Global Tests - Elementary

Global Beginner Progress Test 1

Units 1–5

Part A

Grammar and Vocabulary

A Put the words in the correct order to make questions.


you are how ?

How are you?

1 is name what your ? ………………………………………

2 are from you where ? ………………………………………

3 is camera this your ? ………………………………………

4 spell can you that ? ………………………………………

5 brother married your is ? ………………………………………

B Underline the correct words.


What’s you / your name?

6 Are / Is you French?

7 No I isn’t / I’m not.

8 He aren’t / isn’t Polish.

9 What’s he / his name?

10 What is you / your phone number?

11 This is our / we car.

12 There are some small shops near me / my house.

C Complete the sentences with these words.

’m ’s are aren’t her is isn’t she


No, my uncle isn’t married.

13 Hi, I ……… Marcus.

14 This is my girlfriend. ……… name’s Sonia.

15 Is ……… from Brazil?

16 There ……… three restaurants.

17 This is my husband ……… family.

18 No, there ……… .

19 ……… there a cinema?

D Complete the conversation with these words.

And you? Hi How are you? I’m from Hello Nice to meet you Not bad


A: Hello Kurt.

B: (20) ……………… Janka, this is my girlfriend Simone.

A: (21) ……………… Simone.

C: Nice to meet you too. (22) ……………… .

A: Fine, thanks. (23) ……………… .

C: (24) ……………… .

A: Where are you from?

C: I’m French. (25) ……………… Paris. And you?

A: I’m from Bratislava. I’m Slovakian.

E Match these words to the numbers below. Be careful! There are two extra words.

eighty-three eleven fifteen fifty fourteen nineteen thirty-eight twenty-three ninety seventy six


14 fourteen

26 11 ………………

27 6 ………………

28 15 ………………

29 50 ………………

30 38 ………………

31 83 ………………

32 19 ………………

33 90 ………………

F Underline the word that doesn’t fit.


friendly old Brazilian boring

34 retired aunt cousin son

35 cricket football cheap table tennis

36 French Italian Chinese uncle

37 twenty nephew eight thirteen

38 small interesting expensive passport

G Complete the sentences with these words.

expensive nephew open outdoors near running Russia Russian


There’s a park near my house.

39 This is my ……… . His name is Mikel.

40 This watch is ……… .

41 She’s from Moscow. She’s ……… .

42 What time is the shop ………?

43 Do you like ………?

44 I work ……… .

45 This is Sasha. He’s from ……… .

Part B

Reading, Listening and Pronunciation

H Reading

Read the information. Are the sentences true (T) or false (F)?

Hi! My name’s Yuki. I’m 19 and I’m Japanese. I’m from Tokyo. Now I’m in Australia with my parents.

Hi, My name’s Francesca and I’m here with my boyfriend Paolo. We’re from Italy. I’m 22 and Paolo is 23.

Hi, I’m Paolo. I’m in a café with my girlfriend. Her name is Francesca.


Yuki is in Japan. F

46 Yuki is Australian. T / F

47 She is with her mother and father. T / F

48 Paolo and Francesca are Italian. T / F

49 Paolo’s girlfriend is 19. T / F

50 Francesca is in a café. T / F

I Reading

Read the text and choose the correct answer, a or b.

My name’s Angus. I’m 24 and I work for VSO. I’m a volunteer and I work in Kenya in Africa. I work in a school and I help the children. I live in a small place. There aren’t any shops and it is very quiet. There isn’t a lot of money and there’s a lot of work.


Angus ……… in Kenya.

a is from

b works

51 He’s a ………. .

a student.

b volunteer.

52 The place he lives in ……… big.

a is

b isn’t

53 There are ……… small shops.

a no

b some

54 It isn’t …….…

a noisy.

b small.

55 Angus works in a school. It is very …….… .

a boring

b busy

J Listening

Listen to someone talking about his family and where he lives and underline the correct information.


Luis is from Poland/ Spain.

56 Luis is Polish / Spanish.

57 He’s single / married.

58 His wife is Polish / Spanish.

59 Her name is Eva / Ewa.

60 They have a daughter / son.

61 There are / aren’t any shops on their street.

62 The people in the café are / aren’t friendly.

63 There is / isn’t a shopping centre near their house.

K Pronunciation

Listen to the words and match them with the correct stress patterns.

64 Brazilian a (

65 busy b ((

66 cinema c ((

67 eight d (((

68 expensive e (((

69 Japanese f (((

70 thirteen g ((((

Part C


Write a short text about a shop near you. Include some of the words or phrases from the help box. Write about 30 words.

Help box

There’s …

The shop near my house is …

There are lots / many …

It is / isn’t …

the … are …






Part D


You meet someone from another country at a party. Introduce yourself and ask about the other person. Show interest and answer their questions.

Before you start, write down some personal information questions. In your conversation, include the following:

• Name

• Nationality

• Home town

• Family


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