CATEGORY - Mrs. Musto 7th Grade Life Science

|CATEGORY |5 |4 |3 |2 |1 |

|Information |The Cartoon has all |The Cartoon has |The Cartoon is |The Cartoon is |The Cartoon is |

| |the required |all the required |missing one of the |missing two to three|missing four or |

| |information listed |information. |items listed below.|of the items listed |more of the required|

| |below along with | | |below. |items mentioned |

| |some additional | | | |below |

| |information. | | | | |

|Quality of Work |Neatly done and easy|A few errors in |Many errors in |Many errors in |Many errors in |

| |to read. Few errors |spelling and |punctuation and |spelling and |spelling and |

| |in spelling and |punctuation, but |spelling, but |punctuation, and |punctuation, and |

| |punctuation. |still easy to |readable. |difficult to read. |unreadable. |

| | |read. | | | |

|Participation |Materials and time |Materials and time|Did the project but|Did the project but |Student did not |

| |used well. Focused |used well. Mostly |focus was lost on |needed constant |focus, or |

| |attention on the |focused attention |several occasions. |reminders to stay on|participate in the |

| |project. |on the project. | |task. |project. |


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