43DEPARTMENT OFHOMELAND SECURITYU.S. COAST GUARD AUXILIARY11SR LOCAL FORMFORM 114-7017D (01-10) REV.3U.S. COAST GUARD AUXILIARY - DISTRICT 11SRRECORD OF DIVISION MEETINGUNIT NUMBER11411MEETING DATEMay 15, 2019MEETING TIME 19:30UNIT NAMEDivision 11MEETING PLACEDenny's Fontana MEETING TYPERegular# MEMBERS PRESENTAX 1BQ 9AP# GUESTS PRESENT 2UNIT OFFICERS PRESENTDCDR Carrie F. Olson, VCDR James S. Ziegler, IPDCDR Emil Schultz Jr., SO-CM Bill Scholz, SO-CS Clarence Knox, VFC 11-11 Chris Rosario, SO-DV Robert L. Gutman, SO-IS Robert G. Tanner, SO-VE Marcella Reinerthungerford and SO-PB Kerry MorganGUESTS PRESENTCandi Tanner and Alan Franks MEETING DETAILSCOMMENCEMENTCalled to OrderDCDR Carrie OlsonPledge of AllegianceMarcella ReinerthungerfordIntroduction of GuestsCandi Tanner and Alan FranksRoll Call /QuorumQuorum was present.AWARDSAwards were presentedDCDRREPORTGene Schultz and Jim Ziegler reported on the board and staff meeting and the Memorial Marker ceremony. There is a plan to move D-Train to the end of March and it maybe held in Las Vegas. If an individual transfer in from a different district and they do operations, they must be QE requalified again in this district. If a flotilla has a debit and/or credit card they may not be able to use these to pay bills. They must use a paper check.FLOTILLA COMMANDER REPORTS #11-2No report #11-5No report #11-7 Had a meeting in April and the flotilla is looking for a new meeting place. The flotilla had the risk management training. On June 5th the flotilla will be attending a baseball game for their 4th cornerstone. The tickets $9.00 dollars each and parking is $5.00 dollars at the Quakes stadium RSVP by May 22. #11-11 Member Training on USCG-AUX Operations in various areas-VFC Chris Rosario-discussion at 4th Cornerstone Event-Flotilla 11-11 3 April 2019. 4th Cornerstone Event - Flotilla 11-11 “Have Dinner with the Flotilla Shipmates” before every Flotilla Meeting, from 1830-1930 hours. New USCG-AUX Member Sworn in-Mr. Hector Castaneda by–VFC Chris Rosario at 4th Cornerstone Event Flotilla 11-11 23 April 2019. Members Presented Citation award, FSO-HR Cynthia McCain, SO-DV Robert Gutman, Member Linda Rehnquist, Member Arnold Anderson at 4th Cornerstone Event 11-11 23 April 2019. Thirty potential new Members were invited to the Apr.2019 Flotilla Meeting. One attended. VFC Chris Rosario conducted member training at the April 23, 2019 flotilla meeting. He instructed on Operations. He touched on the main components of OPS and the lesser known parts. We have 37 total VE’s for the month. This included paddle craft as well. We had a total of 6 PV ‘s for the month of April. #11-12Arrangements made to present MS information to a VE event and a PA event in theKailua-Kona, Hawaii area. We have one more possible new member. One new member’s application has been submitted. Member’s name added to memorial marker. PE Class advertising campaign continues. Power Point on IS and Mission Reports received from the DSO-IS. Mission reports have been entered in AUXDATA through April. Four members continue training for VE. 3 VSC’s completed total of 5 VSC’s for the year.VCDR REPORTSTAFF OFFICER REPORTSDVDIVERSITY ~ Robert Gutman, SO-DVExecutive SummaryFlotilla 11-02 No DV activity received for Mar 2019.Flotilla 11-05 No DV activity received for Mar 2019.Flotilla 11-07 No DV activity received for Mar 2019.Flotilla 11-11FSO Felix Aisuan-Auigbe, FC Denver Drieberg and SO-DV Robert Gutman, took place at Dennis Restaurant Colton on 02 Apr 2019. 4th Cornerstone Event - Flotilla 11-11 has a “Have Dinner with the Flotilla” before every Flotilla Meeting, from 1830-1930 hours.Town Hall Conference Call - The Diversity staff of 11-11 Inland Empire consisting of SORobert Gutman took part on Conference Call on 29 Apr 2019.Flotilla 11-12 No DV activity received for Mar 2019.CMCOMMUNICATIONS ~ William H. Scholz, SO-CMExecutive SummaryThe Sector San Diego COOP exercise is scheduled for mid-July. The final planning teammeeting is scheduled for mid-May. A new power point MT presentation entitled “AUXCOMMsCentury 21” was given to a Flotilla 6-2 at the very end of March. A plan to enhance the message handling capabilities on VHF radio has been released and will be inaugurated in late Spring.DetailsAt the end of April, a workshop/meeting was held to address plans to implement an Auxiliaryequivalent of the CG’s Personnel Accountability and Assessment System (CG-PAAS). While Iwas unable to attend the meeting because I was out of the country, I understand that prototypeexercises for this purpose will be held by 4 or 5 divisions during the summer. I understand thatDivision 11 will be one of that group. As soon as I have more details as to content and format ofthe exercises I will be in touch with the FSO-CM’s and the FC’s in our Division.The 11-5 communications trailer and two additional vehicle-based comms units will be deployed as a part of the SSD Full Scale COOP exercise in mid-July. Additional operators will be required for all three units. The SO-CM has completed an MT training presentation that addresses all of the potential activities that are available to AUX members who are interested in communications. It was rolled out to a meeting of Flotilla 6-2 with an attendance of about 45 members and guests. Some minor revision to the power point is being made and when completed it will be made available to the District as a whole.CSCOMMUNICATION SERVICES ~ Clarence M. Knox, SO-CSExecutive Summary:Details: No activity on the internet and the websites are coming up to par. Paul Saba has been keeping PA website up to date.Clarence has been busy posting reports from last year.FNFINANCE ~ Emily A. Scholz, SO-FNExecutive Summary:Detail:● Balance in checking account as of April 19, 2019 was $11,045.15● There were no receipts:● There were the following expenses: o District 11, New Member Dues for Pasqual Ricca 11-12 40.50● Balance in checking account as of May 15, 2019 is $11,004.65● One Member owes $30.00 for the Brunch● We need to decide how much to charge for Division renewal dues for 2020. A firm decisionneeds to be made by the June meeting, as the information needs to be given to District beforeJuly 1, 2019. The flotillas also need to assess their dues and have the information to mebefore July 1, 2019. If I do not receive the information, I will use the same amounts as lastyear.ISINFORMATION SERVICES ~ Robert G. Tanner, SO-ISExecutive Summary:Details: All information sent to Rob has been entered. MAMATERIALS ~ Don Smith, SO-MAExecutive Summary: Details: NSNavigation Systems ~ SO-NSExecutive Summary: Details:MTMember Training ~ Tomm Olson, SO-MTExecutive SummaryDetails: MSMARINE SAFETY ~ Don Smith, SO-MSExecutive Summary:Details: OPOPERATIONS ~ Tomm Olson, SO-OPExecutive Summary:Details: Operations will be starting Memorial Day weekend and the schedule is to run every other week until Labor Day. There will be operations the 4th, 5th and 6th of July. The facilities have been serviced and ready to go.PAPUBLIC AFFAIRS ~ Paul Saba, SO-PAExecutive Summary:Details: NSBW is moving forward. I heard little back from the FC's regarding their local flotilla NSBWcommittee members so all we have is a booth set up at Big Bass Pro Shop. Public outreach atWest Marine was successful (more with developing relationships with the business than withboaters...but we were able to complete 3 VE's). East Weekend PA event at Lake Perris was asuccess with 50+VE's done on Priority Vessels and Paddle craft. Looking forward to starting atSilverwood now. Community relationships with elected officials is still on going. Looking toestablish relationship in Riverside City and Rancho Cucamonga. Awards were submitted toDCDR for 2018 PA efforts by members.PBPUBLICATIONS ~ Kerry Morgan, SO-PBExecutive Summary: Details:Flotilla 114-11-11 Newsletter was approved and distributed.Working on Division newsletter, waiting for submissions from flotillas and division staff.PEPUBLIC EDUCATION ~ Vicki L Dehaven, SO-PEExecutive Summary: Details:11-02 - Continue to prepare for ABS Classes: June 15. Sept.21. Oct.12.11-12 - Continue to advertise classes - 8 students have shown interest June 22, July 20 and Aug. 17. HRHUMAN RESOURCES ~ Terry Olson, SO-HRExecutive Summary:Details: 11-02 No activity11-05 No Report11-07 No Report11-11 Thirty potential new Members were invited to the Apr.2019 Flotilla Meeting. One attended. New Auxiliary member- Hector Castaneda was sworn into the Flotilla.11-12 Our latest potential new member is a local boat owner. FC spoke on behalf of Josephine Mendoza at the Memorial Marker Ceremony. And met her family.PVPROGRAM VISITOR ~ Carl Dougherty, SO-PVExecutive Summary: Details:We had a total of 8 PV ‘s for the month of April 2019.SRSECRETARY RECORDS – Terry Olson, SO-SRApril 17, 2019 meeting minutes were approved as distributed.VEVESSEL EXAMINER ~ Marcella Reinerthungerford, SO-PVExecutive Summary Details11-02 No report11-05 No report11-07 3 VE’s completed11-11 37 VE’s completed11-12 No reportOLD BUSINESSNEW BUSINESSAt the June meeting we will have to decide what the division dues is going to be. Division elections are coming up in September.MEMBERTRAININGSPECIAL REPORTS REMARKSGene Schultz reminded the members division election will be held in September and those that want to run need to make sure they are qualified and submit their letter. The members must get their reports to Jim Ziegler by the Friday before the division meeting. Approval of MinutesApril 17, 2019 meeting minutes were approved as distributed.Next MeetingAdjournment TimeMay 15, 201921:36Submitted byRespectfully submitted by SO-SR Terry L Olson ................

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