GT PROJECT RUBRIC, OPTION #1 (Order-of-Operations)

STUDENT NAME:_______________________________CLASS PERIOD: ______ DATE TURNED IN:__________ SCORE:_____/40

|BUSINESS PLAN RUBRIC (Entrepreneurship) IAW = In Accordance With |

|GPS/Area |Beginning Standard (1) |Approaching Standard (2) |Meeting Standard (3) |Exceeding Standard (4) |SCORE |

|CTAE-FS-11 |The student needed continuous guidance to |With minimal guidance, the student learner|The student learner demonstrated an |The student learner consistently and | |

| |complete the standard. (The student |demonstrated some knowledge of concepts, |understanding of concepts, and |independently demonstrated mastery of | |

| |completed less than 50% of the components |associated with successful |processes associated with successful |concepts and processes associated with | |

| |in Square #1 and #4 are IAW the “Rough |entrepreneurship. (The student completed |entrepreneurship. (The student |successful entrepreneurship. Determining a| |

| |Draft” Evaluation Sheet). |at least 50% of the components in Square |completed at least 75% of the |business name, a location, hours of | |

| | |#1 and #4 are IAW the “Rough Draft” |components in Square #1 and #4 are IAW |operation, days of operation and (All | |

| | |Evaluation Sheet). |the “Rough Draft” Evaluation Sheet). |components in Square #1 and #4 are IAW the| |

| | | | |“Rough Draft” Evaluation Sheet) | |

|CTAE-FS-4 & 5 |The student needed continuous guidance to |The student learner defines, solves, and |The student learner defines, solves, |The student learner defines, solves, | |

| |complete the standard. (The student |identifies problems with assistance. The |and identifies problems with minimal |identifies, and makes decisions about | |

| |completed less than 50% of the components |student attempts to use technology to |assistance. The student uses |realistic financial (start-up money) and | |

| |in Square #7 and #8 are IAW the “Rough |communicate ideas and information. (At |technology to communicate ideas and |advertising situations related to the | |

| |Draft” Evaluation Sheet). |least 50% of the components in Square #7 |information. (At least 75% of the |business without assistance. The student | |

| | |and #8 are IAW the “Rough Draft” |components in Square #7 and #8 are IAW |displays mastery of using technology to | |

| | |Evaluation Sheet). |the “Rough Draft” Evaluation Sheet). |communicate ideas and information. (All | |

| | | | |components in (Square #7 and #8 are IAW | |

| | | | |the “Rough Draft” Evaluation Sheet) | |

|NBEA Standard #2, 4 |The student needed continuous guidance to |With minimal guidance, the student |The student demonstrates how to gather,|The student demonstrates a strong | |

|and 9 |complete the standard. (The student |demonstrates how to gather, evaluate, use |evaluate, use and cite information from|knowledge base for gathering, evaluating, | |

| |completed less than 50% of the components |and cite information from technology |technology resources. (At least 75% of |using, and citing information from | |

| |in Square #9 IAW the “Rough Draft” |resources. (At least 50% of the |the components in Square #9 are IAW the|technology resources. (All components in | |

| |Evaluation Sheet). |components in Square #9 are IAW the “Rough|“Rough Draft” Evaluation Sheet). |(Square #9 are IAW the “Rough Draft” | |

| | |Draft” Evaluation Sheet). | |Evaluation Sheet). | |

|MKT-EN-1 (d, h, I and|The student needed continuous guidance to |The student compared and contrasted the |The student compared and contrasted the|The student compared and contrasted the | |

|j). |complete the standard. (The student |advantages (at least 5) of the business |advantages (at least 5) of the business|advantages (at least 5) of the business. | |

| |completed less than 50% of the components |with teacher assistance. The student |with minimal assistance. The student |The student identified the market segment | |

| |in Square #2 IAW the “Rough Draft” |identified the market segment (a need for |identified the market segment (a need |(a need for the business). The student | |

| |Evaluation Sheet). |the business). The student reached a |for the business). The student reached|reached a conclusion that there is a need | |

| | |conclusion that there is a need for the |a conclusion that there is a need for |for the business in the community. The | |

| | |business in the community; The student |the business in the community; The |student determined the competitive | |

| | |determined a few advantages that the |student determined some advantages |advantages that the proposed business | |

| | |proposed business would have in the |that the proposed business would have |would have in the community. (All | |

| | |community. (At least 50% of the |in the community. (75% of the |components in (Square #2 are IAW the | |

| | |components in Square #2 are IAW the “Rough|components in Square #2 are IAW the |“Rough Draft” Evaluation Sheet). | |

| | |Draft” Evaluation Sheet). |“Rough Draft” Evaluation Sheet). | | |

|MKT-EN-2 (f and g) |The student needed continuous guidance to |The student compared and contrasted the |The student compared and contrasted the|The student compared and contrasted the | |

| |complete the standard. (The student |disadvantages (at least 5) and risk of |disadvantages (at least 5) and risk of |disadvantages (at least 5) and risk of | |

| |completed less than 50% of the components |creating the business in this community |creating the business in this community|creating the business in this community. | |

| |in Square #3 IAW the “Rough Draft” |with teacher assistance. The student |with minimal assistance. The student |The student displays their knowledge of | |

| |Evaluation Sheet). |displays some knowledge of the downfalls |displays knowledge of the downfalls of |the downfalls of creating this business in| |

| | |of creating this business in the |creating this business in the |the community. (All components in (Square| |

| | |community. (50% of the components in |community. (75% of the components in |#3 are IAW the “Rough Draft” Evaluation | |

| | |Square #3 are IAW the “Rough Draft” |(Square #3 are IAW the “Rough Draft” |Sheet). | |

| | |Evaluation Sheet) |Evaluation Sheet). | | |

|CCR Writing Standard |The student needed continuous guidance to |The student produces writing which is used|The student produces clear writing |The student produced clear and coherent | |

|#4, 5, and 6 |complete the standard. Minimal if any |for a purpose and audience. Assistance |which is developed for the appropriate |writing which was used for the appropriate| |

| |technology was used. |was needed. Some technology was used. |task, purpose and audience. Minimal |task, purpose, and audience. The writing | |

| | | |assistance was needed. Technology was |shows planning, revising, editing, | |

| | | |used. |rewriting or trying a new approach. The | |

| | | | |student also used technology. | |

|Requirements and |Does not meet the requirements of the |Hardly meets the requirements of the |Meets the requirement of the |The student went beyond the requirements | |

|Communication. |assignment. The final project is |assignment. The final project lacks |assignment. The project is complete & |of the assignment. “Attention-to-detail” | |

| |incomplete. The student did not meet the |“attention-to-detail”. The commentary |the commentary is present. There are |is displayed in every aspect of the | |

| |deadline and/or commentary is missing. If|lacks details, but does show some |not any major shortcomings in the |project. The commentary is extremely | |

| |the commentary is present it is sketchy |knowledge of the project. (50% of the |project. Some details may be missing, |supportive of the work displayed on the | |

| |and/or shows confusion or cannot be |components in Square #5 and #6 are IAW the|terms or the explanation is not |poster. (All components in Square #5 and | |

| |clarified. (The student completed less |“Rough Draft” Evaluation Sheet). |completely precise. (The student |#6 are IAW the “Rough Draft” Evaluation | |

| |than 50% of the components in Square #5 | |completed 75% of the components in |Sheet). | |

| |and #6 IAW the “Rough Draft” Evaluation | |Square #5 and #6 are IAW the “Rough | | |

| |Sheet). | |Draft” Evaluation Sheet). | | |

|Demonstrated Knowledge|Shows a lack of understanding of the |Shows some understanding of the project. |Shows a strong understanding of the |Shows complete understanding of the | |

|and Planning |project. The student needed extensive |The student needed consistent assistance |project. The student needed minimal |project. The student did not require any | |

| |assistance to complete the project. |to finish the project. |assistance to finish the project. |additional assistance from the teacher | |

| | | | |other than the initial instructions. | |

|Legibility, |The writing in the final project is not |The writing in the final project is |The writing is legible, there a minimal|The business plan is organized well, | |

|Spelling, and |legible. A straight-edge was not used |marginally legible and there are numerous |spelling errors, and overall the poster|solutions are explained, and all required | |

|“Attention-to-Detail.”|when needed. Many words were mislabeled |spelling errors. The deadline was not |is close to being accurate. |items are typed or are written extremely | |

| |or misspelled. The project was turned in|met (1-2 days late). | |neat. Font size and font style are | |

| |extremely late (more than a school week – | | |appropriate if typed. This "final draft” | |

| |5 days). | | |displays outstanding | |

| | | | |“attention-to-detail.” | |

|Overall Poster |The poster appears that it was done last |The poster is basically free of |The poster is neat and colorful? The |The poster shows that the idea is original| |

|Appearance and |minute. It lacks “attention-to-detail.” |unnecessary markers or cross-outs |viewer can easily determine what type |and well throughout. The poster is neat | |

|Originality |The final product does not reflect the |(errors). The poster is basically clean,|of business is being advertised. |and colorful? The type of business is | |

| |work of a test grade. |but looks somewhat rushed. | |apparent to the viewer. The name is a | |

| | | | |catchy phrase/word used to get the | |

| | | | |customer’s attention. | |


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