What You Do: - EES First Grade Remote Learning Website

ScienceHello my first grade friends! This week we will continue to investigate patterns in our sky! You are going to be investigating how your shadow moves throughout the day. You will need to wait for a sunny day to complete this. Choose a spot in the sun where you will stand in both the morning and afternoon. It is important that you use the exact same spot both times. When you go outside to complete this, make a note of where in the sky the sun is, as well as where your shadow is and how long it is.Shadow Experiment You will be going outside at two different times of the day to see how the sun impacts your shadow.** Be sure to notice where the sun is located in the sky but don’t look directly at it! ** Morning ShadowDraw the sun, you, and your shadow. Afternoon ShadowDraw the sun, you, and your shadow again. Talk about the following questions with an adult, or email Mrs. Hill ahill@. What did your shadow look like in the morning?What did your shadow look like in the afternoon?How did your shadow change?Why do you think your shadow changed?Art Choices Week 4Assigned art project ~ bubble art Draw a picture of something that makes you think of springBuild a city out of blocks and draw a picture of what it looks like. Make your own artistic choice! Try as many of these choices as you would like or just one.. Most importantly keep being creative and have fun! There are two ways to make your bubble art, bubble maker. The first way is to tape many straws together. Only have a few straws? Cut them in half and now you have double! The second way is to take a piece of mesh (like from a bag of fruit or onions) and tape it around a plastic bottle you have cut the bottom off of. The mouth of the bottle is where you will blow through to make your bubbles. Make your colored bubble liquid. You could use bubble liquid you can mix paint into it to add the color. You could use food coloring in bubble liquid to color your bubbles. If you do not have bubble liquid you could make your own see the recipe below.229552530480019051114300Maybe go outside to do your project ( it’s a bit messy) and blow your colorful bubble toward the paper. They will pop and leave bubble-like spots on your paper. If the color is not bright enough you can add more color to your bubble liquid 3581400666750HAVE FUN!!!HOW TO MAKE AWESOME BUBBLE LIQUIDWhat you needLiquid dish soap (Joy or Dawn brands work best. Try to find one that doesn't say 'Ultra')(tap water is okay, but distilled water makes the best bubbles)Clean container with lidGlycerin or light corn syrupWhat You Do:Measure 6 cups of water into one container, then pour 1 cup of dish soap into the water and slowly stir it until the soap is mixed in. Try not to let foam or bubbles form while you stir.Measure 1 tablespoon of glycerin or 1/4 cup of corn syrup and add it to the container. Stir the solution until it is mixed together.You can use the solution right away, but to make even better bubbles, put the lid on the container and let your super bubble solution sit overnight. (Note: If you used "Ultra" dish soap, double the amount of glycerin or corn syrup.)Music 1st Grade Week 4Use shapes to compose movements and soundsSquare = Clap Circle = StompTriangle = Food WordHeart = JumpDraw at least 8 shapes for your Shape Song choosing from squares, circles, triangles, and hearts.Example of a Shape SongLibrary Home Learning Week #4481012557151April 6-1047626161925What can you read besides a book?Words are all around us. This week, I am going to challenge you to read something other than a picture book or chapter book. Here is a list of possibilities:MenuMagazine4343400180975Instruction manualDirections (for a game or toy)NewspaperRecipeCatalogCereal box Road SignMapBe creative! There are so many more options.When you are finished, tell someone at home about what you read, or email me a message or picture at krossel@Keep Reading and Keep Smiling!Mrs. RosselPhysical Education Week 4: Choices and FUN!!!A group of fantastic Seacoast PE teachers (including ME!) in cooperation with UNH PE have made a Seacoast YouTube channel. On this channel you can navigate through and find other cool games, information, exercises and challenges from some amazing teachers and their student interns. Here is the link to go and check it out, while your at it hit subscribe so you can get updates on new posts. Seacoast PE (Link)Get 60 minutes of activity every day of the week.Try a quick Tabata video workout. What is Tabata? Watch my video here: NEW Beginner Tabata Workout Here is the Tabata workout card that you do not need to print off unless you wanted to. Get Outside and play, play, play. (My favorite)Try a yoga video from last week. If you did one last week, try another one.Pokemon Yoga : Pokemon | A Cosmic Kids Yoga AdventureHarry Potter Yoga: Harry Potter and The Philosopher's Stone | Minecraft Yoga: Minecraft | A Cosmic Kids Yoga Adventure!Go to the Seacoast PE Channel (YouTube link above) and pick two activities to try. Warning! Warning! Super Hard Workout Ahead!! This workout will make you tired (you’re welcome Moms and Dads). It is called the 20-20-20. It can be done all in a row or it can be broken up into three smaller play sessions. -20 minutes of running or walking. You can run some and walk some too.-20 minutes of riding a bike, skateboard, scooter, rollerblading/rollerskating-20 minutes practicing a sport skill or playing a sport game (like 1 on 1 basketball or soccer)Are you doing really cool things at home or having fun? If so I would love to see it. Take a picture and share it with the UA team. Social Skills: First GradeWatch Bee Calm The Buzz on Yoga Draw a picture of your favorite yoga pose! Save your picture to share with us when we are back at school. ................

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