Cellular Reproduction Vocabulary

[Pages:4]Cellular Reproduction Vocabulary

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1. Cell Cycle The life cycle of a cell Pg 92


The structures that DNA is organized into


Pg 92

Cellular reproduction in prokaryotic cells. Means "Splitting into two 3. Binary Fission parts"

Pg 92

Each chromosome of a pair of similar chromosome 4. Homologous Chromosomes

Pg 93

The two copies of the chromosome once it is duplicated 5. Chromatids

Pg 93

Where the chromatids are connected 6. Centromere

Pg 93

7. Mitosis The complicated process of separating duplicated chromosomes Pg 93

8. Cytokinesis The process where the cytoplasm splits in two Pg 95



9. Budding A type of asexual reproduction, where a piece of the parents body Pg 612 develops into an independent organism


A type of asexual reproduction, where the organism breaks into two or

Regeneration more parts, each growing into a new organism that is genetically identical

(fragmentation) to the parent

Pg 612

11. Sexual reproduction

Pg 613

The production of offspring by combining the genetic material of more than one parent

12. Asexual reproduction

Pg 613

A single parent has offspring that are identical to itself

13. Sperm Pg 613

The male sex cell

14. Egg Pg 613

The female sex cell

15. Zygote Pg 613

The new type of cell that is made when an egg's nucleus fuses with a sperm's nucleus

16. Spores Small reproductive cells that are protected by a thick cell wall Pg 256



17. Sex Cells Specialized cells that combine to form a zygote, they have half the normal Pg 114 number of chromosomes, one of each pair.

18. Meiosis Pg 115

A process where the chromosomes are copied and separated in such a way that each daughter cell has half the normal number of chromosomes.

19. Sex The chromosomes that carry the genes that determine gender. Chromosomes

Pg 119

20. Fertilization The joining of an egg and a sperm Pg 613

21. Cell Plate The primary structure the leads to the new cell membranes between two

Pg 95

plant cells during cytokinesis

22. Spindle Fibers that connect to the centromeres of the chromosomes and that Fibers help push and pull the chromosomes apart during mitosis

23. Interphase The cell is at "rest" Chromosomes and other cell materials are copied

24. Prophase First stage of mitosis, nuclear membrane breaks apart, the centrioles move to opposite sides of the cell



25. Metaphase Second phase of mitosis, the chromosomes line up along the equator of the cell

26. Anaphase Third phase of mitosis, the chromatids separate and are pulled to opposite sides of the cell

27. Telophase Forth and final phase of mitosis, nuclear membranes reform around the chromosomes and they unwind.


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