IBT File Download Formats


ISO New England Inc.

IBT Download File Formats

IBT Download File Format Tracking Table

Attached is the Tracking Table for changes that have been instituted in this document. The Tracking Table is intended to provide customers with insight to any changes or revisions to the formatting of files for Internal Bilateral Transactions.

|Revision/Date |Revision |Description of Change |Page |Posting Date |

|September 4, 2003 |01 |ContractStatus field description is changed to define two |15, 17, |08/27/03 |

| | |new possible values signifying the status of a contract: |38, 40 | |


| | |ContractStatus of an example of a contract, ContractID = | | |

| | |2564, terminated at the start date and confirmed, changed |5, 6, | |

| | |from "confirmed" to "cancelled". |24, 26, 32 | |

|September 15, 2003 |02 |Daylight saving extra hour format description is changed |14-17, |09/15/03 |

| | |from “02:00:00*” to “2*:00:00” to reflect the implemented |19-20, 37-40,| |

| | |format. |42-43 | |

|October 27, 2006 |03 |Updated ISO NE logo, removed “Draft” |1 | |

|May 18, 2010 |04 |Added FCM Capacity Load Obligation (CLOB) and Supplemental| | |

| | |Availability Bilateral (SAB) Contract Types | | |

|July 29, 2010 |04-01 |Replaced CAPACITY_LOAD_OBLIGATION with FCM_LOAD_OBLIGATION|All applicable |07/29/2010 |

| | |in the Contract Category string | | |

|Jun 16, 2010 (merged Aug 9, |05 |Added MarginalLossRevenueAllocationFlag for all downloads |4, 16, 19, 21-25,|11/19/2010 |

|2010) | |of DA and RT Energy contracts |27-28, 33-34, 41,| |

| | | |44, 46 | |

|December 20, 2012 |06 |Added new format for Rejected Schedules |5, 14, 24, 29, |12/31/2012 |

| | | |44, 55 | |

|June 19, 2017 |07 |Changed obsolete ICAP Contract CSV format columns to |4, 6-12, 15-22, | |

| | |"UnusedColumn1-3" and removed obsolete ICAP Contract XML |25-26, 29-39, | |

| | |attributes. |43-50 | |

| | |Removed definitions for obsolete ICAP Contract contract | | |

| | |fields. | | |

| | |Removed obsolete values from contract field definitions | | |

| | |for ContractCategory, SellerID, BuyerID, LocationID, | | |

| | |ProfileDate. | | |

| | |Removed obsolete REGULATION_RT, ICAP_INTERNAL, and | | |

| | |ICAP_EXTERNAL contracts from file examples. | | |

| | |Noted exclusion of FCM_PERFORMANCE_SCORE within contract | | |

| | |field definitions for ContractCategory. | | |

Table of Contents

CSV Download File Format 4

CSV IBT Download File Format – Contract Only 4

CSV IBT Download File Format – Contract and Schedule 4

CSV IBT Download File Format – Schedule Only 4

CSV IBT Download File Format – Rejected Schedule 5

CSV Download File Examples 6

CSV IBT Download File Example – Contract Only 6

CSV IBT Download File Example – Contract and Schedule 6

CSV IBT Download File Example – Schedule Only 11

CSV IBT Download File Example – Rejected Schedule 14

CSV Download File Format Definitions 16

CSV IBT Download File Format Definitions by Field - Contract Only 16

CSV IBT Download File Format Definitions by Field – Contract and Schedule 19

CSV IBT Download File Format Definitions by Field – Schedule Only 22

CSV IBT Download File Format Definitions by Field – Rejected Schedule 24

XML Download File Format 26

XML IBT Download File Format - Contract Only 26

XML IBT Download File Format - Contract and Schedule 27

XML IBT Download File Format – Schedule Only 28

XML IBT Download File Format – Rejected Schedule 29

XML Download File Examples 30

XML IBT Download File Example – Contract Only 30

XML IBT Download File Example - Contract and Schedule 32

XML IBT Download File Example – Schedule Only 38

XML IBT Download File Example – Rejected Schedule 44

XML Download File Format Definitions 47

XML IBT Download File Format Definitions by Tag – Contract Only 47

XML IBT Download File Format Definitions by Tag – Contract and Schedule 50

XML IBT Download File Format Definitions by Tag – Schedule Only 53

XML IBT Download File Format Definitions by Tag – Rejected Schedule 55

CSV Download File Format

CSV IBT Download File Format – Contract Only




CSV IBT Download File Format – Contract and Schedule





CSV IBT Download File Format – Schedule Only





CSV IBT Download File Format – Rejected Schedule





* DownloadFileType is ‘Contracts’, or ‘Contracts and Schedules’, or ‘Schedules’, or ‘Rejected Schedule’.

CSV Download File Examples

CSV IBT Download File Example – Contract Only



2563,DA Energy ,ENERGY_DA,6,2,01/01/2003 01:00:00,01/02/2003 24:00:00,901,,,P,NEW,,,B,,,,Y


2564,RT Energy Off-Peak,ENERGY_RT,6,2,01/01/2003 01:00:00,01/07/2003 24:00:00,401,,Off-Peak 7x8,C,CANCELLED,01/01/2003 01:00:00,,,,,,Y


2565,RT Energy Off-Peak,ENERGY_RT,6,2,01/01/2003 01:00:00,01/07/2003 24:00:00,402,20,Off-Peak 7x8,C,NEW,,,B,,,,Y


2566,Regulation,REGULATION_RT,6,2,01/01/2003 01:00:00,01/01/2003 24:00:00,32,,,P,NEW,,,B,,,


2567,Internal ICAP,ICAP_INTERNAL,2,6,01/01/2003 01:00:00,02/28/2003 24:00:00,32,,,P,NEW,,,S,,,


2568,External ICAP Sale,ICAP_EXTERNAL,6,50010,01/01/2003 01:00:00,01/31/2003 24:00:00,407,,,C,CONFIRMED,,,,103,U,


47897,,FCM_LOAD_OBLIGATION,1,4,07/01/2010 01:00:00,11/30/2010 24:00:00,2003,,,P,CONFIRMED,,,,,,


47884,FU-SAB,FCM_SUPPLEMENTAL_AVAILABILITY,5,2,07/15/2010 01:00:00,07/16/2010 01:00:00,,,,P,NEW,,,B,,,,1103,1102

CSV IBT Download File Example – Contract and Schedule

Contracts with Schedules


2563,DA Energy ,ENERGY_DA,6,2,01/01/2003 01:00:00,01/02/2003 24:00:00,901,,,P,NEW,,,B,,,,Y

01/01/2003 08:00:00,25.231,PENDING,B

01/01/2003 09:00:00,25.231,PENDING,B

01/01/2003 10:00:00,25.231,PENDING,B

01/01/2003 11:00:00,25.231,PENDING,B

01/01/2003 12:00:00,25.231,PENDING,B

01/01/2003 13:00:00,25.231,PENDING,B

01/01/2003 14:00:00,25.231,PENDING,B

01/01/2003 15:00:00,25.231,PENDING,B

01/01/2003 16:00:00,25.231,PENDING,B

01/01/2003 17:00:00,25.231,PENDING,B

01/01/2003 18:00:00,25.231,PENDING,B

01/01/2003 19:00:00,25.231,PENDING,B

01/01/2003 20:00:00,25.231,PENDING,B

01/01/2003 21:00:00,25.231,PENDING,B

01/01/2003 22:00:00,25.231,PENDING,B

01/01/2003 23:00:00,25.231,PENDING,B

01/02/2003 08:00:00,40.555,PENDING,B

01/02/2003 09:00:00,40.555,PENDING,B

01/02/2003 10:00:00,40.555,PENDING,B

01/02/2003 11:00:00,40.555,PENDING,B

01/02/2003 12:00:00,40.555,PENDING,B

01/02/2003 13:00:00,40.555,PENDING,B

01/02/2003 14:00:00,40.555,PENDING,B

01/02/2003 15:00:00,40.555,PENDING,B

01/02/2003 16:00:00,40.555,PENDING,B

01/02/2003 17:00:00,40.555,PENDING,B

01/02/2003 18:00:00,40.555,PENDING,B

01/02/2003 19:00:00,40.555,PENDING,B

01/02/2003 20:00:00,40.555,PENDING,B

01/02/2003 21:00:00,40.555,PENDING,B

01/02/2003 22:00:00,40.555,PENDING,B

01/02/2003 23:00:00,40.555,PENDING,B


2564,RT Energy Off-Peak,ENERGY_RT,6,2,01/01/2003 01:00:00,01/07/2003 24:00:00,401,,Off-Peak 7x8,C,CANCELLED,01/01/2003 01:00:00,,,,,,Y


2565,RT Energy Off-Peak,ENERGY_RT,6,2,01/01/2003 01:00:00,01/07/2003 24:00:00,402,20,Off-Peak 7x8,C,NEW,,,B,,,,Y

01/01/2003 01:00:00,20,PENDING,B

01/01/2003 02:00:00,20,PENDING,B

01/01/2003 03:00:00,20,PENDING,B

01/01/2003 04:00:00,20,PENDING,B

01/01/2003 05:00:00,20,PENDING,B

01/01/2003 06:00:00,20,PENDING,B

01/01/2003 07:00:00,20,PENDING,B

01/01/2003 24:00:00,20,PENDING,B

01/02/2003 01:00:00,20,PENDING,B

01/02/2003 02:00:00,20,PENDING,B

01/02/2003 03:00:00,20,PENDING,B

01/02/2003 04:00:00,20,PENDING,B

01/02/2003 05:00:00,20,PENDING,B

01/02/2003 06:00:00,20,PENDING,B

01/02/2003 07:00:00,20,PENDING,B

01/02/2003 24:00:00,20,PENDING,B

01/03/2003 01:00:00,20,PENDING,B

01/03/2003 02:00:00,20,PENDING,B

01/03/2003 03:00:00,20,PENDING,B

01/03/2003 04:00:00,20,PENDING,B

01/03/2003 05:00:00,20,PENDING,B

01/03/2003 06:00:00,20,PENDING,B

01/03/2003 07:00:00,20,PENDING,B

01/03/2003 24:00:00,20,PENDING,B

01/04/2003 01:00:00,20,PENDING,B

01/04/2003 02:00:00,20,PENDING,B

01/04/2003 03:00:00,20,PENDING,B

01/04/2003 04:00:00,20,PENDING,B

01/04/2003 05:00:00,20,PENDING,B

01/04/2003 06:00:00,20,PENDING,B

01/04/2003 07:00:00,20,PENDING,B

01/04/2003 24:00:00,20,PENDING,B

01/05/2003 01:00:00,20,PENDING,B

01/05/2003 02:00:00,20,PENDING,B

01/05/2003 03:00:00,20,PENDING,B

01/05/2003 04:00:00,20,PENDING,B

01/05/2003 05:00:00,20,PENDING,B

01/05/2003 06:00:00,20,PENDING,B

01/05/2003 07:00:00,20,PENDING,B

01/05/2003 24:00:00,20,PENDING,B

01/06/2003 01:00:00,20,PENDING,B

01/06/2003 02:00:00,20,PENDING,B

01/06/2003 03:00:00,20,PENDING,B

01/06/2003 04:00:00,20,PENDING,B

01/06/2003 05:00:00,20,PENDING,B

01/06/2003 06:00:00,20,PENDING,B

01/06/2003 07:00:00,20,PENDING,B

01/06/2003 24:00:00,20,PENDING,B

01/07/2003 01:00:00,20,PENDING,B

01/07/2003 02:00:00,20,PENDING,B

01/07/2003 03:00:00,20,PENDING,B

01/07/2003 04:00:00,20,PENDING,B

01/07/2003 05:00:00,20,PENDING,B

01/07/2003 06:00:00,20,PENDING,B

01/07/2003 07:00:00,20,PENDING,B

01/07/2003 24:00:00,20,PENDING,B


2566,Regulation,REGULATION_RT,6,2,01/01/2003 01:00:00,01/01/2003 24:00:00,32,,,P,NEW,,,B,,,

01/01/2003 01:00:00,10,PENDING,B

01/01/2003 02:00:00,10,PENDING,B

01/01/2003 03:00:00,10,PENDING,B

01/01/2003 04:00:00,10,PENDING,B

01/01/2003 05:00:00,10,PENDING,B

01/01/2003 06:00:00,10,PENDING,B

01/01/2003 07:00:00,10,PENDING,B

01/01/2003 08:00:00,15,PENDING,B

01/01/2003 09:00:00,15,PENDING,B

01/01/2003 10:00:00,15,PENDING,B

01/01/2003 11:00:00,15,PENDING,B

01/01/2003 12:00:00,15,PENDING,B

01/01/2003 13:00:00,15,PENDING,B

01/01/2003 14:00:00,15,PENDING,B

01/01/2003 15:00:00,15,PENDING,B

01/01/2003 16:00:00,15,PENDING,B

01/01/2003 17:00:00,15,PENDING,B

01/01/2003 18:00:00,15,PENDING,B

01/01/2003 19:00:00,15,PENDING,B

01/01/2003 20:00:00,15,PENDING,B

01/01/2003 21:00:00,15,PENDING,B

01/01/2003 22:00:00,15,PENDING,B

01/01/2003 23:00:00,15,PENDING,B

01/01/2003 24:00:00,10,PENDING,B


2567,Internal ICAP,ICAP_INTERNAL,2,6,01/01/2003 01:00:00,02/28/2003 24:00:00,32,,,P,NEW,,,S,,,

01/01/2003 01:00:00,10,PENDING,S

02/01/2003 01:00:00,8.132,PENDING,S


2568,External ICAP Sale,ICAP_EXTERNAL,6,50010,01/01/2003 01:00:00,01/31/2003 24:00:00,407,,,C,CONFIRMED,,,,103,U,

01/01/2003 01:00:00,100,CONFIRMED,


47897,,FCM_LOAD_OBLIGATION,1,4,07/01/2010 01:00:00,11/30/2010 24:00:00,2003,,,P,CONFIRMED,,,,,,

07/01/2010 01:00:00,75,PENDING,B

08/01/2010 01:00:00,85,PENDING,B

09/01/2010 01:00:00,95,PENDING,B***

47884,FU-SAB,FCM_SUPPLEMENTAL_AVAILABILITY,5,2,07/15/2010 01:00:00,07/16/2010 01:00:00,,,,P,NEW,,,B,,,,1103,1102

07/15/2010 09:00:00,9.51,PENDING,B

07/15/2010 10:00:00,10.55,PENDING,B

CSV IBT Download File Example – Schedule Only



2563,DA Energy ,ENERGY_DA,6,2,01/01/2003 01:00:00,01/02/2003 24:00:00,901,,,Y

01/01/2003 08:00:00,25.231,PENDING,B

01/01/2003 09:00:00,25.231,PENDING,B

01/01/2003 10:00:00,25.231,PENDING,B

01/01/2003 11:00:00,25.231,PENDING,B

01/01/2003 12:00:00,25.231,PENDING,B

01/01/2003 13:00:00,25.231,PENDING,B

01/01/2003 14:00:00,25.231,PENDING,B

01/01/2003 15:00:00,25.231,PENDING,B

01/01/2003 16:00:00,25.231,PENDING,B

01/01/2003 17:00:00,25.231,PENDING,B

01/01/2003 18:00:00,25.231,PENDING,B

01/01/2003 19:00:00,25.231,PENDING,B

01/01/2003 20:00:00,25.231,PENDING,B

01/01/2003 21:00:00,25.231,PENDING,B

01/01/2003 22:00:00,25.231,PENDING,B

01/01/2003 23:00:00,25.231,PENDING,B

01/02/2003 08:00:00,40.555,PENDING,B

01/02/2003 09:00:00,40.555,PENDING,B

01/02/2003 10:00:00,40.555,PENDING,B

01/02/2003 11:00:00,40.555,PENDING,B

01/02/2003 12:00:00,40.555,PENDING,B

01/02/2003 13:00:00,40.555,PENDING,B

01/02/2003 14:00:00,40.555,PENDING,B

01/02/2003 15:00:00,40.555,PENDING,B

01/02/2003 16:00:00,40.555,PENDING,B

01/02/2003 17:00:00,40.555,PENDING,B

01/02/2003 18:00:00,40.555,PENDING,B

01/02/2003 19:00:00,40.555,PENDING,B

01/02/2003 20:00:00,40.555,PENDING,B

01/02/2003 21:00:00,40.555,PENDING,B

01/02/2003 22:00:00,40.555,PENDING,B

01/02/2003 23:00:00,40.555,PENDING,B


2564,RT Energy Off-Peak,ENERGY_RT,6,2,01/01/2003 01:00:00,01/07/2003 24:00:00,401,,Off-Peak 7x8,Y


2565,RT Energy Off-Peak,ENERGY_RT,6,2,01/01/2003 01:00:00,01/07/2003 24:00:00,402,20,Off-Peak 7x8,Y

01/01/2003 01:00:00,20,PENDING,B

01/01/2003 02:00:00,20,PENDING,B

01/01/2003 03:00:00,20,PENDING,B

01/01/2003 04:00:00,20,PENDING,B

01/01/2003 05:00:00,20,PENDING,B

01/01/2003 06:00:00,20,PENDING,B

01/01/2003 07:00:00,20,PENDING,B

01/01/2003 24:00:00,20,PENDING,B

01/02/2003 01:00:00,20,PENDING,B

01/02/2003 02:00:00,20,PENDING,B

01/02/2003 03:00:00,20,PENDING,B

01/02/2003 04:00:00,20,PENDING,B

01/02/2003 05:00:00,20,PENDING,B

01/02/2003 06:00:00,20,PENDING,B

01/02/2003 07:00:00,20,PENDING,B

01/02/2003 24:00:00,20,PENDING,B

01/03/2003 01:00:00,20,PENDING,B

01/03/2003 02:00:00,20,PENDING,B

01/03/2003 03:00:00,20,PENDING,B

01/03/2003 04:00:00,20,PENDING,B

01/03/2003 05:00:00,20,PENDING,B

01/03/2003 06:00:00,20,PENDING,B

01/03/2003 07:00:00,20,PENDING,B

01/03/2003 24:00:00,20,PENDING,B

01/04/2003 01:00:00,20,PENDING,B

01/04/2003 02:00:00,20,PENDING,B

01/04/2003 03:00:00,20,PENDING,B

01/04/2003 04:00:00,20,PENDING,B

01/04/2003 05:00:00,20,PENDING,B

01/04/2003 06:00:00,20,PENDING,B

01/04/2003 07:00:00,20,PENDING,B

01/04/2003 24:00:00,20,PENDING,B

01/05/2003 01:00:00,20,PENDING,B

01/05/2003 02:00:00,20,PENDING,B

01/05/2003 03:00:00,20,PENDING,B

01/05/2003 04:00:00,20,PENDING,B

01/05/2003 05:00:00,20,PENDING,B

01/05/2003 06:00:00,20,PENDING,B

01/05/2003 07:00:00,20,PENDING,B

01/05/2003 24:00:00,20,PENDING,B

01/06/2003 01:00:00,20,PENDING,B

01/06/2003 02:00:00,20,PENDING,B

01/06/2003 03:00:00,20,PENDING,B

01/06/2003 04:00:00,20,PENDING,B

01/06/2003 05:00:00,20,PENDING,B

01/06/2003 06:00:00,20,PENDING,B

01/06/2003 07:00:00,20,PENDING,B

01/06/2003 24:00:00,20,PENDING,B

01/07/2003 01:00:00,20,PENDING,B

01/07/2003 02:00:00,20,PENDING,B

01/07/2003 03:00:00,20,PENDING,B

01/07/2003 04:00:00,20,PENDING,B

01/07/2003 05:00:00,20,PENDING,B

01/07/2003 06:00:00,20,PENDING,B

01/07/2003 07:00:00,20,PENDING,B

01/07/2003 24:00:00,20,PENDING,B


2566,Regulation,REGULATION_RT,6,2,01/01/2003 01:00:00,01/01/2003 24:00:00,32,,

01/01/2003 01:00:00,10,PENDING,B

01/01/2003 02:00:00,10,PENDING,B

01/01/2003 03:00:00,10,PENDING,B

01/01/2003 04:00:00,10,PENDING,B

01/01/2003 05:00:00,10,PENDING,B

01/01/2003 06:00:00,10,PENDING,B

01/01/2003 07:00:00,10,PENDING,B

01/01/2003 08:00:00,15,PENDING,B

01/01/2003 09:00:00,15,PENDING,B

01/01/2003 10:00:00,15,PENDING,B

01/01/2003 11:00:00,15,PENDING,B

01/01/2003 12:00:00,15,PENDING,B

01/01/2003 13:00:00,15,PENDING,B

01/01/2003 14:00:00,15,PENDING,B

01/01/2003 15:00:00,15,PENDING,B

01/01/2003 16:00:00,15,PENDING,B

01/01/2003 17:00:00,15,PENDING,B

01/01/2003 18:00:00,15,PENDING,B

01/01/2003 19:00:00,15,PENDING,B

01/01/2003 20:00:00,15,PENDING,B

01/01/2003 21:00:00,15,PENDING,B

01/01/2003 22:00:00,15,PENDING,B

01/01/2003 23:00:00,15,PENDING,B

01/01/2003 24:00:00,10,PENDING,B


2567,Internal ICAP,ICAP_INTERNAL,2,6,01/01/2003 01:00:00,02/28/2003 24:00:00,32,,

01/01/2003 01:00:00,10,PENDING,S

02/01/2003 01:00:00,8.132,PENDING,S


2568,External ICAP Sale,ICAP_EXTERNAL,6,50010,01/01/2003 01:00:00,01/31/2003 24:00:00,407,,

01/01/2003 01:00:00,100,CONFIRMED,


47897,,FCM_LOAD_OBLIGATION,1,4,07/01/2010 01:00:00,11/30/2010 24:00:00,2003,,,P,CONFIRMED,,,,,,

07/01/2010 01:00:00,75,PENDING,B

08/01/2010 01:00:00,85,PENDING,B

09/01/2010 01:00:00,95,PENDING,B


47884,FU-SAB,FCM_SUPPLEMENTAL_AVAILABILITY,5,2,07/15/2010 01:00:00,07/16/2010 01:00:00,,,

07/15/2010 09:00:00,9.51,PENDING,B

07/15/2010 10:00:00,10.55,PENDING,B

CSV IBT Download File Example – Rejected Schedule

Rejected Schedules


2990,ref _01_Off-Peak_7x8,ENERGY_DA,6,2,01/01/2013 01:00:00,01/31/2013 24:00:00,901,19.999, Off-Peak 7x8,Y

01/01/2013 01:00:00, 01/01/2013 01:00:00,19.999, 01/02/2013 12:27:31

01/01/2013 02:00:00, 01/01/2013 02:00:00,19.999, 01/02/2013 12:27:31

01/01/2013 03:00:00, 01/01/2013 03:00:00,19.999, 01/02/2013 12:27:31

01/01/2013 04:00:00, 01/01/2013 04:00:00,19.999, 01/02/2013 12:27:31

01/01/2013 05:00:00, 01/01/2013 05:00:00,19.999, 01/02/2013 12:27:31

01/01/2013 06:00:00, 01/01/2013 06:00:00,19.999, 01/02/2013 12:27:31

01/01/2013 07:00:00, 01/01/2013 07:00:00,19.999, 01/02/2013 12:27:31

01/01/2013 08:00:00, 01/01/2013 08:00:00,0, 01/02/2013 12:27:31

01/01/2013 09:00:00, 01/01/2013 09:00:00,0, 01/02/2013 12:27:31

01/01/2013 10:00:00, 01/01/2013 10:00:00,0, 01/02/2013 12:27:31

01/01/2013 11:00:00, 01/01/2013 11:00:00,0, 01/02/2013 12:27:31

01/01/2013 12:00:00, 01/01/2013 12:00:00,0, 01/02/2013 12:27:31

01/01/2013 13:00:00, 01/01/2013 13:00:00,0, 01/02/2013 12:27:31

01/01/2013 14:00:00, 01/01/2013 14:00:00,0, 01/02/2013 12:27:31

01/01/2013 15:00:00, 01/01/2013 15:00:00,0, 01/02/2013 12:27:31

01/01/2013 16:00:00, 01/01/2013 16:00:00,0, 01/02/2013 12:27:31

01/01/2013 17:00:00, 01/01/2013 17:00:00,0, 01/02/2013 12:27:31

01/01/2013 18:00:00, 01/01/2013 18:00:00,0, 01/02/2013 12:27:31

01/01/2013 19:00:00, 01/01/2013 19:00:00,0, 01/02/2013 12:27:31

01/01/2013 20:00:00, 01/01/2013 20:00:00,0, 01/02/2013 12:27:31

01/01/2013 21:00:00, 01/01/2013 21:00:00,0, 01/02/2013 12:27:31

01/01/2013 22:00:00, 01/01/2013 22:00:00,0, 01/02/2013 12:27:31

01/01/2013 23:00:00, 01/01/2013 23:00:00,0, 01/02/2013 12:27:31

01/01/2013 24:00:00, 01/01/2013 24:00:00,19.999, 01/02/2013 12:27:31


2991, ref _02_Flat,ENERGY_DA,6,2,01/01/2013 01:00:00,01/31/2013 24:00:00,901,79.500,,Y

01/04/2013 01:00:00, 01/06/2013 24:00:00,79.500, 01/07/2013 12:22:39

01/08/2013 01:00:00, 01/08/2013 24:00:00,79.500, 01/09/2013 12:20:17


2992, ref _03_Variable,ENERGY_RT,6,2,01/01/2013 07:00:00,01/01/2013 24:00:00,901,,,Y

01/01/2013 07:00:00, 01/01/2013 07:00:00,4.070, 01/02/2013 21:09:59

01/01/2013 08:00:00, 01/01/2013 08:00:00,4.080, 01/02/2013 21:09:59

01/01/2013 09:00:00, 01/01/2013 09:00:00,4.090, 01/02/2013 21:09:59

01/01/2013 10:00:00, 01/01/2013 10:00:00,4.100, 01/02/2013 21:09:59

01/01/2013 11:00:00, 01/01/2013 11:00:00,4.110, 01/02/2013 21:09:59

01/01/2013 12:00:00, 01/01/2013 12:00:00,4.120, 01/02/2013 21:09:59

01/01/2013 13:00:00, 01/01/2013 13:00:00,4.130, 01/02/2013 21:09:59

01/01/2013 14:00:00, 01/01/2013 14:00:00,4.140, 01/02/2013 21:09:59

01/01/2013 15:00:00, 01/01/2013 15:00:00,4.150, 01/02/2013 21:09:59

01/01/2013 16:00:00, 01/01/2013 16:00:00,4.160, 01/02/2013 21:09:59

01/01/2013 17:00:00, 01/01/2013 17:00:00,4.170, 01/02/2013 21:09:59

01/01/2013 18:00:00, 01/01/2013 18:00:00,4.180, 01/02/2013 21:09:59

01/01/2013 19:00:00, 01/01/2013 19:00:00,4.190, 01/02/2013 21:09:59

01/01/2013 20:00:00, 01/01/2013 20:00:00,4.200, 01/02/2013 21:09:59

01/01/2013 21:00:00, 01/01/2013 21:00:00,4.210, 01/02/2013 21:09:59

01/01/2013 22:00:00, 01/01/2013 22:00:00,4.220, 01/02/2013 21:09:59

01/01/2013 23:00:00, 01/01/2013 23:00:00,4.230, 01/02/2013 21:09:59

01/01/2013 24:00:00, 01/01/2013 24:00:00,4.240, 01/02/2013 21:09:59


2993, ref _04_monthly, FCM_LOAD_OBLIGATION,6,2,06/01/2012 01:00:00,05/31/2013 24:00:00,2003,,

01/01/2013 01:00:00, 01/31/2013 24:00:00,28.888, 02/06/2013 08:10:45


CSV Download File Format Definitions

CSV IBT Download File Format Definitions by Field - Contract Only

|Contract Field |Description |Format |

|DownloadFileType |Contains the field type to describe what kind of the file download this is. |Value = ‘Contract’ |

|*** |Three Asterisks – Used to separate the Contracts. |N/A |

|ContractID |Contains the numeric identifier of the IBT that is being downloaded. This Identifier was |Numeric - Maximum length is 9 characters |

| |generated when this IBT was entered into the Settlement Market System. | |

|ReferenceID |Contains the internal reference identifier of the contract |String - Maximum length is 25 characters |

|ContractCategory |Will contain one of the following: |String - Maximum length is 15 characters |

| |ENERGY_DA – Internal Bilateral contract for Energy Day Ahead Market , | |

| |ENERGY_RT – Internal Bilateral contract for Energy Real Time Market, | |

| |REGULATION_RT – Internal Bilateral contract for Regulation Market, | |

| |LOAD_RT – Internal Bilateral contract for Energy Real Time Load, | |

| |ICAP_INTERNAL – Internal Bilateral contract for ICAP Market, | |

| |ICAP_EXTERNAL – External Bilateral contract for ICAP Market | |

| |FCM_LOAD_OBLIGATION – Capacity Load Obligation contract for Forward Capacity Market | |

| |FCM_SUPPLEMENTAL_AVAILABILITY – Supplemental Availability contract for Forward Capacity Market | |

| | | |

| |Contracts of the following categories will be excluded from the download file: | |

| |FCM_PERFORMANCE_SCORE – Performance Score Bilateral contract for Forward Capacity Market | |

|SellerID |Contains the numeric identifier of the customer who is supplying the market service through this |Numeric - Maximum length is 9 characters |

| |IBT. For the External ICAP Contract it can be a Participant or Non-Participant. For the Internal| |

| |Contractall current contract categories it will be a Participant. | |

|BuyerID |Contains the numeric identifier of the customer who is receiving the market service through this |Numeric - Maximum length is 9 characters |

| |IBT. For all current contract categories For the External ICAP Contract it can be a Participant | |

| |or Non-Participant. For the Internal Contract it will be a Participant. | |

|BeginDate |Contains the starting date for which the IBT is effective (hour ending). |MM/DD/YYYY HH:MM:SS |

| | |Length must be less or equal 19 characters. |

| | |(Daylight savings extra hour = 2*:00:00) |

|EndDate |Contains the ending date of the IBT (hour ending). |MM/DD/YYYY HH:MM:SS |

| | |Length must be less or equal 19 characters. |

| | |(Daylight savings extra hour = 2*:00:00) |

|LocationID |Contains the numeric identifier of the Contract Location Identifier (Network Node Id, or Load |Numeric - Maximum length is 9 characters |

| |Zone Id, or HUB Id, or Capacity Zone Id). | |

| |If the Contract category is ICAP_INTERNAL or REGULATION_RT, then the "LocationID” will be 32. | |

| |If the Contract category is ICAP_EXTERNAL, then the "LocationID" will be an external node. | |

|FixedMWAmount |Contains the MW amount for the entire contract duration. This value will be applied to each hour |String - Maximum Length is 10 characters and includes |

| |of the contract. |decimal |

|FixedMWAmountPattern |Contains On Peak/Off Peak choice. Possible values are: |String - Maximum length is 19 characters |

| |On-Peak 5x16 - on-peak hours during the week (HE 08 to HE 23) | |

| |On-Peak 2x16 - on-peak hours for a an off-peak day (HE 08 to HE 23) | |

| |Off-Peak 5x8 - off-peak hours for weekdays during the week (HE 24 to HE 07) | |

| |Off-Peak 7x8 - off-peak hours every day of the week (HE 24 to HE 07) including weekends | |

| |Off-Peak 2x24 - off-peak hours on the weekends (HE 01 to HE 24) | |

| |Off-Peak 5x8 + 2x24 - off-peak hours included for weekdays and weekends (weekdays – HE 24 to HE | |

| |07 & weekends – HE 01 to HE 24) | |

|ConfirmationLevel |Contains the Confirmation Level choice (C - contract only confirm, P - schedule profile confirm).|String - Length is 1 character. |

|ContractStatus |The value signifying the status of the contract. Possible values are: |String - Maximum length is 14 characters |

| |NEW – initial submittal of the contract (has never been confirmed), | |

| |PENDING – contract skeleton has been confirmed but the contract has schedules pending or a | |

| |termination date pending, or | |

| |CONFIRMED – contract has been confirmed by both parties. | |

| |CONFIRMED_TERM – contract has been terminated (shortened) by either party of the contract and | |

| |the opposite party has confirmed termination date. | |

| |CANCELLED – contract has been cancelled by either party of the contract at the contract start | |

| |date and termination date has been confirmed by the opposite party or confirmed automatically if | |

| |its previous Status was “NEW” | |

|ConfirmedTerminationDate |Contains the date on which the contract was terminated. This hour is the first hour of the |MM/DD/YYYY HH:MM:SS |

| |contract inactivity (hour ending). |Length must be less or equal 19 characters. |

| | |(Daylight savings extra hour = 2*:00:00) |

|PendingTerminationDate |Contains the date on which the contract will be terminated once it is confirmed. This hour is |MM/DD/YYYY HH:MM:SS |

| |the first hour of the contract inactivity (hour ending). |Length must be less or equal 19 characters. |

| | |(Daylight savings extra hour = 2*:00:00) |

|ContractPendingRequestBy |The flag which is set if any request is pending. The values are: "B" - Buyer, "S" – Seller, or |String - Length is 1 character. |

| |NULL - no pending requests – contract has been confirmed. | |

|AssetIDUnusedColumn1-3 |The Asset Id associated with the external ICAP contract: |String - Maximum length is 50 charactersEmpty column |

| |Export – the numeric identifier of the Market System Generating Unit | |

| |Import – the alpha-numeric identifier of the external AssetEmpty columns previously used for | |

| |obsolete Contract categories. | |

|TransactionType |Contains the Transaction Type choice for the External ICAP Contract. Can be either "U" or "C" |String - Length is 1 character. |

| |for the imports. Can only be "U" for the exports. | |

|EFORd |Contain the external Unit/Control Area EFORd value for the External ICAP import contract. |Numeric - Maximum Length is 7 characters and includes |

| | |decimal |

|SupplementingResourceID |The Supplementing Resource Id associated with a FCM Supplemental Bilateral contract |Numeric - Maximum length is 9 characters |

|SupplementedResourceID |The Supplemented Resource Id associated with a FCM Supplemental Bilateral contract |Numeric - Maximum length is 9 characters |

|MarginalLossRevenueAllocationFlag |Flag specified for DA and RT Energy contracts. If the contract's flag is Y, then the contract |String - Length is 1 character. |

| |will be included in the calculation of Marginal Loss Revenue Load Obligation used in the | |

| |allocation of Marginal Loss Revenues. If the contract's flag is N, then the contract will be | |

| |excluded from the calculation of Marginal Loss Revenue Load Obligation used in the allocation of | |

| |the Marginal Loss Revenues. | |

CSV IBT Download File Format Definitions by Field – Contract and Schedule

|Contract Field |Description |Format |

|DownloadFileType |Contains the field type to describe what kind of the file download load this is. |Value = ‘Contracts and Schedules’ |

|*** |Three Asterisks – Used to separate the Contracts. |N/A |

|ContractID |Contains the numeric identifier of the IBT that is being downloaded. This Identifier was |Numeric - Maximum length is 9 characters |

| |generated when this IBT was entered into the Settlement Market System. | |

|ReferenceID |Contains the internal reference identifier of the contract. |String - Maximum length is 25 characters |

|ContractCategory |Will contain one of the following: |String - Maximum length is 15 characters |

| |ENERGY_DA – Internal Bilateral contract for Energy Day Ahead Market, | |

| |ENERGY_RT – Internal Bilateral contract for Energy Real Time Market, | |

| |REGULATION_RT – Internal Bilateral contract for Regulation Market, | |

| |LOAD_RT – Internal Bilateral contract for Energy Real Time Load, | |

| |ICAP_INTERNAL – Internal Bilateral contract for ICAP Market, | |

| |ICAP_EXTERNAL – External Bilateral contract for ICAP Market | |

| |FCM_LOAD_OBLIGATION – Capacity Load Obligation contract for Forward Capacity Market | |

| |FCM_SUPPLEMENTAL_AVAILABILITY – Supplemental Availability contract for Forward Capacity Market | |

| | | |

| |Contracts of the following categories will be excluded from the download file: | |

| |FCM_PERFORMANCE_SCORE – Performance Score Bilateral contract for Forward Capacity Market | |

|SellerID |Contains the numeric identifier of the customer who is supplying the market service through this |Numeric - Maximum length is 9 characters |

| |IBT. For all current contract categories For the External ICAP Contract it can be a Participant | |

| |or Non-Participant. For the Internal Contract it will be a Participant. | |

|BuyerID |Contains the numeric identifier of the customer who is receiving the market service through this |Numeric - Maximum length is 9 characters |

| |IBT. For all current contract categories For the External ICAP Contract it can be a Participant | |

| |or Non-Participant. For the Internal Contract it will be a Participant. | |

|BeginDate |Contains the starting date for which the IBT is effective (hour ending). |MM/DD/YYYY HH:MM:SS |

| | |Length must be less or equal 19 characters. |

| | |(Daylight savings extra hour = 2*:00:00) |

|EndDate |Contains the ending date of the IBT (hour ending). |MM/DD/YYYY HH:MM:SS |

| | |Length must be less or equal 19 characters. |

| | |(Daylight savings extra hour = 2*:00:00) |

|LocationID |Contains the numeric identifier of the Contract Location Identifier (Network Node Id, or Load |Numeric - Maximum length is 9 characters |

| |Zone Id, or HUB Id, or Capacity Zone Id). | |

| |If Contract category is ICAP_INTERNAL or REGULATION_RT, then the "LocationID” will be 32. | |

| |If the Contract category is ICAP_EXTERNAL, then the "LocationID" will be an external node. | |

|FixedMWAmount |Contains the MW amount for the entire contract duration. This value will be applied to each hour |String - Maximum Length is 10 characters and includes |

| |of the contract. |decimal |

|FixedMWAmountPattern |Contains the On Peak/Off Peak choice. Possible values are: |String - Maximum length is 19 characters |

| |On-Peak 5x16 - on-peak hours during the week (HE 08 to HE 23) | |

| |On-Peak 2x16 - on-peak hours for a an off-peak day (HE 08 to HE 23) | |

| |Off-Peak 5x8 - off-peak hours for weekdays during the week (HE 24 to HE 07) | |

| |Off-Peak 7x8 - off-peak hours every day of the week (HE 24 to HE 07) including weekends | |

| |Off-Peak 2x24 - off-peak hours on the weekends (HE 01 to HE 24) | |

| |Off-Peak 5x8 + 2x24 - off-peak hours included for weekdays and weekends (weekdays – HE 24 to HE | |

| |07 & weekends – HE 01 to HE 24) | |

|ConfirmationLevel |Contains the Confirmation Level choice (C - contract only confirm, P - schedule profile confirm).|String - Length is 1 character. |

|ContractStatus |The value signifying the status of a contract. Possible values are: |String - Maximum length is 14 characters |

| |NEW – initial submittal of the contract (has never been confirmed), | |

| |PENDING – contract skeleton has been confirmed but the contract has schedules pending or a | |

| |termination date pending, or | |

| |CONFIRMED – contract has been confirmed by both parties. | |

| |CONFIRMED_TERM – contract has been terminated (shortened) by either party of the contract and | |

| |the opposite party has confirmed termination date. | |

| |CANCELLED – contract has been cancelled by either party of the contract at the contract start | |

| |date and termination date has been confirmed by the opposite party or confirmed automatically if | |

| |its previous Status was “NEW” | |

|ConfirmedTerminationDate |Contains the date on which the contract was terminated. This hour is the first hour of the |MM/DD/YYYY HH:MM:SS |

| |contract inactivity (hour ending). |Length must be less or equal 19 characters. |

| | |(Daylight savings extra hour = 2*:00:00) |

|PendingTerminationDate |Contains the date on which the contract will be terminated once it is confirmed. This hour is |MM/DD/YYYY HH:MM:SS |

| |the first hour of the contract inactivity (hour ending). |Length must be less or equal 19 characters. |

| | |(Daylight savings extra hour = 2*:00:00) |

|ContractPendingRequestBy |The flag which is set if any request is pending. The values are: "B" - Buyer, "S" – Seller, or |String - Length is 1 character. |

| |NULL - no pending requests – contract has been confirmed. | |

|UnusedColumn1-3AssetID |Empty columns previously used for obsolete Contract categories.The Asset Id associated with the |Empty columnString - Maximum length is 50 characters |

| |external ICAP contract: | |

| |Export – the numeric identifier of the Market System Generating Unit | |

| |Import – the alpha-numeric identifier of the external Asset | |

|TransactionType |Contains the Transaction Type choice for the External ICAP Contract. Can be either "U" or "C" |String - Length is 1 character. |

| |for the imports. Can only be "U" for the exports. | |

|EFORd |Contain the external Unit/Control Area EFORd value for the External ICAP import contract. |Numeric - Maximum Length is 7 characters and includes |

| | |decimal |

|MarginalLossRevenueAllocationFlag |Flag specified for DA and RT Energy contracts. If the contract's flag is Y, then the contract |String - Length is 1 character. |

| |will be included in the calculation of Marginal Loss Revenue Load Obligation used in the | |

| |allocation of Marginal Loss Revenues. If the contract's flag is N, then the contract will be | |

| |excluded from the calculation of Marginal Loss Revenue Load Obligation used in the allocation of | |

| |the Marginal Loss Revenues. | |

|Profile Field |Description |Format |

|ProfileDate |Contains the Schedule Profile ending hour corresponding to the Schedule Profile MW amount below. |MM/DD/YYYY HH:MM:SS |

| |For the ICAP monthly contracts this contains the month corresponding to the MW below (hour |Length must be less or equal 19 characters. |

| |ending). (Ex. Hourly - 10/30/2002 07:00:00, Monthly - 11/01/2002 01:00:00) |(Daylight savings extra hour = 2*:00:00) |

|ProfileMW |Contains the Schedule Profile MW amount. |String - Maximum Length is 10 characters and includes |

| | |decimal |

|ProfileStatus |The value signifying the status of the contract profile. Possible values are: |String – Maximum Length is 9 characters |

| |PENDING –schedule profile is awaiting confirmation, or | |

| |CONFIRMED – schedule profile has been confirmed by both parties. | |

|ProfilePendingRequestBy |The flag which signifies that the request is pending for this schedule profile. The values are: |String - Length is 1 character. |

| |"B" - Buyer, "S" - Seller or NULL - no pending requests. | |

|SupplementingResourceID |The Supplementing Resource Id associated with a FCM Supplemental Bilateral contract |Numeric - Maximum length is 9 characters |

|SupplementedResourceID |The Supplemented Resource Id associated with a FCM Supplemental Bilateral contract |Numeric - Maximum length is 9 characters |

CSV IBT Download File Format Definitions by Field – Schedule Only

|Contract Field |Description |Format |

|DownloadFileType |Contains “Schedules” to describe what kind of the file download load this is. |Value = ‘Schedules’ |

|*** |Three Asterisks – Used to separate the Contracts. |N/A |

|ContractID |Contains the numeric identifier of the IBT that is being downloaded. This Identifier was generated |Numeric - Maximum length is 9 characters |

| |when this IBT was entered into the Settlement Market System. | |

|ReferenceID |Contains the internal reference identifier of the contract |String - Maximum length is 25 characters |

|ContractCategory |Will contain one of the following: |String - Maximum length is 15 characters |

| |ENERGY_DA – Internal Bilateral contract for Energy Day Ahead Market , | |

| |ENERGY_RT – Internal Bilateral contract for Energy Real Time Market, | |

| |REGULATION_RT – Internal Bilateral contract for Regulation Market, | |

| |LOAD_RT – Internal Bilateral contract for Energy Real Time Load, | |

| |ICAP_INTERNAL – Internal Bilateral contract for ICAP Market, | |

| |ICAP_EXTERNAL – External Bilateral contract for ICAP Market | |

| |FCM_LOAD_OBLIGATION – Capacity Load Obligation contract for Forward Capacity Market | |

| |FCM_SUPPLEMENTAL_AVAILABILITY – Supplemental Availability contract for Forward Capacity Market | |

| | | |

| |Contracts of the following categories will be excluded from the download file: | |

| |FCM_PERFORMANCE_SCORE – Performance Score Bilateral contract for Forward Capacity Market | |

|SellerID |Contains the numeric identifier of the customer who is supplying the market service through this |Numeric - Maximum length is 9 characters |

| |IBT. For all current contract categories For the External ICAP Contract it can be a Participant or | |

| |Non-Participant. For the Internal Contract it will be a Participant. | |

|BuyerID |Contains the numeric identifier of the customer who is receiving the market service through this |Numeric - Maximum length is 9 characters |

| |IBT. For all current contract categories For the External ICAP Contract it can be a Participant or | |

| |Non-Participant. For the Internal Contract it will be a Participant. | |

|BeginDate |Contains the starting date for which the IBT is effective (hour ending). |MM/DD/YYYY HH:MM:SS |

| | |Length must be less or equal 19 characters. |

| | |(Daylight savings extra hour = 2*:00:00) |

|EndDate |Contains the ending date of the IBT (hour ending). |MM/DD/YYYY HH:MM:SS |

| | |Length must be less or equal 19 characters. |

| | |(Daylight savings extra hour = 2*:00:00) |

|LocationID |Contains the numeric identifier of the Contract Location Identifier (Network Node Id, or Load Zone |Numeric - Maximum length is 9 characters |

| |Id, or HUB Id, or Capacity Zone Id). | |

| |If the Contract category is ICAP_INTERNAL or REGULATION_RT, then the "LocationID” will be 32. | |

| |If the Contract category is ICAP_EXTERNAL, then the "LocationID" will be the external node. | |

|FixedMWAmount |Contains the MW amount for the entire contract duration. This value will be applied to each hour of |String - Maximum Length is 10 characters and includes |

| |the contract. |decimal |

|FixedMWAmountPattern |Contains the On Peak/Off Peak choice. Possible values are: |String - Maximum length is 19 characters |

| |On-Peak 5x16 - on-peak hours during the week (HE 08 to HE 23) | |

| |On-Peak 2x16 - on-peak hours for a an off-peak day (HE 08 to HE 23) | |

| |Off-Peak 5x8 - off-peak hours for weekdays during the week (HE 24 to HE 07) | |

| |Off-Peak 7x8 - off-peak hours every day of the week (HE 24 to HE 07) including weekends | |

| |Off-Peak 2x24 - off-peak hours on the weekends (HE 01 to HE 24) | |

| |Off-Peak 5x8 + 2x24 - off-peak hours included for weekdays and weekends (weekdays – HE 24 to HE 07 &| |

| |weekends – HE 01 to HE 24) | |

|MarginalLossRevenueAllocationFlag |Flag specified for DA and RT Energy contracts. If the contract's flag is Y, then the contract will |String - Length is 1 character. |

| |be included in the calculation of Marginal Loss Revenue Load Obligation used in the allocation of | |

| |Marginal Loss Revenues. If the contract's flag is N, then the contract will be excluded from the | |

| |calculation of Marginal Loss Revenue Load Obligation used in the allocation of the Marginal Loss | |

| |Revenues. | |

|Profile Field |Description |Format |

|ProfileDate |Contains the Schedule Profile ending hour corresponding to the Schedule Profile MW amount below. |MM/DD/YYYY HH:MM:SS |

| |For monthly contracts the ICAP this contains the month corresponding to the MW below (hour |Length must be less or equal 19 characters. |

| |ending). (Ex. Hourly - 10/30/2002 07:00:00, Monthly - 11/01/2002 01:00:00) |(Daylight savings extra hour = 2*:00:00) |

|ProfileMW |Contains the Schedule Profile MW amount. |String - Maximum Length is 10 characters and includes |

| | |decimal |

|ProfileStatus |The value signifying the status of the contract profile. Possible values are: |String – Maximum Length is 9 characters |

| |PENDING –schedule profile is awaiting confirmation, or | |

| |CONFIRMED – schedule profile has been confirmed by both parties. | |

|ProfilePendingRequestBy |The flag which signifies that the request is pending for this schedule profile. The values are: |String - Length is 1 character. |

| |"B" - Buyer, "S" - Seller or NULL - no pending requests. | |

CSV IBT Download File Format Definitions by Field – Rejected Schedule

|Contract Field |Description |Format |

|DownloadFileType |Contains the field type to describe what kind of the file download this is |Value = ‘Rejected Schedules’ |

|*** |Three Asterisks – Used to separate the Contracts |N/A |

|ContractID |Contains the numeric identifier of the IBT that is being downloaded. This Identifier was |Numeric - Maximum length is 9 characters |

| |generated when this IBT was entered into the Settlement Market System. | |

|ReferenceID |Contains the Customer’s internal reference identifier of the contract |String - Maximum length is 25 characters |

|ContractCategory |Will contain one of the following: |String - Maximum length is 15 characters |

| |ENERGY_DA – Internal Bilateral contract for Energy Day Ahead Market , | |

| |ENERGY_RT – Internal Bilateral contract for Energy Real Time Market, | |

| |FCM_LOAD_OBLIGATION – Capacity Load Obligation contract for Forward Capacity Market | |

|SellerID |Contains the numeric identifier of the customer who is supplying the market service through this |Numeric - Maximum length is 9 characters |

| |IBT | |

|BuyerID |Contains the numeric identifier of the customer who is receiving the market service through this |Numeric - Maximum length is 9 characters |

| |IBT | |

|BeginDate |Contains the starting date for which the IBT is effective (hour ending). |MM/DD/YYYY HH:MM:SS |

| | |Length must be less or equal 19 characters. |

| | |(Daylight savings extra hour = 2*:00:00) |

|EndDate |Contains the ending date of the IBT (hour ending). |MM/DD/YYYY HH:MM:SS |

| | |Length must be less or equal 19 characters. |

| | |(Daylight savings extra hour = 2*:00:00) |

|LocationID |Contains the numeric identifier of the Contract Location Identifier (Network Node Id, or Load |Numeric - Maximum length is 9 characters |

| |Zone Id, or HUB Id, or Capacity Zone Id). | |

|FixedMWAmount |Contains the MW amount for the entire contract duration. This value will be applied to each hour |Numeric - Maximum Length is 10 characters and includes |

| |of the contract. |3 decimals |

|FixedMWAmountPattern |Contains On Peak/Off Peak choice. Possible values are: |String - Maximum length is 19 characters |

| |On-Peak 5x16 - on-peak hours during the week (HE 08 to HE 23) | |

| |On-Peak 2x16 - on-peak hours for a an off-peak day (HE 08 to HE 23) | |

| |Off-Peak 5x8 - off-peak hours for weekdays during the week (HE 24 to HE 07) | |

| |Off-Peak 7x8 - off-peak hours every day of the week (HE 24 to HE 07) including weekends | |

| |Off-Peak 2x24 - off-peak hours on the weekends (HE 01 to HE 24) | |

| |Off-Peak 5x8 + 2x24 - off-peak hours included for weekdays and weekends (weekdays – HE 24 to HE | |

| |07 & weekends – HE 01 to HE 24) | |

|MarginalLossRevenueAllocationFlag |Flag specified for DA and RT Energy contracts. If the contract's flag is Y, then the contract |String - Length is 1 character. |

| |will be included in the calculation of Marginal Loss Revenue Load Obligation used in the | |

| |allocation of Marginal Loss Revenues. If the contract's flag is N, then the contract will be | |

| |excluded from the calculation of Marginal Loss Revenue Load Obligation used in the allocation of | |

| |the Marginal Loss Revenues. | |

|Rejected Profile Field |Description |Format |

|RejectedBeginDate |Contains the Begin Date of the Rejected Contract interval, hour ending |MM/DD/YYYY HH:MM:SS |

| | |Length must be less or equal 19 characters. |

| | |(Daylight savings extra hour = 2*:00:00) |

|RejectedEndDate |Contains the End Date of the Rejected Contract interval, hour ending |MM/DD/YYYY HH:MM:SS |

| | |Length must be less or equal 19 characters. |

| | |(Daylight savings extra hour = 2*:00:00) |

|Rejected MW |Contains the Rejected MW amount. |Numeric - Maximum Length is 10 characters and includes |

| | |3 decimals |

|RejectedTimestamp |Contains the Date when the contract interval was rejected, local time |MM/DD/YYYY HH:MM:SS |

XML Download File Format

XML IBT Download File Format - Contract Only

Note: Download file will contain only tags with values other than NULL.

XML IBT Download File Format - Contract and Schedule

Note: Download file will contain only tags with values other than NULL

XML IBT Download File Format – Schedule Only

Note: Download file will contain only tags with values other than NULL

XML IBT Download File Format – Rejected Schedule

Note: Download file will contain only tags with values other than NULL

XML Download File Examples

XML IBT Download File Example – Contract Only

Note: Download file will contain only tags with values other than NULL

XML IBT Download File Example - Contract and Schedule

Note: Download file will contain only tags with values other than NULL

XML IBT Download File Example – Schedule Only

Note: Download file will contain only tags with values other than NULL

XML IBT Download File Example – Rejected Schedule

< RejectedProfile RejectedBeginDate ="01/01/2013 01:00:00" RejectedEndDate ="01/01/2013 01:00:00"

RejectedMW="19.999" Rejected Timestamp="01/02/2013 12:27:31"/>

< RejectedProfile RejectedBeginDate ="01/01/2013 02:00:00" RejectedEndDate ="01/01/2013 02:00:00"

RejectedMW="19.999" Rejected Timestamp="01/02/2013 12:27:31"/>

< RejectedProfile RejectedBeginDate ="01/01/2013 03:00:00" RejectedEndDate ="01/01/2013 03:00:00"

RejectedMW="19.999" Rejected Timestamp="01/02/2013 12:27:31"/>

< RejectedProfile RejectedBeginDate ="01/01/2013 04:00:00" RejectedEndDate ="01/01/2013 04:00:00"

RejectedMW="19.999" Rejected Timestamp="01/02/2013 12:27:31"/>

< RejectedProfile RejectedBeginDate ="01/01/2013 05:00:00" RejectedEndDate ="01/01/2013 05:00:00"

RejectedMW="19.999" Rejected Timestamp="01/02/2013 12:27:31"/>

< RejectedProfile RejectedBeginDate ="01/01/2013 06:00:00" RejectedEndDate ="01/01/2013 06:00:00"

RejectedMW="19.999" Rejected Timestamp="01/02/2013 12:27:31"/>

< RejectedProfile RejectedBeginDate ="01/01/2013 07:00:00" RejectedEndDate ="01/01/2013 07:00:00"

RejectedMW="19.999" Rejected Timestamp="01/02/2013 12:27:31"/>

< RejectedProfile RejectedBeginDate ="01/01/2013 08:00:00" RejectedEndDate ="01/01/2013 08:00:00"

RejectedMW="0.000" Rejected Timestamp="01/02/2013 12:27:31"/>

< RejectedProfile RejectedBeginDate ="01/01/2013 09:00:00" RejectedEndDate ="01/01/2013 09:00:00"

RejectedMW="0.000" Rejected Timestamp="01/02/2013 12:27:31"/>

< RejectedProfile RejectedBeginDate ="01/01/2013 10:00:00" RejectedEndDate ="01/01/2013 10:00:00"

RejectedMW="0.000" Rejected Timestamp="01/02/2013 12:27:31"/>

< RejectedProfile RejectedBeginDate ="01/01/2013 11:00:00" RejectedEndDate ="01/01/2013 11:00:00"

RejectedMW="0.000" Rejected Timestamp="01/02/2013 12:27:31"/>

< RejectedProfile RejectedBeginDate ="01/01/2013 12:00:00" RejectedEndDate ="01/01/2013 12:00:00"

RejectedMW="0.000" Rejected Timestamp="01/02/2013 12:27:31"/>

< RejectedProfile RejectedBeginDate ="01/01/2013 13:00:00" RejectedEndDate ="01/01/2013 13:00:00"

RejectedMW="0.000" Rejected Timestamp="01/02/2013 12:27:31"/>

< RejectedProfile RejectedBeginDate ="01/01/2013 14:00:00" RejectedEndDate ="01/01/2013 14:00:00"

RejectedMW="0.000" Rejected Timestamp="01/02/2013 12:27:31"/>

< RejectedProfile RejectedBeginDate ="01/01/2013 15:00:00" RejectedEndDate ="01/01/2013 15:00:00"

RejectedMW="0.000" Rejected Timestamp="01/02/2013 12:27:31"/>

< RejectedProfile RejectedBeginDate ="01/01/2013 16:00:00" RejectedEndDate ="01/01/2013 16:00:00"

RejectedMW="19.999" Rejected Timestamp="01/02/2013 12:27:31"/>

< RejectedProfile RejectedBeginDate ="01/01/2013 17:00:00" RejectedEndDate ="01/01/2013 17:00:00"

RejectedMW="0.000" Rejected Timestamp="01/02/2013 12:27:31"/>

< RejectedProfile RejectedBeginDate ="01/01/2013 18:00:00" RejectedEndDate ="01/01/2013 18:00:00"

RejectedMW="0.000" Rejected Timestamp="01/02/2013 12:27:31"/>

< RejectedProfile RejectedBeginDate ="01/01/2013 19:00:00" RejectedEndDate ="01/01/2013 19:00:00"

RejectedMW="0.000" Rejected Timestamp="01/02/2013 12:27:31"/>

< RejectedProfile RejectedBeginDate ="01/01/2013 20:00:00" RejectedEndDate ="01/01/2013 20:00:00"

RejectedMW="0.000" Rejected Timestamp="01/02/2013 12:27:31"/>

< RejectedProfile RejectedBeginDate ="01/01/2013 21:00:00" RejectedEndDate ="01/01/2013 21:00:00"

RejectedMW="0.000" Rejected Timestamp="01/02/2013 12:27:31"/>

< RejectedProfile RejectedBeginDate ="01/01/2013 22:00:00" RejectedEndDate ="01/01/2013 22:00:00"

RejectedMW="0.000" Rejected Timestamp="01/02/2013 12:27:31"/>

< RejectedProfile RejectedBeginDate ="01/01/2013 23:00:00" RejectedEndDate ="01/01/2013 23:00:00"

RejectedMW="0.000" Rejected Timestamp="01/02/2013 12:27:31"/>

< RejectedProfile RejectedBeginDate ="01/01/2013 24:00:00" RejectedEndDate ="01/01/2013 24:00:00"

RejectedMW="19.999" Rejected Timestamp="01/02/2013 12:27:31"/>

< RejectedProfile RejectedBeginDate ="01/04/2013 01:00:00" RejectedEndDate ="01/06/2013 24:00:00"

RejectedMW="79.500" Rejected Timestamp="01/07/2013 12:22:39"/>

< RejectedProfile RejectedBeginDate ="01/08/2013 02:00:00" RejectedEndDate ="01/08/2013 24:00:00"

RejectedMW="79.500" Rejected Timestamp="01/09/2013 12:20:17"/>

< RejectedProfile RejectedBeginDate ="01/01/2013 07:00:00" RejectedEndDate ="01/01/2013 07:00:00"

RejectedMW="4.070" Rejected Timestamp="01/02/2013 21:09:59"/>

< RejectedProfile RejectedBeginDate ="01/01/2013 08:00:00" RejectedEndDate ="01/01/2013 08:00:00"

RejectedMW="4.080" Rejected Timestamp="01/02/2013 21:09:59"/>

< RejectedProfile RejectedBeginDate ="01/01/2013 09:00:00" RejectedEndDate ="01/01/2013 09:00:00"

RejectedMW="4.090" Rejected Timestamp="01/02/2013 21:09:59"/>

< RejectedProfile RejectedBeginDate ="01/01/2013 10:00:00" RejectedEndDate ="01/01/2013 10:00:00"

RejectedMW="4.100" Rejected Timestamp="01/02/2013 21:09:59"/>

< RejectedProfile RejectedBeginDate ="01/01/2013 11:00:00" RejectedEndDate ="01/01/2013 11:00:00"

RejectedMW="4.110" Rejected Timestamp="01/02/2013 21:09:59"/>

< RejectedProfile RejectedBeginDate ="01/01/2013 12:00:00" RejectedEndDate ="01/01/2013 12:00:00"

RejectedMW="4.120" Rejected Timestamp="01/02/2013 21:09:59"/>

< RejectedProfile RejectedBeginDate ="01/01/2013 13:00:00" RejectedEndDate ="01/01/2013 13:00:00"

RejectedMW="4.130" Rejected Timestamp="01/02/2013 21:09:59"/>

< RejectedProfile RejectedBeginDate ="01/01/2013 14:00:00" RejectedEndDate ="01/01/2013 14:00:00"

RejectedMW="4.140" Rejected Timestamp="01/02/2013 21:09:59"/>

< RejectedProfile RejectedBeginDate ="01/01/2013 15:00:00" RejectedEndDate ="01/01/2013 15:00:00"

RejectedMW="4.150" Rejected Timestamp="01/02/2013 21:09:59"/>

< RejectedProfile RejectedBeginDate ="01/01/2013 16:00:00" RejectedEndDate ="01/01/2013 16:00:00"

RejectedMW="4.160" Rejected Timestamp="01/02/2013 21:09:59"/>

< RejectedProfile RejectedBeginDate ="01/01/2013 17:00:00" RejectedEndDate ="01/01/2013 17:00:00"

RejectedMW="4.170" Rejected Timestamp="01/02/2013 21:09:59"/>

< RejectedProfile RejectedBeginDate ="01/01/2013 18:00:00" RejectedEndDate ="01/01/2013 18:00:00"

RejectedMW="4.180" Rejected Timestamp="01/02/2013 21:09:59"/>

< RejectedProfile RejectedBeginDate ="01/01/2013 19:00:00" RejectedEndDate ="01/01/2013 19:00:00"

RejectedMW="4.190" Rejected Timestamp="01/02/2013 21:09:59"/>

< RejectedProfile RejectedBeginDate ="01/01/2013 20:00:00" RejectedEndDate ="01/01/2013 20:00:00"

RejectedMW="4.200" Rejected Timestamp="01/02/2013 21:09:59"/>

< RejectedProfile RejectedBeginDate ="01/01/2013 21:00:00" RejectedEndDate ="01/01/2013 21:00:00"

RejectedMW="4.210" Rejected Timestamp="01/02/2013 21:09:59"/>

< RejectedProfile RejectedBeginDate ="01/01/2013 22:00:00" RejectedEndDate ="01/01/2013 22:00:00"

RejectedMW="4.220" Rejected Timestamp="01/02/2013 21:09:59"/>

< RejectedProfile RejectedBeginDate ="01/01/2013 23:00:00" RejectedEndDate ="01/01/2013 23:00:00"

RejectedMW="4.230" Rejected Timestamp="01/02/2013 21:09:59"/>

< RejectedProfile RejectedBeginDate ="01/01/2013 24:00:00" RejectedEndDate ="01/01/2013 24:00:00"

RejectedMW="4.240" Rejected Timestamp="01/02/2013 21:09:59"/>

< RejectedProfile RejectedBeginDate ="01/01/2013 01:00:00" RejectedEndDate ="01/31/2013 24:00:00"

RejectedMW="28.888" Rejected Timestamp="02/06/2013 08:10:45"/>

Note: Download file will contain only tags with values other than NULL

XML Download File Format Definitions

XML IBT Download File Format Definitions by Tag – Contract Only

|Contract Tag |Description |Format |

|DownloadFileType |Contains the tag to describe what kind of the file download this is. |Value = |

|ContractID |Contains the numeric identifier of the IBT that is being downloaded. This Identifier was |Numeric - Maximum length is 9 characters |

| |generated when this IBT was entered into the Settlement Market System. | |

|ReferenceID |Contains the internal reference identifier of the contract |String - Maximum length is 25 characters |

|ContractCategory |Will contain one of the following: |String - Maximum length is 15 characters |

| |ENERGY_DA – Internal Bilateral contract for Energy Day Ahead Market , | |

| |ENERGY_RT – Internal Bilateral contract for Energy Real Time Market, | |

| |REGULATION_RT – Internal Bilateral contract for Regulation Market, | |

| |LOAD_RT – Internal Bilateral contract for Energy Real Time Load | |

| |ICAP_INTERNAL – Internal Bilateral contract for ICAP Market | |

| |ICAP_EXTERNAL –External Bilateral contract for ICAP Market | |

| |FCM_LOAD_OBLIGATION – Capacity Load Obligation contract for Forward Capacity Market | |

| |FCM_SUPPLEMENTAL_AVAILABILITY – Supplemental Availability contract for Forward Capacity Market | |

| | | |

| |Contracts of the following categories will be excluded from the download file: | |

| |FCM_PERFORMANCE_SCORE – Performance Score Bilateral contract for Forward Capacity Market | |

|SellerID |Contains the numeric identifier of the customer who is supplying the market service through the |Numeric - Maximum length is 9 characters |

| |Contract. For all current contract categories For the External ICAP Contract it can be a | |

| |Participant or Non-Participant. For the Internal Contract it must be a Participant. | |

|BuyerID |Contains the numeric identifier of the customer who is receiving the market service through the |Numeric - Maximum length is 9 characters |

| |Contract. It must be a Participant. | |

|BeginDate |Contains the starting date for which the IBT is effective (hour ending). |MM/DD/YYYY HH:MM:SS |

| | |Length must be less or equal 19 characters. |

| | |(Daylight savings extra hour = 2*:00:00) |

|EndDate |Contains the ending date of the IBT (hour ending). |MM/DD/YYYY HH:MM:SS |

| | |Length must be less or equal 19 characters. |

| | |(Daylight savings extra hour = 2*:00:00) |

|LocationID |Contains the numeric identifier of the Contract Location Identifier (Network Node Id, or Load |Numeric - Maximum length is 9 characters |

| |Zone Id, or HUB Id, or Capacity Zone Id). | |

| |If the Contract category is ICAP_INTERNAL or REGULATION_RT, then the "LocationID” must equal 32. | |

| |If the Contract category is ICAP_EXTERNAL, then "LocationID" must be equal to an external node. | |

|FixedMWAmount |Contains the MW amount for the entire contract duration. This value will be applied to each hour |String - Maximum Length is 10 characters and includes |

| |of the contract. |decimal |

|FixedMWAmountPattern |Contains the On Peak/Off Peak choice. Possible values are: |String - Maximum length is 19 characters |

| |On-Peak 5x16 - on-peak hours during the week (HE 08 to HE 23) | |

| |On-Peak 2x16 - on-peak hours for a an off-peak day (HE 08 to HE 23) | |

| |Off-Peak 5x8 - off-peak hours for weekdays during the week (HE 24 to HE 07) | |

| |Off-Peak 7x8 - off-peak hours every day of the week (HE 24 to HE 07) including weekends | |

| |Off-Peak 2x24 - off-peak hours on the weekends (HE 01 to HE 24) | |

| |Off-Peak 5x8 + 2x24 - off-peak hours included for weekdays and weekends (weekdays – HE 24 to HE | |

| |07 & weekends – HE 01 to HE 24) | |

|ConfirmationLevel |Contains the Confirmation Level choice (C - contract only confirm, P - schedule profile confirm).|String - Length is 1 character. |

|ContractStatus |The value signifying the status of the contract. Possible values are: |String - Maximum length is 14 characters |

| |NEW – initial submittal of the contract (has never been confirmed), | |

| |PENDING – contract skeleton has been confirmed but the contract has schedules pending or a | |

| |termination date pending, or | |

| |CONFIRMED – contract has been confirmed by both parties. | |

| |CONFIRMED_TERM – contract has been terminated (shortened) by either party of the contract and the| |

| |opposite party has confirmed termination date. | |

| |CANCELLED – contract has been cancelled by either party of the contract at the contract start | |

| |date and termination date has been confirmed by the opposite party or confirmed automatically if | |

| |its previous Status was “NEW” | |

|ConfirmedTerminationDate |Contains the date on which the contract was terminated. This hour is the first hour of the |MM/DD/YYYY HH:MM:SS |

| |contract inactivity (hour ending). |Length must be less or equal 19 characters. |

| | |(Daylight savings extra hour = 2*:00:00) |

|PendingTerminationDate |Contains the date on which the contract will be terminated once it is confirmed. This hour is |MM/DD/YYYY HH:MM:SS |

| |the first hour of the contract inactivity (hour ending). |Length must be less or equal 19 characters. |

| | |(Daylight savings extra hour = 2*:00:00) |

|ContractPendingRequestBy |The flag which is set if any request is pending. The values are: "B" - Buyer, "S" – Seller, or |String - Length is 1 character. |

| |NULL - no pending requests – contract has been confirmed. | |

|AssetID |The asset Id associated with the External ICAP contract: |String - Maximum length is 50 characters |

| |Export – the numeric identifier of the Market System Generating Unit | |

| |Import – the alpha-numeric identifier of an external Asset | |

|TransactionType |Contains the Transaction Type choice for the External ICAP Contract. Can be either "U" or "C" |String - Length is 1 character. |

| |for the imports. Can only be "U" for the exports. | |

|EFORd |This field will contain the external Unit/Control Area EFORd value for the External ICAP import. |Numeric - Maximum Length is 7 characters and includes |

| | |decimal |

|SupplementingResourceID |The Supplementing Resource Id associated with a FCM Supplemental Bilateral contract |Numeric - Maximum length is 9 characters |

|SupplementedResourceID |The Supplemented Resource Id associated with a FCM Supplemental Bilateral contract |Numeric - Maximum length is 9 characters |

|MarginalLossRevenueAllocationFlag |Flag specified for DA and RT Energy contracts. If the contract's flag is Y, then the contract |String - Length is 1 character. |

| |will be included in the calculation of Marginal Loss Revenue Load Obligation used in the | |

| |allocation of Marginal Loss Revenues. If the contract's flag is N, then the contract will be | |

| |excluded from the calculation of Marginal Loss Revenue Load Obligation used in the allocation of | |

| |the Marginal Loss Revenues. | |

XML IBT Download File Format Definitions by Tag – Contract and Schedule

|Contract Tag |Description |Format |

|DownloadFileType |Contains the tag to describe what kind of the file download this is. |Value = |

|ContractID |Contains the numeric identifier of the IBT that is being downloaded. This Identifier was |Numeric - Maximum length is 9 characters |

| |generated when this IBT was entered into the Settlement Market System. | |

|ReferenceID |Contains the internal reference identifier entered by the Participant’s. |String - Maximum length is 25 characters |

|ContractCategory |Will contain one of the following: |String - Maximum length is 15 characters |

| |ENERGY_DA – Internal Bilateral contract for Energy Day Ahead Market, | |

| |ENERGY_RT – Internal Bilateral contract for Energy Real Time Market, | |

| |REGULATION_RT – Internal Bilateral contract for Regulation Market, | |

| |LOAD_RT – Internal Bilateral contract for Energy Real Time Load | |

| |ICAP_INTERNAL – Internal Bilateral contract for ICAP Market | |

| |ICAP_EXTERNAL –External Bilateral contract for ICAP Market | |

| |FCM_LOAD_OBLIGATION – Capacity Load Obligation contract for Forward Capacity Market | |

| |FCM_SUPPLEMENTAL_AVAILABILITY – Supplemental Availability contract for Forward Capacity Market | |

| | | |

| |Contracts of the following categories will be excluded from the download file: | |

| |FCM_PERFORMANCE_SCORE – Performance Score Bilateral contract for Forward Capacity Market | |

|SellerID |Contains the numeric identifier of the customer who is supplying the market service through the |Numeric - Maximum length is 9 characters |

| |Contract. For all current contract categories For the External ICAP Contract it can be a | |

| |Participant or Non-Participant. For the Internal Contract it must be a Participant. | |

|BuyerID |Contains the numeric identifier of the customer who is receiving the market service through the |Numeric - Maximum length is 9 characters |

| |Contract. It must be a Participant. | |

|BeginDate |Contains the starting date for which the IBT is effective (hour ending). |MM/DD/YYYY HH:MM:SS |

| | |Length must be less or equal 19 characters. |

| | |(Daylight savings extra hour = 2*:00:00) |

|EndDate |Contains the ending date of the IBT (hour ending). |MM/DD/YYYY HH:MM:SS |

| | |Length must be less or equal 19 characters. |

| | |(Daylight savings extra hour = 2*:00:00) |

|LocationID |Contains the numeric identifier of the Contract Location Identifier (Network Node Id, or Load |Numeric - Maximum length is 9 characters |

| |Zone Id, or HUB Id, or Capacity Zone Id). | |

| |If the Contract category is ICAP_INTERNAL or REGULATION_RT, then the "LocationID” must equal 32. | |

| |If the Contract category is ICAP_EXTERNAL, then "LocationID" must be equal to an external node. | |

|FixedMWAmount |Contains the MW amount for the entire contract duration. This value will be applied to each hour |String - Maximum Length is 10 characters and includes |

| |of the contract. |decimal |

|FixedMWAmountPattern |Contains the On Peak/Off Peak choice. Possible values are: |String - Maximum length is 19 characters |

| |On-Peak 5x16 - on-peak hours during the week (HE 08 to HE 23) | |

| |On-Peak 2x16 - on-peak hours for a an off-peak day (HE 08 to HE 23) | |

| |Off-Peak 5x8 - off-peak hours for weekdays during the week (HE 24 to HE 07) | |

| |Off-Peak 7x8 - off-peak hours every day of the week (HE 24 to HE 07) including weekends | |

| |Off-Peak 2x24 - off-peak hours on the weekends (HE 01 to HE 24) | |

| |Off-Peak 5x8 + 2x24 - off-peak hours included for weekdays and weekends (weekdays – HE 24 to HE | |

| |07 & weekends – HE 01 to HE 24) | |

|ConfirmationLevel |Contains the Confirmation Level choice (C - contract only confirm, P - schedule profile confirm).|String - Length is 1 character. |

|ContractStatus |Signifies the status of the contract. Possible values are: |String - Maximum length is 14 characters |

| |NEW – initial submittal of the contract (has never been confirmed), | |

| |PENDING – contract skeleton has been confirmed but the contract has the schedules pending or the | |

| |termination date pending, or | |

| |CONFIRMED – contract has been confirmed by both parties. | |

| |CONFIRMED_TERM – contract has been terminated (shortened) by either party of the contract and the| |

| |opposite party has confirmed termination date. | |

| |CANCELLED – contract has been cancelled by either party of the contract at the contract start | |

| |date and the termination date has been confirmed by the opposite party or confirmed automatically| |

| |if its previous Status was “NEW” | |

|ConfirmedTerminationDate |Contains the date on which the contract was terminated. This hour is the first hour of the |MM/DD/YYYY HH:MM:SS |

| |contract inactivity (hour ending). |Length must be less or equal 19 characters. |

| | |(Daylight savings extra hour = 2*:00:00) |

|PendingTerminationDate |Contains the date on which the contract will be terminated once it is confirmed. This hour is |MM/DD/YYYY HH:MM:SS |

| |the first hour of the contract inactivity (hour ending). |Length must be less or equal 19 characters. |

| | |(Daylight savings extra hour = 2*:00:00) |

|ContractPendingRequestBy |The flag which is set if any request is pending. The values are: "B" - Buyer, "S" – Seller, or |String - Length is 1 character. |

| |NULL - no pending requests – contract has been confirmed. | |

|AssetID |The Asset Id associated with the External ICAP contract: |String - Maximum length is 50 characters |

| |Export – the numeric identifier of the Market System Generating Unit | |

| |Import – the alpha-numeric identifier of the external Asset | |

|TransactionType |Contains the Transaction Type choice for the External ICAP Contract. Can be either "U" or "C" |String - Length is 1 character. |

| |for the imports. Can only be "U" for the exports. | |

|EFORd |This field will contain the external Unit/Control Area EFORd value for the external ICAP imports.|Numeric - Maximum Length is 7 characters and includes |

| | |decimal |

|Profile Tag |Description |Format |

|ProfileDate |Contains the Schedule Profile ending hour corresponding to the Schedule Profile MW amount below. |MM/DD/YYYY HH:MM:SS |

| |For monthly contractsICAP this contains the month corresponding to the MW below (hour ending). |Length must be less or equal 19 characters. |

| |(Ex. Hourly - 10/30/2002 07:00:00, Monthly - 11/01/2002 01:00:00) |(Daylight savings extra hour = 2*:00:00) |

|ProfileMW |Contains the Schedule Profile MW amount. |String - Maximum Length is 10 characters and includes |

| | |decimal |

|ProfileStatus |Signifies the status of a contract profile. Possible values are: |String – Maximum Length is 9 characters |

| |PENDING –schedule profile is awaiting confirmation, or | |

| |CONFIRMED – schedule profile has been confirmed by both parties. | |

|SupplementingResourceID |The Supplementing Resource Id associated with the FCM Supplemental Bilateral contract |Numeric - Maximum length is 9 characters |

|SupplementedResourceID |The Supplemented Resource Id associated with the FCM Supplemental Bilateral contract |Numeric - Maximum length is 9 characters |

|MarginalLossRevenueAllocationFlag |Flag specified for DA and RT Energy contracts. If the contract's flag is Y, then the contract |String - Length is 1 character. |

| |will be included in the calculation of Marginal Loss Revenue Load Obligation used in the | |

| |allocation of Marginal Loss Revenues. If the contract's flag is N, then the contract will be | |

| |excluded from the calculation of Marginal Loss Revenue Load Obligation used in the allocation of | |

| |the Marginal Loss Revenues. | |

XML IBT Download File Format Definitions by Tag – Schedule Only

|Contract Tag |Description |Format |

|DownloadFileType |Contains the tag to describe what kind of the file download this is. |Value = |

|ContractID |The numeric Identifier of the contract for which this schedule was entered. This Identifier was |Numeric - Maximum length is 9 characters |

| |generated when the contract was entered into the Market System. | |

|ReferenceID |Contains the internal reference identifier entered by the Participant’s. |String - Maximum length is 25 characters |

|ContractCategory |Will contain one of the following: |String - Maximum length is 15 characters |

| |ENERGY_DA – Internal Bilateral contract for Energy Day Ahead Market , | |

| |ENERGY_RT – Internal Bilateral contract for Energy Real Time Market, | |

| |REGULATION_RT – Internal Bilateral contract for Regulation Market, | |

| |LOAD_RT – Internal Bilateral contract for Energy Real Time Load | |

| |ICAP_INTERNAL – Internal Bilateral contract for ICAP Market | |

| |ICAP_EXTERNAL –External Bilateral contract for ICAP Market | |

| |FCM_LOAD_OBLIGATION – Capacity Load Obligation contract for Forward Capacity Market | |

| |FCM_SUPPLEMENTAL_AVAILABILITY – Supplemental Availability contract for Forward Capacity Market | |

| | | |

| |Contracts of the following categories will be excluded from the download file: | |

| |FCM_PERFORMANCE_SCORE – Performance Score Bilateral contract for Forward Capacity Market | |

|SellerID |Contains the numeric identifier of the customer who is supplying the market service through the |Numeric - Maximum length is 9 characters |

| |Contract. For all current contract categories For the External ICAP Contract it can be a Participant| |

| |or Non-Participant. For the Internal Contract it must be a Participant. | |

|BuyerID |Contains the numeric identifier of the customer who is receiving the market service through a |Numeric - Maximum length is 9 characters |

| |Contract. For all current contract categories For the External ICAP Contract it can be a Participant| |

| |or Non-Participant. For the Internal Contract it must be a Participant. | |

|BeginDate |Contains the starting date for which the IBT is effective (hour ending). |MM/DD/YYYY HH:MM:SS |

| | |Length must be less or equal 19 characters. |

| | |(Daylight savings extra hour = 2*:00:00) |

|EndDate |Contains the ending date of the IBT (hour ending). |MM/DD/YYYY HH:MM:SS |

| | |Length must be less or equal 19 characters. |

| | |(Daylight savings extra hour = 2*:00:00) |

|LocationID |Contains the numeric identifier of the Contract Location Identifier (Network Node Id, or Load Zone |Numeric - Maximum length is 9 characters |

| |Id, or HUB Id, or Capacity Zone Id). | |

| |If the Contract category is ICAP_INTERNAL or REGULATION_RT, then the "LocationID” will be 32. | |

| |If the Contract category is ICAP_EXTERNAL, then the "LocationID" will be an external node. | |

|FixedMWAmount |Contains the MW amount for the entire contract duration. This value will be applied to each hour of |String - Maximum Length is 10 characters and includes |

| |the contract. |decimal |

|FixedMWAmountPattern |Contains the On Peak/Off Peak choice. Possible values are: |String - Maximum length is 19 characters |

| |On-Peak 5x16 - on-peak hours during the week (HE 08 to HE 23) | |

| |On-Peak 2x16 - on-peak hours for a an off-peak day (HE 08 to HE 23) | |

| |Off-Peak 5x8 - off-peak hours for weekdays during the week (HE 24 to HE 07) | |

| |Off-Peak 7x8 - off-peak hours every day of the week (HE 24 to HE 07) including weekends | |

| |Off-Peak 2x24 - off-peak hours on the weekends (HE 01 to HE 24) | |

| |Off-Peak 5x8 + 2x24 - off-peak hours included for weekdays and weekends (weekdays – HE 24 to HE 07 &| |

| |weekends – HE 01 to HE 24) | |

|MarginalLossRevenueAllocationFlag |Flag specified for DA and RT Energy contracts. If the contract's flag is Y, then the contract will |String - Length is 1 character. |

| |be included in the calculation of Marginal Loss Revenue Load Obligation used in the allocation of | |

| |Marginal Loss Revenues. If the contract's flag is N, then the contract will be excluded from the | |

| |calculation of Marginal Loss Revenue Load Obligation used in the allocation of the Marginal Loss | |

| |Revenues. | |

|Profile Tag |Description |Format |

|ProfileDate |Contains the Schedule Profile ending hour corresponding to the Schedule Profile MW amount below. |MM/DD/YYYY HH:MM:SS |

| |For monthly contracts ICAP this contains the month corresponding to the MW below (hour ending). |Length must be less or equal 19 characters. |

| |(Ex. Hourly - 10/30/2002 07:00:00, Monthly - 11/01/2002 01:00:00) |(Daylight savings extra hour = 2*:00:00) |

|ProfileMW |Contains the Schedule Profile MW amount. |String - Maximum Length is 10 characters and includes |

| | |decimal |

|ProfileStatus |The value signifying the status of the contract profile. Possible values are: |String – Maximum Length is 9 characters |

| |PENDING –schedule profile is awaiting confirmation, or | |

| |CONFIRMED – schedule profile has been confirmed by both parties. | |

|ProfilePendingRequestBy |The flag which signifies that the request is pending for this schedule profile. The values are: |String - Length is 1 character. |

| |"B" - Buyer, "S" - Seller or NULL - no pending requests. | |

XML IBT Download File Format Definitions by Tag – Rejected Schedule

|Contract Field |Description |Format |

|DOCTYPE |Contains the document type to describe what kind of the file download this is |Value = ‘Download_Rejected_Schedules’ |

|ContractID |Contains the numeric identifier of the IBT that is being downloaded. This Identifier was |Numeric - Maximum length is 9 characters |

| |generated when this IBT was entered into the Settlement Market System. | |

|ReferenceID |Contains the Customer’s internal reference identifier of the contract |String - Maximum length is 25 characters |

|ContractCategory |Will contain one of the following: |String - Maximum length is 15 characters |

| |ENERGY_DA – Internal Bilateral contract for Energy Day Ahead Market , | |

| |ENERGY_RT – Internal Bilateral contract for Energy Real Time Market, | |

| |FCM_LOAD_OBLIGATION – Capacity Load Obligation contract for Forward Capacity Market | |

|SellerID |Contains the numeric identifier of the customer who is supplying the market service through this |Numeric - Maximum length is 9 characters |

| |IBT | |

|BuyerID |Contains the numeric identifier of the customer who is receiving the market service through this |Numeric - Maximum length is 9 characters |

| |IBT | |

|BeginDate |Contains the starting date for which the IBT is effective (hour ending). |MM/DD/YYYY HH:MM:SS |

| | |Length must be less or equal 19 characters. |

| | |(Daylight savings extra hour = 2*:00:00) |

|EndDate |Contains the ending date of the IBT (hour ending). |MM/DD/YYYY HH:MM:SS |

| | |Length must be less or equal 19 characters. |

| | |(Daylight savings extra hour = 2*:00:00) |

|LocationID |Contains the numeric identifier of the Contract Location Identifier (Network Node Id, or Load |Numeric - Maximum length is 9 characters |

| |Zone Id, or HUB Id, or Capacity Zone Id). | |

|FixedMWAmount |Contains the MW amount for the entire contract duration. This value will be applied to each hour |Numeric - Maximum Length is 10 characters and includes |

| |of the contract. |3decimals |

|FixedMWAmountPattern |Contains On Peak/Off Peak choice. Possible values are: |String - Maximum length is 19 characters |

| |On-Peak 5x16 - on-peak hours during the week (HE 08 to HE 23) | |

| |On-Peak 2x16 - on-peak hours for a an off-peak day (HE 08 to HE 23) | |

| |Off-Peak 5x8 - off-peak hours for weekdays during the week (HE 24 to HE 07) | |

| |Off-Peak 7x8 - off-peak hours every day of the week (HE 24 to HE 07) including weekends | |

| |Off-Peak 2x24 - off-peak hours on the weekends (HE 01 to HE 24) | |

| |Off-Peak 5x8 + 2x24 - off-peak hours included for weekdays and weekends (weekdays – HE 24 to HE | |

| |07 & weekends – HE 01 to HE 24) | |

|MarginalLossRevenueAllocationFlag |Flag specified for DA and RT Energy contracts. If the contract's flag is Y, then the contract |String - Length is 1 character. |

| |will be included in the calculation of Marginal Loss Revenue Load Obligation used in the | |

| |allocation of Marginal Loss Revenues. If the contract's flag is N, then the contract will be | |

| |excluded from the calculation of Marginal Loss Revenue Load Obligation used in the allocation of | |

| |the Marginal Loss Revenues. | |

|Rejected Profile Tag |Description |Format |

|RejectedBeginDate |Contains the Begin Date of the Rejected Contract interval, hour ending |MM/DD/YYYY HH:MM:SS |

| | |Length must be less or equal 19 characters. |

| | |(Daylight savings extra hour = 2*:00:00) |

|RejectedEndDate |Contains the End Date of the Rejected Contract interval, hour ending |MM/DD/YYYY HH:MM:SS |

| | |Length must be less or equal 19 characters. |

| | |(Daylight savings extra hour = 2*:00:00) |

|Rejected MW |Contains the Rejected MW amount. |Numeric - Maximum Length is 10 characters and includes |

| | |3 decimals |

|RejectedTimestamp |Contains the Date when the contract interval was rejected, local time |MM/DD/YYYY HH:MM:SS |


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