
Name: _____________________________________________

Extension Menu for Grade 7 Social Studies:

Cathedrals of the Middle Ages

Directions: Choose a learning activity from one square to complete. If you choose the square, “Write your idea here,” please see the teacher with your idea first. Circle the number of the learning activity you choose. Turn in this paper with your work.

|1. Locate and read several stories in which a |2. Study the key architectural features of a | 3. Explore how the floor plan, art, decorations,|

|cathedral is an important setting. Develop a |cathedral and the engineering skills used to |and other elements of a cathedral reflect the |

|glossary of at least 10 terms related to |construct a cathedral. Compare the knowledge and |beliefs of those who built and worshipped in |

|cathedrals using information from the texts. |skills of modern engineers to those of the Middle|them. Integrate visuals, music, and written |

|Compose an original story set in a cathedral. Use|Ages. Create a colorful visual aid (poster, |descriptions of the elements of a cathedral into |

|each of the terms in your glossary when writing |model, PowerPoint, graphic organizer, chart, |a 3-5 minute multimedia presentation using |

|the story. Proofread to be sure that all writing |etc.) to present your findings. Share what you |software PowerPoint, Prezi or other. |

|is clear, well edited, and error-free. |learn in a 3-5 minute presentation to the class. | |

|4. Investigate the aesthetics (concept of beauty)|5. Write your idea here. |6. Research 3 types of buildings and/or places of|

|of the Middle Ages. Design a teaching tool such |________________________ |worship that serve the same purpose as cathedrals|

|as a documentary, a website, a learning center, | |(for people to reflect, meditate, ponder, and |

|an exhibit, blog, etc., to demonstrate how the |________________________ |feel at peace). Design and create a triptych (3 |

|art, architecture, and music of the cathedral | |painted or illustrated panels that are attached).|

|reflect the aesthetics of the Middle Ages. Share |________________________ |Each panel of the triptych should focus on one |

|your teaching tool with the class in a 3-5 minute| |type of building and contain a title and colorful|

|oral presentation. |________________________ |handmade or computer-generated images. Explain |

| | |what is depicted in each panel in a 3-5 minute |

| |________________________ |oral presentation. |

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| |Teacher Initials for Approval: _____ | |

Adapted from The Differentiated Classroom: Responding to the Needs of All Learners by Carol Tomlinson

Teacher Resource Page

Grade 7 Social Studies Extension Menu

Concept and/or Topic: Middle Ages Architecture (Cathedrals)

Intended Purpose: Follow-up activity after a lesson, anchoring activity, or culminating activity at the end of a unit of study

Standard(s) and Indicators Addressed:

Boxes 1-6: SS.SMW.20.03 Examine the growth and influence of the Christian church as

a social, cultural, and political institution

SS.HMW.20.05.b Analyze the variety of forms and roles institutions assume

in feudal Europe

SS.SMW.20.01 Describe and analyze the practices, beliefs, and influence of

religions of Europe

Organizational Tips:

• Provide student access to the school media center, the Internet, textbooks, and/or subscription databases (SIRS, Student Resource Center, etc.)

• Provide access to supplies such as rulers, colored pencils, markers, paper, etc. for construction of maps, graphic organizers, etc.

• Provide access to the following resources as students create final products:

o Software (Publisher, PowerPoint, Word, Excel, etc.)

o Art supplies (poster board, colored pencils, magazines, rulers, etc.)


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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