Loudoun County Public Schools

1A 7th Grade -- Student Notes for CV System, Nutrition,

Physical Activity and Sleep

I. Cardiovascular (CV) System and/or Physical Activity

Cardiovascular System

1. a. Label the parts of the CV System (Use the diagram on the next page)

b. For each part, write its function.

2. You and your “team” have been employed by Ida Lee Recreation Center to create a slogan to promote cardiovascular health among teens.

B. Physical Activity

1. a. definition = any______________ or activity that requires ____________

b. benefits of physical activity and fitness

Physical (body) Mental/Emotional (think/feel) Social (relationships with others)

--reduces the risk of __________ --improves your self-__________ --meet new ____________

and illness (heart attack, stroke, and self-_________________ --try new activities or games

high blood pressure, --helps you manage ________ more --improve _______________

Type 2 diabetes, cancer) efficiently cooperation with others

--lower __________ __________ __________ --spend _______ with friends

-- builds up your ___________ system

(fight off colds and other illnesses more efficiently).

c. With your group, create a plan to increase opportunities for physical activity:

in school





at home





in the community





d. How does choosing healthy food choices and physical activity help keep the cardiovascular system healthy?





2. Recreational and Leisure Activities

a. definition = activities that are ______-_________; participate in for fun,

b. benefits of recreational and leisure activities





3. Active Transportation

a. definition =______-_____________ activity that takes you from one place to another

b. types

1. ____________________________________________________

2. ____________________________________________________

3. ____________________________________________________

c. benefits (brainstorm with your “team”)





d. choose a location in your community and design a safe route you would take to it from your home





II. Nutrition

A. Making Healthy Choices

1. Benefits of eating foods to meet the recommendations for iron, calcium, and fiber a. Iron: ______________________________________________________

b. Calcium: __________________________________________________

c. Fiber: _____________________________________________________

2. Nutrient dense foods at home and school

a. define nutrient dense-- __________ that have a high ___________ value

b. how would I increase my intake of nutrient-dense foods at:









c. effects of nutrition on daily performance





d. cognitive and physical benefits of eating breakfast





e. Use the decision-making process to evaluate your own food intake and nutritional requirements. For each step in the decision-making process, write a statement related to improving your own daily food intake.

I. State the situation:


II. List the options (what are my choices?):


III. Weight the outcomes


IV. Consider my values


V. Make a decision and act


VI. Evaluate the Decision (what are the actual consequences?)


III. Sleep

A. Recommendations for Sleep

1. Compare your personal sleep habits with the recommended

a. what is recommended amount of sleep for teens? __________________

b. compare your sleep habits with the recommended. Do you meet the recommended amount? If not, what can you do to meet it?




B. Importance of Sleep

1. With your team, evaluate the impact of sleep and rest on physical, social, emotional health, and cognitive/mental performance.

a. provides more _____________

b. improved ability to pay a____________, c______________, c____________

c. performance in ____________ and _______________ (receive better grades)

d. stronger ____________ system (fights off colds)

e. time when ____________ occurs

f. important for m___________ or retaining in___________________

g. __________ likely to maintain a healthy w_____________


a. _______________ – _______________________________________________________________

b. _______________ – _______________________________________________________________

c. _______________ – _______________________________________________________________

d. _______________ – _______________________________________________________________


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