Guided Reading: Chapter 7, section 2 - “Revolution Brings ...

[Pages:2]Guided Reading: Chapter 7, section 2 - "Revolution Brings Reform and Terror"


Read the questions below, then read the section in the textbook. As you read the section, respond to the questions below.

1. Definitions of terms. a. Legislative Assembly:

b. ?migres:

c. Sans-culottes:

d. Jacobins:

e. Guillotine:

f. Maximilien Robespierre:

g. Georges Danton:

h. Olympe de Gouges:

i. Reign of Terror:

2. Notes: Create a timeline of the major events that follow the creation of the Constitution in 1791.

1791 ? Creation of the Constitution

3. What major reforms did the National Assembly introduce?

4. How did the differences of opinion on how to handle such issues as food shortages and debt affect the Legislative Assembly?

5. What did the September Massacres show about the mood of the people? 6. What caues led to Robespierre becoming a dictator?

7. How did Robespierre justify the use of terror?

8. How did the slogan "Liberty, Equality, Fraternity" sum up the goals of the revolution?

9. What similarities and differences do you see between the political factions in the Legislative Assembly and those in the U.S. government today?


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