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Republic of Zambia

Ministry of Education, Science, Vocational Training and Early Education

“O” Level Mathematics Syllabus

(Grades 10 to 12)

Prepared and Published by the Curriculum Development Centre

P. O. Box 50092


July 2013


© Curriculum Development Centre

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise without prior written permission of the Publisher


Quality, lifelong education for all which is accessible, inclusive and relevant to individual, national and global needs and value systems.




Table of Contents iii




Rationale vi

Suggested Teaching Methodology vii

Assessment vii

Time and period allocation viii

General Outcomes viii

GRADE 10 1

GRADE 11 6

GRADE 12 13



The syllabus was produced as a result of the Curriculum review process carried out by the Ministry of Education, Science, Vocational Training and Early Education under the auspices of the Curriculum Development Centre (CDC). The curriculum reform process started way back in 1999 when the Ministry of Education commissioned five (5) curriculum studies which were conducted by the University of Zambia. These studies were followed by a review of the lower and middle basic and primary teacher education curriculum. In 2005 the upper basic education National survey was conducted and information from learners, parents, teachers, school managers, educational administrators, tertiary institutions traditional leaders civic leaders and various stakeholders in education was collected to help design a relevant curriculum ,.

The recommendations provided by various stakeholders during the Upper Basic Education National survey of 2005 and National symposium on curriculum held in June 2009 guided the review process.

The review was necessitated by the need to provide an education system that would not only incorporate latest social, economic, technological and political developments but also equip learners with vital knowledge, skills and values that are necessary to contribute to the attainment of Vision 2030.

The syllabus has been reviewed in line with the Outcome Based Education principles which seek to link education to real life experiences that give learners skills to access, criticize analyze and practically apply knowledge that help them gain life skills. Its competences and general outcomes are the expected outcomes to be attained by the learners through the acquisition of knowledge, skills, techniques and values which are very important for the total development of the individual and the nation as a whole.

Effective implementation of Outcome Based Education requires that the following principles be observed: clarity of focus, Reflective designing, setting high expectations for all learners and appropriate opportunities.

It is my sincere hope that this Outcome Based syllabus will greatly improve the quality of education provided at Grade 8 and 9 levels as defined and recommended in various policy documents including Educating Our Future`1996 and the `Zambia Education Curriculum Framework `2013.

Chishimba Nkosha (Mr.)

Permanent Secretary,



The syllabus presented here is a result of broad-based consultation involving several stakeholders within and outside the education system.

Many individuals, institutions and organizations were consulted to gather their views on the existing syllabus and to accord them an opportunity to make suggestions for the new syllabus. The Ministry of Education wishes to express heartfelt gratitude to all those who participated for their valuable contributions, which resulted in the development of this syllabus.

The Curriculum Development Centre worked closely with other sister departments and institutions to create this document. We sincerely thank the Directorate of Teacher Education and Specialized Services, the Directorate of Planning and Information, the Directorate of Human Resource and Administration, the Directorate of Open and Distance Education ,the Examinations Council of Zambia, the University of Zambia, schools and other institutions too numerous to mention, for their steadfast support.

We pay special tribute to co-operating partners especially JICA in conjunction with Hiroshima University and UNICEF for rendering financial and technical support in the production of the syllabus.

C.N.M Sakala (Mrs.)

Director-Standard and Curriculum



This syllabus has been prepared and produced against the background of the need to set high standards for mathematics education and actualize the country’s vision from ECCDE through to Teacher Education. It is a culmination of reviews of existing materials and policies from a number of countries both in Africa and beyond with progressive mathematics education. It also draws from studies, research and the country’s policy documents and aspirations.

The following are the underlying principles for the revised Junior Secondary school mathematics syllabus:

• Equity

• Orderly and logical progression

• Varied teaching methodology with subjective learning as the keystone

• Integration of knowledge, skills and values

These syllabus guidelines have been defined at two levels namely the content and process domains. The content domain is defined according to seven themes namely; Numbers & Calculations, Algebra, Geometry, Computers, Measures, Probability & Statistics and Relations. The process domain on the other hand is defined according to three categories of knowledge, skills and values. These two domains constitute the general outcomes of the Mathematics course.


Mathematics is an important subject on the Zambian School curriculum. It is featured as one of the core subjects in all the options for both the academic as well as the practical career pathways.

Mathematics enhances the learners’ understanding of the world around and prepares them for further education. It also plays a key role as a tool for learning other subjects and learning areas. The subject fosters the development and improvement of learners’ intellectual competence in logical reasoning, spatial visualization, analysis and abstract thought. When learners have acquired enough knowledge in mathematics they develop reasoning, thinking and problem solving skills. Mathematics is also important in science and technology subjects which are vital for the development of the country. It therefore equips the learner to live in the age of Science and technology and enable them contribute to social, economic development of the country.

Mathematics can also be an interesting subject when learners appreciate basic concepts and insights that will equip them to pursue mathematics education at higher levels.

Suggested Teaching Methodology

This syllabus encourages a learner-centred approach or pedagogy. This requires learners to learn Mathematics in context of multipart, comprehensive and practical problems. Under such learning situations learners may be put in groups and required to identify what they already know, what they need to know and how and where to access new information that may lead to resolution of the problem.

The Problem-Based Learning (PBL) in mathematics may include the four core area specific outcomes, thinking process, skills and values with the aim of nurturing wise citizens who are responsible in decision-making for sustainable and responsible development.

The role of the teacher may be that of a facilitator of learning who provides appropriate scaffolding of that process by asking probing questions, providing appropriate resources and leading class discussions as well as designing student’s assessments. The strategy strives to transform the traditional teacher centred mathematics classroom situation into student centred environment completely where learners are allowed to construct new knowledge through, the specific outcomes learned, thinking processes such as communication, interconnections, reasoning, representations, problem solving and other similar ones: both mathematics and non-mathematical positive as well as universal values.

The teaching of Ordinary Level Mathematics should expose learners to practical applications of mathematics in everyday life. Learners should be exposed to do more of practical work as much as necessary through contextual reference to the local environment.

use of computer related software for mathematics should be encouraged and the teacher should encourage learners to use available mathematics software.

Learners may be exposed to situation where they can provide assistance and support to their peer in learning groups. The opportunities may help to evaluate their peers and conduct self-assessment that helps them to shoulder responsibility for their learning.


Assessment is an important diagnostic tool in the teaching and learning process used to determine whether teaching and learning have taken place or not. It requires well defined rubrics to facilitate a fair and consistent assessment of learner’s work as well as clearly defined performance targets at key stages and during the process of teaching and learning.

Classroom based continuous assessment must form an integral part of the implementation of this syllabus. This is in view of the value that this adds to the modification of instruction delivery thereby contributing to best practices by the teacher. In order to attain this, teachers are urged to employ various techniques of assessment according to the topics and themes at various levels. These methods may include learner observation, projects, tests, portfolios and projects among others.

For terminal assessment, the Examinations Council will provide guidelines on the objectives to be assessed in at specific levels both for selection and certification.

Time and period allocation

This syllabus will require at least 4 hours 40 minutes (seven-40 minute periods) per week to complete.

General Outcomes

• To build an understanding and appreciation of mathematical concepts and computational skills in order to apply them in everyday life.

• To develop ethical values necessary for accountability in financial matters through interpreting financial information.


|General Outcomes |Key Competences at grade 10 level |

|Provide clear mathematical thinking and expression in the learner |Assimilate necessary mathematical concepts for use in everyday life such as environment and other related disciplines. |

|Develop the learners’ mathematical knowledge and skills |Think mathematically and accurately in problem solving skills and apply these skills to formulate and solve mathematical and other |

|Enrich the learners’ understanding of mathematical concepts in order to facilitate further study|related problems. |

|of the discipline |Develop necessary skills needed to apply mathematical concepts and skills in other disciplines. |

|Build up an appreciation of mathematical concepts so that the learner can apply these for |Produce imaginative and creative work from mathematical concepts and ideas. |

|problem solving in everyday life. |Develop abilities and ideas drawn from mathematics to reason logically, communicate mathematically, and learn independently without |

|Enable the learner represent, interpret and use data in a variety of forms |too much supervision (self-discipline). |

|Inculcate a desire to develop different career paths in the learners |Develop positive attitudes towards mathematics and use it in other subjects such as science and technology. |

| |Apply mathematical tools such as information and communication technology in the learning of other subjects. |

| |Use mathematics for enjoyment and pleasure. |

| |Develop understanding of algebra, geometry, measurements and shapes. |



|10.2 Index Notation |10.2.1 Indices | Apply laws of indices |Laws of indices |Identification of indices with |Curiosity in using indices to |

| | | Simplify positive, negative and zero indices|Double indices |same base. |solve problems. |

| | | Simplify fractional |Multiplicative inverse |Simplification using indices. |Appreciation of using indices. |

| | |indices |Fractions with negative indices |Application of indices to |Logical thinking in simplifying |

| | | Solve equations involving indices |Equations involving indices |simplify multiplication and |using indices. |

| | | |Problems involving application of indices|division. | |

|10.3 Algebra |10.3.1 Basic Processes | Expand and simplify expressions |Expansion and simplification of |Simplification of expressions |Orderliness in factorisation of |

| | | Factorise algebraic expressions |expressions |Identification of common factors,|algebraic expressions |

| | | Simplify Algebraic fractions |Factorisation by using |factors of quadratic expressions |Logical thinking in factorising |

| | | |common factors, |and |quadratics. |

| | | |grouping terms, |difference of two square | |

| | | |factors of quadratic expressions and |Computation of algebraic | |

| | | |difference of two square |fractions applying the four | |

| | | |Addition , subtraction , multiplication |rules. | |

| | | |and division of algebraic fractions | | |

| | | |Lowest common multiple | | |

|Matrices |Transpose of a matrix |Find a Transpose of a matrix |Transpose of a matrix |Interpretation of transpose of a |Appreciation of matrices. |

| |Multiplication of matrices |Multiply matrices (up to 3x3 matrices) |Multiplying matrices (up to 3x3 matrices) |matrix. |Awareness of solving linear |

| |Inverse of a matrix |Calculate the determinant of a 2 by 2 matrix |The null (zero) and identity matrices |Comparison of matrices. |equations using matrices. |

| | |Find the inverse of a 2 by 2 matrix |Determinant and Inverse of a 2x2 matrix |Computation of matrices | |

| | |Solve systems of linear equations in two variables |Singular matrices |Application of matrices in | |

| | |Apply matrices to solve real life problems |Solving systems of linear equation in two |solving linear equations. | |

| | | |variables using matrices | | |

| | | |Cramer’s Rule | | |

| | | |Applying matrices to solve real life | | |

| | | |problems | | |

|10.5 Similarity and Congruency |Application of Ratio and |Calculate the scale on a map |Representative Fraction (Scale) |Computation of representative |Judgement of virtual and actual |

| |Proportion |Calculate length and area using a given scale and |Calculating length and area using a given |fractions (RFs). |distances |

| |Areas and Volumes of Similar |vice versa |scale and vice versa |Representation of measurements on|Accuracy in computation |

| |figures |Calculate areas and volumes of similar figures |Calculating areas and volumes of similar |the map. | |

| | |Apply ratio, proportion, to solve problems on |figures |Application of ratio, | |

| | |similarity and congruence |Applying ratio, proportion, similarity |proportion, similarity and | |

| | | |and congruence in solving real life |congruence in solving real life | |

| | | |problems |problems | |

|10.6 Travel Graphs |10.6.1 Distance time graphs | Compute average speed, distance and time |Scalar and vector quantities |Identification of Scalar and |Curiosity in using travel graphs.|

| |10.6.2 Velocity Time graphs | Determine acceleration and |Average speed |vector quantities |Awareness of vector and scalar |

| | |retardation/deceleration |Distance/displacement |Computation of average speed, |quantities. |

| | | Draw travel graphs |Acceleration and deceleration/retardation |distance and time using travel |Appreciation of relating area |

| | | Calculate the distance under a velocity time|Drawing travel graphs |graphs. |under the graph to distance |

| | |graph |Distance/area under a velocity time graph |Relation between areaunder the |travelled |

| | | Relate area under the graph to distance |Concept of similarity |graph to distance travelled. | |

| | |travelled |Explaining why the area under the graph | | |

| | | |represents distance travelled | | |

|10.7 Social and Commercial |10.7.1Investments | Carry out calculations that involve Shares, |Shares, dividends and Investment Bonds |Interpretation of Shares, |Appreciation of Shares, dividends|

|Arithmetic | |dividends and investment Bonds | |dividends and Investment Bonds. |and Investment Bonds. |

| | | | |Calculations involving Shares, | |

| | | | |dividends and Investment Bonds. | |

|10.8 Bearings |10.8.1 Bearings and Scale | Draw/sketch diagrams to represent position |Scale drawing |Communication through diagrams to|Awareness of bearing and scale |

| |Drawing |and direction |Three figure bearings |represent position and direction |drawing |

| | | Use bearing and scale drawing in real life |Solving problems involving bearing and |Computation involving bearing and|Appreciation of bearings. |

| | | |scale drawing from real life problems |scale drawing. | |

| | | |Angles |Application of bearing and scale | |

| | | |Measuring instruments |drawing from real life problems. | |

|Symmetry |Symmetry of solids | Determine order of rotational symmetry |Point, Rotational and Plane Symmetry |Identification of symmetry of |Awareness of order of symmetry in|

| | | Determine symmetry of solids |Centre of rotation |solids. |three dimensions |

| | | Determine plane symmetry |Order of symmetry in three dimension |Determination of plane symmetry | |

| | | |Plane and axis of symmetry | | |

|10.10 Computer and Calculator |10.10.1 Functions on a | Demonstrate the use of different functions |Using different functions on a calculator |Identification of basic |Logical thinking in designing |

| |Calculator |on a calculator |Describing Components of a computer (i.e. |components of a computer. |flow charts. |

| |10.10.2 Basic components of a | Describe components of a computer |Input, Process and Output Parts/devices) |Interpretation of functions on a |Appreciation of use of compute |

| |computer | Describe various methods of implementing an|Definition of an algorithm |calculator |and calculator |

| |10.10.3 Algorithms |algorithm |Algorithm (sequence , decision loops) |Modelling of simple algorithms | |

| |10.10.4 Methods of implementing| Outline problem solving stages |Methods of implementing an algorithm (flow|Implementation of algorithms in | |

| |an algorithm | |charts and pseudo codes) |programming. | |

| | | |Stages of problem solving (define a |Coding simple computer programs. | |

| | | |problem , analysis method of solution, | | |

| | | |write a computer program, document the | | |

| | | |program) | | |


|General Outcomes |Key Competences |

|Provide clear mathematical thinking and expression in the learner |Assimilate necessary mathematical concepts for use in everyday life such as environment and other related disciplines. |

|Develop the learners’ mathematical knowledge and skills |Thank mathematically and accurately in problem solving skills and apply these skills to formulate and solve mathematical and other |

|Enrich the learners’ understanding of mathematical concepts in order to facilitate further|related problems. |

|study of the discipline |Develop necessary skills needed to apply mathematical concepts and skills in other disciplines. |

|Build up an appreciation of mathematical concepts so that the learner can apply these for |Produce imaginative and creative work from mathematical concepts and ideas. |

|problem solving in everyday life. |Develop abilities and ideas drawn from mathematics to reason logically, communicate mathematically, and learn independently without too |

|Enable the learner represent, interpret and use data in a variety of forms |much supervision (self-discipline). |

|Inculcate a desire to develop different career paths in the learners |Development positive attitudes towards mathematics and use it in other subjects such as science and technology. |

| |Apply mathematical tools such as information and communication technology in the learning of other subjects. |

| |Use mathematics for enjoyment and pleasure. |

| |Develop understanding of algebra, geometry, measurements and shapes. |



|11.2 Sequences and Series |Arithmetic progression |Identify an arithmetic progression (AP) |Arithmetic and Geometrical Progressions. |Identification of arithmetic and|Accuracy in computing |

| |Geometric progression |Find the nth term of the AP |The nth terms of AP and GP |geometrical Progressions. |progressions. |

| | |Find the sum of an AP |Sums of APs and GPs |Ordering of Arithmetic and |Appreciation of the nth term of |

| | |Find the arithmetic mean |Arithmetic and geometric means |Geometrical Progressions. |the progression. |

| | |Identify a geometric progression (GP) |Sum to infinity of a Geometric |Computation of Arithmetic and |Prediction of the nth term. |

| | |Find the nth term of a GP |progression |Geometrical Progressions. | |

| | |Find the geometric mean | | | |

| | |Find the sum of a geometric progression | | | |

| | |Find the sum to infinity of a Geometric progression| | | |

|Coordinate Geometry |Length of a straight line |Calculate the length of a straight line |Length (distance formula) |Interpretationof distance and |Curiosity in using distance and |

| |between two points |Calculate the mid-point of two points |Mid point |gradient formula. |gradient formula. |

| |The mid point |Calculate the gradient of a line segment |Gradient |Calculation of gradient of a |Recognition of distance and |

| |Gradient |Find the equation of a straight line |Gradient point form |line segment. |gradient formula. |

| |Equation of a straight line |Find the gradients of parallel and perpendicular |Gradient Intercept form | | |

| |Parallel and perpendicular |lines |Double intercept form | | |

| |lines |Use gradients of parallel and perpendicular lines |Parallel lines | | |

| | |to find equations |Perpendicular lines | | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

|11.4 Relations and Functions |11.4.1 Inverse functions | Find inverses of one- to- one functions |Formula, functional notation, set builder|Identification of inverse of a |Logical thinking in solving |

| |11.4.2 Composite functions | Simplify composite functions |notation |function. |inverse and composite functions. |

| |11.4.3 Application | Solve problems involving linear functions |Inverse functions |Representation of composite |Appreciation of functions. |

| | | |Composite functions |functions. | |

| | | |Problems involving linear functions |Problem solving involving linear| |

| | | | |functions. | |

|11.5 Quadratic Functions |11.5.1 Introduction to | Explain the quadratic function and its |Meaning of quadratic function and its |Identification of a quadratic |Neatness in sketching graphs. |

| |Quadratic Functions |graph |graph |function. |Logical thinking in determining |

| | | Sketch the graph of a quadratic function |Sketching the graph |Interpretation of Maximum and |the turning points. |

| | | |Maximum and minimum Roots/zeros |minimum of function. |Accuracy in finding the roots. |

| | | | |Drawing of function graphs. | |

|11.6 Quadratic Equations |11.6.1 Introduction to | Explain the meaning of the quadratic |Meaning of quadratic equation |Identification of method of |Logical thinking in computing |

| |Quadratic equations |equation |Solving quadratic equations by |quadratic |quadratic equations. |

| |11.6.2 Solutions of quadratic | Solve quadratic equations by graphical |Factorisation, graphical method, |Computation of quadratic |Accuracy in finding quadratic |

| |equations |method |completion of squares and quadratic |equations using various methods.|roots. |

| | | Solve quadratic equations using |formula | | |

| | |factorisation method |Application of quadratic equations | | |

| | | Solve quadratic equations using completing| | | |

| | |of square method | | | |

| | | Solve quadratic equations using quadratic | | | |

| | |formula method | | | |

| | | Apply quadratic equations to solve real | | | |

| | |life problems | | | |

|Variation |Introduction to variation | Describe variation |Describing variation (Notation and |Interpretation of variation |Appreciation of variation in |

| |Direct and Inverse Variation | Distinguish between direct and inverse |Constant) |Problem solving involving |Logical thinking in calculating |

| |Joint and Partial Variation |variation |Distinguishing between direct and inverse|variations | |

| |Graphs |Distinguish between joint and partial variation |variation |Comparison between joint and | |

| |Applications |Draw and Interpret graphs of variation |Distinguishing between Joint and Partial|partial variation. | |

| | | Solve problems involving variations |variation | | |

| | | |Graphs of variation | | |

| | | |Solving problems involving variations | | |

|11.8 Circle Theorems |11.8.1 Properties of a circle | Analyse the parts of a circle |Parts a circle (chord, segment, arc, |Identification of parts of a |Curiosity I using circle |

| |11.8.2 Angle properties | Solve problems using angle properties of a|sector, radius, diameter) |circle (chord, segment, arc, |theorems. |

| | |circles |Angle in the same segment |sector, radius, diameter) |Appreciation of angle property of|

| | | Solve problems involving tangent |Angle at the centre twice one at the |Computation involving angle |a circle. |

| | |properties |circumference |properties of a circle. | |

| | | |Angle in a semicircle |Interpretation of circle | |

| | | |Cyclic quadrilateral (opposite sides) |theorems. | |

| | | |Alternate segments | | |

| | | |Tangent properties of a circle | | |

| | | |External angle of a cyclic Quadrilateral | | |

| | | |equal to the opposite interior angle | | |

|11.9 Construction and Loci |Construction |Construct line and angle bisectors |Line and angle bisectors |Identification of loci of |Accuracy in construction. |

| |Locus |Explain the meaning of Locus |Finding the centre of circle |points. |Neatness in constructing lines |

| |Loci in two dimensions |Describe locus of point in two and three dimensions|Constructing a tangent from a point to a|Construction locus of point in |and points. |

| |Loci in three dimension | |circle |two and three dimensions. |Appreciation of loci. |

| | |Construct locus of point in two dimensions |meaning of Locus | | |

| | | |Locus of points in two and three | | |

| | | |dimensions (equidistant | | |

| | | |from a Point and | | |

| | | |two fixed points, | | |

| | | |from two intersecting line, | | |

| | | |from a Straight line) | | |

| | | |Locus of points which subtends a constant| | |

| | | |angle | | |

| | | |Locus of points such that the area of | | |

| | | |triangles is constant | | |

|11.10 Trigonometry |11.10.1 Introduction to | Relate right angled triangle to the three|Sine, cosine and tangent ratios on a |Comparison |Appreciation of trigonometry |

| |Trigonometry |trigonometric ratios |right angled triangle (Opposite, adjacent|Identification of trigonometric |ratios. |

| |11.10.2 Trigonometric ratios |Describe the three trigonometric ratios on a right |and hypotenuse sides) |ratios. |Curiosity in using cosine and |

| |11.10.3 Sine and Cosine rules |angled triangle |Three trigonometric ratios in quadrants |Interpretation Opposite, |sine rules. |

| |11.10.4 Area of a triangle |Calculate sides and angles of a right angled |Sides and angles of right angled |adjacent and hypotenuse sides |Logical thinking in computing |

| | |triangle |triangles using the three trigonometric |Computation of sides and angles |trigonometric problems. |

| | |Work with special angles (60o, 45o and 30o) |ratios |of a right angled triangle. | |

| | |Find sides and angles of non right angled |Special angles (60,045 0and 300) |Determination of the signs of | |

| | |triangles. |Finding sides and angles of non right |the three trigonometric ratios | |

| | |Calculate areas of a non right angled triangle |angled triangles using the sine and |in respective quadrants | |

| | |Determine the signs of the three trigonometric |cosine rule. |Application of trigonometry in | |

| | |ratios in the quadrants |Calculating area of a non right angled|real life situations. | |

| | |Draw graphs for sine, cosine and tangent curves |triangle using the sine rule. | | |

| | |Solve trigonometric equations |Using of Mathematical tables and | | |

| | |Use trigonometry to solve practical problems |scientific calculators | | |

| | | |Determining signs of the three | | |

| | | |trigonometric ratios in the quadrants | | |

| | | |Graphs of (y = sin [pic], y = cos [pic] | | |

| | | |and y = tan [pic]) | | |

| | | |Application of trigonometry(Include three| | |

| | | |dimensional figures) (Include: Bearings)| | |

|11.12 Mensuration |11.12.1 Area | Calculate the area of a sector |Area of a sector |Interpretation of sector of a |Appreciation of area and volume |

| |11.12.2 Volume | Calculate surface area of three |Surface area of three dimensional figures|circle. |of figures. |

| | |dimensional figures |(pyramid and cone) |Computation of the area and |Accuracyin calculations of volume|

| | | Calculate volume of prisms |Volume of solids (cone, rectangular and |volume of figures. |and area. |

| | |11.12.2 2 Solve problems involving area and volume |triangular pyramids. Include: frustum) |Relation between area and | |

| | | |Solving problems involving area and |volume. | |

| | | |volume. | | |

|11.13 Probability |11.13.1 Laws of probability |Compute probabilities using the laws of probability|Addition and Multiplication Laws |Computation of probabilities |Curiosity in using laws of |

| |11.13.2 Tree Diagrams and grid | Calculate probabilities using tree |Calculating probabilities using tree |using the laws of probability |probabilities. |

| | |diagrams and grids. |diagrams and grids. |Interpretation tree diagrams and|Logical thinking in calculating |

| | | Calculate probabilities of mutually |Calculating expected values, Independent |grids to calculate |probabilities. |

| | |exclusive events and compound events |and dependent events, mutually exclusive |probabilities. | |

| | | Find probabilities of independent events |events, conditional events and Compound |Communication | |

| | | Apply probability to real life problems |events. |Analysis of mutually exclusive | |

| | | |Continuous sample space. |events, compound and independent| |

| | | | |events. | |

|11.14 Statistic |11.14.1 Cumulative frequency | Construct cumulative frequency tables |Constructing Cumulative frequency tables |Drawing cumulative tables and |Logical thinking in computation |

| |tables |using grouped and ungrouped data |Drawing Cumulative frequency curves |frequency curves. |of measures of dispersion |

| |11.14.2 Measures of dispersion | Draw cumulative frequency curves |(ogive) |Computation of measures of |Appreciation of cumulative and |

| | | Draw relative cumulative curves |Drawing Relative cumulative frequency |dispersion. |frequency curves. |

| | | Calculate the range, inter quartile |curves |Interpretation of cumulative | |

| | |range, and semi inter quartile range |Calculating the range, inter quartile |curves. | |

| | | Calculate the percentiles |range, semi inter quartile range and | | |

| | | Calculate variance and standard deviation|Percentiles | | |

| | |for ungrouped and grouped data |Calculating variance and standard | | |

| | | |deviation for ungrouped and grouped data | | |


|General Outcomes |Key Competences |

|Provide clear mathematical thinking and expression in the learner |Assimilate necessary mathematical concepts for use in everyday life such as environment and other related disciplines. |

|Develop the learners’ mathematical knowledge and skills |Thank mathematically and accurately in problem solving skills and apply these skills to formulate and solve mathematical and other|

|Enrich the learners’ understanding of mathematical concepts in order to facilitate further |related problems. |

|study of the discipline |Develop necessary skills needed to apply mathematical concepts and skills in other disciplines. |

|Build up an appreciation of mathematical concepts so that the learner can apply these for |Produce imaginative and creative work from mathematical concepts and ideas. |

|problem solving in everyday life. |Develop abilities and ideas drawn from mathematics to reason logically, communicate mathematically, and learn independently |

|Enable the learner represent, interpret and use data in a variety of forms |without too much supervision (self-discipline). |

|Inculcate a desire to develop different career paths in the learners |Development positive attitudes towards mathematics and use it in other subjects such as science and technology. |

| |Apply mathematical tools such as information and communication technology in the learning of other subjects. |

| |Use mathematics for enjoyment and pleasure. |

| |Develop understanding of algebra, geometry, measurements and shapes. |



|12.2 Linear Programming |12.2.1 Linear programming | Draw graphs of linear equations and|Drawing graphs of linear equations and |Interpretation of the wanted or|Logical thinking in finding the|

| | |inequations in one and two variables (as a |inequations in one and two variables (as a |unwanted regions. |wanted region. |

| | |recap) |recap) |Shading of the unwanted region. |Planning when using graph |

| | | Shade the wanted and unwanted |Shading the wanted and unwanted regions |Determination of maximum and |paper. |

| | |regions |Describing the wanted or unwanted region |minimum values. | |

| | | Describe the wanted or unwanted |Finding Values in the feasible region |Application of linear programming| |

| | |regions. |Using the Search line to determine the |in real life situation. | |

| | | Determine maximum and minimum |maximum and minimum values | | |

| | |values |Applying knowledge of linear programming in | | |

| | | Use the search line to determine |real life | | |

| | |the maximum and minimum values | | | |

| | | Apply knowledge of linear | | | |

| | |programming in real life | | | |

|12.3 Travel Graphs |12.3.1 Velocity - time graphs | Calculate the displacement in a |Distance/area under the graph in a velocity |Representation of velocity-time |Curiosity in using |

| |(Curves) |velocity - time graph |- time graph |graphs. |velocity-time graphs |

| | | | |Interpretation of displacement in| |

| | | | |a velocity - time graph. | |

|12.4 Vectors in Two Dimensions |12.4.1 Introduction to vectors | Describe a vector |Describing a vector (direction and |Representation of vector |Appreciation of sense of |

| |12.4.2 Addition and subtraction | Represent and denote a vector |magnitude) |quantities |direction |

| |12.4.3 Translations | Add and subtract vectors |Zero and Free vectors |Computation of vector related |Logical thinking in solving |

| |12.4.4 Scalar multiplication | Apply translations on vectors and |Representing and denoting |problems |vector problems. |

| |12.4.5 Collinearity |find magnitude |Adding and subtracting vectors (triangular |Application of vector in Problem |Creativity in design |

| |12.4.6 Vector geometry | Multiply vectors by scalars |and parallelogram laws) |solving | |

| | | Determine collinearity of points |Resultant vectors | | |

| | | Solve geometrical problems |Multiplying vectors by scalars | | |

| | |involving vectors |Translation (Position vectors) | | |

| | | |Component form | | |

| | | |Calculating Magnitude/Modulus of vectors | | |

| | | |Collinearity and parallelism | | |

| | | |Ratios (Mid - point theorem) | | |

| | | |Vector geometry | | |

|12.5 Geometrical Transformations |12.5.1 Introduction to | Explain the concept of |Explaining the concept of transformation |Interpretation the concept of |Appreciation of transformations|

| |transformation |transformation |(Object and Image) |transformation |Logical thinking in solving |

| |12.5.2 Translation | Use a column vector to translate an|Translation |Comparison between different |transformations. |

| |12.5.3 Reflection. |object |( Translation vector, Mediator) |forms of transformation. |Creativity in designing. |

| |12.5.4 Rotation. | Reflect objects by different |Reflection ( mirror lines and matrices of |Computation involving | |

| |12.5.5 Enlargement |methods |reflections) |transformations. | |

| |12.5.6 Stretch | Rotate objects by different methods|Rotations (by construction and matrix | | |

| |12.5.7 Shear | |methods) | | |

| |12.5.8 Combined transformations | Enlarge objects by different |Rotations ( Finding centre, angle and | | |

| | |methods |direction ) | | |

| | | Stretch objects by different |Finding matrix of rotation | | |

| | |methods |Enlargement (by construction and matrix | | |

| | | Find area, scale factors of a |methods) | | |

| | |stretch by determinant method |Finding the centre, scale factor and matrix | | |

| | | Shear objects by different methods|of enlargement | | |

| | | Solve problems involving combined |Stretch (by construction and matrix methods)| | |

| | |transformations |Finding the centre, scale factor, invariant | | |

| | | |line and matrix of stretch | | |

| | | |Shear (by construction and matrix methods) | | |

| | | |Finding the shear factor, invariant line and| | |

| | | |matrix of shear | | |

| | | |Area scale factor | | |

| | | |Determinant of a matrix | | |

| | | |Inverse transformations | | |

|12.6 Earth Geometry |12.6.1 Introduction to Earth | Explain the concept of Earth |Explaining the concept of Earth Geometry |Application of the relationship |Appreciation of the concept of |

| |Geometry |Geometry |and its significance |of earth geometry in real life. |earth geometry. |

| |12.6.2 Small and great circles | Distinguish between small and great|Southern and Northern hemispheres ( South |Computation of distances of |Curiosity in exploring earth |

| |12.6.3 Latitudes and Longitudes |circles |and North Poles) |latitudes and longitudes. |geometry. |

| |12.6.4 Distance along latitudes and | Calculate distance along |Great Circles(the equator and all |Location of points on the globe. |Team work through cooperative |

| |longitudes |parallels of latitudes and longitude in |longitudes) | |learning |

| |12.6.5 Speed in Knots and time |kilometres and nautical miles |The Greenwich and Equator | | |

| | | Calculate the shortest distance |Small Circles(latitudes) | | |

| | |between two points on the surface of the |Centre of the earth | | |

| | |earth |Length ,chord , arc and sector | | |

| | | Calculate speed in knots and time |Angular distance | | |

| | | |Line of axis of the Earth | | |

| | | |Circumference of the earth | | |

| | | |Standard units of distances in degrees and | | |

| | | |miles (1o of latitude represents 60 nautical| | |

| | | |miles/or 110.9 Km) | | |

| | | |Conversion of distance in kilometre and | | |

| | | |nautical mile | | |

| | | |Longitude and time | | |

| | | |Greenwich Mean Time | | |

| | | |Solving problems involving Earth Geometry | | |

| | | |in real life | | |

|12.7 Introduction to Calculus |12.7.1 Differentiation | Explain concept of differentiation |Explaining the concept of differentiation |Interpretation of |Appreciation of calculus. |

| |12.7.2 Integration | Differentiate functions from first|Differentiating functions from first |differentiation and integration |Curiosity in differentiating |

| | |principles. |principles ( Limits) |Application of definite |and integrating. |

| | | Use the formula for differentiation|Product rule; chain rule and quotient rule |integrals. |Critical thinking in using |

| | | Calculate equations of tangents and|(y =axn; [pic] = nax n-1 ) |Estimation of area under the |rules for differentiation and |

| | |normals |Indefinite integrals |curve. |integration. |

| | | Explain integration |Arbitrary constant | | |

| | | Find Indefinite integrals |Definite integrals | | |

| | | Evaluate simple definite integrals |Stationary points | | |

| | | Find the area under the curve |Secant | | |

| | | |Tangents | | |

| | | |Normal | | |

| | | |Explain integration as the reverse of | | |

| | | |differentiation | | |

| | | |Rule of integration ([pic] = ax n ; | | |

| | | |[pic] = [pic] + c) | | |

| | | |Area under the curve | | |


The table below shows the coverage of the syllabus in Mathematics from Grades 10 to 12. It is important for a teacher to refer to this table from time to time to know the knowledge that the learners already have or need to have at various levels of learning of the subject.


| | |GRADE 10 |GRADE 11 |GRADE 12 |

|Algebra |Sets | Carry out operations on sets. | | |

| | |Apply higher operations on sets | | |

| |Algebra | Expand and simplify expressions | | |

| | | Factorise algebraic expressions | | |

| | | Simplify Algebraic fractions | | |

| |Matrices |Find a Transpose of a matrix | | |

| | |Multiply matrices (up to 3x3 matrices) | | |

| | |Calculate the determinant of a 2 by 2 matrix | | |

| | |Find the inverse of a 2 by 2 matrix | | |

| | |Solve systems of linear equations in two variables | | |

| | |Apply matrices to solve real life problems | | |

| |Quadratic Equations | | Explain the meaning of the quadratic equation | |

| | | | Solve quadratic equations by graphical method | |

| | | | Solve quadratic equations using factorisation | |

| | | |method | |

| | | | Solve quadratic equations using completing of | |

| | | |square method | |

| | | | Solve quadratic equations using quadratic | |

| | | |formula method | |

| | | | Apply quadratic equations to solve real life | |

| | | |problems | |

| |Linear Programming | | | Draw graphs of linear equations and inequations |

| | | | |in one and two variables (as a recap) |

| | | | | Shade the wanted and unwanted regions |

| | | | | Describe the wanted or unwanted regions. |

| | | | | Determine maximum and minimum values |

| | | | | Use the search line to determine the maximum and|

| | | | |minimum values |

| | | | | Apply knowledge of linear programming in real |

| | | | |life |

|Numbers & Calculations|Index Notation | Apply laws of indices | | |

| | | Simplify positive, negative and zero indices | | |

| | | Simplify fractional | | |

| | |indices | | |

| | | Solve equations involving indices | | |

| |Social & Commercial Arithmetic | Carry out calculations that involve Shares, | | |

| | |dividends and investment Bonds | | |

| |Sequences & Series | |Identify an arithmetic progression (AP) | |

| | | |Find the nth term of the AP | |

| | | |Find the sum of an AP | |

| | | |Find the arithmetic mean | |

| | | |Identify a geometric progression (GP) | |

| | | |Find the nth term of a GP | |

| | | |Find the geometric mean | |

| | | |Find the sum of a geometric progression | |

| | | |Find the sum to infinity of a Geometric progression | |

|Geometry |Similarity & Congruency |Calculate the scale on a map | | |

| | |Calculate length and area using a given scale and vice | | |

| | |versa | | |

| | |Calculate areas and volumes of similar figures | | |

| | |Apply ratio, proportion, to solve problems on similarity| | |

| | |and congruence | | |

| |Bearings | Draw/sketch diagrams to represent position and | | |

| | |direction | | |

| | | Use bearing and scale drawing in real life | | |

| |Symmetry | Determine order of rotational symmetry | | |

| | | Determine symmetry of solids | | |

| | | Determine plane symmetry | | |

| |Coordinate Geometry | |Calculate the length of a straight line | |

| | | |Calculate the mid-point of two points | |

| | | |Calculate the gradient of a line segment | |

| | | |Find the equation of a straight line | |

| | | |Find the gradients of parallel and perpendicular lines | |

| | | |Use gradients of parallel and perpendicular lines to find| |

| | | |equations | |

| |Circle Theorems | | Analyse the parts of a circle | |

| | | | Solve problems using angle properties of a | |

| | | |circles | |

| | | | Solve problems involving tangent properties | |

| |Construction & Loci | |Construct line and angle bisectors | |

| | | |Explain the meaning of Locus | |

| | | |Describe locus of point in two and three dimensions | |

| | | |Construct locus of point in two dimensions | |

| |Trigonometry | | Relate right angled triangle to the three | |

| | | |trigonometric ratios | |

| | | |Describe the three trigonometric ratios on a right angled| |

| | | |triangle | |

| | | |Calculate sides and angles of a right angled triangle | |

| | | |Work with special angles (60o, 45o and 30o) | |

| | | |Find sides and angles of non right angled triangles. | |

| | | |Calculate areas of a non right angled triangle | |

| | | |Determine the signs of the three trigonometric ratios in | |

| | | |the quadrants | |

| | | |Draw graphs for sine, cosine and tangent curves | |

| | | |Solve trigonometric equations | |

| | | |Use trigonometry to solve practical problems | |

| |Vectors in two Dimensions | | | Describe a vector |

| | | | | Represent and denote a vector |

| | | | | Add and subtract vectors |

| | | | | Apply translations on vectors and find |

| | | | |magnitude |

| | | | | Multiply vectors by scalars |

| | | | | Determine collinearity of points |

| | | | | Solve geometrical problems involving vectors |

| |Geometrical Transformations | | | Explain the concept of transformation |

| | | | | Use a column vector to translate an object |

| | | | | Reflect objects by different methods |

| | | | | Rotate objects by different methods |

| | | | | Enlarge objects by different methods |

| | | | | Stretch objects by different methods |

| | | | | Find area, scale factors of a stretch by |

| | | | |determinant method |

| | | | | Shear objects by different methods |

| | | | | Solve problems involving combined |

| | | | |transformations |

| | | | | |

| |Earth Geometry | | | Explain the concept of Earth Geometry |

| | | | | Distinguish between small and great circles |

| | | | | Calculate distance along parallels of |

| | | | |latitudes and longitude in kilometres and nautical miles |

| | | | | Calculate the shortest distance between two |

| | | | |points on the surface of the earth |

| | | | | Calculate speed in knots and time |

|Relations |Travel Graphs | Compute average speed, distance and time | | Calculate the displacement in a velocity - time |

| | | Determine acceleration and | |graph |

| | |retardation/deceleration | | |

| | | Draw travel graphs | | |

| | | Calculate the distance under a velocity time | | |

| | |graph | | |

| | | Relate area under the graph to distance | | |

| | |travelled | | |

| |Relations & Functions | Find inverses of one- to- one functions | | |

| | | Simplify composite functions | | |

| | | Solve problems involving linear functions | | |

| |Quadratic Functions | Explain the quadratic function and its graph | | |

| | | Sketch the graph of a quadratic function | | |

| |Variations | | Describe variation | |

| | | | Distinguish between direct and inverse variation| |

| | | |Distinguish between joint and partial variation | |

| | | |Draw and Interpret graphs of variation | |

| | | | Solve problems involving variations | |

| |Graphs of Functions | | | Draw graphs of cubic functions |

| | | | | Use graphs to find solutions |

| | | | | Determine gradients of curves |

| | | | | Estimate areas under curves |

| | | | | Draw graphs of inverse functions |

| | | | | Application of graphs of functions |

| |Introduction to Calculus | | | Explain concept of differentiation |

| | | | | Differentiate functions from first principles. |

| | | | | Use the formula for differentiation |

| | | | | Calculate equations of tangents and normals |

| | | | | Explain integration |

| | | | | Find Indefinite integrals |

| | | | | Evaluate simple definite integrals |

| | | | | Find the area under the curve |

|Computer |Computer & Calculator | Demonstrate the use of different functions on a| | |

| | |calculator | | |

| | | Describe components of a computer | | |

| | | Describe various methods of implementing an | | |

| | |algorithm | | |

| | | Outline problem solving stages | | |

| | | | | |

|Measures |Approximations | | Work with relative and absolute errors | |

| |Mesuration | | Calculate the area of a sector | |

| | | | Calculate surface area of three dimensional | |

| | | |figures | |

| | | | Calculate volume of prisms | |

| | | |11.12.2 2 Solve problems involving area and volume | |

| | | | | |

|Probability & |Probability | |Compute probabilities using the laws of probability | |

|Statistics | | | Calculate probabilities using tree diagrams and| |

| | | |grids. | |

| | | | Calculate probabilities of mutually exclusive | |

| | | |events and compound events | |

| | | | Find probabilities of independent events | |

| | | | Apply probability to real life problems | |

| |Statistics | | Construct cumulative frequency tables using | |

| | | |grouped and ungrouped data | |

| | | | Draw cumulative frequency curves | |

| | | | Draw relative cumulative curves | |

| | | | Calculate the range, inter quartile range, and | |

| | | |semi inter quartile range | |

| | | | Calculate the percentiles | |

| | | | Calculate variance and standard deviation for | |

| | | |ungrouped and grouped data | |


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