Ms. Rosner's Classroom

The United States pgs. 128-1573897269-50160Capital: Independence Day:5 themes of GeographyMovement:Migration—moving from one area to anotherRailroads, cars, planes, trucks, boats2. Region: NortheastSouthMidwestWest3. Location: Northern hemisphereSouth of CanadaNorth of Mexico4. Human-Environment Interaction: people try to minimize impact on the environment—drive electric cars, recycling-agriculture/farming5. Place: big citieshas mountains, has plains (wide-open space), has rivers, big monuments\Climate/Weather:Northeast and Midwest: continental cool summer and continental warm summerSouth: humid subtropical, tropical wet and dry, aridWest: arid, semiarid, mediterranean, continental cool summer, maritimeHawaii: tropical wet and dryAlaska: subarctic The United States Today (pg. 152-157)4142900242407U.S. Economy (pg. 152-154)market economy = where individuals and businesses make major selling and buying decision leaders in ____medical sci. __________, _______agriculture_______, ___entertainment_____________, ____banking___________Examples of exports = farming products, Examples of imports= clothing, cars, household itemsThe U.S. is trade partners with __Canada_________ and _____Mexico____________Economic regions = place where people do particular kinds of workWhat are some examples of economic regions in the U.S.?Midwest = agriculture4868220254000American Culture (pg. 154-156)Culture = pattern of activities, language, habits that is common to group of peopleExamples of culture =religion, foods, music, dressWhat are some examples of religions found in the U.S.? Christian, Jewish, Buddhist, MuslimWhat are some examples of American culture found around the globe?pop music, fast food, TV, internet,What are some benefits of being an American citizen?Economic and cultural freedom, freedom of speech, freedom to go to school, right to vote in electionsWhat are some examples of diverse communities found in the U.S.? Washington D.C., L.A., New York, Chicago4237315530962U.S. as a World Leader (pg. 156-157)diplomacy= process of making decisions through discussion What is diplomacy used for? To make decisions, to address conflicts among groups of peopleGive a one sentence summary of what happened on September 11, 2001There was a terrorist attack on the Twin Towers (and other places) in New YorkAfghanistan and Iraq posed a __threat__ to the U.S.What does the USAID and Peace Corp. do? Provide efforts to provide people with food and teach people skills needed to surviveU.S. uses its __economic_______________, ______political_________, and _______military_________ to discourage conflict.Name (First and Last)____________________U.S. Timeline quiz2965450261143ImmigrantsB. IndependenceC. World War IID. New territoriesE. Civil WarF. ColoniesImmigrantsB. IndependenceC. World War IID. New territoriesE. Civil WarF. Colonies_______ 1. In 1733, 13 ____ were settled that later became part of the U.S._______2. Between 1754 and 1763Britain fought France and gained what?______3. In 1783, the U.S. gained what?______4. The ______ started in 1861. ______5. During the 1900s, what poured in from other countries?______6. What started in 1939?


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