Regular City Council Meeting

Regular City Council Meeting

Regular Meeting


November 9, 2020

7:00 PM


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Meeting ID: 982 7300 0830

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The Regular Meeting of the Shinnston City Council was called to order at 7:02 P.M. at the Shinnston Woman’s Club and via Zoom on Tuesday, November 9, 2020 by Mayor Pat Kovalck. Mayor Pat Kovalck, Vice-Mayor Andrew Kisamore via Zoom, Councilpersons Bill Watson, Rodney Strait, Mary Ann Ferris, Brian Parrish via phone, and Kevin Wiles were present. Mayor Kovalck led the Pledge of Allegiance. Councilperson Ferris gave the Invocation. Also present were City Manager Chad Edwards. Interim Economic Development Coordinator Sabrina Baker, America Vista worker Jon Olsen, Richard Gains of Stantec, and City Clerk Kathleen Panek.

It was ascertained that a quorum was present.

Petition of Citizens:

Robin righter of 76 Walnut Street, Shinnston spoke to removing the lien on the Pike Street property. She feels removing the lien would be unfair as it may set precedent. She had to pay to tear down the structures on her property before she could build.

Executive Reports:


Mayor Kovalck had a call from First Energy that they have a goal for carbon neutrality in 30 years. They also plan to reduce emissions in 10 years. There was a committee meeting with the Harrison County Development Corporation he missed due to work commitments.

City Manager:


We have accepted a bid for installing the chlorine crane. The fence is completed and the work to the outer walls of the holding tanks is finished.

39,747,000 Gallons pumped in October.


We have decided to proceed with option A of the Lincoln Apartments Wastewater project which will run the wastewater from the packaging plant to the McDonalds lift station through an existing storm water drain. Richard Gaines, John Bart, and I will be meeting tomorrow at 1:00pm to discuss the details. I plan to have a sanitary board meeting next Tuesday November 17 to finalize the details to report to council at next work session.

October Totals:

Total Rain = 4.70-inches

Total Flow = 8,333,400 gallons

Avg. Flows = 268,819 gallons/day

Highest daily flow= 1,345,500 the 1st

Lowest daily flow= 94,600 the 24th


Total Returned Flow = 1,375,253 gallons (Avg. = 44,363gpd)

Wasted =68,113 gallons

Decanted = 29,359 gallons

Pressed = 39,928 gallons

Hauled to Meadowfill Landfill = 10.06 tons

Total of sludge hauled to Meadowfill Landfill in YTD = 47.31- tons


Citations: 40

Arrests: 18

Reports: 26

Alarm Responses: 6

Premise Exams: 398

Investigations: 158

K-9 Deployment/Call: 22

Calls for Service: 747

We had a major federal drug bust in Shinnston which has taken a lot of drugs off the street including 4 pounds of meth, $20,000 and several firearms recovered. This investigation was started by the Shinnston Police Department and our drug dog, Bear.


| |  |Leaks |Repairs/Maintenace |Taps Installed |Service Calls |

|  | |  |  |  |  |

|Water |  |10 | |2 |16 |

|(Meters, Lines, Taps) |  |  |  |  |

|  | |  |  |  |  |

|Sewer |  | |2 |  |  |

|(Distrubution Lines) |  |  |  |  |

|  | |  |  |  |  |

|Stormwater | |0 |  |  |

|(Storm drains/Lines) |  |  |  |  |

|  | |  |  |  |  |

|Streets |  | |2 |  |  |

|(Patching, Signage, etc) |  |  |  |  |

|  | |  |2 |  |  |

|Parks |  |  |new valve |  |  |

|(Park or Pool related maintenace) |  |  |  |  |

|  | |  | |  |  |

|Other |  | |8 | |  |

|  | |  | | | |

|  | |  | | | |

|Notes: | |  | |5 camp removals |  |

Paving is supposed to begin at tend of this week (11/08/20)


Drop Box: 102

Mail: 198

Walk-In: 160

Calls (In): 425

Calls (Out): 38

Utility Applications: 9

Disconnects: 155

Work Orders: 54

Billing: 2624

NSF Checks: 1

Utility Payments:

|AR Box | $ 8,907.27 |

|Internet | $ 11,675.34 |

|Pre-Auth | $ 3,665.14 |

|Bank Tickets | $ 11,698.43 |

|Cash Journals | $ 141,291.42 |

| | |

|(Adjustments) | $ (56,038.66) |

| | |

| | $ 121,198.94 |


I have requested streetlights for 94 Fourth, 97 Fourth, 85 Fourth, and 89 Fourth Street from Mon Power. I don’t have a timetable for their installation yet.


Park Board met November 5th to discuss the future of the board going forward. We will need to determine the specific rules for membership and determine if the members who could not attend are still interested in serving. They will elect officers at the next meeting which will be 12/10/20.

The metal roof on the pool house is supposed to be worked on at the end of this week.


We sold 16 building permits in October and received $921.15.

NAJ has informed our attorney that they plan to abandon the burnt house on Charles Street.

The Police Chief, Municipal Judge, Code Enforcer and I will be meeting on November 17th (next Tuesday) to discuss a more aggressive approach to dealing with these dilapidated properties.

Councilperson Strait pointed out that there are lights on the bridge across the West Fork River that are out. He will take City Manager Edwards to see them.

Vista worker, Jon Olsen was introduced. He told Council about what he is here to do, stating one of his main areas of focus is recruiting volunteers fo projects, new and on-going.

National Road Utility Supply, Inc. represented by Bruce Carson, Vincent Huck, and Dale Bratton, gave a presentation on Badger meters. They are cellular and work from an existing system so no infrastructure is needed. Badger pays for any needed infrastructure. Badger was founded in 1905. National Road Utility Supply was founded in 1985. It is a cloud-based system and can be accessed for reports fom anywhere. The 20-year warranty is 10-years full and 10-years pro-rated. There is a per month per unit fee for the information. There are 4 time slots oer day for monitoring. The cost is 89 cents per month per meter. Training is extra.

The sealed bids for the 41 Vine Street property were opened. There were 2 bids: $10,000 and $3000. Councilperson Watson moved to accept the $1,000 bid. From Elizabeth Cottrill. Councilperson Strait seconded. Motion passed by unanimous vote.

The City has received an offer to accept the ownership of the property at 71 Station Street or they will let it go for taxes. Councilperson Wiles moved to Table. Councilperson Watson seconded. Motion passed by unanimous vote.

Andrew Kisamore, as a citizen of Shinnston requested the City of Shinnston to remove the lien on the Pike Street property next to the former Sports Center. He plans to purchase and tear down that particular property but the lien makes it unfeasible. He abstained from further discussion and any vote.

Mayor Kovalck moved to release the lien on the Pike Street property. Councilperson Strait seconded.

In discussion, Mayor Kovalck pointed out if we do not waive the lien we will look at this property detonate for 30 years. This way it has a possibility of being improved. Councilperson Ferris said she understands the issue but thinks it sets precedent and shows preference to a Council member. Mayor Kovalck and Councilpersons Watson and Strait voted Aye. Councilpersons Ferris, Wiles, and Parrish voted NAY. With Vice-Mayor Kisamore abstaining, it is a tie vote.

City Manager Edwards spoke about hiring 2 Police Officers. Councilperson Ferris said we talked about hiring one. Councilperson Strait moved to hire one Police officer. Councilperson Watson seconded. Motion passed by unanimous vote.

Mayor Kovalck moved to go into Executive Session for reason of personnel. Councilperson Watson seconded. Motion passed by unanimous vote.

Councilperson Wiles moved to return to Regular session. Councilperson Watson seconded. Motion Passed by unanimous vote.

Councilperson Strait moved to adjourn. Councilperson Wiles seconded. Motion passed by unanimous vote.

Meeting adjourned at 9:05 PM.


Kathleen Panek, City Clerk

Date Accepted by Council: 12-14-2020


Patrick Kovalck, Mayor


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