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Guided Reading

A More Perfect Union

Lesson 2 Convention and Compromise


How do new ideas change the way people live?

The Need for Change


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Cause and Effect In each numbered part of the organizer,

fill in the blanks as they relate to Shays's Rebellion.

Shays's Rebellion: Causes and Effects

1. American farmers could not pay

2. State officials

3. Led by Daniel Shays, in 1787

4. The militia

5. Identifying Name three problems the United States had after the American Revolution.


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6. Contrasting How did the actions of Northern states differ from actions of Southern states regarding slavery after the American Revolution?



Guided Reading Cont.

A More Perfect Union

Constitutional Convention


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Reading for Accuracy Use your textbook to decide if a

statement is true or false. Write T or F in the blank. If a statement is false, rewrite it to make it true.

1. Alexander Hamilton called a convention to consider what changes were needed to the Articles of Confederation.

2. George Washington is called the "father of the Constitution"

3. The Virginia Plan called for a two-house legislature.

4. Proportional representation in the legislature was part of the proposed New Jersey Plan.

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5. The New Jersey Plan gave Congress the powers to set taxes and regulate trade.

6. The larger states objected to the Virginia Plan because they would have fewer votes than small states.


Guided Reading Cont.

A More Perfect Union

Agreeing to Compromise



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Answering Questions As you read the section, answer the

questions below.

1. Specifying How did the Great Compromise settle the issue of representation in the legislature?

2. Explaining Explain the Three-Fifths Compromise.

3. Identifying In addition to the Three-Fifths Compromise, what other compromise was reached at the convention regarding slavery?

Copyright by The McGraw-Hill Companies.

4. Specifying How many states would have to approve the Constitution?

5. Determining Cause and Effect What reason did two delegates give for refusing to sign the Constitution?

6. Analyzing Why do you think representation was such a difficult issue to resolve?


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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