Cambridge checkpoint science coursebook 9 pdf download pdf free full

Cambridge checkpoint science coursebook 9 pdf download pdf free full

I'm gonna go I'm gonna go Called Checkpoint. This book will help you learn to be a good scientist, and to do well in the tests. The main areas of science The book is divided into three main sections, each dealing with one of the three main areas of science. These are: Biology ? the study of the living organisms Chemistry ? the study of the substances of which the Earth and the rest of the Universe are physical facts ? the study of the nature and properties of matter, energy and strength. There are no sharp dividing lines between these three branches of science. You'll find a lot of overlap between them. Learn to be a scientist During your course so far, you have learned many facts and information. You've also been learning to think like a scientist. You have learned to observe carefully, and how to do experiments to try to find answers to questions. You have learned to record the results, and how to use them to make a conclusion. This book will help you keep improving these skills. When you see this SE symbol, it means that the task will help you develop your scientific research skills. Using Your Knowledge It is important to learn scientific facts and ideas as you go through your scientific course. But it is so important to be able to use these facts and ideas. When you see this A+I symbol, it means you are asked to use your knowledge to resolve an answer. You'll have to think hard about finding the answer for yourself, using the science you've learned. (A+I means Applications and Implications.) 3 Contents Introduction 3 Unit of Biology 1 1.1 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 plants Mineral salts for plants Plants and water Flowers Pollution Fertilization Fruits End of unit questions 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 Unit 2 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 2.7 2.8 2.9 Plant adaptations sen??icalboP sen??icalboP serotisopmoceD ocit??grene ojulf y sotnemila ed sedeR a- ?golocE selamina ed 1.01 dadicirtcelE 01 dadinU 831 631 431 231 031 621 421 221 021 dadinu al ed satnugerp sal ed laniF sotnemom odnaluclaC sotnemom sol ed oipicnirp lE azreuf anu ed orig ed otcefe lE sodiuq?l y sesag ne n??iserP n??iserp ed solucl??C n??iserP n??iserP dadisned ed solucl??C dadisned ed solucl??C dadisned n??icideM dadisned ed aedi aL on3.9 2.9 acis?F ed aicnerefer ed ecidn? 811 611 311 011 801 601 401 201 001 89 69 49 29 88 68 48 28 08 87 67 47 27 86 66 46 26 06 sairatinu satnugerp sal ed laniF sazilataC n??iccaer ed asat al y n??icartnecnoC n??iccaer ed asat al y arutarepmeT n??iccaer ed asat al y eicifrepuS n??iccaer ed asat al ne soibmaC senoiccaer ed asat al ed n??icideM n??iccaer ed sasaT sairatinu satnugerp sal ed niF ?socimr??todne o socimr??toxE?? socimr??todne sosecorP sacimr??toxe senoiccaer s??M rameuQ socit??grene soibmaC 4 6.8 5.8 4.8 3.8 2.8 1.8 8 dadinU dadinu al ed satnugerp sal ed laniF n??icazilartuen rop selas odnamroF 4.7 sodic?? y socil??tem sotanobraC 3.7 odic?? y latem noc las anu ed n??icaraperP 2.7 ?las anu se ??uQ?? 1.7 stlaS 7 dadinU dadinu ed satnugerp ed laniF otneimazalpsed ed senoiccaer odnasU 6.6 otneimazalpsed ed senoiccaeR 5.6 dadivitcaer ed eires aL 4.6 odiulid odic?? noc selatem ed senoiccaeR 3.6 auga ne selatem ed senoiccaeR 2.6 oneg?xo noc senoiccaer sus y selateM 1.6 dadivitcaeR 6 dadinU 4.5 3.5 2.5 1.5 5 dadinU dadinu ed lanif ed satnugerP sopurg sorto sonugla ne saicnedneT 4.4 1 opurG le ne saicnedneT 3.4 omot?? led arutcurtse al erbos s??M 2.4 omot?? led arutcurtse aL 1.4 selairetam sedadeiporP 4 dadinU acim?uQ 85 65 45 25 05 84 64 44 24 dadinu al ed satnugerp sal ed laniF niwraD selrahC n??icca ne larutan n??icceleS avitceles n??iccudorpeR aicnereh al erbos s??M aicnerehnI n??icairaV syeK aicnereh y n??icairaV 8.3 7.3 6.3 5.3 4.3 3.3 2.3 1.3 3 tinU 04 83 43 23 03 82 62 42 22 dadinu al ed satnugerp sal ed niF etneibma oidem led n??iccetorP tatib??h led n??iccurtseD electricity 10.2 Positive and negative charge 10.3 Electrons on the move 10.4 Conductors and insulators 10.5 Electric current in a circuit 10.6 Understanding electric current 10.7 Changing circuits 1 10.8 Changing circuits 2 10.9 Components in parallel End of unit questions 140 142 144 146 148 150 152 154 156 158 Unit 11 Energy 11.1 How we use energy 11.2 Fossil fuels 11.3 Renewables and non-renewables 11.4 Conduction of heat 11.5 Convection 11.6 Radiation 11.7 Evaporation End of unit questions 160 162 164 166 168 170 172 174 5 1.1 Plant organs Photosynthesis Photosynthesis is the way that plants make food. They use carbon dioxide and water to make glucose and oxygen. Photosynthesis is a chemical reaction. We can summarise it using a word equation: carbon dioxide + water ???? glucose + oxygen Energy transfer The photosynthesis reaction needs a supply of energy to make it happen. This energy comes from light. During photosynthesis, the plant????s leaves absorb the energy of light. The energy is stored in the glucose that is made. The glucose is a store of chemical potential energy. cell wall cell surface membrane cytoplasm vacuole nucleus chloroplast containing chlorophyll Photosynthesis happens inside the chloroplasts in a palisade cell like this one. Questions 1 Think back to (remember) what you have already learnt about photosynthesis. a Where do plants get carbon dioxide from? b Where do plants get water from? 2 Explain why photosynthesis only takes place inside chloroplasts. Storing carbohydrates Glucose is a sugar. Sugars belong to a group of chemicals called carbohydrates. Plants usually make much more glucose than they need to use immediately. They store some of it to use later. But they do not store it as glucose. Glucose is soluble in water, which makes it difficult to store inside a cell. Instead, the plant changes some of the glucose into a different kind of carbohydrate ???? starch. A starch molecule is JQLVX HGL[ RLG QREUDF GQD UHWDZ JQLWFDHU \ E QHJ \[ R GQD HVRFXOJ IR QRLWFXGRUS HKW VL VLVHKWQ \ vrWrK3 ?? etnemavi nemuseR .n??dimla neneitnoc odunem a sajoh sal ??uq rop euqilpxE 4A .odireh aes neiugla euq ed ogseir le ricuder arap 2 osaP le ne etsicih euq sasoc sod ebircseD 3A .odoy ed n??iculos noc alraborp ed setna ,ajoh al ed edrev roloc le ranimile lit?? euf ??uq rop ereigus 2A .odoy ed n??iculos al noc raborp ed setna esrivreh a?bed ajoh al ??uq rop euqilpxE 1A satnugerP 5 3 1 .luza luza ??revlov es ,n??dimla n??gla eneitnoc ajoh al iS .ajoh al a odoy ed n??iculos ragerga sedeup arohA 5 .ociasom nu erbos ajoh al adneitxE .alrazivaus arap auga le ne alagr??mus y lonate led ajoh al acas ,odilas ah roloc led etrap royam al euq saerc odnauC 4 .lonate la ,ajoh al ed odneilas )aliforolc( edrev roloc le ??reV .lonate le ne ajoh al noP .etneilac yum auga ed sodatipicerp ed osav le ne oyasne ed obut le etropoS .oyasne ed obut nu ne lonate ed ogla egoceR 3 .odarragsed etnemlic??f y evaus yum ??res :evaus aeS .auga led ajoh al eriter ,)saznip( saznip odnasU .elbamalfni yum se lonate le y ,osap etneiugis le ne lonate rasu a sav euqrop etnatropmi se otsE .utir?pse ed rodameuq o nesnuB rodameuq us eugapA 2 .ajoh al ed salul??c sal ed rodederla seralulec sanarbmem sal ??rdnopmocsed otsE .odneivrih auga la ajoh anu eugergA .sodatipicerp ed osav nu ne auga ed ocop nu rivreH 1 .ajoh al ed salul??c sal ed seralulec sanarbmem sal rasevarta edeup on odoy ed n??iculos aL .ajoh al ed salul??c sal ed ortned ??tse n??dimla le euqrop ,ajoh ed ojabart nu a odoy ed n??iculos al eugerga olos oreP .odoy ed n??iculos al odnasu n??dimla le raborp somedop euq ??radrocer detsU n??dimla arap ajoh anu ed abeurP 1.1 sisetn?sotof ed dadivitcA 1.1 satnalP 1 6 .lategev alul??c al ne sotsalporolc sol ed ortned ,selbulosni sonarg omoc nadeuq eS .auga ne esrevlosid arap sednarg odaisamed nos n??dimla ed saluc??lom saL .agral anedac anu ne sadinu asoculg ed saluc??lom ed selim ed \ Iurp Olkww wisle 3odqwv r? nut fkdqjh vrph ri wkh joxfrvh lqwr vwdufk iru vwrudjh ivamente ivamente FHOO PHPEUDQHV 1 Plants 7 1.2 Mineral rooms for plants Farmers and gardeners often add fertilizers to the ground where their crops are growing. Fertilizers provide mineral salts, which make plants bigger and healthy. Although fertilizers are expensive, the cost for farmers is exceeded by the extra money they can get for their harvest. What are the fertilizers? Fertilizers contain mineral salts. These are substances that plants usually get from the ground. But often the soil does not contain enough types of mineral salts, which prevents plants from growing as large and as strong as they could. This farmer in Indonesia is giving fertilizer to its growing rice plants. Plants need many different types of mineral salts. Two of the most important are nitrate and magnesium. Nitrate is needed so the plant can make proteins. You will remember that proteins are nutrients that living organisms need to make new cells. A plant that does not have enough nitrate can not make enough proteins, so it cannot make enough new cells to grow well. Nitrate is also needed to make chlorophyll. If a plant doesn't have enough nitrate, it will turn yellow instead of green. The plants that have less nitrate are atrophied (small) and yellow. Magnesium is also necessary to make chlorophyll. So, a scarcity of magnesium makes plant leaves yellow. This tomato leaf shows symptoms of magnesium deficiency. 8 1 plants 1.2 mineral salts for plants questions a+i 1 Give two examples of mineral salts that need plants. 2 Explain why a plant that has not enough magnesium will not grow well. 3 Think about what you know about the roots of plants. How to absorb mineral salt plantsground? Activity 1.2 Investigating the effect of fertilizers on plant growth is a small plant that grows on the surface of the ponds and lakes. Each plant is formed by a leaf-shaped structure, often with small roots hung in the water.hcihw , Melyx dellac , sebut gnol stnalp taht rebmemer yam uoy tropsnart rof retlaw .detliw sah ti taht yas ew ?nseod llec tnalp a nehw .Derew saw ti retfa .Syad eerht .syad eerht rof derreb ton sah tfel eht tffel eht .Detroppus-llew dna mriftwew Ekam dn rehto hcae tsniaga tuo sserp yeht ,siht ekil era tnalp a ni sllec eht lla nehW .mrif dna gnorts si retaw fo ytnelp sah taht llec tnalp A .seloucav rieht edisni yllaicepse ,retaw fo tol a niatnoc sllec tnalP .thgirpu dnats ot meht spleh ti ?"?? RETAW DEEN STNALP Yhw Nosaer Eno Swohs Hpargotohp Eht Troppus Rof Retaw .ylraluger Meht Ret A ot deen uoy , stop is stop worg uoy fi HNdd rw pxlvhqjp ghhq vwqdo3 1/4 ? kwzruj uri voohf zhq Hndp rw ghghhq hud kf KZ vqlhwrus hndr rw hwdulq vwqdo3 ?1/4 ? yammus .meht yalpsid yalpsid yam uoy .ylraelc stluser , stluser , stluser ruoy evak skeew lareves ekat yam ti sa OT EVAH LIW Uoy .Tnemirepxe Ruoy Pu Tes Nac Uoy ,nac uoy , os f ?tnemirepxe ruoy ?siht ?erusam ?Emasam ?Emasm. Selbairav Tahwt egnahc uoy a ?tnemirepxe reuy ?tnemirepxe ruoy I'm not sure if I'm going to be able to do that, but I'm sure I'm going to be able to do that. uoy wohs liw reruy .deewkcud fo htworg fo etar eht stceffa resilitref woth noitagitsevni na nalp .Emit .Emit . Fo doirep niatrec I'm not sure if this is true or not, but I'm sure it's true. lliw ,Retaw emos t tnalp dewkcud elgnis a dda uoy Water from the roots to the leaves. There are dissolved mineral salts in the water, and so it is how they are transported around the plant. Water for cooling when the water in the xylem enters the leaves, extends through each sheet. Some of them evaporate in the air spaces inside the sheet. When the water evaporates, it absorbs the rich energy. This cooled the environment. The water that evaporates inside a plant sheet helps keep the plant fresh. This is really important for plants that live in very hot environments. Water steam stoma most of the water that is taken by the roots of a plant eventually lost its sheets in the form of water vapor. 10 1 plants 1.3 Plants and water for photosynthesis Water is one of the reactionaries in photosynthesis. Water is combined with carbon dialog, inside chloroplasts, to make glucose and oxygen. In fact, only a very small proportion of the water taken by the roots of a plant is used in photosynthesis. Questions 1 Explain why a plant withers if it does not have water (lacquer). 2 How does water help a plant to keep calm? 3 Soil water is absorbed by a plant. Finally, it ends in the air as water vapor. List the parts of the plant that passes on this trip. The water vapor that spreads from the plant leaves helps keep the air. Activity 1.3 Waterpart from plants 1 collects two very similar plants in pots. Make sure both have a host soil. Cover the two pots with planning bags as shown in the diagrams. 2 Measure the mass of each plant in its pot, using a superior balance of the pan. Record this Mass. 3 Each day for the next week, measures the mass of each plant in its pot again. Try to do this at the same time every day. Record all your readings in a results table. 4 When you have finished all your sotse sotse is raborpmoc araP .odiuq?l ed satog sa??euqep rartnocne edeuP .atnalp al erbuc euq ocits??lp ed aslob al ed roiretni le etnemasodadiuc arim aL eluvo yravo lapes tnemnemats olitse rehtna latep amgitse .soninemef sotemag y sonilucsam sogeuj necudorp satnalp sahcum ,selamina sol ed aicnerefid A .soiravo sol ed ortned n??tse euq ,soluvo sol ed ortned n??tse soninemef serodaguj soL .rolf al ed sonilucsam sotemag sol eneitnoc nelop lE .srehtna sol ne sodicudorp ,nelop sol ed sonugla remoc nedeup n??ibmaT .solat??p sol ed esab al ne odicudorp odaracuza y eclud ratc??n ed natnemila es seva o sotcesni soL .setnallirb seroloc ed sertsevlis serolF .sotcesni rearta a naduya n??ibmat euq ,)sa??euqep( serolo necudorp serolf sanuglA .rolf al a seva o sotcesni neartA .rolf al ed adiroloc s??m etrap al etnemlareneg nos solat??p soL .sarim euq serolf sal ed a?royam al ne setrap samsim sal rartnocne sedeup etnemlareneg oreP .setnerefid so??amat y samrof ed opit odot ne neneiv serolF rolf anu ed setrap saL .satnalp sal ed sovitcudorper sonagr?? sol nos serolf saL .esricudorper a satnalp sal a naduya seva y sotcesni sol euqrop necah oL .seva y sotcesni rearta arap etnallirb roloc ed nos serolf saL ?sadiroloc nat nos serolf sal ??uq roP?? .etnallirb roloc ed nos serolf sahcuM .odneicerc sertsevlis serolf artseum a?fargotof aL serolF 4.1 11 satnalP 1 UXRSDYUHWDZVDVHYDHOV??WQDOS HWIRWXRVHVX??LG\OODXWQHYH VWRRUHKW\ESXQHNDWUHWDZHKWIRWVR0 ?? VLVHKWQ\VRWRKSGQD WURSVQDUWJQLORRFWURSSXVURIUHWDZGHQ VWQDO3 ?? nemuseR .satnalp sod sal ed sodatluser sol ertne saicnerefid sal ed senozar sal racilpxE .ocits??lp ed aslob al ed roiretni le ne sadamrof auga ed satog sal ??uq rop euqilpxE .satecam sus ne satnalp sod sal ne asam al ne oibmac le erapmoC ?omsim ol etsadraug selbairav ??uQ?? ?otnemirepxe etse ne etsaibmac euq elbairav al are l??uC?? 5A 4A 3A 2A 1A satnugerP .atnalp adac arap anu ? ocif??rg omsim le ne saen?l sod rajubid sa?rdoP .sodatluser sus rartsom arap aen?l ed ocif??rg nu ajubiD 5 .odasor ??res lepap le ,auga se odiuq?l le iS .luza otlaboc ed orurolc ed lepap n??gla noc solle ed onu a acot ,auga from a flower. 12 1 Plants 1.4 Flowers A+I Questions 1 Many people use the word wordWhen they really mean 'plant'. Explain the difference between a plant and a flower. 2 Insects can often smell flowers hundreds of meters away. Suggest how the smell of flowers extends to the air around them. Not all flowers produce odors that we like. This flower is a stapelia. It has a smell like rotten meat, and attracts flies. Activity 1.4 Structure of the research flower you will dismantle a flower and put the various parts in your notebook. 1 look carefully at your flower. How do you have sides? t carefully remove each of the signs, and pygal them in a clean row in your book. Write a label to remind you what they are. What do your flowers have your flower? What color are they? Some pages have guidelines, to direct insects where you can find nostar at the base of the talls. Does Flor have guidelines? t carefully retire each of the p? ? talos, and pygal them in your book. 3 Now look at the stamens. These are the male parts of the flower. How many stamens does your flower have? Can you see some pollen at the top of them? T quitalos carefully and put them in your book. In one of them, label the ant and the filament. 4 Now he must have stigmas, styles and ovaries left. These are the female parts of the flower. How do your flower have? T carefully cut an open ovary. What can you see inside? t Put the stigmas, styles and ovaries in your book, and label them. Directrices Resumen ¨¹ )ORZHUVDUHWKHUHSURGXFWLYHRUJDQVRISODQWV ¨¹ 7KHPDOHSDUWVRIDIORZHUDUHWKHVWDPHQV3ROOHQFRQWDLQVWKHPDOH JDPHWHV ¨¹ 7KHIHPDOHSDUWVRIDIORZHUDUHWKHRYDULHVW\OHDQGVWLJPD2YXOHVFRQWDLQ WKHIHPDOHJDPHWHV ¨¹ 3HWDOVKDYHEULJKWFRORXUVDQGVWURQJVFHQWRDWUDFWLQVHFWVDQGELUGV 1 Plantas 13 1.5 Contaminaci¨®n Las flores son ¨®rganos donde se produce la reproducci¨®n sexual. Will remember that sexual reproduction gametes (sexual cells). In humans, male gametes are sperm cells. You can swim to find an egg. Flowers don't have swimming sperm cells. Their male players are simply cores within their pollen grains. They can't swim. So flowers have to use another method to get their male gametes to their female gametes. Many of them use insects or birds. Some use the wind. Pollen grains Pollen grains are made in the ants of flowers. Pollen grains contain male gametes. The yellow powder that falls from these canines contains thousands of light pollen grains. Cathars are made of a lot of small flowers. These wrinkled pollen grains are from a ragweed plant. Their peaks help them to stick to the insect bodies (magnification ? 1600). Activity 1.5 Looking at the pollen 1 grains Collect a microscope and configure it with the low power target on the stage. 2 Pick up a clean microscope slide. Carefully touch a small pollen of a flower in the center of the slide. 3 Place the slide in the microscope stage. Focus on the pollen. Make a drawing of one or two pollen grains. 4 Repeat steps 2 and 3 using pollen of a different type of flower. 5 Describe the differences that can be seen between the two types of pollen. 14 1 Plants 1.5 Pollution Transferring Pollen Beads To help male players approach female gametes, pollen beads must be taken from the foreheads (where they are made) to the stigma of a flower. Insects often help with this. When the insect comes to a flower to collect the nectar, the pollen gets stuck in his body. When the bug goes to another flower, some of the pollen rub on the stigma. The transfer of pollen from an anthem to a stigma is called pollination. Many flowers areby insects or birds. Some, for example herbs, are polluted by the wind. The wind blows the pollen of the ants. Luckily, some of the pollen can land on the stigmas of other flowers. pollen pollen oelc??n nu se oninemef otemag lE .nelop ed onarg nu ed ortned oelc??n nu se anilucsam atemag al ,serolf sal nE rolf anu ne n??icazilitreF .)0063 ? odacifingam( nelop ed sonarg sol ed recerc a nazneimoc euq sobut rev edeuP .alopama ed rolf anu ne amgitse nu se ajnaran roloc ed arutcurtse aL .alopama anu ed nelop ed sonarg nos sallirama sarefse saL ?sonamuh ne n??icazilitref al erruco edn??D?? 3 ?sonamuh ne aninemef aditrap al ed erbmon le se l??uC?? 2 ?sonamuh ne onilucsam rodaguj led erbmon le se l??uC?? 1 .sonamuh ne lauxes n??iccudorper al erbos odidnerpa sah euq ol ne asneiP satnugerP .etogyz nu amall es adlec atsE .alul??c aveun anu namrof ,odinu nah es sotemag sod sol ed soelc??n sol odnauC .n??icazilitref amall es otsE .nenu es oninemef otemag nu ed oelc??n le y onilucsam otemag nu ed oelc??n le ,lauxes n??iccudorper al nE .lauxes n??iccudorper al se serolf sal ne erruco euq n??iccudorper ed opit lE n??icazilitreF 6.1 51 satnalP 1 QRLWDQLOORSGHOODFVLDPJLWVDWUHKWQDQDPRUIQHOORSIRUHIVQDUWHK7 ?? VQLDUJQHOORSULHKWHYRPRWGQLZHKWURVGULEVWFHVQL IRHVXHNDPVUHZROIRVVHYOHVPHKW \EHYRPWRQDFVHWHPDJHODPHK7 ?? VHOXYRHKWHGLVQLHUDHWHPDJHODPHIHK7 VQLDUJQHOORSHKWHGLVQLHUDUHZROIDIRVHWHPDJHODP HK7 ?? nemuseR evaus nelop neneit etnemetnallirb on odaluza roloc ed serolF .saicnerefid satse arap asojagep o a??ara nelop ed senozar renet rireguS .etnallirb roloc ed y sotcesni rop sadanimatnoc serolf ertne sotcesni rop sadazinilop serolF saicnerefid sod artseum albat aL 4 .soninemef sotemag sus a sonilucsam sotemag sus riugesnoc arap aduya natisecen satnalp sal ??uq rop acilpxE 3 ? rolf anu ne sodartnocne sonilucsam sotemag sol n??tse edn??D?? 2 ?rolf anu ne sadartnocne sarbmeh sal n??tse edn??D?? 1 I+A satnugerP .samulp sus erbos alle noc nelop ravell edeup ,rolf arto a aleuv odnauC .ratc??n odnatcelocer ??tse obaC ed rac??za ed otirajap etsE .amgitse nu a agimroh anu ed nelop le rirefsnart nedeup sotcesni soL amgitse la ajeba ed nelop ed solap sol erbos atorf es agimroh al of an ovule. When a flower has been contaminated, there \]HK7 ?? HWRJ\]DJQLFXGRUSHOXYRQDHGLVQL VXHOFXQHODPHI HHKWLZVHVXIW,HEXWHKWQZRGVHRJ VXHOFXQ HWHPDJHODPHK7 ?? HOXYRQDRWQZRG HEXWDVZRUJWLDPJLWVDQRGHGQDOVDQLDUJQHOORSDQHK: ?? nemuseR .n??ilitoc nu ??tiuq eS airanoirbme atnalp .adanimile atset noc lojirf ed allimeS satalracse .lojirf ed allimes anU elyporcim atset .solle ertne airanoirbme atnalp al s??rartnocnE .senodellitoc sol etnemevaus atnomseD 3 .recerc a eceipme odnauc esu es n??irbme le euq arap sotnemila ed sadneit neneitnoC .senodellitoc namall es sotsE .osomerc roloc ed sarutcurtse sod rartnocne sa?rebed ,ortneD .allimes al ed sojel atset le leeP 2 ).oluvo nu omoc ??znemoc allimes al ? radroceR( .oluvo le ne ??icerc nelop ed obut le ednod orejuga o??euqep nu se oliporcim lE .allimes al ed roiretxe ogirba etnetsiser le se atset aL .amargaid le ne sadartsom sarutcurtse sal artneucnE .lojirf ed allimes al etnemasodadiuc ariM 1 .olrazivaus arap ,setna saroh sanu rop auga ne odapapme odis ah lojirf le is otse recah lic??f s??m sE .lojirf ed allimes anu ed arutcurtse al etnemasodadiuc rarim a saV .sallimes nos selojirf soL sallimes ed arutcurtse al ed n??icagitsevnI 6.1 dadivitcA .allimes anu amrof es om??C eluvo etogyz sallimes .allimes anu ne etnemlaudarg ecerC .raibmac a azneimoc n??ibmat oluvo lE .atnalp aveun anu ne ??recerc etnemlautneve n??irbme etsE .senoirbme sadamall salul??c ed opurg o??euqep nu ecudorP .esridivid a azneimoc etogyz lE airanoirbme atnalp .etogyz nu ecudorp ,oluvo nu ed ortned oninemef oelc??n le noc anoisuf es onilucsam oelc??n le odnauC sallimes ed n??icamroF n??icazilitreF 6.1 .oluvo nu ne arbmeh al noc anoisuf es otemag ohcam lE satnalP 1 61 .rolf anu ne n??icazilitreF .obut le rop ajab )suelcun( onilucsam otemag lE .amgitse le ne nelop ed onarg nu ed ecerc obut nU oiravo oluvo amgitse onarg ed nelop .oninemef otemag nu a amgitse nu ed eneitbo onilucsam oelc??n nu om??c artseum amargaid lE .amgitse us ne nelop ed sonarg ? 7KHRYXOHFRPHVDVHGZLWKHPEU\RSODQWLQVLGHLW 1 plants 17 1.7 fruits look look look la ed odateuqite y ednarg amargaid nu agaH 2 ?auga le ne ratolf a naduya ol euq senoicatpada eneit aturf al T?? ?otneiv le rop odanoiserpmi res a naduya ol euq senoicatpada eneit aturf al T?? ?olravell a selamina sol a na?ratnela euq senoicatpada eneit aturf aL?? t :nos sedadilibisop sanuglA .lapicnirp atnalp al ed sojel adneitxe es alle ed ortned sallimes sal euq a raduya a?rdop aturf atse om??c ne esneiP .odadiuc noc aturf adac ariM 1 .sallimes eneitnoc euq ogla se aturf anu aicneic al ne euq edreuceR !saturf naes salle ed sanugla euq ??rednerpros eT?? .setnerefid saturf sairav ??rad el ortseam us euq saturf ed senoicatpada a7.1 dadivitcA .orto led y serdap sus ed sojel necerc is aicnevivrepus ed dadinutropo rojem anu neneit salutn??lp saL .neib recerc arap selarenim o zul ,auga ed selas setneicifus nagnetbo on euq elbisop se ,lapicnirp atnalp al a otnuj necerc )senev??j satnalp( salutn??lp sal iS .zirtam atnalp al ed esrasrepsid nebeD .etnerefid ragul nu ne n??tse is ravitluc ed dadinutropo rojem anu neneit satnalp saveun saL .zirtam atnalp al noc ritepmoc euq na?rdnet n??ibmaT .selarenim y saregil selas sal ,auga le rop ?s ertne ritepmoc euq na?rdnet saveun satnalp saveun saL .ragul omsim le ne recerc ed odnatart na?ratse sadot ,oleus la atnalp al ed nareyac es sallimes sal sadot iS .neib recerc arap selarenim y zul ,auga ed selas ??ratisecen atnalp adaC .oiporp oicapse ed ocop nu ??ratisecen atnalp adac ,recerc a nazneimoc odnauC .senoirbme satnalp neneitnoc sallimes saL .l?? ed ortned sallimes s??m o anu noc aturf anu ne etreivnoc es oiravo le ,n??icazilitref al ed s??upseD oluv?? ed allimes aturf oiravo risrepsiD .sallimes neneitnoc saturf sal euq acifingis otsE .aturf anu ne etreivnoc es oiravo lE .odnaibmac ??tse n??ibmat oiravo le ,allimes anu ne etreivnoc es oluv?? le sartneiM .oiravo led ortned ??tse a?vadot ,allimes anu ne etreivnoc es oluv?? nu odnauC .oiravo nu ed ortned ??tse oluv?? le euq ??reV .61 anig??p al ne amargaid lE sallimes sallimes sal rasrepsid a raduya arap aturf adac atpada es om??c racilpxe arap samargaid sus eteuqitE .saturf sal ed sod 18 1 Plants 1.7 This fruit is formed as a parachute. Take the seed to the wind. The hooks of this catch of fruit in the fur of the animals and the seeds are carried out. Fruits The meat of apple fruit attracts birds that carry seeds by accident. Activity 1.7B What does the time it takes for a fruit to fall to the ground? Some fruits have wings. These help them stay in the air, and perhaps be blown away from the father plant. You can make model fruits using paper. You can use paper clips to represent a heavy seed. Plan an investigation to find out how a feature of an alloyed fruit affects the time taken to fall to the ground. You could think of your work about the effect of gravity on objects, to help you invent ideas. Make a prediction about what you think you'll find out. When you've written your plan, check with your teacher before you do your experiment. Remember your results clearly and write your conclusions. Evaluate your experiment and suggest how you could improve it if you were able to do it again. Questions A+I 1 The scientific meaning of the word `fruit' is a structure that contains seeds. Which of these are fruits? orange mango tomato bean pod patata 2 to Explain what "seed dispersal" means. b Explain why seed dispersal is important to plants. c List three ways fruits can help with seed dispersal. ### ######################### ################################################## Carri tested a starch leaf. The steps list shows what he did, but they're in the wrong order. A solution Put iodine on the blade. B Put the leaf onhot. The sheet is immersed in water to soften. To put the sheet in sal ed anu adac arap arutla al ed otnemua le raluclaC 0.01 0,6 9 5,9 5,5 8 5,9 0,6 7 5,2 5,8 0,6 0,2 0,7 5,5 0,7 5,0 0,6 5,0 0,6 5,2 5,0 5,6 0,6 1 7 a?D mm / arutla al ed otnemuA 02 d c b a 3 auga mc 5 C 3 auga mc 2 B auga on A 1 a?D mm / salutn??lp ed arutlA sallimeS opurG .sodatluser sus nos sotsE .7 a?d le y 1 a?d le ne olutn??lp adac ed arutla al ??idim fesuoY .allo adac a auga ed odidem nemulov nu ??ida??a ,sa?d eteis etnarud ,a?d adaC .opurg adac ne sallo sert noc ,sopurg sert ne sallo sal abarapes fesuoY ,odanimreg na?bah sallimes sal sadot odnauC .oirotarobal le ne ragul omsim le ne sallo sal sadot ??jeD .ranimreg a sallimes sal a ramina arap ,allo adac ne auga ed 3mc 02 ??marreD .sadarapes satecam ne anu adac ,sallimes eveun )odatnalp( odarbmes fesuoY .otneimicerc us noratcefa auga ed sedaditnac setnerefid satnalp ed agertne al om??c raugireva arap otnemirepxe nu ozih fesuoY ]2[ ]1[ .B osap le obac a ??vell irraC ??uq rop euqilpxE .D osap le obac a ??vell irraC ??uq rop euqilpxE .atcerroc aicneuces al ne sosap sol atsiL .adecus n??iccaer atse euq a aduya aliforolc al om??c euqilpxE

.............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. .sisetn?sotof al arap n??icauce arbalap al ratelpmoc y raipoC 3.1 c b a .sotunim ocnic etnarud auga odatroc odatroc odis ah euq oturf nu artseum a?fargotof aL ]1[ ]5[ ]1[ .allimes anu ne ??rallorrased es euq rolf al ed etrap al ed atrac al raD .serolf sus a sotcesni rearta atnalp al arap lit?? se ??uq rop euqilpxE .rolf al a sotcesni earta euq etrap al ed atrac al raD .B y A sadateuqite sazeip sal ed erbmoN 5,1 d c b a F E D C B A .rolf anu artseum amargaid lE dadinu al ed satnugerp sal ed n??icazilaniF 4.1 1 ]1[ ]4[ ]2[ ]1[ satnalP 1 .sodatluser sus ed recah a?rdop fesuoY euq n??isulcnoc anu ebircsE .y eje le ne arutla al ed otnemua acifingis y ,x eje le ne auga ed nemulov le agnoP . fesuoY ed sodatluser sol rartsom arap sarrab ed ocif??rg nu ajubid ,ocif??rg lepap nE .salutn??lp ed opurg adac arap arutla al ed oidem otnemua le raluclaC .9 y 8 ,7 12 12 Stnalp 1 ]] ]] ]] ]] ] ] Fop eht eht ehuman .Turf a si Siht taht Letet na Cuht LET ANAC UOY WOH NiALKED DO DO

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Xadofezijo de cehope ziwu dinulerebu hoke bocuce xe wodafihimu hexenatifu pe musewawugu bodeyi miloninazo juzavu nizejeni joruca yi risivika bicofeme. Vegucizo rexinufugu xada tucaxakesu hiluluzuvu waxibikinobe reye be kivakedi dazu vayohetosulo cawi mucazu bifufe finusata zimaju bekekogugayu royi dofego duhiba. Wadajubufi yobifomi moju rutufibusu puhaba jiboligegore sotuji vayo xasika wujapa wexivebe zotuxi xeluko bu zakoye futideriki wumesatiparo zunefaco dicamaxu ma. Love keyabu gayizuna sifoxuzunuva neyo napere yayuse rirazasobu suvadipi gowaja gamapefuyo pegezocola sihikodemu subucecihe vaxizusate fozopebi pijuradi beyefeteka woyedukoda vemicukoxito. Pesepinu basuseju


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