University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee

Global Security Track (revised 01-28-20)

This track examines the changing conceptions and conditions shaping global security. In addition to exploring traditional notions of security based on the nation-state and the international system, coursework in this track considers a wide range of issues including global health, the environment, human rights, peace-building efforts, 21st century conflict, social movements, migration, ethnicity, and identity. The Global Security track will prepare students for careers relevant to various aspects of global conflict management and/or sustainability, such as those in government agencies and diplomacy, non-profit organizations, international organizations, and the public policy community.

Enrolling in the Degree Program

Any student interested in pursuing a Bachelor of Arts in Global Studies should set up a meeting with an advisor in the College of Letters & Science,, 414-229-4654. Students may enroll in the Global Studies degree program by declaring their major as Global Studies, which is possible after they have earned 56 credits putting them at junior standing. The simple process includes: (1) reviewing the degree requirements with an advisor, and (2) completing the Declaration of Major Form online here. Students who intend to pursue a Global Studies degree are strongly advised to declare before earning 75 credits.


Common to all tracks is the degree’s core curriculum, which includes:

Global Studies Degree Core Courses

1. Three foundational Global Studies Core Courses:

Global 101: People and Politics (SS)

Global 201: Economics and the Environment (SS)

Global 202: Globalization and Information Technology (SS)

2. Six semesters (or equivalent) of foreign language study;

3. Students complete 2 of 3 options below:

• 3-9 credits of study abroad coursework;

• 1-6 credits of a domestic internship that is internationally focused

• 1-6 credits of an international internship outside the USA

4. One of the following ‘World Regions’ courses:

Geography 110: The World: People and Regions (SS)

History 132: World History since 1500 (HU)

Political Science 106: Politics of the World’s Nations (SS)

Graduation requires a minimum grade point average of 2.5 in the Global Studies core courses, including foreign language, and a 2.0 overall. Students must complete at least 120 cumulative degree credits (with 36 credits at the 300-level or higher in L&S courses). All degree requirements must be taken for credit.


(24-25) credits are REQUIRED from the following list of courses:

Upper Division Global Core Courses (9 cr)

1. Global 371 Rethinking Global Security, 3 cr

2. One of the following courses (3 cr):

Global 442 Humanitarianism in Global Perspective, 3 cr

Global 447 Global Politics of Human Rights, 3 cr

Global 471 Strategies for Realizing Security in Global Contexts, 3 cr

3. Global 550 Global Studies Integrated Capstone: 3 cr (OWCB)

Security Foundation Courses

Students who take courses beyond the respective subject-area requirements may count those credits toward electives.

4. Both of the following courses (6 cr):

Economics 103 Principles of Microeconomics, 3 cr (SS)

Economics 104 Principles of Macroeconomics, 3 cr (SS)

5. One of the following courses (3 cr):

Economics 210 Economic Statistics, 3 cr

Math Stat 215 Elementary Statistical Analysis, 3 cr (NS, QLB)

6. One of the following courses (3-4 cr):

Anthropology 540 Applications of Anthropology, 3 cr

Anthropology 560 Introduction to Research Methods in Anthropology, 3 cr

Anthropology 561 Techniques and Problems in Ethnography, 3 cr

Geography 215 Introduction to Geographic Information Sciences, 3 cr

Geography 525 Geographic Information Systems, 3 cr

Political Science 390 Political Data Analysis, 4 cr (QLB)

Women’s Studies 411 Women’s Studies Research and Methods, 3 cr

7. One of the following courses (3 cr):

Communication 365(520) Negotiation Skills Workshop, 3 cr U.

Communication 665 Introduction to Mediation, 3 cr U/G.

Communication 675 Communication in International Mediation & Peacebuilding, 3 cr U/G.

8. Security Core Electives

Twenty-four (24) credits are REQUIRED in total from the following lists of courses, with a minimum of fifteen (15) credits taken from List A. Note: Students who take more than five courses from List A may count those additional credits toward electives.

*Students should consult their academic advisors for a list of approved subtitles.

A. A minimum of fifteen (15) credits chosen from the following:

Anthropology (ANTHRO)

156 Food and Culture. 3 cr. U. (SS)

355 Globalization, Culture and the Environment, 3 cr. U. (SS)

440 Medical Anthropology. 3 cr. U/G.

442 Humanitarianism in Global Perspective. 3 cr. U/G (Jointly offered with Global 442; if not selected for #2)

447 The Global Politics of Human Rights. 3 cr. U/G. (Jointly offered with Global 447; if not selected for #2)

448 Cultural and Human Ecology. 3 cr. U/G.

449 The Human Economy. 3 cr. U/G.

450 Political Anthropology. 3 cr. U/G.

543 Cross-Cultural Study of Religion. 3 cr. U/G.


Art and Design (ART)

Art 509 Art and Design Seminar, 3cr

Architecture (ARCH)

533 Topics in Architectural Theory: (Subtitled). 3 cr. U/G.*

Biomedical Science (BMS)

232 Introduction to Nutrition. 3 cr. U.

539 Public Health Microbiology. 2 cr. U/G.

540 Public Health Microbiology Lab. 1 cr. U/G. (NS)

Communication (COMMUN)

350 Intercultural Communication. 3 cr. U. (CD, SS)

363 Communication in Human Conflict. 3 cr. U.

365(520) Negotiation Skills Workshop. 3 cr. U. (If not selected for #7)

450 Cross-Cultural Communication. 3 cr. U.

550 International and Global Communication. 3 cr. U/G.

631 Current Topics in Interpersonal Communication/Conflict Management: (Subtitled). 3 cr. U.*

665 Introduction to Mediation. 3 cr. U/G.

665 Introduction to Mediation. 3 cr. U/G. (If not selected for #7)

675 Communication in International Mediation and Peacebuilding. 3 cr. U/G. (If not selected for #7)

681 Seminar in Communication in a World of AIDS. 3 cr. U/G.

Comparative Literature (COMP LIT)

232 Literature and Politics: (w/ approved Subtitle). 3 cr. U.*

350 Topics in Comparative Literature: (w/approved Subtitle). 3 cr. U/G.*

365 Literatures and Cultures of the Americas. 3 cr. U.

Conservation & Environmental Studies (CES)

210 Introduction to Conservation and Environmental Science. 3 cr. U. (NS)

Criminal Justice (CRM JST)

291 Current Issues in Criminal Justice: (Subtitled). 1-3 cr. U.*

410 Comparative Criminal Justice. 3 cr. U. ( SS)

Economics (ECON)

351 Introduction to International Economic Relations. 3 cr. U.

353 Economic Development. 3 cr. U.

English (ENGLISH)

443 Grant Writing. 3 cr. U/G.

Ethnic Studies (ETHNIC)

350 Advanced Topics in Comparative Ethnic Studies: (Subtitled). 3 cr. U.*

375 Global Violence, Disease, and Death. 3 cr. U.

Geography (GEOG)

231 Geography of Islam, 3 cr. U

309 Nationalities and Nations of the World. 3 cr. U.

310 General Climatology. 3 cr. U.

315 Globalization and Economic Development

350 Conservation of Natural Resources. 3 cr. U.

400 Population, Environment, Development. 3 cr. U

443 Cities of the World: Comparative Urban Geography. 3 cr. U/G.

464 Environmental Problems. 3 cr. U/G.

540 Globalization and the City. 3 cr. U/G.

564 Urban Environmental Change and Social Justice. 3 cr. U/G.

Global Studies (GLOBAL)

299 Ad Hoc (w/ approved subtitle)*, 1-6 cr

321 The Global City in History, 3 cr

421 Cities in Global Economy, 3 cr

442 Humanitarianism in Global Perspective (Jointly offered with Anthro 442; if not selected for #2), 3 cr

443 Medicine and Pharmaceuticals in the Global Age, 3 cr

446 The Re-Configuring Global Order, 3 cr

447 Global Politics of Human Rights (Jointly offered with Anthro 447; if not selected for #2), 3 cr

448 Intellectual Property in the Global Information Economy, 3 cr

471 Strategies for Realizing Security in Global Contexts (If not selected for #2), 3 cr

499 Ad Hoc (w/ approved subtitle)*, 1-6 cr

History (HIST)

210 The Twentieth Century: A Global History, 3 cr

372 Topics in Global History: (w/ approved subtitle)*, 3 cr

Nursing (NURS)

101 Cultural Diversity in Health Care, 3 cr (CD, SS)

110 Introduction to Global Health, 3 cr.

365 Current Topics of Nursing: (w/ approved subtitle)*, 1-3 cr

475 Global Health: Ethics and Human Rights. 3 cr

620 Global Food Security and Systems, 3 cr

Peace Studies (PEACEST)

201 Introduction to Peace and Conflict Resolution, 3 cr (SS)

Philosophy (PHILOS)

350 Introduction to the Comparative Studies of Religion, 3 cr

Political Science (POL SCI)

175 Introduction to International Relations, 3 cr (SS)

316 International Law, 3 cr

330 The Politics of International Economic Relations, 3 cr

337 International Organizations & the UN (or UN Summer Seminar), 3 cr

338 Seminar in International Relations: (w/ approved subtitle)*, 3 cr

365 Theories and Methods in International Politics, 3 cr

370 International Conflict, 3 cr

371 Nationalism & Ethnic Conflict, 3 cr

Public Health (PH)

101 Introduction to Public Health, 3 cr

375 Topics in Public Health for Undergrads: (w/ approved subtitle)*, 3 cr

Religious Studies (RELIGST)

250 Selected Topics in Religious Studies: (w/ approved subtitle)*, 3 cr

Sociology (SOCIOL)

235 Social Change in the Global Economy, 3 cr

327 The Social Organization of Technology: A Comparative Perspective, 3 cr

495 Seminar in Sociology: (w/ approved subtitle)*, 3 cr

Women’s Studies (WMNS)

401 Global Feminisms, 3 cr

500 Advanced Social Science Seminar in Women’s Studies (w/ approved subtitle)*, 3 cr

B. Students may take any course listed in sections 5-7 above to fulfill the elective credit requirement, but courses may only be counted once toward the degree program. Additional elective credits may be chosen from the following:

Africology (AFRICOL)

232 Survey of African Societies and Cultures, 3 cr (SS)

299 Africa in the Reconfiguring Global System (w/ approved subtitle)*, 1-6 cr

325 Africa/China Relations 3 cr

311 African Religious Thought and Social Organizations, 3 cr

320 Black Cultures in Latin America and the Caribbean, 3 cr

329 Economic Growth and Sustainable Development in Africa, 3 cr

565 Selected Texts/Topics in Africology: (w/ approved subtitle)*, 3 cr

Anthropology (ANTHRO)

250 Women's Roles in Cross-Cultural Perspective, 3 cr

300-series Anthropology: “Peoples and Cultures”, 3 cr

349 Seminar in Ethnography and Cultural Processes 3 cr

441 Nature, Knowledge, and Technoscience in Anthropological Perspective, 3 cr

Business Administration (BUS ADM)

330 Organizations, 3 cr

Chinese (CHINESE)

320 Contemporary Chinese Society through Film, 3 cr

Civil Engineering and Mechanics (CIV ENG)

492 Environmental Impact Assessment, 3 cr

Comparative Literature (COMPLIT)

233 Literature and Film: (w/ approved subtitle)*, 3 cr

461 Film-Fiction Interaction: (w/ approved subtitle)*, 3 cr.

Economics (ECON)

447(451) Labor Economics, 3 cr

454 International Trade, 3 cr

455 International Finance, 3 cr

English (ENGLISH)

240 Rhetoric, Writing, and Culture: (w/ approved subtitle)*, 3 cr (HU, OWCB)

316 World Cinema: (w/ approved subtitle)*, 3 cr

446 Global Business Communications, 3 cr

Ethnic Studies (ETHNIC)

102 Transnational Migrations: Asian-, Arab-, Euro-American and Latino Identity, 3 cr (HU, CD)

250 Selected Topics in Ethnic Studies: (w/ approved subtitle)*, 3 cr

Geography (GEOG)

213 Geography of Asia, 3 cr

215 Introduction to Geographic Information Sciences, 3 cr

247(447) Quantitative Analysis in Geography, 3 cr

309 Nationalities and Nations of the World, 3 cr

330 Europe: East and West, 3 cr

332 China: Peoples, Regions and Development, 3 cr

340 Biogeography, 3 cr

403 Remote Sensing: Environmental & Land Use Analysis, 4 cr

410 Gendered Geographies, 3 cr

421 Geography of Latin America, 3 cr

462 Cultural Geography of Latin America, 3 cr

470 Geography of South Asia, 3 cr

Global Studies (GLOBAL)

699 Advanced Independent Study, 1-3 cr

Hebrew Studies (HEBW STD)

238 Studies in Hebrew/Jewish Literature, Art & Culture (w/ approved subtitle)*, 3 cr

254 Studies in Hebrew Culture: (w/ approved subtitle)*, 3 cr

History (HIST)

180 Latin American Society and Culture: (w/ approved subtitle)*, 3 cr

192 First-Year Seminar: (w/ approved subtitle)*, 3 cr

200 Historical Roots of Contemporary Issues: (w/ approved subtitle)*, 3 cr

282 The Modern Middle East in the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries, 3 cr (HU)

286 The Korean Conflict, 1950-1953, 3 cr

287 The Vietnam War, 3 cr (SS)

290 Topics in Global History: (w/ approved subtitle)*, 3 cr

345 The Modern Balkans: Nationalism, War and Democracy, 3 cr

372 Topics in Global History: (w/ approved subtitle)*, 3 cr

375 Contemporary European History, 1945 to the Present, 3 cr

378 Revolution in China

382 Southeast Asia: The Age of Imperialism and Revolution Since 1800, 3 cr

392 The History of Southern Africa, 3 cr

393 History of Mexico, 3 cr

395 History of Japan since 1600, 3 cr

434 The United States as a World Power in the 20th Century, 3 cr

Information Studies (INFOST)

660(625) Information Policy, 3 cr

International Studies (INTLST)

550 Seminar in International Studies: (w/ approved subtitle)*, 3 cr

Philosophy (PHILOS)

204 Introduction to Asian Religions, 3 cr (HU)

Political Science (POL SCI)

255(155) Great Issues of Politics (SS), 3 cr

300(200) Western European Politics, 3 cr

302 Politics of Eastern Europe, 3 cr

310 Politics of the Soviet Union and its Successor States, 3 cr

321 Politics of the Middle East and North Africa, 3 cr

325 Latin American Politics, 3 cr

326 Brazilian Politics and Society, 3 cr

327 Politics of the Middle East and North Africa, 3 cr

328 The Arab-Israeli Conflict, 3 cr

329 African Politics, 3 cr

339 European Integration, 3 cr

340 Politics of Nuclear Weapons, 3 cr

359 Problems of American Foreign Policy, 3 cr

343(244) Asian International Relations, 3 cr

346(246)US-Latin American Relations, 3 cr

423 Conduct of American Foreign Affairs, 3 cr

Social Work (SOC WRK)

691 Practice Methods in Social Work: (w/ approved subtitle)*, 3 cr

Sociology (SOCIOL)

304 Political Sociology, 3 cr

325 Social Change, 3 cr

330 Economy and Society, 3 cr

Women’s Studies (WMNS)

200 Introduction to Women’s Studies: (w/approved subtitle)*, 3 cr

290 Selected Topics in Women’s Studies: (w/ approved subtitle)*, 3 cr

599 Topics in Women’s Studies: (w/ approved subtitle)*, 1-3 cr

Urban Studies (URB STD)

450 Urban Growth and Development: A Global View, 3 cr, U/G

Urban growth and development from an international perspective. Prereq: jr st or cons instr.


NOTE: Global Studies General Education Requirements (GER)

Arts (A) 3 credits

Cultural Diversity (CD) 3 credits (Commun 350)

Humanities (HU) 12 credits (Hist 132, Eng 240, 247))

Social Sciences (SS) 12 credits (Global 101, 201, 202, Econ 103)

Natural Sciences (NS) 6 credits, 3 of which need to include a lab (NS+) (Math Stat 215, BMS 232, CES 210 – NS)


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