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IXL Skill Plan

Pennsylvania Core Standards: Grade 6

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Pennsylvania Core Standards - 6th grade

1.2 | Reading Informational Text

Key Ideas and Details Main Idea

CC.1.2.6.A: Determine the central idea of a text and

how it is conveyed through particular details;

provide a summary of the text distinct from

personal opinions or judgments.

Main idea

1. Determine the main idea of a passage R2C

2. Read about science and nature KJZ

3. Trace an argument A9H

Supporting details

4. Compare information from two texts G7K

5. Identify supporting details in informational

texts 23B

Text structure

6. Compare and contrast in informational

texts QZW

7. Match causes and effects in informational

texts F7K

8. Match problems with their solutions WGB

Facts and opinions

9. Distinguish facts from opinions F94

Main ideas in nonfiction books

10. Analyze passages from Harriet Tubman:

Conductor on the Underground Railroad: Part 1


11. Analyze passages from Harriet Tubman:

Conductor on the Underground Railroad: Part 2


12. Analyze passages from I Am Malala: Part


13. Analyze passages from I Am Malala: Part 2 BQ8

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Pennsylvania Core Standards - 6th grade

Key Ideas and Details Text Analysis

CC.1.2.6.B: Cite textual evidence to support

analysis of what the text says explicitly as well as

inferences and/or generalizations drawn from the


Text evidence

1. Compare and contrast in informational

texts QZW

2. Match causes and effects in informational

texts F7K

3. Match problems with their solutions WGB

4. Trace an argument A9H

5. Compare information from two texts G7K

6. Identify supporting details in informational

texts 23B

Text evidence in nonfiction books

7. Analyze passages from Harriet Tubman:

Conductor on the Underground Railroad: Part 1


8. Analyze passages from Harriet Tubman:

Conductor on the Underground Railroad: Part 2


9. Analyze passages from I Am Malala: Part 1 VMS

10. Analyze passages from I Am Malala: Part 2 BQ8

CC.1.2.6.C: Analyze in detail how a key individual,

event, or idea is introduced, illustrated, and

elaborated in a text.

Text structure

1. Compare and contrast in informational

texts QZW

2. Match causes and effects in informational

texts F7K

3. Match problems with their solutions WGB

4. Identify text structures 6G9

Main idea

5. Read about science and nature KJZ

6. Trace an argument A9H

Supporting details

7. Identify supporting details in informational

texts 23B

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Pennsylvania Core Standards - 6th grade

Craft and Structure Point of View

CC.1.2.6.D: Determine an author's point of view or

purpose in a text and explain how it is conveyed in

the text.

1. Identify the author's purpose GEU

2. Trace an argument A9H

3. Compare information from two texts G7K

Craft and Structure Text Structure

CC.1.2.6.E: Analyze the author's structure through

the use of paragraphs, chapters, or sections.

Text structure

1. Compare and contrast in informational

texts QZW

2. Match causes and effects in informational

texts F7K

3. Match problems with their solutions WGB

4. Identify text structures 6G9

Development of ideas

5. Trace an argument A9H

6. Organize information by topic 7BE

Development of ideas in nonfiction books

7. Analyze passages from Harriet Tubman:

Conductor on the Underground Railroad: Part 1


8. Analyze passages from Harriet Tubman:

Conductor on the Underground Railroad: Part 2


9. Analyze passages from I Am Malala: Part 1 VMS

10. Analyze passages from I Am Malala: Part 2 BQ8

Craft and Structure Vocabulary

CC.1.2.6.F: Determine the meaning of words and

phrases as they are used in grade level reading and

content, including interpretation of figurative

language in context.

Figurative language

1. Interpret the meaning of an allusion from its

source GZF

2. Interpret figures of speech FWM

3. Determine the meaning of idioms from context:

set 1 FQN

4. Determine the meaning of idioms from context:

set 2 42L


5. Which definition matches the sentence? DXX

6. Which sentence matches the definition? RMZ

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Pennsylvania Core Standards - 6th grade

Domain-specific vocabulary

7. Determine the meaning of domain-specific

words with pictures N5K

Shades of meaning

8. Positive and negative connotation CMA

Vocabulary in context

9. Find words using context LQN

10. Determine the meaning of words using

synonyms in context GYH

11. Determine the meaning of words using

antonyms in context R7J

12. Use context to identify the meaning of a

word 5UB

13. Use academic vocabulary in context:

informational U9R

Vocabulary in context in nonfiction books

14. Analyze passages from Harriet Tubman:

Conductor on the Underground Railroad: Part 1


15. Analyze passages from Harriet Tubman:

Conductor on the Underground Railroad: Part 2


16. Analyze passages from I Am Malala: Part


17. Analyze passages from I Am Malala: Part 2 BQ8

Integration of Knowledge and Ideas Diverse Media

CC.1.2.6.G: Integrate information presented in

different media or formats (e.g., visually,

quantitatively) as well as in words to develop a

coherent understanding of a topic or issue.

1. Read graphic organizers KCS

Integration of Knowledge and Ideas Evaluating Arguments

CC.1.2.6.H: Evaluate an author's argument by

examining claims and determining if they are

supported by evidence.

1. Trace an argument A9H

2. Classify logical fallacies JXZ

3. Identify supporting details in informational

texts 23B

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