When they fall in love

When They Fall in Love

by Mi Oak (Chris) Kim

Eileen is lying on the couch in the sunshine near a beautiful beach. The sun is very strong, but she looks very comfortable. She also feels sleepy but she tries to finish reading a book. She really wanted to enjoy her own free time away from her work in the busy city. She is a famous interpreter and a translator so everyone wants to work with her. She gets lots of money and has a good reputation from her job. Even though she has a hard time at her job she likes it. She never has a break while she is working, so when Mrs. Allison, who lives in a remote and beautiful county, invited her, she nearly wept for joy. She made a big decision to go there for a rest.

As she returned to Mrs. Allison’s house, Jake and Jonathan, who are Mrs. Allison’s grandsons, ran and threw themselves in her arms. They are five-year-old twins and always want to stick with Eileen, even when it is time to go to sleep. Eileen also loves them very much, and while staying here, she feels real love from their family. Mrs. Allison, drinking tea from the armchair, is looking at them happily. Mrs. Allison lost her eldest son, Jeremy, and his wife a few years before when their children, Jake and Jonathan, were only babies. When she heard the tragic news she couldn’t believe it. Jeremy and his wife had just said good-bye to her that morning before they got on the airplane to celebrate their 3rd anniversary. When the airplane crashed, there were not any survivors. She could only overcome her grief because of her adorable grandsons. She has two daughters who are already married and have happy families and one more son, Richard, who lives in a big city and doesn’t want to get married. She is always worrying about Richard, the youngest son.

Richard is looking at the busy street from his office. As he looks at the clock on the wall, it is 6:00PM. He realizes it’s already time to go home. In the morning his colleagues suggested he go out that evening for a beer. ‘Thank God, it’s Friday!’ Richard muses. However, tonight he doesn’t want to join them. He wants to take it easy because he suddenly feels wiped. Many women want to date Richard, who is tall, handsome and has good manners. He has fallen in love several times, but he has never thought about marriage. He is still looking for a real love. But ‘No way!!’ he counters. He doesn’t believe in real love although he is always wondering what real love is. Suddenly it comes back to him that he got a letter from his mom a few days earlier. It was strange. She had never written him a letter before. If she wants to talk with him, she usually calls him or visits him so she can come by with her sweet grandsons. In the letter, she suggested he spend his holidays in her house. He wants to see his cute nephews who lost their parents. The last time he saw them was about six months before. However, he doesn’t want to listen to his mom talk about his single life. He really loves his mom and family, but their opinions about marriage are totally different, so sometimes they argue about it. In two weeks, he will be free from his busy job for 2 months. He has had no time to make any definite plans for his holidays.

When Richard reaches his mom’s house, he realizes how much he misses it even though there is nothing special about it. He lives in a big city, but he loves this magnificent house, with a beautiful garden and cobalt colored sea around the house and evergreen hill. Whenever he comes to his hometown he feels comfortable, and he wonders how he can work and live in the city. He didn’t let them know about his plan to spend his vacation with his family. He opens the door and goes into the house quietly. He wants to surprise them, but nobody is there: no lovely nephews, cheerful mom, not even the butler. Arnold, who is old and very faithful, and has lived with his family since Richard was born. His wife, Nancy is the best cook. She is very kind and took care of Richard as a nurse when he was a baby. First, he goes to his room to leave his suitcase and to take a shower. He thinks that he has to wait for them until they appear. When he opens his bedroom door, he is very shocked.

Eileen got up late this morning because she stayed up late last night making some presents for the twins. Their birthdays are coming up so she wants to give them special gifts. When she woke up, she realized that all of them had already gone to the Flower Exhibition. Yesterday they suggested she go with them but she had already been there a few days before with some friends who she had met at church. After taking a walk in the morning, she ate toast and milk for breakfast. She reads a newspaper for a while and then goes to find some books to read in Mrs. Allison’s son’s bedroom. There are lots of books in his room. It’s just like a library and Mrs. Allison always allows her to get some books whenever Eileen wants to read. She was still looking for some books this morning. When she found a novel by her favorite English author, it was on the top of the bookcase. She brought a ladder to get it. When she was reaching for it the door suddenly opened and a stranger looked at her angrily.

Suddenly Eileen loses her balance on the ladder because of the unexpected appearance of Richard and she falls. At that moment, Richard jumps towards her and catches her. Fortunately she is safe thanks to the stranger. She tries to stand up and say thank you to him but he is angry at her. “What are you doing in my room? Who are you? Get out of my room, right now!!!” When she tries to say something to him, they hear some sounds from downstairs. The family who went to the Flower exhibition has come back home. She is shocked by his impolite manner but she can’t do anything because Mrs. Allison is calling her from downstairs. “Eileen. Where are you? What a wonderful day!! We saw lots of gorgeous flowers and we had a great time. Though there was such a crowd, we couldn’t miss the beautiful flowers. Even if you had gone there again with us, you would still enjoy it.” Jake and Jonathan are running around looking for Eileen and they are surprised when they see their uncle, Richard. They run to throw themselves in his arms.

They start chattering to Richard, “Uncle, when did you come here? Why didn’t you let us know? Do you know our birthday is only two days away? Did you come here for our birthday? We went to the…” All of them come upstairs to see Richard, and they look surprised about Richard’s unexpected visit, but they welcome him happily. Nancy smiles at him and says “Long time no see Richard. Why don’t you come here more often? We have missed you a lot, especially Mrs. Allison. How have you been?”

Mrs. Nancy asks him lots of questions before Arnold makes her stop. “I am glad to have come back home, Mrs. Nancy. I also have really missed all of you. I will spend my vacation here for two months” Richard answers cheerfully. Mrs. Allison says to her son.

“Did you get my letter a month ago? I thought you didn’t want to come home because you didn’t answer my letter. Ah, did you say hello to each other? Eileen, this is my son. Richard. Richard, this is Eileen. She has been staying with us for a rest from work since last month. First, take a rest for a while. We know you had a hard trip from your house to here. Let’s talk later.” Eileen shakes hands with Richard to say hello but she is still angry at him because Richard hasn’t apologized. She says to the twins “Jake and Jonathan, Let’s go downstairs. Your uncle has to take a rest now, and after that you can talk with him” Jake and Jonathan want to play with him but they follow Eileen.

After taking a shower and changing his clothes, Richard opens the window to smell the fresh air from outside. He sees that Eileen and the twins are playing in the garden. They look very happy, and suddenly he wants to join them. He hasn’t seen Jake and Jonathan’s faces filled with such happiness since their parents’ death. Richard thinks that even when they were only babies they felt grief. He goes downstairs to talk with his mom. She is watering the plant.

“Mom, I finally realized why you sent the letter to me. Even if you try to match me with Eileen, I will not get married to anybody. She is not my type. You can’t change my mind. So don’t try to pressure me, okay?”

Mrs. Allison pretends not to know about that. “I can’t understand what you are talking about. I just suggested you spend your vacation with family. Jake and Jonathan really want to see you and on the twins’ birthday your older sisters will come, so I hope all my family will gather together because it’s been a long time since we’ve seen each other.” Although Richard doubts it, he doesn’t press his mom hard. He hears cheerful and loud laughter from outside.

Two days later, it’s the twins’ birthday. The day before Mrs. Allison’s daughters’ family arrived to celebrate the twins’ birthday, so the house was full of her family. From the morning, everybody is very busy preparing lots of food and decorations for the twins. The twins are especially enthusiastic so they move around continuously and make noises, but nobody warns them to stop. It’s a special day for them. When all of the food is prepared, they gather to sing happy birthday to them and give them their presents. Jake and Jonathan are wearing nice suits and birthday caps that they got from their aunts. However, the family looks curiously at Eileen, and they ask her lots of questions. Sometimes she smiles at them when she gets an awkward question from them. Eileen thinks they look very happy and close to each other and she feels envious of them. She goes outside after a long time talking with them. She thinks that this house is full of love all the time, and she wants to be part of their family. She is lost in thought, so she doesn’t realize that somebody is beside her until he talks.

“Why did you come out? Aren’t you cold? Are you okay? Jake and Jonathan were impressed with your presents. Thank you so much.” Richard says to her kindly. “It’s my pleasure. I wanted to give them a special present. That’s why I made the presents for them.” she replied unintentionally. She is still upset that Richard was angry at her the first day. Anyways, she doesn’t want to worry about him anymore, and she wants to enjoy this happiness during her stay in this house. When the twins were very delighted with her presents, she was very impressed.

A couple of years before, Eileen met an ideal man who was very kind and loved Eileen very much. At that time, she thought he would be the last love she would ever meet, and she was sure that their love would continue forever. She had never thought of her life without him, and she wanted to be with him forever. At that time, the reason that she lived was only for him. However, their love had to stop because of his family. He couldn’t leave his lovely kids, even if he didn’t love his wife anymore. He couldn’t give up his responsibility to them. Even if he and Eileen loved each other so much, they couldn’t be with each other. She wanted to hold him, but she couldn’t do it and she had no choice but to say goodbye to him. Sometimes she still wants to call or meet him but she knows she must not. She still can’t forget him, and it is impossible to forget him so she is not ready to start loving other guys. She’ll probably wait for him. She knows it is stupid, but she can’t do anything to forget him. She thinks if time passes, she will eventually forget their love someday.

When Mrs. Allison sees Eileen and Richard talking on the veranda, she smiles quietly because she has a secret plan for them. When she visited her friend’s house in Paris during her last summer vacation, she met Eileen for the first time through her friend. While they were eating dinner and talking with each other, she thought Eileen was very smart and a warm-hearted person. After that day, she kept in touch with Eileen and she decided to be a matchmaker between Richard and Eileen. That’s why she suggested they take their vacation at her house. She is sure that they will be an attractive couple but when Richard asked her about that she was slightly surprised. Because Richard still seems suspicious, she thinks that she has to be careful, so that they don’t discover her plan.

When Richard and Eileen come back to the living room, the twins are looking very sleepy, so Eileen takes them to bed. She reads them books and tells them a story until they go to sleep, but she doesn’t know Richard is happily looking in through a crack in the door. While they spend their vacations in her house they become close friends. However, what Mrs. Allison hopes has not happened yet. And sometimes they go to the beach and go on a picnic with the twins. Eileen always takes care of Jake and Jonathan like a mom and sometimes Richard is impressed with her. Whenever Eileen talks with Richard, her first impression of Richard starts to change. She realizes he is very nice and humorous.

One day when Richard and Eileen are cheerfully talking about their jobs in the garden, a fabulous red sports car comes to the house with a noisy sound. When the door opens, a sexy woman who is tall and fit gets out of the car. As soon as she sees Richard, she runs and throws herself in Richard’s arms.

“Darling, I miss you a lot. Could you forgive me? I couldn’t wait until you came back to work so I came here.” Richard is surprised and says to her “Sophia, What’s up? Why did you come here?” “ I am so sorry. After saying goodbye to you, I have been thinking about our relationship again for a long time, and finally I realize that I still love you. Please let’s start again. I need you.”

Richard sighs and tells her “Sophia, we’re finished. You dumped me because of your new rich boy-friend and I think it’s not a good time to talk about that. Let’s talk later. First. .” He tries to say more, but then Mrs. Allison comes to them “Hello, Sophia. Long time no see. How have you been?” She smiles at Sophia politely and greets her. “First, how about drinking some tea in the living room?” Mrs. Allison takes Sophia in a hurry. When Eileen sees Sophia, she thought that Sophia looked a little arrogant but she is very beautiful. She has long blond hair and big pretty eyes. Eileen feels like a fish out of water because nobody introduced Sophia to her. She goes to the beach because she doesn’t want to interrupt them. When she comes back home, she doesn’t see Sophia again and while they are eating dinner, nobody mentions Sophia’s visit.

A few days later, somebody honks the horn from outside. The twins run to the door and check it out. “Grandma, a woman is coming with a big suitcase.” At that time, Sophia comes into the house. “Good afternoon. I am so sorry, but can I stay here for a while, Mrs. Allison?” As soon as she came to the house, she asked Mrs. Allison, but she didn’t care about Mrs. Allison’s reply. Mrs. Allison is at a loss what to do for a while but she agrees. If Richard were here, he would take her from the house. However, Mrs. Allison thought it might be good chance for Eileen and Richard, and they will develop an affection for each other more quickly than before.

At midnight, when Eileen goes downstairs to drink a cup of tea, she overhears an argument from Richard’s room. She can see Richard and Sophia through a crack in the door “Richard, I know that you still love me too. Don’t deny your feelings for me. I’ve already apologized to you several times about my leaving. Please forgive me.” Sophia is wearing sexy pyjamas and trying to persuade Richard. You can see her white skin and she looks like she is wearing only underwear. “Come here Darling. Let’s talk later. Everything will be fine. Tonight I want to sleep with you.” She goes to the bed to lie down and then she starts to tempt Richard. “Sophia. Don’t be silly, it’s over. I loved you very much but now I don’t love you anymore. Please get out of here. It’s better for us.” As soon as Richard says this to her, her face gets red and angry. “I promise you will love me again. While I am staying here with you, I will make you love me again. You will regret not staying with me tonight.” She goes out and slams the door. Just before Sophia came out of Richard’s room, Eileen hides behind the corner. When she goes back to bed, she can’t fall asleep, and she thinks and thinks about their conversation all night.

When Eileen goes downstairs to eat breakfast the next morning, Sophia is cheerfully talking with the family. Eileen couldn’t sleep very well the night before but she tries to concentrate on their conversation. She thinks that Sophia is pretending to be happy and makes a great effort to make them happy during the meal. After that, Eileen suggests Sophia go for a walk with the twins, but Sophia coldly refuses her suggestion. She seems to be guarded toward Eileen, and Sophia goes out with Richard’s arms folded around her. Eileen spends all morning with the twins and calls to the office about going back. There’s only a week left in her vacation, but she doesn’t want to leave this happy family. If she goes back to work, she has to live alone in a busy city. Even if she has lots of good friends and colleagues in the city, she will miss everything that she had with the family, friends and the memories here. For two months, she has had a wonderful time here and is thankful for their kindness. She doesn’t say she’s leaving to the twins yet, but she knows she has to tell them soon.

A few days later, Eileen is talking with Allison in the living room. “I will leave tomorrow. Thank you so much for these two months. I could feel warmth from your family. I will never forget it.” Alison feels moved to tears but she tries not to cry. “Eileen, you are like my family. I’ve never thought that you are not my family. Ever since I met you for the first time I’ve wanted to live with you for a long time. Did you say something to the twins? They will probably be very sad.” Mrs. Allison weeps, but she tries to smile at her. At that time, the twins ran into the living room with Richard. “Eileen, Have you ever seen these small bugs? Aren’t they cute? We will raise them in our bedroom.” They showed the small bugs to Eileen, and they treated them as if they were their treasures. She dries her tears in a hurry so they don’t notice and she smiles at them. “What cute bugs they are! Where did you catch them?” “Richard caught them for us. We played with Richard in the forest. At first we found them.” They looked very excited. “You did a good job!! However, why don’t you let them go back home? I think they are missing their family. If you let them go, they will be happier than now.” As soon as Eileen suggests this, they think intently. “Okay, I think they need a mom and dad like us.” They go outside to let them go. “However even if we don’t have parents now, we are happy because we have a grandmother, an uncle, aunts and you. I know you will live with us forever. Am I right?” Eileen can’t answer the question, and she can’t say anything to the twins.

When Richard heard from his mother that Eileen was leaving, the next day he was very shocked, as he thought they would have more time to spend together on their wonderful vacation. They had started to become familiar with each other now, and he wanted to know more about her and he enjoyed spending time with her. However she has to leave tomorrow and they won’t meet each other again. Suddenly he is very sad and he stands up to go downstairs to see her. In the living room, the twins are crying and hugging Eileen. Mrs. Allison is looking at them without saying anything. Probably Eileen told them, Richard thinks, and he approaches them. “Eileen, live with us, please,” say the twins. “ I don’t want to say goodbye to you. We don’t want to lose our mom again.” Eileen is also crying with the twins and persuading them. “My heart is with you, but they need me to work so I have to go. I will come here very often to see you.” “We need you too. Can’t you work here while you live with us?” “Jake and Jonathan, Eileen will visit us very often. Please stop it. If you cry a lot, Eileen can’t leave us happily.” Mrs. Allison tries to soothe them, but they don’t listen to her. They seize Eileen’s arms as if Eileen can’t run away. All of them cry and cry almost all day. While Eileen is putting the twins to sleep, she thinks she has to make up her mind for the adorable twins.

When Sophia heard Eileen was leaving, she was delighted. If she met her as a friend, she would like her very much like Richard’s family, but Eileen gets on Sophia’s nerves all the time so now she doesn’t like Eileen. When she saw Eileen at first, she thought that Eileen looked very humdrum, and she was not an attractive person, but while she has been staying here with Richard’s family, she felt Richard’s family loves Eileen too much and sometimes Sophia sees that Richard looks happily at only Eileen for a long time. She is afraid that Richard loves Eileen like his family does so she always sticks with Richard and she tries to make him love her again, but it’s not easy. She realizes Richard has started to love Eileen, but she can’t accept it and she hates the twins. She can’t control the twins and the twins are troublemakers for her. If she gets married with Richard, she won’t have to care about them because Mrs. Allison will look after them for all her life. She can’t stand them, but now she has to bear them for Richard. If Eileen leaves tomorrow, she will go on a vacation with Richard to Europe. She hates this small boring village. She thinks that she will suggest her plan to Richard tomorrow, and she can sleep very well tonight without any worries. She happily goes to bed with all of this settled in her mind.

Richard can’t fall asleep tonight and it’s already 2:00AM. He goes downstairs to drink some wine to put himself to sleep, and he sees Eileen sitting and drinking tea in the dinning room. It is very dark and only one lamp is turned on, but he recognizes Eileen. They see each other and Richard approaches her with some wine. “Do you want some wine?” “No, thanks. I already have some tea.” “Do you mind if I join you?” Richard goes over to Eileen with a glass of wine. “Of course. I can’t fall asleep tonight so I came here to think about some things.” Eileen tells Richard feebly, “Did you pack your stuff? Don’t worry about the twins. They will understand soon enough and they will be okay. If they like someone, they want to stay with them all the time. However, in this case it is a little different. I think they like you as a mom and you are very kind to them.” “I know. While I have been staying here with them for two months, I have been very happy and I don’t want to leave them either. They are also special kids to me.” Eileen says sadly. At this moment, Richard goes to sit beside Eileen and he keeps patting her on the shoulder. At the moment, Richard thinks what a lovely girl she is!!

The next morning, everyone gathers in the living room to say goodbye to Eileen. Although they are sad, they try to say farewell to Eileen. Eileen can’t see the twins, and they don’t want to see her leaving so they are still in their bedroom. “Thank you Nancy and Arnold. I had a great time here. I will never forget it, and I will miss you a lot.” “Eileen, I was happy to know you. Let’s keep in touch. Take care.” Nancy wipes her tears and says to Eileen. “ Mrs. Allison. I will call you and can I visit you often? I’m really grateful that I could have such a great vacation with wonderful people. If you have any chance to go near the city, please come by my house anytime. I will wait for you all the time.” Eileen hugs Mrs. Allison and tells her. “Eileen I am very sad you have to leave us now but I know we can meet anytime and anywhere although we live far away. Take care and good bye,” Mrs. Allison says to Eileen. “Sophia, if we have more time, we will be better friends, but we are still good friends, aren’t we?” “See you later, Eileen. It’s good to see you. Good bye.” Sophia happily tells Eileen. “Richard, you have a great family. I envy you. I was glad to see you. Thanks a lot. Have a nice vacation here.” When Richard says something to her, the twins run to Eileen and hug her tightly. “Please don’t go, Eileen. If you leave, we will follow you.” As if they are trying not to let her leave, they hang onto Eileen’s leg. Eileen can’t leave them and she thinks for a while and says to them. “Okay I can’t leave you. I am going to stay with you kids. At least for a while a little while longer. As soon as she says this to them, the twins shout for joy and everyone smiles happily except Sophia. Her face changes coldly and she stares at Eileen.

After that day, Eileen spends her time with Richard more and they are become closer. One day, Richard suggests they go on a picnic. They prepare some food and other stuff to enjoy their picnic. Eileen wants to go with the twins but Mrs. Allison says they will go to the amusement park with her, so Eileen goes on a picnic only with Richard. Fortunately Sophia is not at home.

Eileen rides a horse and eats some food with Richard. She feels happy because she is with Richard. She is changing, but she doesn’t recognize it. Whenever she is with Richard, she feels comfortable and she always wants to be with Richard but Sophia still loves him and Sophia sticks with him all the time. Anyways, she doesn’t want to think about it, and she only wants to enjoy this wonderful time with Richard. They talk and talk while leaning against a tree, Richard holds her hands and suddenly confesses to her, “I love you Eileen. It has taken a long time to look for my real love. I am sure I finally have found my love, you. Will you accept my love?” Eileen is very happy but she can’t. “Thank you. Richard. For someone to love me or for me to love someone is very enjoyable but I can’t chance it because you have Sophia who still loves you. She will get hurt if I accept your love. I hope that nobody is hurt because of me. I already had an experience where I had to give up my love because of his family, so I don’t want to start it again,” Eileen says to Richard sadly. “Eileen, look at me. If we love each other truly, nobody can split us up. Don’t be afraid of anything. Tell me the truth. As you know we love each other very much and we can have a beautiful love.” They hug and he kisses her nose, then her cheek and her lips. Finally, they make love in the beautiful nature.

“Do you think you can marry Richard? Over my dead body! If I can’t get married with him, you can’t either. He will come back to me, I am sure.” When Eileen comes out of her room at night, Sophia is waiting for her and then Sophia slaps Eileen’s cheek and she gives her a warning. Eileen can’t say anything because she is very shocked. In the afternoon when Richard and Eileen come back home, Sophia is very angry and very jealous. Suddenly Sophia pushes Eileen from the top of the stairs and Eileen blacks out. She crashes and tumbles to the bottom and lies there in a heap.

When Eileen wakes up, Richard is holding her hand and looking at her sadly. She is in bed and the other family is around her to see her wake up. “Are you all right, Eileen? I am really worried about you. Doctor James came to check you a few hours ago. He said if you stay in bed for a while, you will be okay, but you’ve got some bruises. Don’t worry about Sophia anymore. She left, and she will not come here anymore. We can’t forgive her.” After she woke up, the rest of the family went out of her room assured that she was okay. For a few days, Richard truly took care of Eileen, and he never let her alone even for a moment. He also read her books, sang songs and whispered his love for her.

Two weeks later, Eileen and Richard hugged and kissed at the airport because Eileen had to go to New York to work as an interpreter at an international conference. “I am sorry but while I am staying in New York, I won’t be able to keep in touch with you and your family for a couple days. I will be very busy so it will be hard to call each other. Please understand and forgive me. Richard. I will be back as soon as possible.” Richard doesn’t want to be apart from Eileen even for a moment, but he has to understand it because Eileen loves her job. These days Eileen works as a freelancer and stays apart from the family, but the twins understand her because they are apart only for four days. She is going to go back home and then they can live together again. Richard is working as an undercover agent so he has a double life. He is sorry about this because he has to tell a lie to everyone, even Eileen, but that is his job. He thinks Eileen can understand him. After saying goodbye to Eileen, Richard goes to the jewelry shop to get rings. A few days before, he ordered the rings because Eileen is coming home soon. He will propose to her then. The more he imagines it, the more he has a big smile.

While they are eating dinner, they hear an airplane accident on the news. Suddenly everybody stops eating and listens carefully to the news. Richard runs to the television to check it out. He prays ‘Please, I hope it’s not the airplane that Eileen is on. Richard is stunned and can’t say anything. That is the airplane!!! A few hours ago, he had just seen Eileen off and then her airplane fell to the ground. According to the news, nobody survived the crash. He drove to the airport to check Eileen’s name on the passenger’s list. When he found Eileen’s name on the passenger’s list, he leaned against the wall. Richard had tears running down his cheeks and he couldn’t stop them. When he got home, Mrs. Allison falls into a faint and she stays in bed. She lost her lovely family again, and she can’t accept this tragedy again. Richard thinks ‘It’s not fair. We loved each other so much!’

For a few days, everybody completely forgets to smile and nobody makes any noise at home. It looks like nobody lives in the house. Sometimes, only the playing of Jake and Jonathan break the silence but they feel something is wrong yet nobody says anything to them. Whenever they ask a family member when Eileen is coming back home, they dodge the question. Richard doesn’t come out of his room as he can’t live without Eileen. He wants to do something to find her but there is no way. No one can even find the airplane wreck. The house is in deep grief.

When Eileen comes back home, she feels strange because it is too quiet and too dark. It doesn’t look like the house that she knew before. She knows it is too late to come in the house but she wanted to come back home early as soon as possible. As soon as the conference finished, she caught an airplane because she misses her family, especially Richard. When she opens the door, Richard is drinking alcohol without any lights and looks at her as if she is a ghost. He is really surprised and has a lot of doubt in his voice. “Are Is it you Eileen? Am I right?” Richard stands up slowly and comes to her. “You bet. Are you all right? What are you doing here?” He touches her face without any answer, and finally he realizes she is alive. “It’s not dream. Thank God. Eileen is still alive. I love you Eileen. I love you so much. I realized I can’t live without you.” He shouts and hugs her tightly. Everybody wakes up because of his shouting and everybody cries with joy for Eileen.

Eileen was about to get on the airplane when the international conference sponsors telephoned because they wanted her to go to Paris first to interpret there if she didn’t mind. While she was working in the international conference as an interpreter, she couldn’t hear any events or accidents from the media because she had to concentrate on working while she was staying there. Whenever she thinks about the tragic crash, she is sorry about the victims, but she is thankful for everything. She realizes ‘what a lucky person I am. What a happy person I am in the world. I will live more happily and I will do my best to do everything and to love people around me. I need to be thankful for everything.’ Now she is one of the happiest people. Richard is lying beside her with a big smile and the twins are playing around Richard and Eileen.

♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ The End ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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