Online Onion Root Tips - Loudoun County Public …

Name:___D__a_n_ie_l_le__ Horstman

Date:___1_2_/_7Period: ___ 63

Online Onion Root Tips


Determining time spent in different phase of the cell cycles.

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As you read the text, answer the following questions:

1. Why are the roots of plants good for studying the cell cycles? Those cells are under going mitosis.

2. Why does the root tip need to be stained? So the chromosomes will be visible.

3. How many phases are there in a cell cycle? 5 phases

4. What does the DNA do during interphase? The DNA duplicates.

5. What marks the beginning of metaphase? Spindle fibers aligning the chromosomes in the middle of the cell.

6. What moves the chromosomes? The spindle fibers.

7. How many copies of each chromosome does each new nucleus receive? One copy for each nucleus

8. What do the paired chromosomes do during anaphase? They split from the other chromosomes.

9. During which stage does cytokinesis occur?

In telephase

Data Collection Game:

In this activity, you will be presented with cells from the tip of an onion root Directions:

1. You will classify each cell based on what phase it is in.

2. Once you have classified correctly put a "tick" mark in the proper box in the data chart.

3. Continue this process through each of the 36 images. 4. At the end you will count up the Total number of cells found in each phase 5. Use those numbers to predict how much time a dividing cell spends in each phase.

a. By dividing the total number for each phase by 36 the total number of images.

b. See the example row for further clarification 6. You can base your calculation on a total cell cycle of 24 hours.


Example Interphase Prophase Metaphase Anaphase Telophase

Number of Cells per phase

////////// //////////////////// ////////// /// // /

Calculation out of 36 total images.

10/36 20/36 10/36 3/36 2/36 1/36


28% 55% 28% 8% 5% 2%

Graph: Using the instructions provide by your teacher make a graph and paste it here:

Analysis and Conclusions: 1. In which phase of mitosis did the plant cell spend most of it's time?

It spends the most time in Interphase. 2. In which phase of mitosis did the plant cell spend least of it's time? It spends the least amount of time in telephase. 3. Based on this investigation, what is the total percent of time the plant cell spend undergoing mitosis? 53% 4. What percentage (%) of time is the plant cell not undergoing mitosis?


5. What are the plant & animal cells doing when they are not actively undergoing mitosis?

They are undergoing Interphase where the chromosomes copies itself in the nucleus.

Evaluation of Game: 1. If you friend in another class were struggling to understand Mitosis would you recommend this game/site? Why or Why not? Yes, because the pictures so the step easily 2. What was the most interesting item you learned? What I thought was interesting was when I saw a diagram of the cell undergoing mitosis in a little slideshow.

3. Describe how clear the directions were? The directions were good, but I would suggest that answers would be a bit easier to find in the information area. 4. How do you feel this game helped you to better understand Mitosis? I feel good about this game and the slideshow of mitosis really got to me.


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