Assignment #2- Lifestyle Risk Assessment

Assignment 2: Lifestyle and Risk AssessmentName: Date:Total: /50Part A– Risk Assessment Websites Visit several of the sites from the resource list found at the end of this assignment. (If you find a good site that you want to use that isn’t on the list, check with your teacher to get permission to use it.) Read the information and complete a variety of risk assessments, quizzes and interactive activities to evaluate your health risks. Choose websites that cover a variety of different topics—ones that you feel may provide you with valuable information about your overall health. Then, complete the table below using at least 5 different sites. An example is given in the table. If you don’t learn anything about your own health and risks from a site, don’t use that site; find another one instead.-1104265483870This is an example table with one website.00This is an example table with one website.Website address (URL) Identify the best 2 features of the site.List at least 1 suggestion for improving the site. Even if the site is great, there is always room for improvement!What you learned about yourself, your health and your risks from the website. Be specific! 1. The site was very easy to navigate and allowed me to easily find the information for my age group. 2. The site had practical tips on mental health wellness and how to reduce stress.The quiz should be targeted at different age groups, not just parents of children. I received a wellness score of 2 stars on the wellness quiz. I’m on the right track but need to exercise more, maybe do some aerobics; I could be a better role model by participating in physical activities each day; I should make a better effort to eat breakfast every morning, and should start biking again, instead of driving.-1066165108585You need to fill out each line of this table with 5 different websites.00You need to fill out each line of this table with 5 different websites.Website address (URL) Identify the best 2 features of the site.List at least 1 suggestion for improving the site. Even if the site is great, there is always room for improvement!What you learned about yourself, your health and your risks from the website. Be specific! This needs to be about you! a.b.c.d.e.Value: /25Part B - BMICalculate your own BMI and show all of your calculations. This includes converting your height from feet and inches to metres, converting your weight from pounds to kilograms and then using the BMI formula.. Details and an example are given below.Value /3Answer the following questions.What is your gender? What is your age to the nearest half year? Based on the chart below, how is your BMI classified: underweight, ideal, overweight or obese? Value /2?UnderweightIdealOverweight ObeseAge (years)BoysBMIGirlsBMIBoysBMIGirlsBMIBoysBMIGirlsBMIBoysBMIGirlsBMI15 < 18< 1818 – 23.2818 – 23.9323.29 – 28.2923.94 – 29.10≥ 28.30 ≥ 29.11 15.5 < 18< 1818 – 23.5918 – 24.1623.60 – 28.5924.17 – 28.28≥ 28.60 ≥ 29.29 16 < 18< 1818 – 23.8918 – 24.3623.90 – 28.8724.37 – 29.42≥ 28.88 ≥ 29.43 16.5 < 18< 1818 – 24.1818 – 24.5324.19 – 29.13 24.54 – 29.55≥ 29.14 ≥ 29.56 17 < 18< 1818 – 24.4518 – 24.6924.46 – 29.4024.70 – 29.68 ≥ 29.41 ≥ 29.69 17.5 < 18< 1818 – 24.7218 – 24.8424.73 – 29.6924.85 – 29.83≥ 29.70 ≥ 29.84 18+ < 18< 1818 – 24.9918 – 24.9925.00 – 29.9925.00 – 29.99≥ 30.00 ≥ 30.00 The overweight and obesity rates presented in this analysis are based on the International Obesity Task Force criteria. Adapted from: Part C – Projected Life ExpectancyWhat was your projected life expectancy based on the Living to 100 questionnaire found at: ? Why do you think your projected life expectancy was calculated to the age it was? Identify which factors may have lowered your number as well as the factors that may have increased your number. Refer to your eating habits, lifestyle choices, family history, etc., in your explanation. The lifestyle assessment questions will help you to answer this question.Value: /3Part D – Plans for Improving Lifestyle HabitsBased on your questionnaire answers and the risk assessments complete the following tables (an example is provided for the first table). Your answers need to be different from the examples. Pick just one improvement for each line of the table.Table 1. Improvements to Eating Habits Value /6-109474060960This is an example table with just one line.00This is an example table with just one line.Improvements I can make to my eating habitsWhat stops you or could stop you (barrier) from achieving the improvement you want to see? This is not just a description of what you are currently doing, but rather an explanation of WHY you do it.Realistic and concrete solution that overcomes your barrier and helps you achieve your improvement.I should lower my sodium intakeI always salt my food at the dinner table before eating as a habit; I like the taste of salt on my food.Taste my food without salt first; use spices and other flavours, instead of salt.-109474011430You need to fill out each line of this table.00You need to fill out each line of this table.Improvements I can make to my eating habitsWhat stops you or could stop you (barrier) from achieving the improvement you want to see? (The WHY)Realistic and concrete solution that overcomes your barrier and helps you achieve your improvement.a.b. Table 2. Improvements to Lifestyle (other than eating habits) Value /6-109474076200You need to fill out each line of this table.00You need to fill out each line of this table.Improvements I can make to my lifestyle (not eating habits) to reduce health risksWhat stops you or could stop you from achieving the improvement you want to see? (The WHY)Realistic and concrete solution that overcomes your barrier and helps you achieve your improvement.a.b.2. Choose one specific “risk behaviour” that you would like to reduce or even eliminate over the next 4 months and complete a plan for change. Your goals, both short term and long term, must be something you can measure. The steps you take to reach the goal should be things you can achieve without discouragement. Remember, lifestyle habits take months to break! Example Plan for ChangeThe risk behaviour I wish to change is... I eat too much sodium.My long term goal is to... reduce the amount of sodium I eat each day from over 3000 mg each day to no more than 1500 mg.-1075690127635This is an example table filled out.00This is an example table filled out.I plan to achieve this goal by ...(give a specific date) within 3 months, Dec. 1, 2009.I will take the following measureable steps (short term goals) to achieve my main (long term) goal:To reach this goal, I will first have to examine the foods I eat each day for sodium content. I must be aware of the foods I am eating that are high in sodium. While shopping for my groceries, I will check food labels and see how much sodium is in the foods. I will not purchase foods with high percentages of my sodium intake for the day (I will check the % values on nutrition labels). Beginning immediately, I will only add a pinch of salt to any foods I am eating. After 1 month, I will do a diet analysis to see how much salt I am still consuming. If my intake is still too high, I will stop adding any salt to my food during cooking or eating. At the end of each month I will record how much sodium I am eating for a day and continue to reduce my intake until it is down to 1500 mg.If I do not achieve my goals, or change this behaviour, I may be at risk of the following conditions, injuries or illnesses: High blood pressure, heart disease, possible kidney disease.Now, complete the table below with your own information. Your goal needs to be different than the example. Remember that it needs to be a behaviour. Losing weight is not a behaviour. It might be the result of behaviour changes, but here we are focusing on changing behaviours as our goal. You will have several small steps to achieve your large, overall goal.Value /5My Plan for ChangeThe risk behaviour I wish to change is...My long term goal is to...-10756909525You need to fill out each line of this table.00You need to fill out each line of this table.I plan to achieve this goal by ...(give a specific date)I will take the following steps (short term goals) to achieve my main (long term) goal:If I do not achieve my goals, or change this behaviour, I may be at risk of the following conditions, injuries or illnesses:Resource List for Risk Assessment Activities (Part B)Note: If you have trouble finding an interactive tool, try using the site’s search tool and use terms like quiz or assessment.Harvard Center of Risk Analysis- Note: You can only use this site (or any other site) once in your table. National Institutes of Health: Awake at the Wheel - Heart and Stroke Foundations Guidelines to Heart Health- Canadian Cancer Society: Guidebook, including addiction quiz, for smokers: Canada’s Food Guide (2007) - Canada’s Physical Activity Guides - Canada Guide to Healthy Living - Centers for Disease Control and Prevention: Health and Safety Quizzes and Interactive Tools - Canada- Mental Health: Coping with Stress - Canadian Mental Health Association: Youth - Health Canada, Healthy Living: Just For You- Youth- Diabetes Society of Canada - (You may want to look at the “Are You at Risk?” section)Dietitians of Canada, Assess Yourself: Health Canada Hazard Check Virtual Tour and Quiz: ................

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