Chapter 7 Cell Structure & Function Class Presentation ...

Chapter 7 Cell Structure & Function Class Presentation Questions

CH 7-1 Life Is Cellular

1. Define Cell.

2. _________________ was the first person to see & identify cells (he “coined” the term “cells”).

3. ________________ was the first to observe LIVING cells under the microscope…the first to see tiny living organisms in a drop of pond water.

4. In 1855, Mathias Shleiden (German Botanist) stated that ____________________________________________________________________________________.

5. Theodor Schwann (German Biologist) stated that________________________________________________________________________________.

6. Rudolf Virchow (German Physician) stated _____________________________________________________________________________________.

7. State the three components of the Cell Theory.

8. Cells are grouped into two broad categories based on whether or not they have a(n)____________________________.

9. The cell theory applies to ______________ ________________ _______________ (which includes bacteria, plants, animals, multicellular organisms);

10. _________________________(No TRUE nucleus)…SINGLE celled organism that lacks a nucleus. The genetic material floats freely in the cell. _______________ are examples of this type or organism.

11. ________________________(TRUE Nucleus)…Cells that DO contain a NUCLEUS that is enclosed by a membrane; This type or organism is typically larger and has membrane-bound organelles that also are enclosed by a membrane (Organisms can be single cellular OR multicellular; Fungi, all plants, animals are of this cell type ;

12. Where is the genetic material of a eukaryotic cell found?

13. ______________________-specialized structure that performs important cellular functions within a eukaryotic cell….each of these cellular structures has a specific job to do.

14. If a cell contains a ______________________, it must be a eukaryote. Draw a simple picture of a eukaryotic cell.

15. List 3 ways that eukaryotes & prokaryotes differ.

7-2 Eukaryotic Cell Structures

1. List and describe three basic structures that MOST cells (eukaryotic cells) have in common.

2. In a eukaryote, the material between the cell membrane & the nucleus is the __________________.

3. The main function of the ______________________________ is to provide support & function for the cell. It is made up of tough fibers (carbohydrates & proteins). These fibers are produced by the cell & released by the _________________________________________.

4. What is the main function of the nucleus?

5. The nucleus is important to cells because it contains coded instructions for making ________________ & contains nearly all of the cell’s ________________.

6. The granular material you can see in the nucleus is called ________________. During cell division this material condenses to form CHROMOSOMES!

7. Define Chromosome-

8. ______________________-small dense region within the nucleus where the assembly of ribosomes begins.

9.______________________________-double membrane layer that surrounds the nucleus of the cell. It is porous, allowing materials to enter & leave the nucleus.

10. __________________________-small round organelles in the cell on which proteins are made. They are found floating in the cytoplasm or may be found attached to the endoplasmic reticulum.

11. ___________________________-means “cell”;

12. _____________________ ___________________________-Internal membrane system in cells in which components of the cell membrane are assembled & some proteins are modified.

13. List & describe the two typed of Endoplasmic Reticulum.

14. __________________________-Cell organelle filled with enzymes needed to BREAK DOWN certain materials within the cell. They break down old organelles & also remove debris from the cell.

15. __________________________________-STACK of membranes in the cell in which enzymes attach carbohydrates & lipids to proteins. From here…proteins are sent to their final destinations! “Packaging Center/UPS”

16. ________________________________-cell organelle that STORES materials such as water, salts, proteins, & carbohydrates. VERY LARGE in plant cells! Absent in animal cells.

17. ________________________________organelle found only in PLANT CELLS & SOME other cells but NOT in animals or fungi…contains chlorophyll & uses ENERGY from the sun to make energy rich food molecules in a process known as photosynthesis.

18.________________________________organelle that USES ENERGY from food to make HIGH energy compounds that the cell can use for growth, development & movement.

19. _______________________________ & ___________________________________change energy from one form to another…

20. _____________________________-supporting structure AND transportation system of the cell…made up of a network of protein filaments within some cells. This structure helps maintain the cells shape & is involved in many forms of cell movement.

21. _______________________& _____________________________ make up the cytoskeleton of the cell.

22. _________________________ are especially important in cell division (animal cells)…they help separate chromosomes & form a pair of structures called CENTRIOLES. * Plant cells do not have centrioles!

23. Microtubules can help form ______________, hair-like projections & ______________, whip-like projections…both aid in movement of the cell.

24. ____________________-hollow tubes of protein that maintain cell shape & can also serve as “tracks” along which organelles are moved.

25. ____________________-long thin fibers that function in the movement & support of the cell…they are fairly narrow.

26. Cilia & flagella are made of protein filaments called ________________.

27. What are three major differences between plant & animal cells?

CH 7-3 Cell Boundaries

1. Describe the specific make up of the cell membrane.

2. What is the function of the cell membrane?

3. Define diffusion & then draw a picture to illustrate this definition.

4. Does Diffusion require energy from the cell?

5. _________________-the diffusion of WATER through a selectively permeable membrane.

6. What is meant by the equilibrium of a solution?

7. ___________________= “Same Strength”; __________________=”Above Strength”; _________________________=”Below Strength”;

8. Cells placed in an isotonic solution will________________________________________water.

The concentration of the solutes is the SAME inside & outside the cell.

9. In a HYPERtonic solution animal cells ____________________& plant cell vacuoles ______________. The SOLUTION has a higher SOLUTE concentration than the cell.

10. In a HYPOtonic solution, animal cells ____________________& plant cell vacuoles__________________________________________________. The SOLUTION has a lower SOLUTE concentration than the cell.

11. What would happen to a cell like a red blood cell if PLACED IN PURE WATER?

12. What is FACILITATED diffusion?

13. __________________ _____________________ uses the CELL’s energy to move materials across a cell membrane against (from low to high) the concentration gradient.

14. Define endocytosis & exocytosis…(they are both forms of active transport!)

15. _____________________ is one form of active transport/endocytosis that is referred to as “cell eating”. For an amoeba, the cytoplasm extends to surround & engulf large particles of food. (see page 188 figure 7-18)

16. ___________________is a form of active transport/exocytosis (“cell drinking”) where cells take up liquid from the surrounding environment. Tiny pockets form along the cell membrane, fill with liquid & pinch off to form vacuoles within the cell.

CH 7-4 The Diversity of Cellular Life

1. A single-celled organism is also called a(n)________________ organism.

2. Organisms made up of more that one cell are called ____________________.

3. __________________ ________________________ refers to the way that cells throughout an organism can develop in different ways to perform different tasks.

4. _____________ ____________ __________________ are specialized to transport oxygen.

5. The human ability to move is result of specialized cell structures of _______________ cells.

6. Specialized plant cells called _______________ _________________ help regulate the opening and closing of “stomata” on the back side of plant leaves…helping to regulate gas exchange of carbon dioxide, water & oxygen with the plant.

7. List the levels of organization in a multicellular organism….beginning with cells.


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