Dracula Reading Guide – Chapter 2 (11 pages)Before Reading:“Traps” is another word for luggage.A “solicitor” is a British term for an attorney. It is a less prestigious practitioner of law – someone who deals with business, as opposed to a barrister, who argues in a court.To “make one’s toilet” simply meant to take care of all of one’s hygiene needs.“Gout,” the illness that Jonathan Harker’s employer, Mr. Hawkins, had which led him to send Harker to Dracula instead of going himself, is a disease that manifests itself through the swelling of the joints, and is often associated with over-indulgence of meat and alcohol (remember the people Harker saw in Chapter 1 who suffered from goiter, which is caused by malnutrition, and consider whether this juxtaposition is significant).The boyar were the ruling class – the aristocrats – in Eastern Europe.On page 18, Dracula says, “Why, there is hardly a foot of soil in all this region that has not been enriched by the blood of men, patriots or invaders.” This statement contains not only beautiful imagery, but truth as well; for centuries, Eastern Europe was the site of battles between Christian and Muslim kingdoms.“Bradshaw’s Guide” was a travel guide popular during Victorian times – it gave travelers helpful information and tips.Questions:What “rules” do we learn about vampires in this section? Make a bulleted list.How does the author characterize Dracula physically in this chapter? Find two quotations to support your answer and highlight them.How does the author characterize Dracula non-physically in this chapter? Find two quotations to support your answer and highlight them.Based on the following statements that Dracula makes, what is his attitude towards peasants?“‘Here I am a noble; I am boyar; the common people know me, and I am master.” (17)“‘Because your peasant is at heart a coward and a fool!’” (18)“‘We Transylvanian nobles love not to think that our bones may lie amongst the common dead.’” (20) ................

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