Ms Matson World History

Ancient Greece ProjectFor this project, you will take on the role of a teacher of a sixth grade world history class who is reviewing for a big exam at the end of the year. As the teacher you are to create a teaching tool to help the students study for the section of the exam which will be on Ancient Greece. This tool will include summaries and the important information from chapter 7 and chapter 8 in your text book. The tool itself must contain an overall title (such as Ancient Greece), so that the students know what they will be reviewing. Each summary will include a color picture with caption, the title of the section, and a 6 to 8 sentence summary- which will use all of the vocabulary words (underline or highlight the vocabulary terms). The teaching tool will include these sections:Rise of Greek Civilization (Chapter 7 Lesson 1)Sparta and Athens: City-State Rivals (Chapter 7 Lesson 2)Greece and Persia (Chapter 7 Lesson 3)Glory, War and Decline (Chapter 7 Lesson 4)Greek Culture (Chapter 8 Lesson 1)The Greek Mind (Chapter 8 Lesson 2)Alexander’s Empire (Chapter 8 Lesson 3) Hellenistic Culture (Chapter 8 Lesson 4) You may use creativity in the tool you create. You may make either a book, a flip chart, a poster boards, or a power point. (Power Points must be submitted by email on the day it is due (before your class period)- or you print the slides and submit those in class on the due date). No matter which format you select, it should be divided into the 8 sections and contain all of the required material as outlined in this handout. Pictures may be hand drawn or printed but need to be in color. ONLY use what we have learned in class (information from the textbook) - outside resources should only be used for helping with pictures. Each section will be worth 12 points, and the title page/section is worth 4 points. Neatness will be included in your grade for each section. The project will be due March 4, and work submitted after March 6 is only worth a grade of 70%.See back for an example- do NOT copy this example! (All “pages” would simply be put on a poster board if you decided to do a poster board.)Title Page (or slide)Ancient Greece Study ToolBy: Ms. MatsonPer B2Page 1- Chapter 7 Lesson 1Rise of Greek CivilizationGreece was originally located in Europe and the westernmost part of Asia. The Greek mainland was located on a peninsula. Greek storytellers also known as bards became part of Greek culture. Greece’s citizens formed colonies. Since each city-state was so far away, they had a polis. Also, the city-states had a gathering place called an agora. In battle, ancient Greek’s had phalanx to battle on foot. lefttop(picture must be in color)This map portrays the area of the Balkan Peninsula where the Greek mainland was located.All pages should be similar to this style. All sentences must be in your own words, the information should come from the textbook and what has been taught but they must be your own sentences.Remember there should be a cover (or cover slide) or title along with 8 pages or sections. If your name is not on the cover page/slide I cannot give you a grade. ................

In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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