UNIT 14 & 15 TEST REVIEW Test Date: Tuesday, April 30

UNIT 14 & 15 TEST REVIEW Test Date: Tuesday, April 30th

Answer the following questions. It is highly suggested that you complete the review each day throughout the unit and use the review to study for the test. This review is not for a grade. You may also refer to any assignments that we completed during the unit.

Chapter 24 Lesson 1

1. What event started World War II for the United States? What side was the US on? (p610611) The bombing of Pearl Harbor in Hawaii by the Japanese. The United States entered World War II on the side of the allies.

2. Why was Texas a favorite location for training soldiers? (P612)

Texas' flat land and good climate led Texas to become the main training ground during the war.

3. Describe women's roles in the war effort during World War II? (p612-613)

Women performed a variety of noncombat jobs such as mixing gunpowder, operating radios and repairing trucks, which allowed men to be in combat. They also trained as pilots in order to fly fighter planes from the factories to military bases.

4. Describe the following Texan's contributions to the war effort?

A. Doris "Dorie" Miller (p611,614) Went into action fighting the Japanese during the first attack With no training used a deck gun to shoot down Japanese planes during the attack Was awarded the Navy Cross medal for heroism

B. Oveta Culp Hobby (p612-613) Received the Distinguished Service Medal For outstanding service Colonel of the Women's Army Corp Identified 239 type of army positions for women Managed 100,000 Women in posts around the world

C. Audie Murphy (p615) Held off an attack by 200 Germans singlehandedly so his unit could escape Won 37 decorations, 11 for bravery from the United States, Belgium, and France Won every medal the United States gives for Bravery, including the Medal of Honor

5. Form of discrimination that African American soldiers experienced during World War II ... ended late in the war? (p617)

They were assigned to noncombat roles, until late in the war.

Chapter 24 Lesson 2 6. How did Texans make sacrifices and support the troops during World War II? (P621)

Texans had to ration items such as meat, sugar, canned goods, shoes and rubber. The government controlled prices. Victory gardens and purchasing war bonds helped support the war.

7. How did Texas's abundance of natural resources affect the state during World War II? (p623) The wartime need for natural resources, such as natural gas, water, timber, and suphur, helped bring about great industrial expansion in Texas.

8. How did Texas industry impact World War II? (P624)

Texas oil helped fuel airplanes, tanks and trucks Dallas and Fort Worth produced airplanes Demands increased for food, clothing, weapons and other supplies

9. How did wartime demands affect migration within Texas during World War II? (p625)

Some 500,000 rural Texans move to cities between 1940 and 1943 to take factory jobs.

10.Describe women's roles on the home front during World War II? (p625)

With so many men at war, industries depended on women to start working in factories, shipyards, mills, and plants.

Chapter 25 Lesson 1 11. How did the court cases Sweatt vs Painter and Brown vs Board of Education effect

education in Texas? (p635-636)

Even though some school systems moved quickly, the process of desegregation of schools took time because many communities resisted.

12.What did Lyndon Johnson do to further the cause of civil rights? (p637)

Served as President of the United States Signed Civil Rights Act of 1964 Signed Voting Rights Act of 1965

13.What role did James Farmer play in the Texas civil rights movement?(p636-637)

He founded the Congress of Racial Equality to protest segregation

14.What role did Barbara Jordan play in the Texas civil rights movement? (p638)

First African American woman elected to the Texas State Senate and US House of Representatives

15.What role did Henry B. Gonzalez play in the Texas civil rights movement? (p641)

First Mexican Texan elected to the Texas State Senate Set record for longest filibuster in state history fighting a segregation law First Mexican Texan in the U.S. Congress Civil Rights Crusader

Chapter 25 Lesson 2 16.What was the bitter dispute between the United States and the Soviet Union in the period

following World War II called? (p643)

The Cold War

Chapter 25 Lesson 3 17.How did Texas change after World War II? (p653)

The state transformed from a rural one dependent on agriculture to an urban state with new Industries.

18.How did the construction of new highways effect Texas? (p653-655)

Highways developed new businesses to service people's travel needs. Motorists could travel safely at high speeds for business and pleasure More traffic on highways brought air pollution, traffic jams, and accidents

19.What happened in Texas as a result of the OPEC oil embargo? (p658)

The embargo caused a severe energy crisis. Gasoline prices went up. Oil companies drilled more wells and increased production. They hired more workers and paid higher wages. The housing market expanded as did the banking industry.

20.How did the Space Race contribute to the growth of Texas? (p659-660)

The Manned Spacecraft center employed 1000's and contributed greatly to the growth of Houston.

21.What invention by Jack Kirby led to the creation of personal computers, digital watches, and many other devices? (p661)

Integrated silicon circuit

22.What Texas doctors advanced health and medicine in Texas during the 1970's and 1980's? (p662) Michael DeBakey, Benjy Brooks, Denton Cooley


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