Lesson 4 State Constitutions and Local Charters Review Questions

NAME _____________________________________________ DATE __________________ CLASS ___________

Guided Reading Activity

The Constitution

Lesson 4 State Constitutions and Local Charters Review Questions Directions: Read the lesson and complete the outline below. Refer to your textbook to fill in the blanks.

I. The Structures of State Governments

A. Like the national government, every state constitution provides for


three branches of government: legislative, executive, and judicial.

B. It is the job of state

to pass laws to meet the needs of the state, and in the

areas of C. The

and safety they have more power than the U.S. Congress. heads the state's executive branch, but the level of control that office

holds over the executive branch varies widely from state to state. D. State courts, established by the state constitution, uphold and interpret state laws, but the state

constitution cannot contain provisions that clash with the


II. Rights and Amendments in State Constitutions A. Many states allow people to propose amendments directly through

initiatives. B. All states allow their state legislature to propose constitutional C. Most states provide the option of state-wide constitutional

. in which citizen

representatives gather to consider changing or replacing a constitution. D. Florida and New Mexico offer the option of a constitutional

, or group of

experts who are appointed to study the state constitution and recommend changes.

E. Under the power of

, if a federal court decides that a state constitutional

amendment conflicts with the U.S. Constitution, that amendment must be removed from the state's


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NAME _____________________________________________ DATE __________________ CLASS ___________

Guided Reading Activity cont.

The Constitution

III. Local Governments and Charters

A. State constitutions establish different types of

government, usually based

on a community's size and population, and define the


B. A

, and duties of local governments. , issued by the state government, grants legal status to a community and

specifies the type of government and the powers and responsibilities of that government.

Summary and Reflection

Directions: Summarize the main ideas of this lesson by answering the prompt below. Describe the role state constitutions play in structuring state and local government and protecting individual rights.

Copyright ? McGraw-Hill Education. Permission is granted to reproduce for classroom use.



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