What can you do with a Liberal Arts (social/ …

[Pages:2]What can you do with a Liberal Arts (social/ behavioral science) degree?

If you need help understanding more about your personality, skills, or interests and how they relate to career, try the activities on this website:

Direct Service Occupational Therapist Psychiatrist Psychologist Industrial and Organizational Psychologist Case Manager Prevention Educator Mental Health Services Specialist/ Social Worker Social and Human Services Assistant Performance Enhancement Specialist Testing/Assessment Specialist Substance Abuse Specialist/Social Worker

Social Science Research Researcher/ Social Science Research Assistant Data Analyst Program/ Policy Analyst Demographer Market Researcher Statistician Sociologist Psychologist Anthropologist Survey Researcher Archaeologist

Ethnographer Neuroscientist

Education Librarian K-12 Teacher/Administrator Adult Learning/Community Instructor Community College Instructor Behavioral Specialist School Psychologist Special Education/Resource Teacher Classroom Aide Inclusion Specialist Technical Writer

Government/Politics/Law Political Scientist Statistician Special Interest Advocate Program/ Policy Analyst Court Reporter Forensics Investigator Probation Officer Demographer Public Administrator

Network and Connect: LinkedIn ? ? start exploring and connecting! Weddles- directory of some of the major professional associations listed by industry -American Counseling Association -California Society for Clinical Social Work -Justice Studies Association -The American Society of Criminology -Society for Human Resource Management -Public Relations Society of America -American Marketing Association - American Institute of Certified Public Accountants - Association for Financial Professionals - National Association of Professional Insurance Agents - National Association of Realtors - National Council for History Education - American Association of Museums - American Association of Graphic Arts -American Medical Association - American Institute of Biological Sciences

More Ideas: Local School District, Law Office, Religious Institution, Local Museum, Homeless Shelter, Local Government, Crisis Center, Contra Costa Regional Park District, Local Hospital, Community Center, Small Businesses, Local Theater, Chamber of Commerce or Corporations in your area

Create Your Own Opportunity: Use Google Maps to identify organizations around you. Call them up, introduce yourself, tell them about your activities and skills and tell them how you would like to contribute to their company.

Join Campus Organizations: Gain leadership experience

Los Medanos College, Student Services Center, 4th floor, 925-473-7444 @LMC_OnYourWay lmctransfer_career LMC Transfer and Career Services Transfer & Career weekly email: events, key info, university rep visits, tours, and jobs/internships. Everything you need in

one place!!!! Sign up here:


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