My Buddy - WH&OMS

My Budd y

The Buds Connection

Subscription Form

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$14.00 Annually

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For more information, contact:

Cynthia L. Revels-Young

General Superintendent Buds of Promise Juvenile Missionary Society

31 Doty Street

Hammond, IN 46320

Email: whombuds@


My Buddy is a children’s magazine published by the Buds of Promise Missionary Juvenile Society of the Women’s Home and Overseas Missionary Society. This magazine is biblically based and acts as the Buds Connection to Zion across the world. A magazine for children by children, filled with excitement to draw others to Christ!

Subscription Rate

$14.00 Annually

(published quarterly)

Payable to W.H.&O.M. Society

Mail subscription Form to:

W.H.&O.M. Society

P.O. Box 26846

Charlotte, NC 28221-6846


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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