Tips to Writing a World Issues Report

Tips to Writing a World Issues Report


You can submit your report in a report cover if you wish. Follow either the APA style or MLA style to format your title page, and be consistent all the way through


This page should be organized into three sections:

▪ Contents (page numbers of subheadings and bibliography)

▪ List of Figures

▪ Appendices (if any)


The body should begin with a heading (an abbreviated version of your title). It should be close to 10 pages in length (including text, contents, images, and referencing material)


The following sections must be included:

▪ Background details of the nation

▪ Causes of the issue (important relevant details, including the scope and type of issue)

▪ Major stakeholders & their perspectives

▪ Solutions to the conflict (what you believe to be the most effective way to resolve the conflict)


Be sure to include visuals within your report. The may include any of the following:

▪ maps

▪ charts/graphs

▪ tables

It is usually not a good idea to include photos, as they often do not add to your report.

When including images, follow these tips:

▪ try to include them within the text of your report (if they are too large, include them as an appendix) Centre them in your document, but do not wrap your text around your image.

▪ refer to your images in your report (lead into it by saying “as seen in Figure 1”)

▪ explain what your image is showing after you show it with a clear analysis

▪ Include a TITLE above your image (ex. Figure 1 – Population Density of Ontario, 2011), and the source of info underneath it (Source: Statistics Canada, 2011)


You must include references for all statistics you include, as well as any ideas that are not your own. You may use either the APA or MLA style.


A good site to use for your bibliography is Son of Citation Machine when creating your bibliography. It shows you how to properly create your entry.

When working on your bibliography, follow these steps:

▪ put all sources used in alphabetical order

▪ single-space all entries, but include a space between each entry

▪ format your first line of the entry normally, but indent each entry after the first five spaces

▪ include a page number (it should be your last page)


You should have between 8-10 sources of information in future reports, and should include an acceptable combination of the following:

▪ Books

▪ Academic journals

▪ Newspaper/Magazine articles

▪ TV news reports/documentaries

▪ Websites (acceptable & reliable)

|Category |Level One |Level Two |Level Three |Level Four |

|Application – The use of knowledge and skills to make connections within and between various contexts |

|Quality of the case study, |Issue analysis covers the |Issue analysis covers the |Issue analysis covers the |Issue analysis covers the |

|as well as the ability to |expected features with little |expected features with some |expected features with |expected features with a |

|follow the appropriate |success, and provides few |success, and provides some |considerable success, and |high degree of success, and |

|format. |comments for few expected |comments for many expected |provides several comments for |provides thorough comments |

|OUT OF 20MARKS |sections. |sections. |most expected section. |for each expected section. |

|Communication – The conveying of meaning through various forms |

|Use of language (spelling, |Language was used with a minimal|Language was used with some |Language was used with |Language was used with a |

|grammar, punctuation); |amount of clarity, and images |clarity, and only one relevant |considerable clarity, and two |high degree of clarity, and |

|quality of |are included that are not |image is included. |relevant images were included |three+ relevant images were |

|charts/maps/graphs. |clearly relevant to the topic. | | |included. |

|OUT OF 20 MARKS | | | | |

|Knowledge/Understanding – Subject-specific content acquired in each course (knowledge), and the comprehension of its meaning and significance |

|(understanding) |

|Ability to effectively |Background information on the |Background information on the |Background information on the |Background information on |

|present relevant |issue is unclear and confusing, |issue is adequately explained, |issue is clearly explained, and |the issue is clearly |

|information on the |and those stakeholders involved |and those stakeholders involved |those stakeholders involved are |explained, and those |

|important events of the |are identified with limited |are identified with some |identified with considerable |stakeholders involved are |

|conflict. |success. |success. |success. |identified with a high |

|OUT OF 35MARKS | | | |degree success. |

|Thinking – The use of critical and creative thinking skills and/or processes |

|Identification of causes of|Potential solutions to the issue|Potential solutions to the issue|Potential solutions to the issue|Potential solutions to the |

|the conflict |were unclear and confusing and |were somewhat clear and |were fairly clear and |issue were extremely clear, |

|OUT OF 25 MARKS |completed with a limited amount |intelligent, and presented with |intelligent, and presented with |intelligent, and presented |

| |of insight. |some insight. |a considerable amount of |with a great deal of |

| |Scope & type of issue was |Scope & type of issue was |insight. |insight. |

| |included with limited success. |included with a high degree of |Scope & type of issue was |Scope & type of issue was |

| | |success. |included with a considerable |included with a high degree |

| | | |amount of success. |of success. |

World Issues Mark Scheme

TOTAL = /100


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