Adobe Captivate - Oracle

Slide 3 - Oracle Sales Cloud

Release 9


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Welcome to Oracle Sales Cloud training for Release 9. In this session, we’ll talk about what’s coming in Partner Relationship Management or PRM, in the area of partner management.


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Slide 4 - Agenda


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In this session we’ll talk about each of the PRM enhancements to partner management, including specific details about what has changed and how those changes benefit you as a channel manager. We’ll also take a look at the application, so you can see what’s new.

Finally, we’ll explain what you need to consider before enabling these features for your business.


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Slide 5 - Enhancements Overview


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Release 9 provides complete support in the Simplified UI for a Channel Manager to manage partners and program enrollments.


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Slide 6 - Partner Management in Simplified UI


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First, let’s explore Partner Management enhancements in more detail.


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Slide 7 - Partner Management in Simplified UI


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The Simplified UI allows channel users to be more efficient by providing a simplified and more intuitive user interface to manage partner-related information.

The Partners work area provides you with the ability to:

Sign up new partners, and maintain an accurate profile of each partner

Manage partner contacts

Control team access to determine who can do what with a partner record and its child records, and Manage your partners’ notes and activities


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Slide 8 - Manage Partner List


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The Partners list allows channel managers to review and search for partners by different criteria. You can export the list and create a new partner. Using the List Management dialog, you can specify and save different search criteria beyond the out-of-the-box search attributes.


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Slide 9 - Create Partner


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An authorized Channel Manager can create a partner in the Simplified UI. Creating a partner has never been easier. Only the name is required. You have the option to add more details to the partner profile at a later time.

You can create a partner in either Prospective or Registered Status. A partner can be activated on the Partner Profile page.

The Create partner page has support for Dynamic Layout. This means that you can tailor the page in Application Composer to show different layouts based on a partner type or other attribute. Custom attributes can also be added to this page.


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Slide 10 - Partner Overview


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The partner overview page is the first page you see when you click on the name of a partner in the partner list to drill into partner details.

It gives you a consolidated view of information pertaining to a particular partner. This includes profile information such as phone number and address, and primary contact information, as well as details of open deals, active and requested program enrollments, and open activities associated with this partner.

All the metrics are links that take you to the corresponding detail pages in Partner 360.


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Slide 11 - Partner Profile


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As a channel manager, the partner profile page is where you can manage basic profile information, contact information, and address details. You can change the partner level and status, and associate attachments to a partner.

The profile page helps you capture details of Geographies served by the partner, which can help you decide which partners you can route deals to based on geographic area.

This page also helps you capture Focus areas and certifications of the partner. This helps you select the right partners to work on deals requiring specific qualification criteria.

The Edit Partner profile page is extensible, in other words, it supports Dynamic layout and custom attributes.


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Slide 12 - Partner Team


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The partner team page displays the team members who have access to this partner record along with their access levels and functions. Team Members with edit access can update the partner profile and all related information except the team composition.

If you are a team member with full access, you can make the following changes to the team:

Add and remove team members

Set access levels

Set functions and Change the partner owner

Clicking on the name of the member takes you to the “Resource Details” page. Clicking on the E-Mail allows you to create and send an email to that user.


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Slide 13 - Opportunities


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If you are a Channel Manager on the partner team, you can access all its opportunities by clicking on the Opportunities sub-tab.

By default, the list displays Open Opportunities sorted descending by Win %. The Show dropdown also allows you to see All Opportunities associated with this partner as well as closed, won, and lost opportunities.

On this list, you can drill down into an opportunity, an account overview page, or the Edit Contact page of a Primary Contact by clicking on the appropriate link.


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Slide 14 - Enrollments


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As a Channel Manager, you can view and search for program enrollments associated with a specific partner by clicking on the enrollments tab. On this list, you can drill down into the enrollment summary to view or update it, and you can initiate the creation of a new program enrollment.

The default list displayed is “All Enrollments” for the selected partner, sorted newest to oldest. You can also view active enrollments that are approved or renewed, draft enrollments, and enrollments pending approval.


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Slide 15 - Partner Notes


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Managing private or public notes related to a specific partner is a new feature in Release 9. Entering notes provides you with an additional option to capture any type of information you want to document about your business relationship with a partner. A private note is only visible to the author.

Click the Create Note button to create a new note. To modify or delete an existing note, click on the note header.


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Slide 16 - Partner Activities


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In Release 9 Simplified UI, the Activities tab includes all of the activities related to a partner in one place. This includes call logs, calendar appointments, and tasks used to plan and assign work.

If you have access to the partner, you can see all of the open or completed activities associated with a partner. From this consolidated view, you can create new activities of any type, edit existing ones, or search across all of them at once. You can also create follow-up activities.


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Slide 17 - Manage Partner Contacts


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Partner Contacts sub-tab gives you the list of the partner contacts with their respective job titles, phone numbers and e-mails. On this page, you can also:

Identify the Primary Contact, Drill Down into a contact’s profile for more details, and Send an email to the Primary partner Contact.

If given edit or full access, you can create, update, or remove a partner contact.

This List is extensible, so you can customize it to show other out-of-the-box or custom attributes, as required by your business.


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Slide 18 - Create Partner Contact


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You can quickly and easily create a partner contact. The name of the partner is defaulted as a read-only value. You can enter the contact name and other optional profile information to create a contact. You can add more information in the Edit Partner Contact details page.


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Slide 19 - Edit Partner Contact


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You can quickly add additional profile information to the contact and add attachments in the details page.

The “Manage User Details” section, you can specify the contact's role and manager within the partner company. You can also set up the user account for the contact to allow access to the simplified partner portal.


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Slide 20 - Business Value


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So what are the benefits of these enhancements to you? Partner Management in the new Release 9 simplified UI allows you to efficiently create and manage partners and partner contacts in an intuitive user interface. You can easily view and manage related partner information, including transactions, from a 360-degree view of the partner. You can also control access of internal partner team members to the partner information, and access of external partner users to the partner portal.


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Slide 107 - Enrollments in Simplified UI


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Now we will explore Program Enrollment enhancements in more detail.


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Slide 108 - Program Enrollments in Simplified UI


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A Channel Manager can now create, modify, and renew a partner’s program enrollments through a simplified UI work area dedicated to Enrollments.

Program Enrollment Management in Simplified UI allows Channel Managers to:

Search for partner enrollments by different criteria

Create, qualify, and approve enrollment requests

Renew or Terminate approved enrollments

And Manage enrollment notes and activities

We will go over these features in more detail.


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Slide 109 - Enrollments List


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As a Channel Manager, you can review and search for program enrollments by different criteria. You can drill down into the enrollment summary to view or update it, and create new enrollments.

The Enrollments list supports standard list management features.


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Slide 110 - Create Enrollment


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An authorized channel manager can create enrollments on behalf of partners. In Release 9 Simplified UI, creating an enrollment involves entering a few attributes of which only the Program and Partner names are required out of the box.

New enrollments are created in Draft Status. In the Edit Enrollment Summary page, you can submit the enrollment for approval.


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Slide 111 - Enrollment Summary


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The Edit Enrollment Summary page provides the most relevant attributes of an enrollment. In Release 9, a Channel Manager on the partner team with edit or full access now has the ability to:

Modify the enrollment Start and End dates

Submit a Draft enrollment for approval

Withdraw an enrollment that is Pending Approval

Terminate an approved enrollment

And Renew an approved enrollment


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Slide 112 - Enrollment Notes


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In Release 9 Simplified UI, you can create a private or a public note related to any of your partners’ enrollments. A private note is only visible to the author.

Entering notes provides an additional way to capture relevant information specific to a program enrollment.


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Slide 113 - Enrollment Activities


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In Release 9 Simplified UI, you can find all activities related to an enrollment in the Activities tab. Activities include appointments, tasks and call logs.

As a Channel Manager on the partner team, you can see all open and completed activities associated with an enrollment. From this consolidated view, you can create new tasks and appointments, edit existing ones, and search across all types of activities at once. You can also create follow-up activities.


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Slide 114 - Summary of Enhancement Capabilities


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Here is a summary of the features I have talked about today...

The Release 9 simplified UI provides the efficiency and speed you need to do your work as a Channel Manager.

Partner Management allows you to create and update a partner along with its contacts and portal users, partner account team, opportunities, enrollments, notes and activities.

Program Enrollments allows you to manage the lifecycle of the enrollments associated with the partners you own or have access to, including their notes and activities.


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Slide 115 - Implementation Advice


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This concludes the audio portion of this presentation. Thank you for listening. There is no audio in the implementation advice section.

You can pause and rewind any of these slides if you require additional time to take in the detail.


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Slide 116 - Feature Impact Guidelines


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Slide 117 - Setup Summary


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Slide 118 - Job & Duty Roles


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Slide 119 - Related Release Training


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In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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