Chatham County Schools

Leadership Team Meeting MinutesSeptember 2nd, 2014Martin McDonald, Principal Ileana Herrera, AP Rose Pate, Media (Chair)Jessica Kimrey, English Megan George, CTE Manda Bass, Math Sabrina Beasley, English Melody Dark, HPE Elizabeth Deaton, Social Studies Matt Fry, Fine Arts Robert Dainton, ESLCynthia Bredenberg, World Language Justin Tillett, ScienceVictor Knight, ParentHeather McCrory, English Jonathan Davis, EC Tammy Morris, CounselingMargaret Grayson, Counseling Tori Mazur, Technology & TestingLap Top Deployment updateFrom Chad—they are running a little behind on imaging, so not Wed. but Thur. all students with forms in. Second wave on Friday, final on Monday (last homeroom). May have to schedule another homeroom later that week if we have huge numbers who do not have forms in on time.Show the video Tori sent when you have the opportunity. Friday: reminder that all freshmen have the “I believe in you presentation” during homeroom.SIP UpdateRose has begun updating the SIP; she asked when we would have final data; McD said it was coming, but not final yet. Data has not yet been presented to board. Will likely have to label data in plan as preliminary, and then revise when it’s confirmed.New goal on Parent/Communication—where are we? Rose is almost finished with Social Media & Communication Plan; will send to team by end of the week.Enrollment holding—currently at 760. Several students not returning, but many have enrolled. Relatively few no-shows.When plan is finalized, we send to staff to vote then to Aiken for review, then to board for final approval.Professional Development TopicsWhat topics do we need to focus on? Not-great results on this area from the teacher working conditions survey. Bass: math would like some extended PLC meetings to continue work on new curriculum; McD asked if they would like Ray to return tow work with them, and she said yes.Deaton: Smart Board trainingMorris: helping school staff recognize signs of depression—to do in faculty meetings? Tammy said clinicians have offered to come speak. McD asked her to set up for Oct. faculty meeting.McD/Herrera: suggested the areas of working with students of poverty, student engagement, and planning instruction for early release sessions. New staff will all be participating in P-TEC sessions; McD will send that link to whole staff to see if they are interested. Sabrina highly recommended their session on project-based learning. Make sure you check with McD before signing up to see if he can pay for sub.Herrera: suggested we all put the CCS Instructional Framework requirements for this year as one of our PDP goals; she will draft text of goal and send to team for review, then will send out school wide.Feed back for Tori Mazur on Tech Facilitator RoleMcD reported that Tori worked with Cindy Bredenberg on using her SmartBoard, very enthusiastic. Make an appointment with Tori, and she will come to your room to help you on that topic.Hoping to have her work with teachers more on instructional and technology and trying to free up her time to do as much of this other part as possible. McD welcomes more feedback on what her role should be.One area may be different types of projects and products, more geared to 21st century skills.Bass: suggested purchasing software that makes calculators talk to the smart boards for each teachers; Texas Instruments.Tillett: suggested we may want to look at supporting the move of our email to Google because of the extra features that come with that—but if we do, we need training on that as well. Pate: reminded group that School Fusion will no longer have class pages, and that teachers are encouraged to create class sites, especially on Google SitesMcDonald: suggested Friday of next week, Sept. 12, for opening Parent Portal in PowerSchool, and asked if that would be a good date for all of us We agreed that date will work, so all teacher grade books need to be functional, with grades in them, by that time.Grade Weights: McD suggested we have conversations in departments about consistency, especially within in the same course. Please discuss this in department meetings next week, so that weights are close, even if they are not exactly the same. Calendar Review Events to add to school-wide calendar:Friday Sept. 5, 8:45 Junior Class Ring Assembly Sept. 16, Ring order day, bring deposit to cafeteria lunches and evening.Sept. 18 consortium from Durham visiting our school, business & educators, uncertain how big, how long, but will be visiting classes and touring school, then meeting with them.Sept. 30 AVID Senior Parent Night 7 pm media center (tentative; date may change).Bob asked about Hispanic Heritage Month Activities? This month runs mid-Sept through Mid-Oct. Still working with Paul Cuadrosto find the right soccer game date for the potluck festival, but we should all be planning bulletin boards, book displays, other activities.(Slight sideways discussion on announcements followed)Announcements? How to make sure information gets to where they go? McD will make a Google form—then all staff can enter, and we can harvest them for both the website and the crawl. By what time of day? 3:30, announcements for next school day. Audio announcements—will they continue? McD asked what we want. Team wanted to eliminate spoken announcements. Where to put pledge? Team suggested beginning of 2nd block. These changes will begin Monday, Sept. 8.The new video system can also showcase clubs and students with pictures—images should be in JPG format. Is there a YouTube channel? Not yet—perhaps for the future. Hope to be able to at some point to create a link to this display for our web page.Manda asked about media permissions. Rose said she and Tori had discussed this topic, and that Tori pointed out this information should be available through PowerSchool, and that in working at other schools, the data manager made the designation when the student enrolled. She checked with Keith Medlin, who confirmed this is a data manager responsibility. McD said he would check with JoAnn Butler to see about getting this in place.McD encouraged staff to get involved in homecoming activities, including planning meetings.PBL Video video of Texas school where project-based learning has contributed to student success; the process is:Start with standardsEntry event: define learning goalsAssess and adjust throughoutCritical friends: Use peer feedback on productsAssess on multiple learning outcomesMcD hopes to have all teachers plan a PBL assignment next semester.October Leadership Challenge topic will be Model the WayRead this section of the book—McD gave us reflection directions to complete before next week.Food for Thought Thursdays: McD will begin by sending an article for us to read on a topic related to our staff dev foci: students of poverty, student engagement, planning instruction. Then we will take turns each week selecting and sending readings; he will send out a Google form, and we can sign up for our dates. What about accountability—will there be something we have to turn in? Not focusing on “homework,” but more on information that can help us all be more thoughtful professionals.Illeana said she is planning or order cork strips so we can post notices and flyers without messing up windows and walls.Changes needed in SIP (old text below):School Goal 1: Supporting Data: We need to increase our high school graduation rate from its current level of 84.7 %.Goal: We will increase our school graduation rate from 84.7% to 92.35% on our way to having 100% of all of our students graduate within four years of starting the 9th grade by 2015. School Goal 2:Supporting Data: We need to increase our ACT scores above the state average. Our mean composite score on the ACT is 17(-1.2 points off the state average) Our mean English score was 15.1 (-1.3 points off the state average) Our mean Math score was 18.6 (-.7 points off the state average) Our mean Reading Score was 18.3 (-1.7 points off the state average) Our mean Science score was 18.3( -1.3 points off the state average) Our Writing mean was 6.1 (equal to the state average)School Goal 3:Supporting Data:We need to close the achievement gap between our majority and minority students on all state testing. The EOC results have not yet been released for the 2012-2013 school year. We have based our goals on the last available data that was released at the end of 2012. For Algebra 1 the gap between White and Hispanic students was 14.3 points and the gap between White and Black students was 26.9 points. For Biology the gap between White and Hispanic students was 11.2 points and White and Black was 19.2 points. The English 2 assessment has not released any scores but in 2012 when the assessment was English 1 the gap between White and Hispanic students was 28.2 and between White and Black students was 29 points.Goal: We will close the achievement gap by raising the % proficiency scores for Hispanic and Black students in the three EOC exams to 66.4% in Algebra 84.7 % in Biology and 67.6% in English 2 for Hispanic students and 55.3% in Algebra 77.7% in Biology and 67% in English 2 for Black students. These goals represent a 3% increase in each sub group’s scores. ................

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