Biology Chapter 1 The Nature of Science

Biology Chapter 1 The Nature of Science

Read Chapter One Section 1 and answer the following questions:

1. What does the work of a scientist begin with?

2. How does science differ from art & history? What does it rely on?

3. What is “data” in a scientific experiment?

4. Define hypothesis and give an example.

5. List three things that a hypothesis can arise from.

6. A hypothesis is useful only if it can be___________________.

Chapter 1 Section 2 How Scientists Work page 8

1. Define Spontaneous generation.

2. List & describe the steps of the scientific method. (Define quantitative observation and qualitative observation…give examples of each…)

3. Describe Franseco Redi’s experiment in detail using the scientific method.

4. There were three types of variables used in Redi’s experiment. (Please list and describe!)

5. A ______________ experiment allows the scientist to isolate and test a single variable. WHY would testing a SINGLE variable be so important??

6. Why do scientists publish the details of their experiments?

7. When enough experimental data support a hypothesis, the hypothesis becomes a (an)___________....(Define this term you just put in the blank ();

8. Can a theory change over time? EXPLAIN YOUR ANSWER.

9. Describe Louis Pasteur’s Experiment and the importance of his experiment.

Chapter 1 Section 3 Studying Life

1. Define Biology

2. List the 7 Characteristics of Life (describe each)

3. _____________-the chemical reactions through which an organism builds up or breaks down materials as it carries out life processes.

4. The vast majority of organisms reproduce _____________.

5. List and describe the levels of organization beginning with the smallest and going to the largest.

6. _______________-group of organisms of one type living in one place.

7. _______________-refers to land, water, & air on Earth.

8. _____________ ____________________ allows organisms to perform different functions.

9. ___________-the smallest units that are considered to be alive.

Chapter 1 Section 4 Tools & Procedures page 24

1. The metric system is based on multiples of ______.

2. In the metric system the basic unit of length= ________.

3. The liter measures _____________, & gram measures ____________ in the metric system.

4. On the Celsius temperature scale, how many degrees are between freezing & boiling points of water?

5. What is the name of the revised version of the metric system?

6. The use of a __________________ _____________ __________________ can magnify objects up to 1000 times.

7. SCANNING electron microscopes are best for viewing ________________ images of the surfaces of objects.

8. _________________-a group of cells that develop from a single original cell.

9. _________________-the best instrument for separating the liquid of blood from the solid portions of whole blood.

10. KNOW all lab safety rules!


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