Math 244 Mathematics for Engineering and Science V


SECTION: 002 QUARTER: Winter 2004 TIME: 11:00-12:15 CLASSROOM: GTM 317


OFFICE HOURS: MWF 8:30-9:30, 12:30-1:30 TR 10:00-12:00

PHONE: 257-3329 E-MAIL: WEB:


COURSE GOALS: The student will become proficient in partial differentiation, multiple integration, and vector calculus. This proficiency will be demonstrated by satisfactorily completing a series of exams and homework assignments.

TEXTBOOKS: Calculus: Concepts and Contexts, by James Stewart


ATTENDANCE REGULATIONS: Class attendance is regarded as an obligation as well as a privilege. All students are expected to attend regularly and punctually. Failure to do so may jeopardize a student’s scholastic standing and may lead to suspension from the university.

HOMEWORK POLICY: Homework assignments will be made throughout the quarter. All homework assigned during a particular class period will be due at the beginning of the next class period unless otherwise noted. Homework assignments will not be accepted late. To take into account days when a student might be sick, the two lowest homework scores will be dropped when computing the homework average.

GRAPHING CALCULATOR/COMPUTER ALGEBRA SYSTEM: A graphing calculator that does at least as much as the TI-82 is required for the course. Its use on exams will be at the discretion of the instructor. The student also needs to have access to Mathcad.

EXAMINATIONS: There will be three topical exams and a comprehensive final exam. If a student has to miss an exam, he/she must notify the instructor prior to the exam either in person or by phone. An unexcused absence from an exam will result in a zero on that exam. The exam dates are Wed. Jan. 7; Fri. Jan. 30; Mon. Feb. 16, and Mon. Mar 1.

GRADE DETERMINATION POLICY: The grading scale will be: A = 90% - 100%; B = 80% - 89%; C = 70% - 79%; D = 60% - 69%; F = 0% - 59%. The course grade will be calculated as follows:

Exams I-III 60% (20% each)

Homework Avg. 10%

Final 30%

Total 100%

STUDENTS NEEDING SPECIAL ACCOMODATIONS & RETENTION OF GRADED MATERIALS: Students needing testing or classroom accommodations based on a disability should discuss the need with the instructor during the first week of class. In the event of a question regarding an exam grade or final grade, it will be the responsibility of the student to retain and present graded materials which have been returned for student possession.

Schedule of Classes MATH 244, Winter 2004

|Day |Topic |Homework |

|W. 12/03 |10.1 Vector Functions |p.710 # 1,4,5-10,12,13,19,21,24,26,29,32 |

|F. 12/05 |10.2 Dervis. & Ints. Of Vector Functions |p.716 # 2,3,7,10,12,17,22,23,29,30,31,43 |

|M. 12/08 |10.3 Arc Length & Curvature |p.723 # 1,3,6,7,10 |

|W. 12/10 |10.3 Arc Length & Curvature |p.723 # 13,17,24,27,30,49 |

|F. 12/12 |10.4 Motion in Space |p.733 # 1,4,7,12,13,16,17,25,27,29,32,34,35 |

|M. 12/15 |11.3 Partial Derivatives |p.776#2,3,7,8,11,17,22,23,24,33,38,42,47,51,53,56,60,62,63,69,73 |

|W. 12/17 |11.4 Tangent Planes(Differentiability), 11.5 Chain Rule |p.796 # 2,5,8,10,13,17,18,31,32,34,39, 43 |

|F. 12/19 |11.6 Directional Derivatives |p.808 # 1,4,7,8,12,13,16,19,26,29,32 |

|M. 01/05/04 |13.1 Vector Fields |p.922 # 4,5,11-14,15-18,23,24,25,27, 29-33 |

|W. 01/07 |Exam 1 | |

|F. 01/09 |13.2 Line Integrals |p.934 # 13-17,19,22,24,28,34, 35,3,11 |

|M. 01/12 |13.3 Fundamental Thm. For Line Ints |p.943 # 1,5,8,11,13,14,17,19,23,29,34 |

|W. 01/14 |11.4 Tan. Planes and Linear Approx. |p.788 # 1,4,6,7,9,12,13,28,31,35,40 |

| | |p.808 # 35,44,46 |

|F. 01/16 |10.5 Parametric Surfaces |p.740 # 2,3,9,11-16,17,18,21,24,28, 30,32 |

|W. 01/21 |12.6 Surface Area |p.881 # 2,3,6,7,8,15,16,19,22,26 |

|F. 01/23 |13.4 Green's Theorem |p.951 # 1,4,9,10,15,17,19,20 |

|M. 01/26 |13.5 Curl and Divergence. |p.958 # 2,5-8,12,13,15,17,20,28,33, 34 |

|W. 01/28 |13.6 Surface Integrals | |

|F. 01/30 |Exam 2 | |

|M. 02/02 |13.6 Surface Integrals |p.970 # 1,5,8,15,19,21,22,27,33,39,40 |

|W. 02/04 |13.7 Stokes' Theorem |p.976 # 1,3,4,7,8,14, |

|F. 02/06 |12.7 Triple Integrals |p.890 # 2,3,6,8,11,17,25,30, 32,34,35,41,42 |

|M. 02/09 |12.8 Triple Integrals in Cylind. and Sphe. |p.898 # 1,4,6,7,11,14,19,22,29,30,31,33 |

|W. 02/11 |12.9 Change of Vars. For Mult. Int. |p.909 # 2-5,7,9,11,14,19,21 |

|F. 02/13 |13.8 Divergence Theorem |p.983 # 1-4,9,14,17,27,28 |

|M. 02/16 |Exam 3 | |

|W. 02/18 |11.7 Maximum and Minimum Values |p.818 # 1,3-6,11,16,20,23,26, 31,40,42,43 |

|F. 02/20 |11.8 Lagrange Multiples |p.827 # 1,3,4,9,16,19,24,36,39 |

|F. 02/27 |Review | |

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|M. 03/01 |Cumulative Final | |

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|* The text is Calculus, Concepts & Contexts by J. Stewart. |

|Additional problems will be assigned when needed. |

Objectives for MATH 244, Engineering Mathematics V

By the end of the course the student will be able to

1. Calculate partial derivatives and gradients.

2. Apply the multivariate chain rule to calculate derivatives.

3. Interpret surface and contour plots to estimate partial derivatives, paths of steepest ascent or descent, locations of extrema etc.

4. Classify a function of several variables as continuous, differentiable or neither at a point.

5. Calculate and classify the critical points of a function of several variables.

6. Model and solve constrained optimization problems using Lagrange multipliers.

7. Model a given curve as a parametric function of one variable.

8. Calculate the length of a parametric curve, the curvature at a point.

9. Calculate the velocity and the acceleration of a particle on a given path.

10. Determine which part of the acceleration of a particle increases the particle’s kinetic energy.

11. Calculate the limit of a parametric curve at a point.

12. Model a given surface or region as a parametric surface.

13. Calculate the area of a given parametric surface.

14. Calculate a double integral using the change-of-variable formula.

15. Interpret a vector field plot to estimate the value of a line integral in a vector field from a sketch of the vector field and the path.

16. Calculate line integrals of scalar functions and of vector fields.

17. Determine if a given vector field is conservative.

18. Calculate the potential function of a conservative vector field.

19. Apply the fundamental theorem for line integrals to Calculate line integrals of conservative vector fields.

20. Calculate the surface integral of scalar functions and of vector fields.

21. Apply Stokes’ Theorem to calculate surface integrals.

22. Apply Gauss’ Theorem (the Divergence Theorem) to calculate integrals over solids.

These topics can be found in Concepts: Sections 10.1-10.5, 11.3-11.8, 12.6-12.9, and 13.1-13.8.


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