Undergraduate Course Template







COURSE SCHEDULE: Days of week and times, ie. Thursdays 9-11:50 AM

PLACEMENT IN i.e. Required course offered in junior/senior year

CIRRICULUM: Spring or Fall semester

PREREQUISITES: Be specific (i.e. Need Algebra before Nursing Research)

FACULTY: Name and Credentials




Office Hours

OFFICE HOURS: Day of week X-X PM

COURSE DESCRIPTION: Must be written as listed in the Undergraduate Course Catalog. Any proposed changes must be forwarded to the Committee on Programs for Review. The Committee of Programs will then submit the revised course to the Faculty Assembly for review and approval. Additional approval must be obtained at the University level and then the State level.

Separate course syllabi need to be created for lab course because students register for them under different course numbers.

COURSE OBJECTIVES: Upon completion of NUR XXXX, the student will be able to:

Objectives and Sub-objectives have been developed for each existing course and may not be changed without faculty action. Sub-objectives reflect the individualized content of each course.

1 Examine the images of nurse and nursing in course specific nursing situations from multiple perspectives

• Sub-objective

• Sub-objective

• Sub-objective

2 Express an understanding of nursing as a discipline in nursing situations

• Sub-objective

• Sub-objective

• Sub-objective

3 Express an understanding of nursing as a profession

4 Develop an understanding of wholeness of persons connected with others and the

environment through caring in (course specific) nursing situations

5 Demonstrate an understanding of nursing as nurturing the wholeness of others through caring


For example: Lecture, case study analysis, and discussions.


Examples: Percent of total grade Date due/given

Class Preparation/Participation 10%

Exam I 20%

Exam II 20%

Exam III 20%

Exam IV 20%

Class Paper 10%


Note: If syllabus is for clinical, must include what percentage the clinical evaluation component counts towards final grade. Jill notes that the clinical syllabus template is separate since it has other information in it that differs from the didactic course.

GRADING SCALE: The following is the new uniform grading scale approved by Faculty January 29, 2007. Must place on syllabus that a grade below C is not passing in the Undergraduate program.

For example:

93-100 = A

90-92 = A-

87-89 = B+

83-86 = B

80-82 = B-

77-79 = C+

73-76 = C

70-72 = C-

67-69 = D+

63-66 = D

60-62 = D-

0 – 59 = F

REQUIRED TEXTS: (List in APA format, 5th Ed.)

RECOMENDED TEXTS: (List in APA format, 5th Ed.)

COURSE SPECIFIC LITERATURE: Include Literature on Caring


Students are reminded that the College of Nursing Professional Statement and University Policies related to academic integrity apply to all tests, written assignment, verbal communications and other course activities. All policies in the college and university catalogues apply to this course.

The below are suggestions that may be included in your syllabus:

1 All course requirements and objectives must be met in order to obtain a passing grade.

2 The student is expected to attend each class. A student who misses a class is responsible for class handouts and content presented during an absence.

3 Class time will be used for the application of your reading of the material. Please read prior to class. (Some faculty recommend bringing the textbook with a highlighter to class; others do not recommend this. Faculty will need to decide what they wish in this case).

4 The student must be present for all scheduled examinations. Failure to notify the instructor prior to the examination will result in a “O” for the examination. Student is responsible for bringing a blue scantron answer sheet for each examination. These answer sheets may be purchased at the University bookstore. A make-up exam will be an essay. (This type of information is specific to some courses - not all. Faculty will need to individualize fort their course. Some faculty may give oral make-up tests, for example.)

5 A grade of “C” is considered passing. A total average of a “C” or better must be achieved on the exams to pass the course. (If you use this type of statement, you might also want to put "even if other requirements would bring a test average to C level.")

6 Students are responsible and accountable for understanding and adhering to the student policies found in the Student Handbook.

7 Students must take the scheduled ERI tests to pass the course.


These Policies are available on the CON Web page and do not have to be included in the Syllabus.

HONOR The University policy regarding academic integrity is enforced in this

CODE: course. For further information, refer to the Student Handbook, Florida Administrative Code, Section 6C5-4.001 Honor code, Academic Irregularities, and Students’ Academic Grievances

The College of Nursing regards adherence to the Honor Code for academic honesty as a professional competency and an expectation of all students. ANY act of dishonesty that violates the honor code and misrepresents your efforts or ability is grounds for immediate failure of the course. See the College of Nursing Undergraduate Student Handbook

DISABILITY The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) requires the provision of

STATEMENT: reasonable accommodations to any individual who advises faculty and the University of a documented physical or mental disability. If you require special accommodations due to such a disability to properly execute course work, you must register with the FAU Office of Students with disabilities (OSD) located in the Boca Raton campus library, room 175, phone 561-297-3880 or in Davie, MODI, phone 954-236-1222. Please arrange a meeting with your course faculty. All OSD procedures must be followed for you to receive the special accommodations.

INCOMPLETE The incomplete grade policy is also enforced. Incompletes may be

POLICY: awarded only for exceptional circumstances. Student must be

passing the course in order to receive an Incomplete. For specific details see Undergraduate Student Handbook, Academic Policies & Regulations, Incomplete Grades

USE OF The Christine E. Lynn College of Nursing may use students’ course-

STUDENT related materials for legitimate institutional purposes, such as

COURSE accreditation, university materials will be used within the college and

RELATED university.


PERSONAL In order to enhance and maintain a productive atmosphere for

COMMUNI- education personal communication devices such as pagers, beepers

CATION and cellular telephones are to be disabled in class sessions.


COURSE ASSIGNMENTS: May list specific evaluation criteria for assignments.

TOPICAL OUTLINES: Are not required in syllabus however, suggest that you include topical outline and/or course content along with a current bibliography with your syllabus.

BIBLIOGRAPHY: A bibliography containing citations for textbooks and supporting materials used in preparation of course content should be included in the course syllabus.

Whenever possible include a footer with the month and year of course approval, and dates of subsequent revisions.

Approved 1/06


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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