Chapter 1: The First Americans

Chapter 2: Exploring the Americas

Name: ________________________________

Project Due Date: ____________________ Test Date: _______________________

• Read p. 38-42; Watch video 2-1 (online) & take notes

• Complete WS 59 (attached in packet)

• Chapter Project – Evolution of Technology

• Read p. 43-49; Watch video 2-2 (online) & take notes

• Take Quiz 2-2 (go online to see quiz questions)

• Columbus’s Mistake - play

• Read p. 51-55; Watch video 2-3 (online) & take notes

• Complete WS 65 (attached in packet)

• Read p. 58-62; Watch video 2-4 (online) & take notes

• Take Quiz 2-4 (go online to see quiz questions)

• Chapter Project – Let’s Explore

• Read p. 63; Watch Skillbuilder video (online) & take notes

• Complete WS 53 & 47 (attached in packet)

• Chapter Project – My Time

• Complete WS 45 (attached in packet)

• Turn in Chapter Project with packet

(listed on back and must be completed by due date)

• Complete Study Guide

Chapter Project

Evolution of Technology

The early explorers used many different types of technology in order to explore the oceans and find new trade routes. These new forms of technology eventually evolved into or influenced modern-day technology. Choose a modern-day technology and explain why it’s the most valuable piece of technology today.

_____ Paragraph states technology & 2 reasons

_____ Each reason is supported

_____ Accurate and credible sources are used (cited using )

+1 E.C. Create an astrolabe (see Mrs. Kinsey for directions)

+1 E.C. Create a magnetic compass (see Mrs. Kinsey for directions)

Let’s Explore

Review the map, French Explorers, 1535-1682, on page 61. Which of the French explorers traveled farthest south? Along what river did Marquette and Joliet travel?

_____ Explorer farthest south

_____ River traveled by Marquette and Joliet

My Time

Create a timeline that includes a title and equidistant intervals. List 10 key events that have occurred in your life and the dates on which these events occurred. Events should be chronological on a timeline that begins with your birthday!

_____ Title for timeline

_____ 10 events listed in chronological order

_____ Timeline intervals are equal

+1 E.C. 5 or more actual photos included on timeline

+ Shown

Somewhat Shown

- Not Shown



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