Area port of Chicago - PHONE DIRECTORY - IACAC

 Area port of Chicago - PHONE DIRECTORY

First Last Port of Chicago


Office Number

FAX Number

Address: 5600 Pearl Street Rosemont, IL 60018

Matthew S. Davies

Area Port Director

(847) 928-5110

(847) 928-5115

Affiliate Ports Rafal Rygula Daniel Hartzer M. Anthoney Howe Theodore Williams

Supervisory CBP Officer Peoria Port Director Quad City Port Director Rockford Port Director

(773) 686-2800 ext 2180 (309) 634-0247 (309) 762-6300 (815) 968-0661

(309) 634-0248 (309) 762-9195 (815) 965-6611

User Fee Airports Rafal Rygula Ken Singer Victoria Diez Timothy Muniz Jerome Healy

Supervisory CBP Officer Dupage Airport, CBP Officer Chicago Executive Airport, CBP Officer Waukegan Airport, CBP Officer Decatur Airport, CBP Officer

(773) 686-2800 ext 2180 (630) 208-6490 (847) 419-1923 (847) 336-2136 (217) 425-4803

(630) 208-6491 (847) 419-1924 (847) 336-2534 (217) 425-4806

Entry Branch Mary Aikens

Branch Chief, Entry Officer

(847) 928-6072

Revenue Group Theresa Gilbert

Supervisory Entry Specialist

(847) 928-2761

Cashier Unit Bill Lopez-Maxin Willie Sewell Charles Underwood Rodonna Brown

Entry Specialist CBP Technician CBP Technician CBP Technician

(847) 928-8053 (847) 928-2768 (847) 928-3003 (847) 928-2764 (847) 928-2765

Bond/Licensing Unit Terry Smith

CBP Technician

(847) 928-8054 (847) 928-3006

(847) 928-8248

In-Bond Desk Kamen Marinov

CBP Tecnician


Entry Group Michael P. Walsh

Supervisory Entry Specialist

(847) 928-6073

Entry Unit Syed Hussain Beverly Sanders Carmelita Parks Elizabet Gonzalez Claudio Alleyne Larry Paez

Entry Specialist Entry Specialist Entry Specialist Entry Specialist Entry Specialist Entry Specialist

(847) 928-8066 (847) 928-6399 (847) 928-6393 (847) 928-6394 (847) 928-6391 (847) 928-6450 (847) 928-6098

Reconciliation Group Osbaldo Cruz Marc Balleli Robin Cottrell Andrea Tate

Supervisory Entry Specialist CBP Technician CBP Technician CBP Technician

(847) 928-6074 (847) 928-6081 (847) 928-6397 (847) 928-6459

Protests/Files Unit Valerie Williams

Entry Specialist

(847) 928-8069 (847) 928-6456

Drawback Section Richard Brow Richard Ficek Anna Rodriguez Christonia Williams Arlene Jones

Supervisory Drawback Specialist Drawback Specialist Drawback Specialist Drawback Specialist CBP Technician

(847) 928-8070 (847) 928-6077 (847) 928-6496 (847) 928-6495 (847) 928-6491 (847) 928-6561

(847) 928-8253

Tactical Operations Hans Leiterman

Assistant Port Director

(847) 928-5116

(847) 928-5118


For changes please contact:


Charlette "Charlye" Crocker (847) 928-5113

First Last A-TCET Mario Cornejo

Area port of Chicago - PHONE DIRECTORY


Office Number

FAX Number

Chief CBP Officer

(847) 928-5142

Advanced Targeting Unit (ATU) and Exodus

Alma Reyther

Supervisory CBP Officer

(847) 928-5712

Advance Targeting Unit

(847) 928-8061

Contraband Enforcement Team David Borek

Supervisory CBP Officer

(847) 928-5709

Cargo Clearance and Control Issac Thomas

Chief CBP Officer

(847) 928-3009

(847) 928-8249

Cargo Analysis Unit, ACE Entry Release, Manifest Review, Document Review

Sue Sublett-Nyenhuis

Supervisory CBP Officer

(847) 928-3008

(847) 928-8249

Informal Desk/Selectivity Export Control Desk ACE Manifest, PTT, AMS In-bond Audits/Exams/Carrier Audits

(847) 928-8059 (847) 928-8058 (847) 928-8056 (847) 928-3221

Examination Unit, Warehouse and General Order (GO)

Melvin Dennis

Supervisory CBP Officer

(847) 928-6070

Exam Team Warehouse/FTZ Drawback Cargo Exam CBP Form 7553 General Order (GO) Merchandise Global CES Channel Distribution CES

(847) 928-7575 (847) 928-8075 (847) 928-8075 (630) 875-3106 (630) 238-1562 (630) 875-3106

(630) 238-1720 (630) 875-3005

International Mail Branch

11600 Irving Pk. Rd. Chicago, IL 60666

Jed Ramos Glenn Zayner

Supervisory CBP Officer Supervisory CBP Officer

(773) 462-9475 ext. 0

(773) 462-9477 ext. 0 (773) 462-9477 ext. 0

(773) 462-9479

CBP Agriculture Specialist Cargo Mark Grzeszkowiak

Chief Agriculture Specialist

(847) 928-2759

CBP Agriculture Specialist-Ocean Mark Grzeszkowiak Ocean Team Number

Chief Agriculture Specialist

(847) 928-2759 (847) 928-8051

CBP Agriculture Specialist-Air Lin Malmstrom Air Team Number

Supervisory Agriculture Specialist

(847) 928-2757 (847) 928-8052

Passenger Operations Michael Pfeiffer

Assistant Port Director

(773) 686-2800 Ext. 3005

Global Entry Enrollment Center

Jesus Ortiz Chief CBP Officer

Commercial Entries-Passengers/Hand Carry Ralph Piccirilli Chief CBP Officer

Agriculture Specialist - Air Passenger

Niloufer Aziz Chief Agriculture Specialist

Passenger Service Manager

James Saunders

Landing Rights Request Coordinator

Samuel Ko

(773) 686-2800 Ext. 2162 (773) 686-2800 Ext. 2177 (773) 686-2800 Ext. 3136 (773) 686-2800 Ext. 2024 (773) 686-2800 Ext. 2167

(773) 601-8438

Centers of Excellence and Expertise

Electronics CEE - Team 047 Corrie Eastland Macie Robinson Joseph Harris Renee Lackland Justin Haase

Supervisory Import Specialist Senior Import Specialist Senior Import Specialist Import Specialist Import Specialist

(847) 928-8092 (847) 928-6080 (847) 928-6469 (847) 928-6477 (847) 928-6472 (847) 928-6470


For changes please contact:


Charlette "Charlye" Crocker (847) 928-5113

Area port of Chicago - PHONE DIRECTORY

First Last


Petroleum, Natural Gas, & Minerals - Team 056

Jason Bucatch

Senior Import Specialist

Office Number (847) 928-8077 (847) 928-6563

FAX Number

Pharmaceuticals, Health, & Chemicals - Team 061

Saheed Muhammed

Supervisory Import Specialist

Lori Kreidermacher

Senior Import Specialist

(847) 928-8077 (847) 928-6075 (847) 928-6564

Apparel, Footwear and Textiles - Team 064

Karen Matei

Supervisory Import Specialist

Betty Faruzzi

Senior Import Specialist

Patricia Walters

Import Specialist

(847) 928-8076 (847) 928-6078 (847) 928-6483 (847) 928-6480

Consumer Products and Mass Merchandising ? Team 048

Linda Golf

Assistant Center Director, Partnership

John Mosquera

Supervisory Import Specialist

Roberto Martinez

Senior Import Specialist

Jamie Bangle

Import Specialist

Francis Sarfo

Import Specialist

(847) 928-8073 (847) 928-5810 (847) 928-6067 (847) 928-6571 (847) 928-6569 (847) 928-6570

Agriculture and Prepared Products - Team 052

Donna Jirka,

Senior Import Specialist

Jewell Kitchens

Import Specialist

(847) 928-8073 (847) 928-6567 (847) 928-6568

Industrial and Manufacturing Materials - Team 049

Kenneth Muellner

Supervisory Import Specialist

Patrick Ruddy

Import Specialist

(847) 928-8073 (847) 928-6068 (847) 928-6566

Base Metals - Team 055 Heather Lutz Marvin Lewis Greg Williams Roxanne Carrera Robert Ferguson

Supervisory Import Specialist Senior Import Specialist Import Specialist Import Specialist Import Specialist

(847) 928-8078 (847) 928-6069 (312) 542-5743 (847) 928-6092 (847) 928-6094 (847) 928-6095

Automotive and Aerospace - Team 033, 043, 053, 063, 073

James Schultz

Supervisory Import Specialist

Shawn Nugent

Senior Import Specialist

Gregory Swat

Import Specialist

Christopher Thibado

Import Specialist

Ericko Deleon

International Trade Specialist

(847) 928-8079 (847) 928-6071 (847) 928-6090 (847) 928-6088 (847) 928-6089 (847) 928-6091

Machinery - Team 080 Miguel Plaza Jeff Kiekenbush Joan Angelilli Todd Turner

Senior Import Specialist Senior Import Specialist Import Specialist Import Specialist

(847) 928-8091 (847) 928-6086 (847) 928-6085 (847) 928-6084 (847) 928-6087

Chicago Field Office

Address: 610 South Canal Street, Chicago, IL 60607

Fines, Penalties and Forfeitures Matthew Dursa James Luebker Mary Lou Belfiore Shonda Redditt-Brooks Janice Vercillo Dara Kesselman Celeste Phillips Shawn Good Rhonda Patton Michael Keegan Marisol McKinley Ramona Olson Martin Moy Fe Magadan

Fines, Penalties and Forfeiture Officer Supervisory Paralegal Specialist Supervisory Paralegal Specialist Supervisory Paralegal Specialist Lead Paralegal Specialist Lead Paralegal Specialist Paralegal Specialist Paralegal Specialist Paralegal Specialist Paralegal Specialist Paralegal Specialist Paralegal Specialist CBP Technician CBP Technician

(312) 983-1324 (312) 983-1269 (312) 983-1254 (312) 983-1103 (312) 983-1248 (312) 983-1246 (312) 983-1253 (312) 983-1252 (312) 983-1242 (312) 983-1255 (312) 983-1216 (312) 983-1256 (312) 983-1255 (312) 983-1249 (312) 983-1251

(312) 353-4832


For changes please contact:


Charlette "Charlye" Crocker (847) 928-5113

First Last Seized Property Hector Colon Derrick Thomas Jennifer Alfred Michael Medina

Area port of Chicago - PHONE DIRECTORY


Supervisory Seized Property Specialist Seized Property Specialist Seized Property Specialist Seized Property Specialist

Office Number

(312) 983-1259 (312) 983-1257 (312) 983-1260 (312) 983-1258

FAX Number (312) 353-0319

Automated Broker Interface (ABI) Specialist Rosa Jimenez John Mazzola

(312) 983-1376

Important Email Addresses The ChicagoBONDS-LICENSING@ email address can be used to:

Submit a CBP Form 5106; Submit a CBP Form 4811; Request the status of a broker license or permit application; Submit copies of Trade Fair bond applications; Submit Broker employee hire/termination notifications; and Submit broker licensing inquiries or correspondence. The chicago-cancellation@cbp. email address is to be used for entry cancellations. The ChicagoPROTEST@ email address can be used to: Request information on the status of a protest; Request the status of an administrative refund, or refund resulting from a protest or Post Entry Amendment (PEA); Submit a CBP Form 19, when the protest period is approaching the 90/180 day deadline. Only when the protest period is about to expire; Submit a CBP Form 4811, if it relates to a protest; Inquire about a "Courtesy Notice of Liquidation"; and Submit general protest inquiries or questions. The chicagoatu@ email address can be used for inquiries or when sending documents for Cargo exams conducted by CET. The ordexodus@ email address can be used for inquiries concerning exports from the Port of Chicago. The manifestchicago@cbp. email address should be used to request the removal of a manifest hold. The amschicago@cbp. email address should be used to request a permit to transfer. The CorrectionsChicago@cbp. email address should be used to request corrections. The chicagoacecargo@cbp. email address should be used for all ACE Cargo entry release issues. The chicagoinbondrequest@cbp. email should be used to request in bond numbers. The EXAMSCHICAGO@cbp. email address should be used when sending documentation requested for Cargo exams to be conducted by Exam Team. The WarehouseChicago@cbp. email should be used for Warehouse and FTZ issues. The gochicago@cbp. email address should be used for G.O. notifications. The 3901.AI.INLAND@CBP. email address should be used to submit information for Agriculture holds for intermodal shipments. The 3901.AI.AIRCARGO@CBP. email address should be used to submit information for Agriculture holds for air shipments. Please include the bill of lading number(s) not the entry number(s) in the subject line of the email.


For changes please contact:


Charlette "Charlye" Crocker (847) 928-5113


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