Chapter 11 Lesson 1: Geography Shapes Ancient Greek Life

Chapter 11 Lesson 1: Geography Shapes Ancient Greek Life(1). The mainland of Greece sticks out into the Mediterranean Sea. It is a _____________________, a body of ____________ that has water on three _____________. Greece also includes thousands of islands. A gulf of water almost divides the Greek_____________________ in ________. The southern tip forms a second peninsula called The ____________________________ (PEHL?uh?puh?NEE?suhs). A narrow strip of land called an ____________________ (IHS?muhs) links the Peloponnesus to the ___________ of _____________________. (See the map on page 351.)(2). Mountains cover 70 to 80 percent of_______________. The mountains divided it into many ___________. The uneven landscape made _________________ over land difficult. Greece had no large rivers on which people could travel. The rugged landscape made it hard to unite_______________ under a single ________________.Greece has mild, rainy winters and _____, dry_______________. In much of Greece,temperatures range from about 50?F in___________ to 80?F in summer. The warmclimate encouraged outdoor life. For example, outdoor athletic competitions such as _____________ were an important part of Greek _________________.(3). Agriculture Greek land was __________, so only about 20 to 30 percent of it was good for ______________. Even so, more than half of all Greeks were ___________ or ______________. Most farmland was located in the valleys between mountains. In Greek society, _______________ were part of the __________ class. In general, only _____ owned ______________. A person who owned land could support himself. He had enough wealth to pay for equipment such as ___________, ____________, and __________. This allowed him to serve in the army and defend his ______________. As a result, people respected landowners, who had a higher place in __________ than____________ or __________ people. In order to get more farmland, the Greeks founded _____________ in other _____________. The western end of Anatolia had broad ____________ and _____________. The Greeks founded many____________ there.(4). Resources The lack of _______________ was not the only _________________. Greece also lacked natural _______________ such as precious ___________. The Greeks had to find those _____________ somewhere __________. One resource that Greece did have was ____________ for _______________. Greece also had plenty of good ___________ for __________________.(5) Highways of Water Several ________ played a major role in the life of ancient Greece. The ______________was the Mediterranean Sea to the _____________.The Ionian and Aegean ___________ were branches of the Mediterranean. The Ionian Sea is west of ____________. The Aegean Sea is ___________ of Greece. These “__________________ of ______________” linked most parts of __________ to each other. The Greeks used the seas as __________________________ routes.(6) A Seafaring People The Greeks became skilled ____________ and _____________. They built rowing _________ for fighting and sailing ships for ______________. Some_______________ had two or three levels of oars on each side. Most sailing ________ had a single mast and square sail. The Ionian and Aegean seas are not very large. Small _________ could sail around them by staying near the _________ or by sailing from island to _____________. Once the Greeks learned these ____________, they could sail to other regions. The sea was a source of ______________, an important part of the Greek ____________. The Greeks traded fresh fish from the sea to local ports along the _____________. The Greeks also dried some kinds of fish so that they could be _________________ over great _______________________.(7) Trade and Commerce Greece did not produce much ____________, but some ___________ produced surplus olive _______, wine, ___________, and fine _____________. Greek city-states bought and sold surplus goods from each other. In addition, Greeks traded these items to other _____________ around the Black ______ and the Mediterranean ______, including _________ and __________. The main products that the ____________ bought were grain, _____________ for building, animal ___________, and _______________. The Greeks also traded for nuts, figs, ___________, and flax, which was used to make __________(8). The Greeks picked up the Phoenician __________________ between 900 and 800 B.C. They changed some letters to suit their __________________. The Greek alphabet later evolved into our own _______________ of ______ letters. The Greeks also learned about ___________ from _________________ with other peoples. Coins were invented about 650 B.C. in Anatolia. Most parts of Greece were making their own ____________ by 500 B.C. Eventually, the _____________ also developed new forms of _________________ and ____________________. You will learn more about these developments in Lessons 2 and 3… ................

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