CreateCtrl PR NAB Draft

CreateCtrl at the NAB Show 2014

Munich April 7, 2014 – The NAB Show takes place in Las Vegas, from April 7 to 10. NAB Show is the world's largest electronic media show covering filmed entertainment and the development, management and delivery of content across all mediums. CreateCtrl AG will be present at Exhibition BoothSL 5110 with Microsoft Corp., in order to present its innovative solutions and software products for media enterprises. New products and other innovations will be introduced to interested professionals. Among the new products, in addition to the time-tested media applications, are a campaign-planning program, an editing calendar, an HTLM5 asset management system with integrated video editor, as well as a video-on-demand content management system with VoD highlight planning.

The NAB show dates all the way back to 1922 and, with its almost 100,000 visitors from 156 countries, is seen today as the leading exhibition for TV technology and broadcasting. The exhibition is organized under the auspices of the National Association of Broadcasters in Las Vegas. Potential innovations inspired by this event attract numerous professional visitors from the media industry and present a fitting platform for CreateCtrl to show off its own portfolio of products.

The company from Munich, Germany, which focuses on the development of innovative software solutions and applications for TV, radio, and the Internet, shows its innovative products in Las Vegas as a co-exhibitor with Microsoft Corp.

CreateCtrl will present, for the first time, a link to Microsoft’s cloud solution, Microsoft Azure, for its own time-tested and mature media applications for content management and program planning. In addition, the company will show a campaign-planning program developed for the Discovery Channel (Germany), which allows the TV broadcaster to plan, among other things, automated on-air promotions with the help of an integrated rule engine.

“We are thrilled to have CreateCtrl in our booth showcasing their content management solutions built on the Azure cloud,” said Bob De Haven, general manager, Worldwide Communications and Media, Microsoft Corp. “The combination allows for the implementation of high-quality projects with optimal functionality”.

The company will also introduce an intuitive editing calendar, which makes it possible to centrally display themes and event from different areas, as well as an HTML5 asset management system with an integrated HTML video editor. Interested professionals also have the opportunity to inspect a content management system with integrated VoD highlight planning, which is being used by companies such as Teleclub, a leading Swiss VoD provider.

In presenting this product selection, the company is living up to its own demand to develop solutions that give media companies the opportunity to manage their content in a flexible and intuitive manner and, in turn, to reach their own customers in the best way possible.


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