, Deutscher Club, Madison, Wisconsin |All, patron folder |None |

|Hs |F-30 |Research done by a CAHS intern (Brenda Siemers), summer, 2005, on sources of information of|All |None |

| | |people listed in R-099, R-100, and R-101 on early history of the area. Includes photocopy | | |

| | |of title pages of the three source volumes (1880, 1889, and 1912) | | |

|Hs |F-31 |Campbellsport History, taken from A HISTORY OF FOND DU LAC COUNTY, BY Maurice McKenna, |All |None |

| | |1912. 4 type-written pages | | |

|Hs |F-33 |Fond du Lac County MATURITY TIMES, Vol. 7, No. 6, June 1993. Features article about Elaine|All, in Oversize Box 1 |None |

| | |Koenig’s book, Family Stories, and about the Braun family. | | |

|Hs |F-37 |TWIN VILLAGE NEWS, Vol. II, Number 53, Campbellsport and New Cassel, Wisconsin, April 7, |All, in Oversize Box 1 (Ask the patron |None |

| | |1899. Is printed on wood-based paper and was folded, so there has been significant damage,|helper to get it for you.) | |

| | |but very little loss of printed areas. The item has been de-acidified, and placed in an | | |

| | |acid-free, oversize folder. Donor: Mrs. Martin Engels | | |

|Hs |F-38 |THE CAMPBELLSPORT NEWS, Thursday, June 30, 1960. entire issue. Includes history of the |All. In Oversize Box 1 |None (But see F-39 for article on Fire |

| | |fire department, which has ben put online (See F-39). Has been deacidified. | |Department.) |

|Hs |F-41 |This folder contains a variety of items (most are ephemera), which was found after most |All Patron folder |None |

| | |other processing was completed: Safety Booklet, published by Fond du Lac county Highway | | |

| | |Police (no publication date, but appears to be early 1940s); program for Open house, | | |

| | |Campbellsport Public Library, November, 1975; a lithograph from the 1874 Atlas of Fond du | | |

| | |Lac County, showing mill and residence of J.H. Reysen, New Cassel; 2 flyers about the US | | |

| | |Bicentennial; a copy of FIRST MONDAY, Vol. 11, # 1 (1981, Republican National Committee); | | |

| | |single sheet titled THE ORIGIN OF OUR FLAG and THE FIRST PRAYER IN CONGRESS; picture of | | |

| | |“First Capitol” – the building where the Wisconsin Territorial Legislature held session in | | |

| | |1836, in Belmont, Wisconsin; newspaper article on when Liberty Bell first rang, July 8, | | |

| | |1876; newspaper article and pictures of cartoons by Paul Revere (published in June, 1774),| | |

| | |and Benjamin Franklin (published May 9, 1754); single page article (source not given) | | |

| | |titled THE PRICE THEY PAID, tells what happened to the men who signed the Declaration of | | |

| | |Independence; 4 issues of LANDMARKS OF LIBERTY, published during the US bicentennial by | | |

| | |Liberty Glass Company, of Sapulpa. Oklahoma | | |

|Hs |N-17 |Margaret Wenzlaff Scrapbook Collection: News clippings |All |None |

| | |Historic events: Kennedy and King Assassinations; Space missions | | |

|Hs |N-21 |Combined index for N-01 through N-16 |All (2 comb-bound books) |All |

|Hs |R-001 |Business places in Waucousta & Osceola; churches in Waucousta area; people of |All, LHS bk 1 |All |

| | |Campbellsport; history of Campbellsport | | |

|Hs |R-008 |Traces record of property ownership and use, with legal description (block and lot #s) of |All, in LHS bk 29 |All |

| | |the property mainly for New Cassel and Campbellsport; information on dams, mills, and | | |

| | |ponds; includes biographical info and info on businesses. Gives good sense of general | | |

| | |history of Campbellsport; Flood of 1924 | | |

|Hs |R-011 |Poem on history of village and of St. Matthew’s Church, by S. Andrene Flasch |All, LHS bk 1 |All |

|Hs |R-012 |Early history of Town of Ashford; Info on Stuart Campbell; list of Ashford Town officials |All, LHS bk 8 |All |

|Hs |R-017 |History of town of Ashford; Ashford Town Board Officials, 1849-1874; founding of |All, LHS bk 25 |All |

| | |Campbellsport; Info on Stuart Campbell; Small amount of census data from 1853 & 1870 | | |

|Hs |R-020 |Lists of Community Dentists, Optometrists, Surgeons, Doctors, Chiropractors, Veterinarians,|All, LHS bk 21 |All |

| | |Justice of the Peace, Lawyers, Auto Agencies, Barber Shops, Real Estate, and Insurance | | |

| | |Companies | | |

|Hs |R-024 |Schlaefer Hardware Store Building; Histories written by H. Wrucke and Catherine Weld; |All, LHS bk 21 |All |

| | |Present Businesses Traced to Origin, by Henry Weld (probably 1952) | | |

|Hs |R-030 |Postal Services; Electricity; Early History; Cheese Factories |All, LHS bk 2, plus P folder |All |

|Hs |R-031 |Booklet on Wade House (Greenbush) |All, P folder |None |

|Hs |R-033 |Deals with a very broad variety of topics: Businesses, churches, cemeteries, geology, |All |Index only |

| | |sports groups, railroads and other roads, conservation projects, and Kettle Moraine Park; |Indexed, in LHS 22 | |

| | |Ice Age Center. Index plus photocopy of original | | |

|Hs |R-034 |Part of a small ledger in which Mr. Reese wrote what appears to be his research for queries|All, LHS bk 8 |All |

| | |he received. A few notes are about himself. | | |

|Hs |R-039 |Early history of Campbellsport. History of businesses and business people, and of |All, LHS bk 26 |All |

| | |buildings and properties. Often gives information commonly found in abstracts. History of | | |

| | |area Roads, the Dam and Mill Pond, and Mills. .Short biography of Stuart Campbell. | | |

|Hs |R-041 |History of Town of Auburn (Crouchville); Traces the ownership of businesses/property and |All, Patron folder |None |

| | |people who operated them or lived there; Legal descriptions; Newspaper photo of Seering and| | |

| | |Curram Store, 1920; Wm Folts first veterinarian; Dams; Chamber of Commerce | | |

|Hs |R-049 |Auburn & Ashford Townships: broad variety of topics, including Board Officials 1845-1988, |All, P folder, plus Index, which is in |Index only |

| | |census data, postal service info, Pony Express and Stagecoach, businesses, halls, |LHS bk 2 | |

| | |restaurants, histories of churches and cemeteries (but no burial lists), lakes and ponds, | | |

| | |doctors, property owners, list of area farmers in 1862, and more | | |

|Hs |R-050 |Variety of topics: history of dams, ownership of lots in New Cassel (See AP-01 for map of |All, P folder, plus Index, in LHS bk 2 |Index only |

| | |New Cassel showing block and lot numbers), businesses, firemen and Firemen’s Park | | |

|Hs |R-052 |History of the Town of Auburn, businesses, lakes, roads, churches, bridges, early history, |All (photo-copy of original) plus index,|Index |

| | |early settlers, property ownership with legal descriptions, early postal service |in LHS bk 3 | |

|Hs |R-053 |Broad variety of topics, including ham radio, high school coaches, Boy Scouts, High School |All (photo-copy of original) plus index,|Index |

| | |graduates and alumni, Incorporation of Village of Campbellsport (1902), village officers, |in LHS bk 12 | |

| | |Schlaefer Construction Company, century farms, Chamber of Commerce | | |

|Hs |R-054 |Founding of Campbellsport; Stuart Campbell, Jacob Haessley, Ernest Martin, and other early |All, LHS bk 12 |All |

| | |settlers; Crouchville postmasters; Original plats with legal descriptions; Buildings; | | |

| | |Traces the history of Campbellsport through the history of a number of area businesses; the| | |

| | |flood of 1924; Refers to pictures, but there are none in the file; telephone service | | |

|Hs |R-066 |Book: A PHOTOGRAPHIC HISTORY OF FOND DU LAC COUNTY City and Townships, by Ray Thornton, |All, P folder |None |

| | |1977, 159 pages | | |

|Hs |R-073 |1952 issue of THE CAMPBELLSPORT NEWS. (Golden Anniversary of the incorporation of |All, P folder. (Photocopy. Original is |None |

| | |Campbellsport) |in very poor condition.) In Oversize | |

| | | |box 1 | |

|Hs |R-089 |Two Histories of Campbellsport area and its people, by Yankow (1964) and Weld (1955); |All, LHS bk 17 |All |

| | |clipping quoting 1888-1889 Wisconsin State Gazetteer and Business Directory | | |

|Hs |R-091 |Jaeger Home & Appliance; Dr. Nicholas Senn; the John Senn farm; Dr. Hausman (an obit?); |All, LHS bk 27 |All except brochure and news clipping |

| | |History of Elmore – Ashford Station (also called Leglerville); Old Ironsides Corporation | | |

|Hs |R-099 |Short biographies of early settlers of the area, taken from the 1880 HISTORY OF FOND DU LAC|All, plus index of names, LHS bk 10 |Index of names |

| | |COUNTY, and the 1912 history of Fond du Lac County, by McKenna | | |

|Hs |R-100 |Short biographies of early settlers of Ashford and Auburn Townships, arranged more or less |All, plus index of names, LHS bk 10 |Index of names, plus verbatim entry of bios|

| | |alphabetically, end of the alphabet | | |

|Hs |R-101 |Short biographies of early settlers of Ashford and Auburn Townships, arranged more or less |All, plus index of names, LHS bk 10 |Index of names only |

| | |alphabetically, middle of the alphabet | | |

|Hs |R-109 |Single sheet of news highlights of the area: bits & pieces of news from 1868, 1907, 1917 |All, LHS bk 4 |All |

| | |(grocery prices), 1924 (damages from the flood of 1924), 1948 (grocery prices), 1949, 1976 | | |

|Hs |R-110 |Two typed lists drawn up by Mr. Reese: Titles of 156 “files”, each covering a specific |All, LHS bk 4 |All |

| | |topic, and a list of those who contributed help or information. It appears that Mr. Reese | | |

| | |drew together from his various notes all information about a specific topic, and had that | | |

| | |typed. Unfortunately, no such compilation has been found. | | |

|Hs |R-119 |"Life in the Country at the Turn of the Century", by Reuben Backhaus, December, 1980. |All, LHS book 20, and P folder |All |

| | |Unpublished history | | |

|Infra-structures: Information about electricity, telephone, roads, sewerage, etc. |

|Cat |# | |Onsite viewing |Online viewing |


| | |Beck, 1990 | | |

|IS |B-099 |WISCONSIN HIGHWAYS, 1835-1945, by State Highway Commission of Wisconsin, and Public Roads |All |None |

| | |Administration Public Works Agency, 1947 (Copy # 1) | | |


| | |State Highway Commission, 1947. 272 pages (Copy # 2) | | |

|IS |B-149 |WELCOME TO THE CHICAGO AND NORTHWESTERN, a publication of the C & NW Historical Society, no|All |None |

| | |date given, appears to be about 1985 | | |

|IS |B-150 |NORTH WESTERN LINES, a publication of the Chicago and North Western Historical Society, |All |None |

| | |Winter, 1996 | | |

|IS |B-151 |NORTH WESTERN LINES, a publication of the Chicago and North Western Historical Society, |All |None |

| | |Summer, 1997 | | |

|IS |B-152 |NORTH WESTERN LINES, a publication of the Chicago and North Western Historical Society, |All |None |

| | |Winter, 1998 | | |

|IS |B-153 |NORTH WESTERN LINES, a publication of the Chicago and North Western Historical Society, |All |None |

| | |Winter, 2001 | | |

|IS |B-154 |NORTH WESTERN LINES, a publication of the Chicago and North Western Historical Society, |All |None |

| | |Spring, 2003 | | |

|IS |B-155 |NORTH WESTERN LINES, a publication of the Chicago and North Western Historical Society, |All |None |

| | |2005, No. 1 | | |

|IS |B-156 |NORTH WESTERN LINES, a publication of the Chicago and North Western Historical Society, |All |None |

| | |2005, No. 3 | | |

|IS |B-157 |NORTH WESTERN LINES, a publication of the Chicago and North Western Historical Society, |All |None |

| | |2006, No. 1 | | |

|IS |F-28 |Deals with the relationship between the Chicago North Western Railroad and the Village of |All. In patron folder |None |

| | |Campbellsport. Appears to be material provided for Jim Yanke who was working ion a book | | |

| | |for the Chicago & North Western Historical Society (Jan. 12, 2006). Correspondence 1910, | | |

| | |1916 (3 letters), 1927, and 1936; Agreement, Nov. 19, 1935; 3 Maps of railroad area in | | |

| | |Campbellsport (1927, 1935, 1936); architectural plans for proposed depot (3 sheets, 1935)| | |

|IS |R-017 |History of town of Ashford; Ashford Town Board Officials, 1849-1874; founding of |All, LHS bk 25 |All |

| | |Campbellsport; Info on Stuart Campbell; Small amount of census data from 1853 & 1870 | | |

|IS |R-021 |First Fire Department Picnic, First Village Hall, Astonishing News Items, Early Postal |All, in LHS bk 21 |All |

| | |Service, Businesses, Various Groups, Roads, Government, Electrical Services… A small folder| | |

| | |with a great variety of topics. Some papers may have been in other folders. For fire | | |

| | |Dept., see also R-004, R-050, R-069, and R-106. | | |

|IS |R-030 |Postal Services; Electricity; Early History; Cheese Factories |All, LHS bk 2 |All |

|IS |R-032 |Area Electric Light Companies 1900 - __; Schlaefer Construction Company 1845 - ___; |All, in LHS bk 22 |All |

| | |Theresa Union Telephone Co 1904 - ___, with Lomira, Kewaskum, East Valley, and Eden | | |

| | |Exchanges; Airline Railroad (later Chicago-Northwestern); Grocery prices 1952 & 1981 | | |

|IS |R-033 |Deals with a very broad variety of topics: Businesses, churches, cemeteries, geology, |All |Index only |

| | |sports groups, railroads and other roads, conservation projects, and Kettle Moraine Park; |Indexed, LHS bk 22 | |

| | |Ice Age Center. Index plus photocopy of original | | |

|IS |R-048 |Notebook with Broad variety of topics, especially about professional people, by |All, Patron folder, plus Index. Index is|Index only |

| | |occupation/profession; schools; churches; buildings |also in LHS Bk. 18 | |

|IS |R-049 |Auburn & Ashford Townships: broad variety of topics, including Board Officials 1845-1988, |All, P folder, plus Index, in LHS bk 2|Index only |

| | |census data, postal service info, Pony Express and Stagecoach, businesses, halls, | | |

| | |restaurants, histories of churches and cemeteries (but no burial lists), lakes and ponds, | | |

| | |doctors, property owners, list of area farmers in 1862, and more | | |

|IS |R-050 |Variety of topics: history of dams, ownership of lots in New Cassel (See AP-01 for map of |All, P folder, plus Index, in LHS bk 2 |Index only |

| | |New Cassel showing block and lot numbers), businesses, firemen and Firemen’s Park | | |

|IS |R-052 |History of the Town of Auburn, businesses, lakes, roads, churches, bridges, early history, |All (photo-copy of original) plus index,|Index |

| | |early settlers, property ownership with legal descriptions, early postal service |in LHS bk 3 | |

|IS |R-054 |Founding of Campbellsport; Stuart Campbell, Jacob Haessley, Ernest Martin, and other early |All, LHS bk 12 |All |

| | |settlers; Crouchville postmasters; Original plats with legal descriptions; Buildings; | | |

| | |Traces the history of Campbellsport through the history of a number of area businesses; the| | |

| | |flood of 1924; Refers to pictures, but there are none in the file; telephone service | | |

|IS |R-078 |Bicentennial materials (1976); Order of worship for funeral of Congressman William Steiger |All, P folder |None |

| | |of Oshkosh, Dec. 7, 1978; news clipping showing future development of property NE corner | | |

| | |bordered by Helena and Mill Streets (no date) | | |

|Military records: The CAHS does not have any actual governmental military records, but an account of someone’s experiences in the Civil War could be included here, although it would more likely |

|be under People. |

|Mi |R-116 |RAINBOW BASEBALL LEAGUE: TENTH ANNIVERSARY. Booklet printed in 1944 honoring the 10th |All, P folder |None |

| | |anniversary of the Rainbow Baseball League. Includes pictures of many local servicemen who | | |

| | |were in the armed service between 1934 and 1944, including a number who died in action. 48| | |

| | |pages | | |

|Other: Most items fit under named categories, but occasionally an item has a class all by itself. For example, the flood of 1924 is listed under Other. It is an extraordinary event. |

|Cat |# | |Onsite viewing |Online viewing |

|O |B-008 |MY VILLAGE IN IRELAND, by Gidal, Sonia and Tim, Pantheon, 1957, 76 pages. Describes daily |All |None |

| | |life in Ireland. | | |

|O |B-017 |English-German, German-English Dictionary, by Dr. Friedrich Köhler |All |None |

|O |B-018 |Langenscheidt's German-English, English-German Dictionary, paperback |All |None |

|O |B-021 |POEMS AND PEARLS, by C. "Bud" Weesen, West Bend, WI, 2001, Copy 1 |All |None |

|O |B-022 |POEMS AND PEARLS, by C. "Bud" Weesen, West Bend, WI, 2001, Copy 2 |All |None |

|O |B-023 |PRESIDENT FORD IN FABULOUS FOND DU LAC COUNTY, WISCONSIN, April 3, 1976. A collection of |All |None |

| | |photographs, edited by Thomas M. Remo, April, 1976, 41 pages | | |

|O |B-028 |DER BESUCH IM KARZER, by Ernst Eckstein, and DAS EDLE BLUT, by Ernst von Wildenbruch (both|All |None |

| | |bound together in one book), Ginn and Co., 1908. Written in German. 239 pages | | |

|O |B-029 |THE BLUE BIRD, A Fairy Play in Six Acts, by Maurice Maeterlinck, Dodd, Mead & Co., 1928, |All |None |

| | |287 pages | | |

|O |B-030 |AN ENGLISH-GERMAN DICTIONARY OF IDIOMS, by Karl Engeroff and Ciceily Lovelace Käufer, Max |All |None |

| | |Hueber Verlag München, 1959 | | |

|O |B-031 |A TREATISE ON BAKING, byJulius E. Wihlfahrt, published by The Fleischmann Co., New York, |All |None |

| | |1927. | | |

|O |B-032 |A TREASURY OF STEVEN FOSTER, Random House, 1946. Includes 50 songs, each with words, melody|All |None |

| | |line, and keyboard accompaniment, as well as historical notes and illustrations. | | |


| | |Wisconsin Historical Records Advisory board & Wisconsin Association of Public Librarians, | | |

| | |April, 1998. Comb-bound book. 21 pages | | |


| | |LIBRARIES, April, 1998 | | |


| | |State Highway Commission, 1947. 272 pages (Copy # ) | | |

|O |B-116 |PRESERVING ARCHIVES AND MANUSCRIPTS, by Mary Lynn Ritzenthaler, Society of American |Staff use |None |

| | |Archivists, 1993. For use by staff | | |

|O |B-121 |Webster’s Twentieth Century Dictionary, Publishers’ guild, Inc., 1939, about 2000 pages. |All |None |

| | |Includes many sections in addition to the dictionary: Atlas, population statistics, federal|Book is in poor condition | |

| | |agencies, dictionary of authors, dictionary of noted names, and more | | |

|O |B-134 |Berlin und Sanssouci, oder Friedrich der Grosse und seine Freunde. Historische Roman von |All |None |

| | |L. Mühlbach, Berlin, 1866 |Book is in poor condition. Ask staff to | |

| | |[Book is written in German. Translation: Berlin and Sans Souci or Frederick the Great and |get it for you. | |

| | |His Friends, a Historical Romance by L. Muhlbach. Sans Souci was Frederick’s summer palace| | |

| | |at Potsdam.] | | |

|O |B-135 |WISCONSIN MAGAZINE OF HISTORY, Autumn, 1966, Vol. 50, No. 1, State Historical Society of |All |None |

| | |Wisconsin. Magazine. 128 pages. Some topics in this issue: National Park Service Act of | | |

| | |1916, Menominee People, Black Hawk Wars (Battle of Bad Axe), John C. Calhoun and the | | |

| | |Military Establishment, Book Reviews, Business Meeting of the State Historical Society of | | |

| | |Wisconsin | | |

|O |B-136 |WISCONSIN MAGAZINE OF HISTORY, Autumn, 1967, Vol. 51, No. 1, State Historical Society of |All |None |

| | |Wisconsin. Magazine. 128 pages. Some topics in this issue: Wisconsinite in WWI, General | | |

| | |George Van Horn Moseley, and Hoover, the Legion, and the Bonus Army. Also: Book Reviews | | |

| | |and Minutes of the State Historical Society of Wisconsin | | |

|O |B-137 |WISCONSIN MAGAZINE OF HISTORY, Winter, 1974-1975, Vol. 58, No. 2, State Historical Society |All |None |

| | |of Wisconsin. Magazine. Some topics in this issue: the New Democrats, Lucas Bradley, | | |

| | |Organic Living, Catholic and Protestant Missionaries among Wisconsin Indians, Book Reviews | | |

|O |B-138 |BADGER HISTORY, October, 1947, Vol. 1, No. 1, State Historical Society of Wisconsin. A |All |None |

| | |magazine for children. Contains many topics of interest to adults, such as the | | |

| | |Roi-Porlier-Tank Cottage, built in 1776, Aztalan, Old Indian Agency House at Portage, | | |

| | |Chippewa Indians at Reserve, Indian roots at what is now Milwaukee. | | |

|O |B-139 |BADGER HISTORY, November, 1947, Vol. 1, No. 2, State Historical Society of Wisconsin. A |All |None |

| | |magazine for children. Contains information and topics of interest to adults as well, such | | |

| | |as the Tercentennial Stamp of 1934 . John Muir, Josette Fontaine and Old Fort Winnebago | | |

| | |Hospital, Wisconsin Lumber Camps, Neenah and Chief Four Legs, and Birds’ Nests | | |

|O |B-146 |TRAILS DIRECTORY: HORSEMANS’S GUIDE TO WISCONSIN TRAILS, Wisconsin State Horse Council, |All |None |

| | |First Edition, about 1986 | | |

|O |B-147 |TRAILS DIRECTORY: HORSEMANS’S GUIDE TO WISCONSIN TRAILS, Wisconsin State Horse Council, |All |None |

| | |Fourth Edition, 1990 | | |

|O |B-148 |DISCOVER WISCONSIN: MAPPED 1 AND 2 DAY TOURS, Department of Natural Resources, donated to |All |None |

| | |CAHS by Campbellsport Public Library | | |

|O |B-149 |WELCOME TO THE CHICAGO AND NORTHWESTERN, a publication of the C & NW Historical Society, no|All |None |

| | |date given, appears to be about 1985 | | |

|O |B-150 |NORTH WESTERN LINES, a publication of the Chicago and North Western Historical Society, |All |None |

| | |Winter, 1996 | | |

|O |B-151 |NORTH WESTERN LINES, a publication of the Chicago and North Western Historical Society, |All |None |

| | |Summer, 1997 | | |

|O |B-152 |NORTH WESTERN LINES, a publication of the Chicago and North Western Historical Society, |All |None |

| | |Winter, 1998 | | |

|O |B-153 |NORTH WESTERN LINES, a publication of the Chicago and North Western Historical Society, |All |None |

| | |Winter, 2001 | | |

|O |B-154 |NORTH WESTERN LINES, a publication of the Chicago and North Western Historical Society, |All |None |

| | |Spring, 2003 | | |

|O |B-155 |NORTH WESTERN LINES, a publication of the Chicago and North Western Historical Society, |All |None |

| | |2005, No. 1 | | |

|O |B-156 |NORTH WESTERN LINES, a publication of the Chicago and North Western Historical Society, |All |None |

| | |2005, No. 3 | | |

|O |B-157 |NORTH WESTERN LINES, a publication of the Chicago and North Western Historical Society, |All |None |

| | |2006, No. 1 | | |


| | |James A. Larsen, Publication date not given (page may have been torn out). 160 pages | | |

|O |B-173 |HANDBOOK ON WISCONSIN INDIANS, compiled and written by Joyce M. Erdman, Research Assistant,|All |None |

| | |Governor’s Commission on Human Rights, 1966. 103 pages | | |

|O |C-01 |Landmarks of Liberty (Highlights of early US History), one sheet, printed on cardstock. |All |None |

|O |F-05 |Diary of Benjamin G. Romaine, beginning July 20, 1910 - May 22, 1915. Photocopy of diary, |All Is in extra large album. |None |

| | |plus news clippings obits for Robert Forsythe of Osceola and Benjamin G. Romaine. Oversize| | |

| | |folder | | |

|O |F-26 |The Peshtigo Holocaust, by Marian Gabert,. A magazine article NEWmonth magazine, October, |All |None |

| | |1981. Donor unknown | | |

|O |F-27 |Old World Register, State Historical Society of Wisconsin, Published by Old World, |All |None |

| | |Wisconsin, Eagle, Wisconsin, Spring, 1983. Description of this historic site, its | | |

| | |attractions, events. | | |

|O |F-32 |Article from SUNDAY ACTION, March 8, 1992, on an area landmark, Boyle Hall, St. Mary’s |All, in Oversize Box 1 |None |

| | |Springs High School, Fond du Lac, and on Sister Michaela O’Brien, CSA | | |

|O |F-33 |Fond du Lac County MATURITY TIMES, Vol. 7, No. 6, June 1993. Features article about Elaine|All, in Oversize Box 1 |None |

| | |Koenig’s book, Family Stories, and about the Braun family. | | |

|O |F-41 |This folder contains a variety of items (most are ephemera), which was found after most |All |None |

| | |other processing was completed: Safety Booklet, published by Fond du Lac county Highway | | |

| | |Police (no publication date, but appears to be early 1940s); program for Open house, | | |

| | |Campbellsport Public Library, November, 1975; a lithograph from the 1874 Atlas of Fond du | | |

| | |Lac County, showing mill and residence of J.H. Reysen, New Cassel; 2 flyers about the US | | |

| | |Bicentennial; a copy of FIRST MONDAY, Vol. 11, # 1 (1981, Republican National Committee); | | |

| | |single sheet titled THE ORIGIN OF OUR FLAG and THE FIRST PRAYER IN CONGRESS; picture of | | |

| | |“First Capitol” – the building where the Wisconsin Territorial Legislature held session in | | |

| | |1836, in Belmont, Wisconsin; newspaper article on when Liberty Bell first rang, July 8, | | |

| | |1876; newspaper article and pictures of cartoons by Paul Revere (published in June, 1774),| | |

| | |and Benjamin Franklin (published May 9, 1754); single page article (source not given) | | |

| | |titled THE PRICE THEY PAID, tells what happened to the men who signed the Declaration of | | |

| | |Independence; 4 issues of LANDMARKS OF LIBERTY, published during the US bicentennial by | | |

| | |Liberty Glass Company, of Sapulpa. Oklahoma | | |

|O |N-21 |Combined index for N-01 through N-16 |All (2 comb-bound books) |All |

|O |R-054 |Founding of Campbellsport; Stuart Campbell, Jacob Haessley, Ernest Martin, and other early |All, LHS bk 12 |All |

| | |settlers; Crouchville postmasters; Original plats with legal descriptions; Buildings; | | |

| | |Extraordinary events. Traces the history of Campbellsport through the history of a number | | |

| | |of area businesses; the flood of 1924; Refers to pictures, but there are none in the file; | | |

| | |telephone service | | |

|O |R-078 |Bicentennial materials (1976); Order of worship for funeral of Congressman William Steiger |All, P folder |None |

| | |of Oshkosh, Dec. 7, 1978; news clipping showing future development of property NE corner | | |

| | |bordered by Helena and Mill Streets (no date) | | |

|O |R-109 |Single sheet of news highlights of the area: bits & pieces of news from 1868, 1907, 1917 |All, LHS bk 4 |All |

| | |(grocery prices), 1924 (damages from the flood of 1924), 1948 (grocery prices), 1949, 1976 | | |

|O |R-118 |US Bi-centennial news. Magazine clippings. Most titled “Landmarks of Liberty” |All. P folder |None |

|People: In general, this refers to items where the emphasis is on individual people, not groups. This could include articles about a given person, short biographies, obituaries, engagement and |

|marriage announcements, an article about a local person graduating from high school (emphasis is on an individual, not the class), an article about a local person becoming a famous actor, etc. |

|There is often some overlap with a number of other categories, such as businesses, founding period histories, family histories, etc. |

|Cat |# | |Onsite viewing |Online viewing |

|Pe |AP-02 |Copy 1 of PICTORIAL ATLAS FOND DU LAC COUNTY WISCONSIN, 1971. Published by Tri-Tabula |All |None |

| | |Co. Includes plat map for each township, lists of residents with small amount of | | |

| | |biographical info, many photos of individuals, families, houses and other buildings, aerial| | |

| | |views of farms, short histories of a number of churches, and advertisements | | |

|Pe |AP-03 |Copy 2 of PICTORIAL ATLAS OF FOND DU LAC COUNTY, WISCONSIN, 1971 (See AP-02) |All |None |

|Pe |B-009 |BACKWARDS FROM NINETY: The Autobiography of Marie Mathilde Brinker 1848-1873, by Martha |All |None |

| | |Marie Kuechenmeister, paperback, 212 pages, 1970, third printing, Serigraph Sales & Mfg. | | |

| | |Co., Inc. | | |

|Pe |B-020 |STANISLAUS...WITH FEET IN THE WORLD, by S. Barbaralie Stiefermann, OSF, Gateway Press, |All |None |

| | |Inc., Baltimore, 1990. Historical Biography of Mother M. Stanislaus (Theresia Hegner, born| | |

| | |in Elmore, Wisconsin); a history of the School Sisters of St. Francis., of which M. | | |

| | |Stanislaus was "Mother General" 1930-1942. | | |

|Pe |B-104 |Fond du Lac City Directory, 1967-1968 |All |None |

|Pe |B-105 |Fond du Lac City Directory, 1971 |All |None |

|Pe |B-106 |Fond du Lac city Directory, 1984 |All |None |

|Pe |B-122 |Saturday Evening Post, December 2, 1967, 85-page magazine devoted to the John F. Kennedy |All |None |

| | |assassination | | |

|Pe |B-123 |Life Magazine, 1963, 80-page issue devoted to the assassination of President John F. |All |None |

| | |Kennedy. | | |

|Pe |B-124 |Saturday Evening Post Magazine, December 14, 1963. 84-page magazine, titled In Memoriam, |All |None |

| | |devoted to the assassination of President John F. Kennedy | | |

|Pe |B-125 |Tragedy! (Title). The life and death of Robert Kennedy, Published by Smifty, Inc., 1968. |All |None |

| | |Magazine format | | |

|Pe |B-126 |Don’t Let Me Sleep till Noon, book by Joseph A. Pesch. Stories about the family of the |All |None |

| | |author, and about daily life in Cambellsport and the area. 2005. Local history | | |

|Pe |B-128 |Bound copies of TIME: THE WEEKLY NEWS MAGAZINE, January 7, 1924 through January 30, 1924 |All |None |

| | |(23 magazines) | | |

|Pe |B-130 |Four Days, 143-page book on the death of President Kennedy, American Publishers, 1964 |All |None |

|Pe |B-131 |Katholische Kirche in Wisconsin (History of the Catholic Church in Wisconsin). Published |All (Ask staff person to get it for |None |

| | |in 1895. Written in German. It was also published in English, but CAHS does not have a |you. The book is in very poor | |

| | |copy. Gives brief history of each Catholic parish in Wisconsin. Also more general |condition.) | |

| | |information, such as history of the area before the coming of the Europeans. Life of the | | |

| | |Native Americans, even some information on their music. Includes many pictures of churches | | |

| | |and people. Donated to Public Library by Joseph Schlaefer (date unknown). Donated to the | | |

| | |Campbellsport Area Historical Society in 2004, Over 1000 pages. Title page and a number | | |

| | |of first pages of the book are missing. This book is especially valuable because it was | | |

| | |written so close in time to the events it recounts. | | |

|Pe |B-133 |Distinguished Service, by Thomas C. Reeves, 436-page book, biography of William J Kohler, |All |None |

| | |Wisconsin Governor, Marquette University Press, 2006 | | |

|Pe |B-140 |FIRST EDITION WISCONSIN ALMANAC AND GOVERNMENT GUIDE, 1962, 120 pages. History and |All |None |

| | |government of each Wisconsin County. Elected officials to state and federal positions, | | |

| | |major political parties, history of the Republican party, buyers guide | | |

|Pe |B-176 |PLOUGHS AMONG THE ESKERS, a Story of the Settlement of the Kettle Moraine, by Bernard L. |All |None |

| | |Michaels, published by Bernard L. Michaels, 1995. 81 pages | | |

|Pe |F-07 |Empire Methodist Church: 1895-1919 Record of Members. Copied from |All, P folder |Use web address for this and further info |

| | |~wifonddu/resources/church/empch.htm | | |

|Pe |F-08 |Federal Land Patents. Brief history and explanation of land in southeastern Wisconsin |All, P folder |Use web address for this and further info |

| | |passed from US ownership to speculators to settlers. Taken from Fond du Lac County Local | | |

| | |History web site: | | |

| | |. | | |

| | |There is a link for Auburn Township which gives names of patentees and much patent info, as| | |

| | |well as maps showing location of land patents | | |

|Pe |F-14 |FOND DU LAC COUNTY GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY NEWSLETTER, Vol. 21 No. 2, August, 1999. Lists |All, P folder |None |

| | |which volumes of GERMANS TO AMERICA the society has. Historical info on Our Lady of the | | |

| | |Angels Church in Armstrong. Includes pictures. Continuation of History of Eden Township, | | |

| | |begun in May issue. Pedigree charts: Overbeck, McCarty, Keefe. Continuation of 1868 | | |

| | |Gazetteer, Schmitz – Smith.. Items for sale | | |

|Pe |F-15 |FOND DU LAC COUNTY GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY NEWSLETTER, Vol. 21 No. 1, May, 1999. History of |All, P folder |None |

| | |Eden Township, including 1874 plat map and patrons’ directory. St. Matthew’s Church, | | |

| | |Campbellsport. Pedigree charts: Goodman, Flesch. Continuation of directory from 1868 | | |

| | |Gazetteer of FdL Cty. | | |

| | |List of FdL County dead in WWII. Prominent early citizens. Pictures of Gustave and | | |

| | |Harriet deNeveu. Assorted items from files | | |

|Pe |F-16 |FIFTEEN YEAR CLASS REUNION (Campbellsport High School, class of 1965). Booklet |All, P folder |None |

|Pe |F-17 |JUST REMEMBER 1973, published by the 7th grade class of St. Matthew’s School, |All, P folder |None |

| | |Campbellsport, WI | | |

|Pe |F-18 |THE TIMES OF ’73-’74, published by the 7th grade class of St. Matthew School, |All, P folder |None |

| | |Campbellsport, WI | | |

|Pe |F-19 |1991 Reunion of Class of 1936, Campbellsport High School. 2 news clippings with pictures, |All, P folder |None |

| | |hand-written list of names, summary printed on library stationery | | |

|Pe |F-21 |Photo-copy of Table of Contents for Volume I of FOND DU LAC COUNTY, WISCONSIN, PAST AND |All, P folder |None |

| | |PRESENT, Maurice McKenna, Editor, 1912; Index for Volume II of the same work. Volume II | | |

| | |contains short biographies of many early settlers and other persons of significance. | | |

|Pe |F-22 |Scanned copy of THE HISTORY OF THE CHESLEY FAMILY, by Israel Chesley, Twin Village News |All, LHS bk 15 |All |

| | |Print, Campbellsport, Wisconsin, 1898. Hand-written pages have been typed, as they do not | | |

| | |scan well. See F-23 for a photo-copy of the book, and for a copy of the entry for Chesley | | |

| | |from McKenna. | | |

|Pe |F-23 |Photo-copy of THE HISTORY OF THE CHESLEY FAMILY, by Israel Chesley, Twin Village News |All, LHS bk 15 |Story of how CAHS came to have the book; |

| | |Print, Campbellsport, Wisconsin, 1898. The folder includes 1)a scanned copy of the letter | |scanned copy of the Frank Bowles letter. |

| | |of Frank Bowles in England, with the unusual story of how the book came to be in the | |See F-22 for scanned copy of the book. |

| | |Campbellsport Public Library, and 2) the entry for Arthur Chesley, son of Israel Chesley, | | |

| | |author of the above family history, from FOND DU LAC COUNTY, WISCONSIN, PAST AND PRESENT, | | |

| | |Maurice McKenna, Editor, 1912 | | |

|Pe |F-33 |Fond du Lac County MATURITY TIMES, Vol. 7, No. 6, June 1993. Features article about Elaine|All, in Oversize Box 1 |None |

| | |Koenig’s book, Family Stories, and about the Braun family. | | |

|Pe |F-34 |In Memoriam, booklet containing memorial address given by Rev. James W. Taylor, April 6, |All, patron folder |None |

| | |1918. Commemorates Private Pearson L. Brown, died in France, March 29, 1918 (WWI) | | |

|Pe |F-37 |TWIN VILLAGE NEWS, Vol. II, Number 53, Campbellsport and New Cassel, Wisconsin, April 7, |All, in Oversize Box 1 (Ask the patron |None |

| | |1899. Is printed on wood-based paper and was folded, so there has been significant damage,|helper to get it for you.) | |

| | |but very little loss of printed areas. The item has been de-acidified, and placed in an | | |

| | |acid-free, oversize folder. Donor: Mrs. Martin Engels | | |

|Pe |F-38 |THE CAMPBELLSPORT NEWS, Thursday, June 30, 1960. entire issue. Includes history of the |All. In Oversize Box 1 |None (But see F-39 for article on Fire |

| | |fire department, which has ben put online (See F-39). Has been deacidified. | |Department.) |

|Pe |F-39 |History of the Campbellsport Volunteer Fire Department, from THE CAMPBELLSPORT NEWS, June |All, in LHS Book 30 |All |

| | |30, 1960, by Henry Weld | | |

|Pe |F-40 |Obituaries and a memorial card from S-01, a scrapbook assembled about the Reunion of the |All |All (Obits & memorial card from S-01 only) |

| | |Campbellsport high School class of 1942. | | |

|Pe |N-21 |Combined index for N-01 through N-16 |All (2 comb-bound books) |All |

|Pe |R-008 |Traces record of property ownership and use, with legal description (block and lot #s) of |All, in LHS bk 29 |All |

| | |the property mainly for New Cassel and Campbellsport; information on dams, mills, and | | |

| | |ponds; includes biographical info and info on businesses. Gives good sense of general | | |

| | |history of Campbellsport; Flood of 1924 | | |

|Pe |R-012 |Early history of Town of Ashford; Info on Stuart Campbell; list of Ashford Town officials |All, LHS bk 8 |All |

|Pe |R-014 |St. John’s Lutheran, New Fane: burials (see Cemetery Data Base), history with warranty |All, in Cemetery Series, Book 1; LHS |Burials (See Cemetery Data Base), clipping |

| | |deeds, 3 commemorative booklets. The death/burial records from R-014 & R-036 have been |bk 1 for parish history; Commemorative |on history, notes on history. Not the |

| | |combined into one file |booklets in P folder |deeds and the booklets |

|Pe |R-017 |History of town of Ashford; Ashford Town Board Officials, 1849-1874; founding of |All, LHS bk 25 |All |

| | |Campbellsport; Info on Stuart Campbell; Small amount of census data from 1853 & 1870 | | |

|Pe |R-020 |Lists of Community Dentists, Optometrists, Surgeons, Doctors, Chiropractors, Veterinarians,|All, LHS bk 21 |All |

| | |Justice of the Peace, Lawyers, Auto Agencies, Barber Shops, Real Estate, and Insurance | | |

| | |Companies | | |

|Pe |R-022 |Business People & Places of Campbellsport, 1847-1874 (Names, Year they came to area, Place|All, in LHS bk 8 |All |

| | |from which they came, Type of Business) | | |

|Pe |R-023 |Early history of area; Undated Plat Maps of Auburn, Ashford, Eden, and Osceola Townships; |All, plus brief index, LHS bk 23 |All |

| | |Broad Variety of Topics about Ashford Township, including businesses, doctors, farmers, | | |

| | |taverns & stores, cheese factories, mills, land owners, small segments about churches and | | |

| | |cemeteries (St. Kilian, St. Martin, Evangelical, Old German Methodist, Private cemeteries, | | |

| | |German Reformed of Elmore, Senn Family Cemetery, Evangelical Smitzer, Gudex, and Union. No| | |

| | |burials are listed) | | |

|Pe |R-025 |Campbellsport High School & Grade School Teachers, 1935-1986 Staff for some elementary |All, P folder |None (May request photo-copy) |

| | |schools, and some neighboring schools: Eden, Dotyville, and ElderGrove. | | |

|Pe |R-026 |Chronological list of Owners of Businesses, Farms, and Homes in Ashford and Auburn |Burials in CS bk7. Other material in |All. Burials also in Cemetery Data Base |

| | |Townships; Churches, Small list of deaths & burials from 1850s & 1860s, church name not |LHS bk 28 | |

| | |given, but it is Trinity Evangelical Lutheran Church, also known as Buffalo Unity (north of| | |

| | |Kewaskum); Early History of Ashford and Auburn Townships; Mills, ponds, and lakes; Schools;| | |

| | |Early Doctors; Postmasters; St. Kilian | | |

|Pe |R-029 |St. Martin’s (Ashford), Elmore Reformed Congregation, Register of the Dead, 1858-1888, |All See also Cemetery Series, Books |All |

| | |Gudex, Rauch, and Deutsche Bisch Methodist Cemeteries; Biography of Rev. Matt. Heigl; Town |2,3, & 7 | |

| | |of Ashford Business Places |For Business places see LHS Bk 20 | |

|Pe |R-035 |Business People of Campbellsport, pages 1-80 | (Folder missing) |None |

|Pe |R-039 |Early history of Campbellsport. History of businesses and business people, and of |All, LHS bk 26 |All |

| | |buildings and properties. Often gives information commonly found in abstracts. History of | | |

| | |area Roads, the Dam and Mill Pond, and Mills. Short biography of Stuart Campbell. | | |

|Pe |R-041 |History of Town of Auburn (Crouchville); Traces the ownership of businesses/property and |All, Patron folder |None |

| | |people who operated them or lived there; Legal descriptions; Newspaper photo of Seering and| | |

| | |Curram Store, 1920; Wm Folts first veterinarian; Dams; Chamber of Commerce | | |

|Pe |R-047 |Reese’s field notes on individuals and some businesses; Short biographies on numerous |All, P folder plus index, in LHS bk11 |Index only |

| | |Campbellsport area people – births, deaths, activities during life, with special focus on | | |

| | |businesses; histories of a few businesses. The Index usually lists only original owner of a| | |

| | |business; subsequent owners’ names are listed in these notes, but not in the Index | | |

|Pe |R-048 |Notebook with Broad variety of topics, especially about professional people, by |All, P folder, plus Index in LHS Bk. 18,|Index only |

| | |occupation/profession; schools; churches; buildings | | |

|Pe |R-052 |History of the Town of Auburn, businesses, lakes, roads, churches, bridges, early history, |All (photo-copy of original) plus index,|Index |

| | |early settlers, property ownership with legal descriptions, early postal service |in LHS bk 3 | |

|Pe |R-060 |Booklet: Camping with Father Fischer; camp for groups of boys |Booklet, P folder |None |

|Pe |R-061 |Crouchville School, Columbus School; history, teachers |All, LHS bk 20 |All |

|Pe |R-062 |Short biographies of many farmers and businessmen, most from Ashford and Auburn Townships |All, plus Index in LHS bk.6 & 7 |Index only |

|Pe |R-067 |The contents of this folder appear to be research requests and Mr. Reese’s responses to |All, Patron folder |None |

| | |them. Broad variety of topics, but most deal with people. | | |

|Pe |R-074 |History of THE CAMPBELLSPORT NEWS; obit of Harlow Roate, long-time publisher; photo of Mr. |All, in LHS bk 20 |All, including picture of Mr. Roate |

| | |Roate |See also Photo collection | |

|Pe |R-078 |Bicentennial materials (1976); Order of worship for funeral of Congressman William Steiger |All, in P folder |None |

| | |of Oshkosh, Dec. 7, 1978; news clipping showing future development of property NE corner | | |

| | |bordered by Helena and Mill Streets (no date) | | |

|Pe |R-089 |Two Histories of Campbellsport area and its people, by Yankow (1964) and Weld (1955); |All, in LHS bk 17 |All |

| | |clipping quoting 1888-1889 Wisconsin State Gazetteer and Business Directory | | |

|Pe |R-090 |Photocopy of a number of articles about Dr. Nicholas Senn (One seems to be from Who’s Who.)|Photocopy of all; in comb-bound book: |Copies by request |

| | | |LHS bk 17 | |

|Pe |R-091 |Jaeger Home & Appliance; Dr. Nicholas Senn; the John Senn farm; Dr. Hausman (an obit?); |All, LHS Bk. 27 |All except brochure and news clipping |

| | |History of Elmore – Ashford Station (also called Leglerville); Old Ironsides Corporation | | |

|Pe |R-099 |Short biographies of early settlers of the area, taken from the 1880 HISTORY OF FOND DU LAC|All, plus index of names in LHS 10 |Index of names |

| | |COUNTY and the 1912 history of Fond du Lac County, by McKenna | | |

|Pe |R-100 |Short biographies of early settlers of Ashford and Auburn Townships, arranged more or less |All, plus index of names. |Index of names |

| | |alphabetically (end of the alphabet) |LHS bk 10 | |

|Pe |R-101 |Short biographies of early settlers of Ashford and Auburn Townships, arranged more or less |All, plus index of names in LHS 10 |Index of names only |

| | |alphabetically, middle of the alphabet | | |

|Pe |R-106 |Campbellsport Volunteer Fire Department : Members, Officers, Constitution and By-Laws, 6 |All, in LHS bk 4 |None |

| | |Resolutions. | | |

| | |See alsoR-004, R-021, R-050, and R-069. | | |

|Pe |R-107 |160-page notebook (fair to poor condition) of Mr. Reese’s field notes: traces ownership of |All, P folder, plus index in LHS bk 21. |Index only |

| | |specific block and lot numbers, brief biographies or facts about people, info on early | | |

| | |history of the area . Businesses; Plat maps; Post offices; Dams, mills, and mill ponds; | | |

| | |Lakes, Cheese factories; Electricity and telephone; coopers; Vineyards; Geology; Clinics; | | |

| | |Doctors; Flood of 1924 | | |

|Pe |R-116 |RAINBOW BASEBALL LEAGUE: TENTH ANNIVERSARY. Booklet printed in 1944 honoring the 10th |All, in P folder |None |

| | |anniversary of the Rainbow Baseball League. Includes pictures of many local servicemen who | | |

| | |were in the armed service between 1934 and 1944, including a number who died in action. 48| | |

| | |pages | | |

|Pe |S-01 |Scrapbook of the Reunion of the 1942 graduating class of Campbellsport High School. |All |See F-40 for the obituaries found in S-01 |

| | |Assembled by Fern Johnson (Mrs. Jerome Kreif). The scrapbook contains a number of obits. | | |

| | |See F-40 for a copy of these obits. Surnames for the obits are: Baumann, Baumhardt, Berg, | | |

| | |Thelen, Glass, Huenink, Scheid, Reilly, Bleck, Dickman, Beisbier, Burns, Marski, Ringland, | | |

| | |and Martin. In addition to the scrapbook itself, there is also an expansion folder of | | |

| | |The latter packet of materials has been assigned the number S-01a. | | |

|Pe |S-01a |Organizational materials related to the Reunion of the Campbellsport High School graduating|All |None |

| | |class of 1942 | | |

|Property Ownership: This is similar to an abbreviated abstract. It focuses on a specific plot of land, listing the succession of owners, sometimes including uses of the land/property. The Reese|

|Collection contains quite a few folders on that topic. Both rural and city/town records can be found here. In the case of rural plots, the legal description is usually given. In the case of |

|the towns, block and lot number are given. Plat maps from the 1893 Atlas of Fond du Lac County (item number AP-01) are provided for some towns to help researchers determine the exact location. |

| |

|Cat |# | |Onsite viewing |Online viewing |

|PO |AP-01 |Laminated plats of the following townships: Ashford, Auburn, Osceola, Forest, Eden, and |All |Plat of the villages only, not the |

| | |Empire. Plats of following villages: Elmore (known as Ashford at that time); St. Kilian, | |townships |

| | |Dundee, New Prospect (Jersey), New Fane (Eblesville), Eden, Waucousta, Campbellsport, and | | |

| | |New Cassel – from 1893 ATLAS OF FOND DU LAC COUNTY | | |

|PO |F-08 |Federal Land Patents. Brief history and explanation of how land in southeastern Wisconsin |All, P folder |Use web address for this and further info |

| | |passed from US ownership to speculators to settlers. Taken from Fond du Lac County Local | | |

| | |History web site: . There is a link | | |

| | |for Auburn Township which gives names of patentees and much patent info, as well as maps | | |

| | |showing location of land patents | | |

|PO |B-128 |Bound copies of TIME: THE WEEKLY NEWS MAGAZINE, January 7, 1924 through January 30, 1924 |All |None |

| | |(23 magazines) | | |

|PO |B-176 |PLOUGHS AMONG THE ESKERS, a Story of the Settlement of the Kettle Moraine, by Bernard L. |All |None |

| | |Michaels, published by Bernard L. Michaels, 1995. 81 pages | | |

|PO |R-001 |Business places in Waucousta & Osceola; churches in Waucousta area; people of |All, LHS bk 1 |All |

| | |Campbellsport; history of Campbellsport | | |

|PO |R-008 |Traces record of property ownership and use, with legal description (block and lot #s) of |All, LHS bk 29 |All |

| | |the property mainly for New Cassel and Campbellsport; information on dams, mills, and | | |

| | |ponds; includes biographical info and info on businesses. Gives good sense of general | | |

| | |history of Campbellsport; Flood of 1924 | | |

|PO |R-023 |Early history of area; Undated Plat Maps of Auburn, Ashford, Eden, and Osceola Townships; |All, plus brief index, LHS bk 23 |All |

| | |Broad Variety of Topics about Ashford Township, including businesses, doctors, farmers, | | |

| | |taverns & stores, cheese factories, mills, land owners, small segments about churches and | | |

| | |cemeteries (St. Kilian, St. Martin, Evangelical, Old German Methodist, Private cemeteries, | | |

| | |German Reformed of Elmore, Senn Family Cemetery, Evangelical Smitzer, Gudex, and Union. No| | |

| | |burials are listed) | | |

|PO |R-026 |Chronological list of Owners of Businesses, Farms, and Homes in Ashford and Auburn |All, LHS bk 28 |All. Burials also in Cemetery Data Base. |

| | |Townships; Churches, Small list of deaths & burials from 1850s & 1860s, church name not |Burial also in CS bk 7 |Click on the word “burials” in the |

| | |given, but it is Trinity Evangelical Lutheran Church, also known as Buffalo Unity (north of| |description column |

| | |Kewaskum); Early History of Ashford and Auburn Townships; Mills, ponds, and lakes; Schools;| | |

| | |Early Doctors; Postmasters; St. Kilian | | |

|PO |R-039 |Early history of Campbellsport. History of businesses and business people, and of |All, LHS bk 26 |All |

| | |buildings and properties. Often gives information commonly found in abstracts. History of | | |

| | |area Roads, the Dam and Mill Pond, and Mills. Short biography of Stuart Campbell. | | |

|PO |R-041 |History of Town of Auburn (Crouchville); Traces the ownership of businesses/property and |All, Patron folder |None |

| | |people who operated them or lived there; Legal descriptions; Newspaper photo of Seering and| | |

| | |Curram Store, 1920; Wm Folts first veterinarian; Dams; Chamber of Commerce | | |

|PO |R-049 |Auburn & Ashford Townships: broad variety of topics, including Board Officials 1845-1988, |All, plus Index are in P folder; Index |Index only |

| | |census data, postal service info, Pony Express and Stagecoach, businesses, halls, |is also in LHS bk 2 | |

| | |restaurants, histories of churches and cemeteries (but no burial lists), lakes and ponds, | | |

| | |doctors, property owners, list of area farmers in 1862, and more | | |

|PO |R-050 |Variety of topics: history of dams, ownership of lots in New Cassel (See AP-01 for map of |All, in P folder, plus Index, in LHS bk|Index only |

| | |New Cassel showing block and lot numbers), businesses, firemen and Firemen’s Park |2 | |

|PO |R-052 |History of the Town of Auburn, businesses, lakes, roads, churches, bridges, early history, |All (photo-copy of original) plus index,|Index |

| | |early settlers, property ownership with legal descriptions, early postal service |in LHS bk 3 | |

|PO |R-054 |Founding of Campbellsport; Stuart Campbell, Jacob Haessley, Ernest Martin, and other early |All, LHS bk 12 |All |

| | |settlers; Crouchville postmasters; Original plats with legal descriptions; Buildings; | | |

| | |Traces the history of Campbellsport through the history of a number of area businesses; the| | |

| | |flood of 1924; Refers to pictures, but there are none in the file; telephone service | | |

|PO |R-056 |Osceola Township: property ownership with legal descriptions, farms, businesses, history. |All, LHS bk 27 |All |

| | |Contains a very brief amount on Mitchell Cemetery in Osceola Township, with the William | | |

| | |Mitchell data. There is also a reference to E C Airhart being buried in a private cemetery| | |

| | |in Osceola Township. There is one paragraph on history of churches in Eden Township. | | |

|PO |R-059 |Senn Family information from Federal Census of 1860, 1870, and 1880. Penmanship often |All, P folder |None |

| | |difficult to read. Abbreviations not explained | | |

|PO |R-107 |160-page notebook (fair to poor condition) of Mr. Reese’s field notes: traces ownership of |All, P folder, plus index, in LHS bk 21|Index only |

| | |specific block and lot numbers, brief biographies or facts about people, info on early | | |

| | |history of the area . Businesses; Plat maps; Post offices; Dams, mills, and mill ponds; | | |

| | |Lakes, Cheese factories; Electricity and telephone; coopers; Vineyards; Geology; Clinics; | | |

| | |Doctors; Flood of 1924 | | |

|PO |R-108 |Union Cemetery, Deed Readings of Land Purchase; Additions to Villages of Campbellsport and |All, P folder |None |

| | |New Cassel. The latter consists of 3 large heavy-duty cardboard charts showing the | | |

| | |following additions: Campbell’s Original, Campbell’s Out Lots, Rhodes Addition, Van | | |

| | |Blarcom’s Addition, Schurck’s, Senft’s, E.L. Peck’s, and Ludin Crouch Additions | | |

|Public Services: Examples: police, fire, libraries, parks, Chamber of Commerce |

|Cat |# | |Onsite viewing |Online viewing |

|PS |A-001 |Postage stamp. “United States Postage 10 cents Monroe”. 1930’s. Used. Postmarked with|All |None |

| | |the shape of an eye | | |

|PS |A-002 |Postage stamp. “1 ½ cents Harding United States Postage” 1930’s. Used. Postmarked |All |None |

| | |Chicago, IL | | |

|PS |A-003 |Postage stamp. “1 ½ cents Harding United States Postage” 1930’s. Used. Postmarked |All |None |

| | |Chicago, IL | | |

|PS |A-004 |Postage stamp. “1 ½ cents Harding United States Postage” 1930’s. Used. Postmarked |All |None |

| | |Kansas city, MO. | | |

|PS |A-005 |Postage stamp. “11 cents Hayes United States Postage” 1930? Used Postmarked with the |All |None |

| | |shape of an eye | | |

|PS |A-006 |Postage stamp. “Washington 2 cents United States Postage” 1930’s?? Possibly used. No |All |None |

| | |obvious postmark | | |

|PS |A-007 |Postage stamp. “1 cent Franklin United States Postage” 1930’s? Used. Partial |All |None |

| | |circular postmark in lower left corner | | |

|PS |B-120 |Visiting Our Past: America’s History Lands, National Geographic Society, 1977, 400 pages. |All |None |

| | |Covers a broad variety of topics. Donated by Fond du Lac County Historical Society, | | |

| | |Summer, 2006 | | |

|PS |B-158 |Financial Record of the Campbellsport Public Library, January, 1928 – September, 1947. |All |None |

| | |Donated by Mothers club | | |

|PS |F-38 |THE CAMPBELLSPORT NEWS, Thursday, June 30, 1960. entire issue. Includes history of the |All. In Oversize Box 1 |None (But see F-39 for article on Fire |

| | |fire department, which has ben put online (See F-39). Has been deacidified. | |Department.) |

|PS |F-39 |History of the Campbellsport Volunteer Fire Department, from THE CAMPBELLSPORT NEWS, June |All, in LHS Book 30 |All |

| | |30, 1960, by Henry Weld | | |

|PS |F-41 |This folder contains a variety of items (most are ephemera), which was found after most |All |None |

| | |other processing was completed: Safety Booklet, published by Fond du Lac county Highway | | |

| | |Police (no publication date, but appears to be early 1940s); program for Open house, | | |

| | |Campbellsport Public Library, November, 1975; a lithograph from the 1874 Atlas of Fond du | | |

| | |Lac County, showing mill and residence of J.H. Reysen, New Cassel; 2 flyers about the US | | |

| | |Bicentennial; a copy of FIRST MONDAY, Vol. 11, # 1 (1981, Republican National Committee); | | |

| | |single sheet titled THE ORIGIN OF OUR FLAG and THE FIRST PRAYER IN CONGRESS; picture of | | |

| | |“First Capitol” – the building where the Wisconsin Territorial Legislature held session in | | |

| | |1836, in Belmont, Wisconsin; newspaper article on when Liberty Bell first rang, July 8, | | |

| | |1876; newspaper article and pictures of cartoons by Paul Revere (published in June, 1774),| | |

| | |and Benjamin Franklin (published May 9, 1754); single page article (source not given) | | |

| | |titled THE PRICE THEY PAID, tells what happened to the men who signed the Declaration of | | |

| | |Independence; 4 issues of LANDMARKS OF LIBERTY, published during the US bicentennial by | | |

| | |Liberty Glass Company, of Sapulpa. Oklahoma | | |

|PS |R-004 |Campbellsport Fire Department: History, Equipment purchase record 1905-1978; Members and |All, LHS bk 19 |A few pages – summary of history |

| | |chiefs 1904-1982; Minutes of Meetings 1918-1929 | | |

| | |See also R-021, R-050, R-069, and R-106. | | |

|PS |R-005 |Development of Northern Kettle Moraine Park, by Jeanne Marchant and Roderick Reese |All, LHS bk 1 |All |

|PS |R-021 |First Fire Department Picnic, First Village Hall, Astonishing News Items, Early Postal |All, in LHS bk 21 |All |

| | |Service, Businesses, Various Groups, Roads, Government, Electrical Services… A small folder| | |

| | |with a great variety of topics. Some papers may have been in other folders. For Fire | | |

| | |Dept., see also R-004, R-050, R-069, and R-106. | | |

|PS |R-030 |Postal Services; Electricity; Early History; Cheese Factories |All, LHS bk2, plus Patron Folder |All |

|PS |R-033 |Deals with a very broad variety of topics: Businesses, churches, cemeteries, geology, |All |Index only |

| | |sports groups, railroads and other roads, conservation projects, and Kettle Moraine Park; |Indexed, LHS bk 22 | |

| | |Ice Age Center. Index plus photocopy of original | | |

|PS |R-048 |Notebook with Broad variety of topics, especially about professional people, by |All, P folder, plus Index in LHS Bk 18,|Index only |

| | |occupation/profession; schools; churches; buildings | | |

|PS |R-049 |Auburn & Ashford Townships: broad variety of topics, including Board Officials 1845-1988, |All, P folder, plus Index in LHS bk. 2 |Index only |

| | |census data, postal service info, Pony Express and Stagecoach, businesses, halls, | | |

| | |restaurants, histories of churches and cemeteries (but no burial lists), lakes and ponds, | | |

| | |doctors, property owners, list of area farmers in 1862, and more | | |

|PS |R-061 |Crouchville School, Columbus School; history, teachers |All, LHS bk 20 |All |

|PS |R-069 |Fire Department; picture of firemen, with names identified (1967); Names of firemen |All, LHS bk 14 |All, including picture |

| | |1938-1968; Conservation, Projects; Boy Scout Masters See also R-004, R-021, R-050, and | | |

| | |R-106 for information on Fire Department | | |

|PS |R-074 |History of THE CAMPBELLSPORT NEWS; obit of Harlow Roate, long-time publisher; photo of Mr. |All, LHS bk 20. See also photo |All, including picture of Mr. Roate |

| | |Roate |collection | |

|PS |R-086 |Campbellsport Public Library Architectural Plans |All, LHS bk 17 |Verbal material, but no graphic plans or |

| | | | |news clippings |

|PS |R-087 |Chamber of Commerce, Women’s Club, History of Long Lake, Town of Ashford Farmers |All, in LHS bk. 17. Brochures can be |All except brochures |

| | | |found in separate P folder marked R-087 | |

|PS |R-106 |Campbellsport Volunteer Fire Department : Members, Officers, Constitution and By-Laws, 6 |All, in LHS bk 4 |None |

| | |Resolutions. | | |

| | |See alsoR-004, R-021, R-050, and R-069. | | |

|PS |R-113 |Updating information on the Chamber of Commerce, 1946-1986. Includes booklet titled COMPARE|All, P folder |None |

| | |WISCONSIN. | | |

|PS |R-117 |Record of Library Board Activities, 1938-1961. Number of books withdrawn for given |All, P folder |None |

| | |periods, usually a month. Finances. | | |


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