Kidpreneurs - Young Entrepreneurs with Big Ideas!

 Venture Kit - An outline for planning your business!We want every child and teen to feel empowered in starting and growing their very own business. Below is a helpful template with steps on how to launch your own business. You can view completed venture kit business plans on the following pages for helpful ideas and tips.Creating a business namePart 1. Words to describe your business in a clear and simple manner.Part 2. Fun words that are catchy and memorable so that customers remember your business name.2. Testing your namePart 1. List several ideas for names for your business here:Part 2. Create logo.Free logo making websites: HYPERLINK "; HYPERLINK "; HYPERLINK "; : (Made in Canva)ATTACHED (ExampleofLogo.png)3. Figuring out expensesPart 1. What are some things you’ll have to buy to start your seasonal help business?Example: To get your business started and ready to go, you’ll need to calculate expenses (costs). List your expenses and approximate cost below:_____________________________________ Cost $________________________________________________________ Cost $________________________________________________________ Cost $________________________________________________________ Cost $________________________________________________________ Cost $________________________________________________________ Cost $________________________________________________________ Cost $___________________Part 2. What are your ongoing expenses and costs (supplies or things you’ll always need to keep handy to run your business).Expenses/costs:_____________________________________ Cost $________________________________________________________ Cost $________________________________________________________ Cost $________________________________________________________ Cost $___________________Your fee/what you charge: You also need to consider what you are going to charge for your services, skills, and time. This is something that you can research online, by seeing what other people with similar businesses charge for their services. Depending on your business and services, your fee can be calculated by the hour or as a “flat fee/flat rate” (doesn’t change).Example: $8/hr, $2 per item, $25 per service4. What about investors?Part 1. How much money do you need (as a loan)?Example: You may need money for materials and supplies at first, so from section 3, take your startup expenses, then add and calculate how much you need. Part 2. What exactly will you use the money for?Example: Purchasing supplies and materials, marketing, flyers, a websitePart 3. What are you willing to give your investor as incentive to invest?Example: This is not always needed. If you’re asking your parents for a loan, that means that you’ll pay them back later and may not need to give them an incentive to invest. If you were to give them incentive, this could be giving them a part of your profits or offering your services for free to their friends, co-workers, and family.5. Selling your servicesAudience/Market: There are many different people who would be willing to pay for your products and services. List these groups of people below:Example: Local businesses, parents and family, local neighborhood, schools and community center, 6. Promoting your businessThere are various ways to get the word out about your business! Ask a parent or guardian for help spreading the word about your kidpreneur business.Example: You can advertise to local businesses and schools, hang flyers in the neighborhood, ask permission to set up a booth/table at a holiday craft fair, or put the word out on social media that you are offering your services7. Create a communityBy creating a community your new and existing customers know they can trust you and will want to buy from you again or use your services again.Example: You can create social media pages, creating an engaging community and alerting them to new specials or discounts you may be offering. Keeping people interested about your business is very beneficial and can increase the amount of customers and average order value.We wish you the best of luck in your venture!"I believe that the only courage anybody ever needs is the courage to follow your own dreams." --Oprah Winfrey ................

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