Livingston Public Schools

Vietnam: 5 Themes of Geography

Location: Locations can be absolute or relative.  Absolute locations are exact, so they tell you the coordinates in degrees. For example 30 degrees north and 150 degrees east.  Relative location refers to near or surrounding locations; for instance, the United States is south of Canada and north of Mexico.

Place: Place in the five themes of geography can be human or physical.  Human places are man-made, well known attractions that have earned their way in history, such as the Eiffel Tower.  Physical places are natural attractions which are made by nature but have also contributed to society, such as Yellowstone National Park.  Places help give a relative location.

Human/Environment Interaction: Human/environment interaction is how people adapt to, depend on, and modify their environment.  For example, in tropical areas people adapt to the weather by wearing shorts and t-shirts instead of winter coats, depend on the wildlife and plants for food, and modify the land to grow crops and create farmland.

Movement: Movement is the way you transport something from one place to another place.  You can move ideas, people, and goods.  Ideas can be moved by cellphones, pagers, e-mail, letters, etc.  Some ways people move are planes, cars, and boats, but there are obviously many more.  Goods are most times move by cargo ship and airplanes.  The ways things move are different in every country, especially people.

Region: Regions are political and physical border lines, or sections of land that divide one large area into many smaller ones.  Political regions cannot be seen; they are large cities, countries, provinces, and states.  Toronto, New York, and France are examples of political regions.  Physical regions are mountain ranges, rivers, and other natural dividing lines.  The Nile River and the Rocky Mountains are examples of physical regions.  Regions help control and divide large areas of land.

|Theme |Notes |

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|Location | |

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|Task: | |

|Identify the countries surrounding Vietnam. Explain the | |

|influence these countries have had on the development of | |

|Vietnamese culture. | |

|Explain why the location and physical features of Vietnam made | |

|it desirable for invading countries. | |

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|Place | |

|Task | |

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|Identify 3 significant man-made attractions AND 3 natural | |

|attractions located in Vietnam. Provide a brief description for| |

|each and include pictures whenever possible. | |

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|Identify the 5 most populated cities in Vietnam. Provide the | |

|most recent statistics for each. | |

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|Human/Environment Interaction | |

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|Task: | |

|Describe the climate and yearly weather pattern of Vietnam. | |

|Explain how the Vietnamese have adapted their lifestyle to | |

|these conditions. | |

|Identify the percentage of people that live in urban/rural | |

|areas in Vietnam. | |

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|Movement | |

|Task: | |

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|Describe how transportation and communication within Vietnam | |

|has shaped the relationships that exist between citizens | |

|throughout the country. | |

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|Region | |

|Task: | |

|Identify the 8 regions of Vietnam. Describe the characteristics| |

|of each region and include a photograph for each. | |

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Part II: Make it Personal:


You have made the decision to leave all of your friends and family and relocate to Vietnam in an attempt to start a new life.

A. Decide where you would move in Vietnam.

B. Locate some type of housing where you will be staying, and include the costs in US dollars.

C. What type of job will you be doing? How much does that job pay in US dollars?

D. Where will you socialize? What types of leisure activities will you participate in? Include costs in US dollars. Provide photos if possible.

E. What types of food will you eat? Include costs in US dollars and please keep in mind that foods may be regionally specific.


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