Food Drive Theme Ideas

Food Drive Theme Ideas

"Is Dinner Ready" Food Drive- Collect combinations of food that can be used to prepare a meal. Use your imagination to think of meal combinations: Spaghetti noodles and sauce; refried beans, taco shells, salsa and Mexican seasonings

Use our "Most Needed Foods" Shopping Guide and designate "items of the day" for people to donate each day of the drive.

Food Themed Days- Have participants bring in food donations to correspond with that day's food theme. Such as: o Macaroni Monday o Tuna Tuesday o Whole Grain Wednesday o Peanut Butter Thursday o Fruity Friday

Healthy Kids Food Drive- Collect foods for healthy after school snacks for kids. Some ideas are: Juices, granola bars, fruit cups or applesauce.

MEAT the Need ? Canned meat drive (tuna, chicken, ham, etc.) Make Every BEAN COUNT ? Canned or dried beans drive. See where your food goes- Make arrangements for your group to hold a food

drive and then volunteer at the Food Bank to sort your donated food. Admission to Events ? Participants bring a food item as their admission to a

sporting event, dance, party, or any other activity. Special Dress Day ? Let employees or students "pay" with food to dress a special

way (i.e. Jean day, casual dress or tropical shirt day) Host a "Virtual Food Drive"- Have employees come to our website and donate

through our virtual food drive.


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