CDE 21Guide - Career Technical Education (CA Dept of ...

California Department of Education (CDE)

Carl D. Perkins Career and Technical Education Improvement Act of 2006 (Perkins IV)

List of Non-Career Technical Education Courses

Revised: 01/2012

|While this is not a complete list, the list represents current courses that should not be counted on the |

|CDE 21 form or assisted with Perkins IV funds. |

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|Academic Classes (Algebra, Psychology, Foreign Language) |Dance |

|Any AP course |Director, Institution |

|Any Honors course |Discover the Internet (Senior people) |

|Adaptive P.E. |Drama |

|Air Force/Navy Military Careers (ROTC) |Drop in Classes |

|Algebra |Employability |

|Algebra for Technology and Business |ESL for Language Acquisition |

|Any "Make-up" Classes i.e. (Saturday Make-up) |Expectant Mothers or Fathers |

|Band |Explorations on the World Wide Web |

|Basic Skills |Gardening/Walking |

|Business Math |GED Classes |

|Career Assessment |General Work Experience |

|Career Awareness |Global Logistics |

|Career Development |High School Diploma Class |

|Career Exploration |Hire Image |

|Career Training for Transition |Income Tax Preparation |

|Career Transition Program |Independent Living |

|Ceramics |Individual or Independent Study |

|Choir |Internet Job Search |

|Communication Skills |Job Prep Skills |

|Community Service |Job Readiness for CalWorks |

|Computer Literacy |Job Search Clinic |

|Computers for Seniors |Job Skills |

|Contemporary Communications American Literature |Job Skills Training |

|Contract Work |Journalism |

|Contractor License Preparation |Life Skills |

|Conversational Spanish, Russian, etc. |Literacy Courses |

|Create Flyers |Marching Band |

|Mobility Skills |MESA – Mathematics, Engineering, Science Achievement |

|Money Skills |Teen Pregnancy |

|Officers Professional Development Training |Transition for CalWorks |

|Open Computer Lab |Transition for Career Development |

|Personal Growth |Transition for WIA |

|Pre-Employment Preparation |Transition to Employment |

|Preparation for a Workday |Translation courses |

|Real Estate Agent License Preparation |Tutorial |

|Recycling |Tutoring |

|Senior Projects |Vocational English as a Second Language |

|Service Occupations Work Skills |Vocational ESL |

|Sign Language |Vocational Skills |

|Spanish (or any other Foreign Language) for Office Careers |Workability |

|Spanish for the Workplace |Work Experience (General) |

|Spelling and Vocabulary |Work Improvement Skills |

|Sports Officiating |Workforce Preparation |

|Supported Living Skills |Workplace Survival |

|Teacher Aide/Ass't |Yearbook |


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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