Cells and Kingdoms

Science SOL 5.5 Notes

Use notes from Science SOL 5.5 PowerPoint to complete.

Living Systems


• An organism is a living thing made up of ___________________________.

• A cell is made of _____________________ and is the smallest unit of an organism that is capable of life. Cells are too small to be seen with the eye alone.

• Many parts of a cell can be seen using a _____________________________.

• Cells do different jobs and form __________________________ in your body.

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Life Processes

• Cells carry out __________________________________. New cells come from existing cells. A life process is a function that living things must perform in order to stay alive.

• There are 6 life processes:

1. getting energy and nutrients

▪ nutrients are substances needed for growth and survival

2. using energy

3. reproduction (to make more of the same kind)

4. growing

▪ some cells reproduce by dividing (skin, bone, blood)

▪ some cells only grow larger (muscle)

5. getting rid of wastes

6. reacting to outside changes

Cell parts and functions:

1. ___________________________________: the thick covering of a plant cell made of nonliving fibers. It makes up a kind of skeleton for the plant and allows water and gases to pass through tiny gaps. (Only found in plant cells.)

2. ____________________________________: a thin, living cell covering that lets water, food, and gases in and out of the cell.

3. ____________________________________: the cell part that controls the activities of the other cell parts. The “brain” of the cell.

4. ____________________________________: storage sacs in the cell. Most of the space in a plant cell is filled with these tiny sacs of water.

5. ____________________________________: the jellylike fluid between the cell membrane and the nucleus. All the other cell parts are located in the cytoplasm.

6. ____________________________________: tiny cell parts that contain chlorophyll. (Chlorophyll is a green-colored material that gives plants their color and is used in the process of photosynthesis to make food for the plant.) (Only found in plant cells.)

Animal and Plant Cells Parts

| |Plant Cell |Animal Cell |

|Cell Membrane |( |( |

|Cytoplasm |( |( |

|Nucleus |( |( |

|Vacuole |( |( |

|Cell Wall |( | |

|Chloroplast |( | |


Plant Cells

• Plant cells contain a nucleus, cytoplasm, cell wall, vacuoles, chloroplasts, & cell membrane.

• Plant cells tend to be rectangular in shape.


Animal Cells

• Animal cells contain a nucleus, cytoplasm, cell membrane, and vacuoles.

• Animal cells tend to be spherical or at times irregular in shape.



• _______________________________: to put objects into groups by a system.

Animal Classifications

• Animals are classified into 2 groups: ________________________________ & __________________________________.

• Invertebrate – animal without a backbone.

• Examples of invertebrates: octopus, worms, crabs, oysters, starfish, jellyfish.

• Vertebrate – an animal with a backbone.

• Examples of Vertebrates: fish, amphibians, reptiles, birds, and mammals. (Snakes are vertebrates!!! They have backbones!)


Plant Classifications

• Plants can be categorized as ___________________________________ & ____________________________________.

• Most plants are _________________________.

• Vascular plants - have special tissues to transport food and water

Examples: trees and flowering plants

• Nonvascular plants – do not have tissues to transport food and water

Examples: moss, liverworts, and hornworts



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