Fahrenheit 451 Unit Resources - Weebly

Fahrenheit 451 Unit Resources

Student Resource Section 1: Lessons 1-3 Text: "The Joy of Reading and Writing: Superman and Me" by Sherman Alexie Lesson handouts Section 2: Lessons 4-8 Text: ""Chapter VII"" from Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass, an American Slave by Frederick Douglass Lesson handouts Section 3: Lessons 9-16 Text: Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury Text: "Burning a Book" by William Stafford Lesson handouts Section 4: Lesson 17-22 Text: Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury Text: "The Great Imagination Heist" by Reynolds Price Text: "Barter" by Sara Teasdale Text: "The Joy of Reading and Writing: Superman and Me" by Sherman Alexie Lesson handouts Section 5: Lessons 23-25 Practice Cold-Read Task Text: Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury Lesson handouts Section 6: Lessons 26-30 Text: Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury Text: Original Cover Art from Fahrenheit 451 Text: "I Am Very Real" by Kurt Vonnegut Lesson handouts Section 7: Lessons 31-32 Culminating Writing Task Text: Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury Lesson handouts Section 8: Lessons 33-35 Extension Task Part 1 Text: "Video Games and the Future of Storytelling" by Salman Rushdie from Big Think Text: "The Country That Stopped Reading" by David Toscana from The New York Times Text: "The Science of Storytelling: Why Telling Story is the Most Powerful Way to Activate Our Brains" by Leo Widrich Lesson handouts Section 9: Lessons 36-37 Cold-Read Task Section 10: Lessons 38-40 Extension Task Part 2 Text: "Video Games and the Future of Storytelling" by Salman Rushdie from Big Think Text: "The Country That Stopped Reading" by David Toscana from The New York


Unit Reader Pages 3 ? 14

Pages 15 ? 19

Pages 20 ? 32

Purchased text Unit Reader Pages 33 ? 47

Purchased text Unit Reader Page 50 Unit Reader Page 48 ? 57

Purchased text Page 58 ? 59

Purchased text Digital access Unit Reader Pages 60 ? 61

Purchased text Pages 62 ? 66

Digital access

Digital access

Digital access

Pages 67 ? 69

Digital access

Digital access

Grade 9: Fahrenheit 451

Times Text: "The Science of Storytelling: Why Telling Story is the Most Powerful Way to Activate Our Brains" by Leo Widrich Lesson handouts Section 11: Lessons 41-42 Extension Task Part 3 Lesson handouts

Digital access Page 70 ? 77 Page 78

Grade 9: Fahrenheit 451

Reading Protocol, Conversation Stems, and Discussion Tracker Text Analysis Protocol

Throughout this unit, we will reread excerpts from texts and analyze texts to gain meaning. This means we will spend time thinking about what the author is doing in the excerpt and why the author is doing it. We will use the following as a guideline for our analysis: 1. Paraphrase this excerpt. 2. What do you notice about the author's craft, literary devices, and literary elements in this excerpt? 3. How do the author's craft, literary devices, and literary elements contribute to the meaning of the excerpt? 4. How does the language of the text reveal the author's point of view? 5. How does the language of the text reveal a theme or central idea?

Grade 9: Fahrenheit 451

Conversation Stems for Class Discussion

As you engage in class discussion, it is important to consider the other side, expressing understanding for those who have a different point of view. To do this, you can insert a concession in your comments. You can also use the templates in the chart to help frame your answers.

Concession Stems

? Although I grant that __, I still maintain that __. ? While it is true that __, it does not necessarily follow that __. ? On one hand I agree with X that __. But on the other hand, I insist that __. ? It cannot be denied that __; however, I believe__. ? Certainly __, but .... ? It goes without saying... ? Perhaps __, yet....




? I think X is mistaken because ? X is surely right about _____

? Although I agree with X up to a point,

she overlooks _____.

because, as she may not be

I cannot accept his overall conclusion

? X's claim that _____ rests upon the questionable assumption

aware, recent studies have shown that _____.

that _____. ? Although I disagree with much that X

that _____.

? X's theory of _____ is extremely

says, I fully endorse his final

? I disagree with X's view that _____ because in the text, _____.

useful because it sheds insight on the difficult problem of _____.

conclusion that _____.

? Though I concede that _____, I still insist that _____.

? I agree that _____, a point that

? X contradicts herself. On the

needs emphasizing since so

? X is right that _____, but I do not

one hand, she argues

many people believe _____.

agree when she claims that _____.

_____. But on the other hand,

she also says _____.

? Those unfamiliar with this school ? I am of two minds about X's claim

of thought may be interested to

that _____. On the one hand I agree

? By focusing on _____, X

know that it basically boils down

that _____. On the other hand, I'm

overlooks the deeper problem

to _____.

not sure if _____.

of _____.

Grade 9: Fahrenheit 451

Analyzing Figurative Language in "The Joy of Reading and Writing: Superman and Me" by Sherman Alexie

Rhetorical Appeals

Ethos appeal to credibility

Pathos appeal to emotion

Logos appeal to logic

You may want to think of ethos as related to "ethics," or the moral principles of the writer: ethos is the author's way of establishing trust with his or her reader.

You may want to think of pathos as "empathy," which You may want to think of logos as "logic," because

pertains to the experience of or sensitivity toward

something that is logical "makes sense"--it is




Example of figurative language in the text

"We lived on a combination of irregular paychecks, hope, fear, and government surplus food."

Paraphrase the sentence

What effect does this example have on the reader?

What rhetorical appeal is Alexie using in this example?

"I didn't have the vocabulary to say `paragraph,' but I realized that a

Grade 9: Fahrenheit 451


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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