Word Processing IV:

Word Processing IV:


Page Set-up,

Printing, Toolbars



Norman Public Library

Computer Training Center

Microsoft Word 2007

Class objectives:

Learn about some of the Page Layout options

• Print from the Print window

• Use borders and shading

• Insert an AutoFormat table

• Build a table from scratch

Page Layout

To alter your page layout:

• Click on the Page Layout tab in the ribbon across the top of your screen.

• The Page Layout menu will appear. From here we can adjust margins, orientation, add page borders, and change the background color of a page.

Margins tab:

• Begin by clicking on the margins button in the Page Layout menu. This will pull down a menu of choices for margins (see right). You have the choice of some commonly used margin styles, but if you require more options you can click on custom margins at the bottom of the drop down menu.

• To select a margin style left click on the style you want and the margins will adjust. You can make changes to the margins at any time. If the margin style you want is not a template, you can click on Custom Margins and adjust them to any size you wish.

Changing the default margins:

• Microsoft Word comes with preset margin settings (called default) that are applied whenever a new document is opened. To change them click on Custom Margins, and set the margins up as desired.

• To permanently change the default, first click the Page Layout tab in your ribbon and then left click the tiny box with the arrow inside it in the lower right corner of the Page Setup group.

• When the dialog box appears change the margins to the desired measurements. Then click on the Default button in the lower left hand corner of the dialog box.

• A box will pop-out asking, “Do you want to change the default settings for page set-up?” If this is what you want, click on “Yes.” Each new document will open with these new margins unless you change the default.

Changing Page Orientation

• Click on the orientation menu in the ribbon. From here click on either Portrait (pages will print vertically) or Landscape (pages will print horizontally). To select an orientation left click on either Portrait or Landscape in the drop down menu.

Changing paper size

• You may want to print on paper that is not 8.5”x11”. To change the size of your paper click on the Size button in the ribbon. A drop down menu will appear with common sizes of paper. To choose one left-click on it. If the paper you are using does not appear, choose More Paper Sizes. A dialog box will appear and allow you to define the dimensions of your paper. If none match your paper size, click on More Paper Sizes to be able to define custom paper sizes. The Page Setup dialog box will appear and you will be able to set your paper size.

Line Numbering

• To add line numbers to your document click on the Page Layout tab in your ribbon and then click Line Numbers in the Page Setup group. You may select Continuous, Restart on Each Page (or each section of your document), or if none of these choices meet your needs you can click on Line Numbering Options for more choices. You can also turn off line numbering temporarily by clicking on Suppress for Current Paragraph.

Borders and Shading

To get to the Borders and Shading options, first click on the Page Layout tab in your ribbon. Then click on Page Borders in the Page Background group. You will get a new window that looks like this. (See following page)

The Borders and Shading window has three tabs: Borders, Page Border and Shading.

Page Borders

• To apply a page border, first choose the style in the top box in the center column by left clicking on the style you like. This will give you a line around the entire page. If you want a border made up of pictures, choose the style from the art box at the bottom of the center column. After you’ve decided between a line border or border art, you will need to select the color, and/or width for your page border.

• Next, select the setting on the left side of the window. You can choose from Box, Shadow, 3-D, or Custom.

• Look at the preview column, the third column in the window. You will see a preview of the choices you have made. From here you can decide which sides of the page your border will appear on. There are four buttons, each with a darkened line representing the part of the border that will be turned off if you click on that particular button. They are toggle switches, either on or off.

• You can also select where you want the border applied by clicking on the list arrow underneath the words Apply to: You can apply the border to either the whole document, or just a single section, or a single section – front page only or a single section – all except front page.

• Finally, click the ‘OK’ button in the lower right corner of the window. Your border selections are now applied to your document.

Paragraph Borders

• To create borders around a single paragraph, click on the Borders tab at the top of the window. The paragraph that gets the border is determined by where your insertion point is at the time you decide to apply the border. Just as you did for Page Border choose the Style, Color, Width and Setting, etc. and click the OK button. The only difference is that art is not an option.


The Shading tab allows you to shade a paragraph or selected text in a document.

• To Shade a paragraph, click the Insertion Point into the paragraph to be shaded

• Click on the Page Layout tab in the ribbon. Then click on Page Borders in the Page Background group.

• A window will appear. Click on the Shading tab at the top.

• To add shading click in the box under Fill and choose a color. Below that there is a box labeled patterns. Click on it and choose the degree of translucence of shading you wish to use.

• To remove shading, select the shaded area and return to the Borders and Shading window and choose the ‘No Fill’ option under Fill.

Inserting Page Numbers

To Insert Page Numbers onto your document click on the Insert tab in the ribbon. Left click on page number in the header & footer group.

• Roll your mouse over each option to pull out a fly-out menu to determine the placement you desire. When you find a position you like, left click on it.

• If you want to change the look of your numbers, click on Format Page Numbers.

Word Count

By clicking on the Review tab in the ribbon and then clicking on Word Count you can get a summary of the number of words, paragraphs, and lines in your document. There is also a running count of words in your document in the status bar (the bottom left of the Word window).

Paragraph/Line Spacing

To set the Line Spacing in your document

• Click on the Page Layout tab in your ribbon.

• Click on the little box with the arrow inside it in the lower right hand corner of the Paragraph group.

• This window will allow you to set the Line Spacing for your document to double or single, etc.

• If you have already started your document and want to change line spacing for all or any part of it, select the text first and then go through the procedure above.


The Font window can be used to create special effects with fonts and change font defaults.

• Click on Home on the ribbon.

• Next click on the box with the arrow inside it in the lower right hand corner of the Font group.

• In the Effects area you can set-up a special effect for your font by clicking a check in the box by the desired effect and clicking on OK.

• If you wish to add or change an effect, select the text, and go through the procedure as described above.

• To change the default font style and size:

• Select new style and size in the upper part of the window and click on the Default button on the lower left of the button and click on Yes.


To print click on the Office Button [pic]

• From the drop-down menu, click on Print

• In the right side of the window you will see three options: Print, Quick Print (i.e. print without making any changes) and Print Preview.

• In the Print range section of this window, you may select to print all of the document, the current page, or specific pages or ranges of pages (separating them with commas, or hyphens for ranges)

• In the Copies area of the window, select the number of copies desired, and whether to collate or not collate your prints.

• In the Zoom area of the window, there are two options, ‘pages per sheet’ and ‘scale to paper size’.

• ‘Pages per sheet’ allows you to set the number of pages of text to be printed on a sheet of paper; i.e. two pages of text to one sheet. Click on the down arrow to see the options

• ‘Scale to paper size’ allows choices of paper size to have the printer print to fit. Click on the down arrow to see your options. Some of these are options for standard European paper sizes

When you have everything set up just as you want it, click the OK button in the lower right corner of the page and your printer will print your document.


Tables in Microsoft Word are a good way to organize and present information. They are not meant to replace a spreadsheet program such as Microsoft Excel or a database program such as Access.

Table Basics

A table consists of Columns and Rows. Where a column and a row intersect is a rectangle called a Cell.

• Each cell can be autonomous and work as its own little word processing universe where all the word processing rules apply. Or they can be selected and work together as a unit called a Range

To Move the cursor between the cells

• Using the Tab key on the keyboard

• When the insertion point is in the last cell of the table, pressing tab once more will insert an additional row to the bottom of the table

• Using the Arrow keys on the keyboard

• When the insertion point in the last cell of the table, pressing the right-pointing arrow key once more will move the insertion outside the table

• Click the text cursor over the cell to move the insertion point to that cell

To change the overall uniform font size, font style, alignment, etc. (be sure the insertion point is positioned within the table).

• Hold down the Ctrl key and tap the A key

• While the Table is Selected (highlighted) you can set any of the formats using the buttons in your ribbon.

• To change the formatting on a particular Range of connected cells, click and drag, highlighting across just the cells to be changed and proceed as before

To select a Column, place the mouse pointer above the column. It will become a downward pointing black arrow. Click once and the whole column will be selected

• To select more than one column, when you click the mouse for one column, do not let up on the mouse button, but hold it down and roll your mouse pointer across and highlight the columns to be selected then let go. The columns you dragged across will be selected. These columns are now ready for changes to be made.

To manually change the Size of a column:

• Place the mouse pointer on the column border. The mouse pointer will change to a double pointed cursor and a dashed vertical line will appear to help you visualize the new cell size. Left click and hold the mouse button down, moving the cursor horizontally until the column size needed is reached.

• To show a numeric column width measurement at the top in place of the ruler, hold the Alt key (either side of the space bar) down while clicking and dragging to resize the column width.

To select a row or rows:

• Place the cursor in the left margin and point with the white mouse pointer to the row to be selected and click. That will select that row.

• To select more than one row, click and drag until the rows are selected

To change the height of rows:

• Use the same method as for changing column width, except place the cursor on the row border and click and drag vertically

• Changing the size of the text in any cell will change the height of the whole row

For additional columns or rows:

• Place your Insertion Point where the addition is to take place

• Click on Table Tools in the Ribbon, then click on the Layout tab underneath

• In the Rows and Columns group, click on the appropriate button to add columns above or below the current location of the insertion point. There are also buttons to add columns to the left or right of the current location of the insertion point.

To delete columns or rows:

• Highlight the columns or rows to be deleted, and right click.

• Scroll down this context menu to Delete and left click.

To merge two or more cells into one:

• Highlight the cells you wish to merge into one

• Click on the Layout tab under Table Tools in your ribbon

• Click on the Merge Cells button in the Merge group


To insert a simple table in a document click on the Insert tab in your ribbon, and then click the table button.

• Click on Insert Table on the drop down menu

• You get the Insert Table window

• Set the number of columns and rows

• Click on the OK button on the bottom center of the window

Click on the Table button under the Insert tab. A drop down menu with many squares in a grid will come down.

• Press the left mouse button down and drag across and down over these boxes to select the number of columns and rows needed. Let go of the mouse button.

• If you overshoot and have too many columns or rows, just keep the mouse button down and move back until you have the correct number and then let up the left mouse button. The trick is to not release the mouse button until you have the correct number of rows and columns.

Let’s Make a Table

Set the page to Landscape by clicking on the Page Layout tab in the ribbon and clicking on Orientation then Landscape.

• Click on Insert in the ribbon and then on Table.

• Click on Insert Table window, set 6 columns and 8 rows and click OK.

• Select the first row of cells

• Set the font to Arial Black, size 20 and click on the Center button in the Paragraph group of the Home tab in the ribbon.

• [pic] Click on the list arrow beside the Font Color button in the font group under the Home tab.

• Click on the Layout tab in the ribbon and then click Merge Cells in the Merge group.

• Click the insertion point into the merged cell and type Wilderness Girls Candy.

• Select the rest of the rows of cells

• Make the Font for these rows Arial

• Turn off the selection by clicking anywhere outside the highlighted area.

• Select the second row of cells only

• Make the font bold and centered

• Choose a color for the font

• Turn off the selection

• Click the insertion point into the first cell in the second row and key in Wilderness Girl

• Press the Tab key to move the insertion point to the second cell and type Bonbons

• Press the Tab key, type Fudge

• Press the Tab key, type Mints

• Press the Tab key type, Caramels

• Press the Tab key, type Total

• Click and drag diagonally from the first cell under Bonbons to the last cell under total to select all the cells to the right of the first column, under the headings to the last cell in the Total column

• [pic] Set the text alignment to right (button to the right of the center button)

• Turn the selection off

• Fill in the table with the data below


Calculating the Column Totals

Place the insertion point in the cell where the total is to be displayed; in the Total row under Bonbons

• Click on the Layout tab in the ribbon and then click on Formula in the Data group

• The Formula window will appear. The Formula displayed, =SUM(ABOVE), is correct

• To get a decimal, dollar sign, percentage sign, etc. click on the list arrow in the Formula dialog box under Number format and click on the format needed

• Click on the OK button and the total will be displayed in the cell.

• Move the insertion point and repeat the process for Fudge, Mints and Caramels.

Calculating the Horizontal Totals

Place the insertion point under Total on Tatiana’s row

• Click on the Layout tab in the ribbon and then click on Formula in the Data group

• The Formula window will appear. The Formula displayed, =SUM(LEFT), is correct – click on the OK button and the total will be in the cell

• Move the insertion point to Thea’s row

Click on Formula and get the Formula dialog box

• The formula displayed, =SUM(ABOVE) is not correct

▪ =SUM(ABOVE) is the default formula and if there is a number in the cell above, the computer wants to use that number in the formula.

▪ Place the cursor over the word Above in the formula and Double Click to select the word. Type in the word Left to replace Above and click the OK button and the total candy sold by Thea will be displayed

• Moving the insertion point each time, repeat the process for Joli, Shelley, and Maggie.

• When you get to Total, =SUM(ABOVE) is just fine, either formula will work.

Sort a Column Alphabetically

Select the cells in the column to be sorted

• Click on the Layout tab and click on Sort in the Data group

• Click a dot into the radio button to sort Ascending or Descending the alphabet

• Click the ‘OK’ button and the selected cells will be sorted alphabetically. The other related cells change as well.

• Turn off selection

Sort a Column Numerically

• Use the same steps as above, except select cells with numbers in them.

• Click on the Ascending radio button if you want least to most

• Click on the Descending radio button if you want most to least

• Fill cells with background color

• Select the cell or cells to be filled

• Click on the Page Layout tab and click on Page Borders

• Click on the Shading tab; then click on the color desired and the 'OK’ button

Changing the Look of a Table

Word offers a plethora of choices to make tables colorful and more aesthetically appealing. This is a very quick process.

• Click anywhere inside your table to make sure the insertion point is located within the table.

• Roll your mouse to the ribbon and click on the Design tab under the yellow Table Tools group of the ribbon.


• In the center of the ribbon you’ll see the Table Styles group. The little thumbnails are previews of design templates you can use to make tables more colorful. Left click on one to apply it to your table.

• To see more options click on the downward pointing arrow with the line over it [pic] on the left side of the table styles box.


Fig. 1

Fig. 30

Fig. 43

Select the numbers to be sorted – do not select Total



In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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