The Cell Organelle Worksheet

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The Cell Organelle Worksheet

The Nucleus is called the ___brain_____ of the cell. It ____directs___________ all cell activity. The nuclear membrane has many __pores__. The large solid spot inside the nucleus is the ___nucleolus_______________ which is a spot of __dense____ chromatin. It manufactures __ribosomes__. It stores the information needed for the manufacture of __proteins___. The Cell Membrane performs a number of critical functions for the cell. It regulates all that __enters__ and leaves the cell. Phospholipids or PROTEINS scattered across the surface of the membrane act as the doorways into and out of the cell. Endoplasmic Reticulum (ER) is a series of double membranes that _transport substances__ back and forth between the cell membrane and the _Golgi Body__, providing a ___pathway__ between the nucleus and the cytoplasm. The rough E.R. has __ribosomes__ attached to it which manufacture __proteins__ for the cell. The ribosomes are the __organelles__ which manufacture proteins.

Smooth E.R. __lacking__ ribosomes. It acts as a __highway___ throughout the cytoplasm. It runs from the cell membrane to the nuclear __membrane__ and throughout the rest of the cell.

The Golgi Body is responsible for packaging __proteins and carbohydrates__ for the cell.

Mitochondria are the _power house__ of the cell. It is the site of _cellular respiration_____. It has a __double__ membrane. The inner membrane is where most __cellular___ respiration occurs. Mitochondria have their own __DNA__ and manufacture some of their own __proteins__.

Lysosomes are called __garbage_ sacks. They are produced by the ___Golgi__ body. The lumpy brown structures are digestive __enzymes_. They help protect you by ___digesting__ the bacteria that your white blood cells engulf.

Chloroplasts are the site of ___photosynthesis_. Chloroplasts are one of three types of __organelles_, which are plant cell organelles that are involved in energy storage. Plant cells are remarkable in that they have two ways of generating energy; _photosynthesis in chloroplasts and _cellular respiration__ in mitochondria. The Cell Wall is found only in __plant cells_. The cell wall protects the cellular contents; it gives _support_ to the plant structure.The primary chemical component of cell walls is _cellulose__, which is made up of several thousand glucose molecules linked end to end.

The Cytoskeleton gives _support___ and _structure__ to a cell. It has filaments composed of linear polymers of tubulin, which are globular proteins, and can increase or decease in length by

adding or removing tubulin proteins. These filaments are called __microtubules____. Draw a cell showing the cytoskeleton.

Vacuoles are membranous sacs consisting mostly of water with various dissolved sugars, salts, proteins, and other nutrients. Each _plant_ cell has a large, single vacuole that typically takes up most of the room in the cell. Some vacuoles contain _pigment_ that give certain flowers their colors. The central vacuole also contains plant wastes that taste __bitter/bad__ to certain insects and animals, thus discouraging them from consuming the plant. The plant vacuole also plays an important structural role, containing water to the point that it exerts a turgor_ pressure against the cell wall, which helps maintain the structural integrity of the plant, along with the support from the cell wall. When plant cells can't obtain the water they need, pressure in the vacuole is _lost/decreased_ and the plant wilts.

Centrioles are only found in _animal__ cells. They function in cell __division___.

True or False 1. __TRUE__________

2. __FALSE_________

3. __TRUE__________ 4. __TRUE__________

All living organisms are made of one or many cells. The cell membrane prevents all substances from entering or leaving the cell. Cells arise from already-existing cells. All cells contain ribosomes.

5. __FALSE_________

The structures inside a cell are suspended in a system of microscopic fibers called the centriole.

Write plant, animal, or both for the items that are found in each type of cell. 30) ___both____________ cell membrane 31) ___both____________ ribosomes 32) ___both____________ nucleus 33) ___plant____________ cell wall 34) ___both____________ mitochondria 35) ___plant____________ chloroplasts 36) ___plant____________ central vacuole


6.__D________________ organelles 7___A_______________ nucleus

8. __G________________ ribosomes

9. __E________________ endoplasmic reticulum 10. __C________________ vesicle 11. __F________________ enzyme 12. __I________________ lysosome 13. __J________________ Golgi apparatus 14. __B________________ rough ER 15. __H________________ smooth ER

a. houses the cell's DNA b. has attached ribosomes c. small membrane bound sac

d. cell structures that carry out specific activities e. internal membranes that move substances through the cell f. assists chemical reactions inside the cell g. cellular structures on which proteins are made h. does not have attached ribosomes

i. small organelles that contain digestive enzymes j. packages and distributes proteins

Completion 16. What substance is made in the nucleolus and moves into the cytoplasm? ____ribosomes________________________________________

18. The __plasma membrane___ is made of a double layer of phospholipids. 19. What are two functions of the cell membrane?

a. _____contain or house cellular contents_________ b. _____allow or prevent specific substances into or out of the cell________

1. __central vacuole_ 2. __chloroplast____ 3. __nucleolus_____ 4. __mitochondria__

5. __lysosome________ 6. __nucleus_________ 7. __ribosomes_______ 8. __plasma membrane

What type of cell did you just label? plant cell


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