Form - change of details/new subscription - Prospect Magazine

Thank you for subscribing to Prospect Magazine.If you are an existing subscriber and wish to update your details, please complete this form and save it to your computer and attach it when you submit your payment online through our website: you are a new subscriber please complete this form and save it to your computer and attach it when you submit your payment online through our website: you are an existing subscriber and only wish to update your details, please complete this form and save it to your computer. Go to our website: and select “Prospect Magazine Change of Details” and attach form.The annual subscription fees for Prospect Magazine are:??1 copy = $12.00; 2–3 copies = $24.00; 4–6 copies = $48.00;???? 7–10 copies = $56.00Please tick appropriate box:? Subscription and change of details ? New subscription ? Change of details onlyTITLENAMEPOSITIONCOMPANYADDRESSPOSTCODEPHONEFAXEMAIL ................

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