Corning-Painted Post High School National Honor Society - …

National Honor Society – Teacher RecommendationStudent Name_____________________Student Directions: Choose a teacher to be a reference in support of your induction to the National Honor Society. Choose someone who you feel knows you well enough to comment on your scholarship, leadership, service, and character. Recommendations are due with your completed application no later than April 1, 2020. Please allow adequate time for your reference to complete their letter of recommendation.It is best to err on the side of caution and give them a few weeks.If you doubt your reference's ability to complete your recommendation on time, ask someone else.Teacher Directions: The above named student is applying for membership in the Corning Painted Post High School Chapter of the National Honor Society. Please fill out the information requested and return this form directly to the candidate in a signed/sealed envelope no later than April 1, 2020.Please do not accept recommendations if you are not certain you can complete them in the time allotted this will jeopardize the applicant’s chances of entry to the society.Part I. Please check the best answer to each question.I know this student:Very WellModerately WellSlightlyNot at allThis student isA Current StudentA Former StudentThis student’s scholarship abilities:ExcellentVery GoodGoodPoorNot Observed This student’s leadership abilities are:ExcellentVery GoodGoodPoorNot Observed This student demonstrates academic integrity in my classroom::YesNo This student is trustworthy and dependable:YesNo I would recommend this student as a tutor for others:YesNo I think this students would be a good representative for our school:YesNo I recommend this student for induction in the National Honor Society:YesNoPart II: Please attach a brief (1-2 paragraph) statement indicating why this student should be considered for National Honor Society membership. Please reference why you believe they possess the 4 Pillars of the National Honor Society (Scholarship, Leadership, Character, and Service).Print Name__________________________________________Signature__________________________________________________________ Date____________ National Honor Society Standards LeadershipThe leadership criterion is considered highly important for membership selection. Leadership roles in both the school and community are considered.The student who exercises leadership:Is resourceful in proposing new problems, applying principles, and making suggestionsDemonstrates initiative in promoting school activitiesExercises positive influence on peers in upholding school idealsContributes ideas that improve the civic life of the schoolIs able to delegate responsibilitiesExemplifies positive attitudesInspires positive behavior in othersDemonstrates academic initiativeSuccessfully holds school offices or positions of responsibility; conducts business effectively and efficiently; demonstrates reliability and dependabilityIs a leader in the classroom, at work, and in school or community activitiesIs thoroughly dependable in any responsibility acceptedIs willing to uphold scholarship and maintain a loyal school attitude.ServiceService is generally considered to be those actions undertaken by the student which are done with or on behalf of others without any direct financial or material compensation to the individual performing the service.The student who serves:Volunteers and provides dependable and well organized assistance, is gladly available, and is willing to sacrifice to offer assistanceWorks well with others and is willing to take on difficult or inconspicuous responsibilitiesCheerfully and enthusiastically renders any requested service to the schoolIs willing to represent the class or school in inter-class and inter-scholastic competitionDoes committee and staff work without complaintParticipates in some activity outside of school, for example, Girl Scouts, Boy Scouts, church groups, volunteer services for the elderly, poor, or disadvantagedmentors persons in the community or students at other schoolsShows courtesy by assisting visitors, teachers, and students.CharacterCharacter is probably the most difficult to define. The student of character:Takes criticism willingly and accepts recommendations graciouslyConsistently exemplifies desirable qualities of behavior (cheerfulness, friendliness, poise, stability)Upholds principles of morality and ethicsCooperates by complying with school regulations concerning property, programs, office, halls, etc.Demonstrates the highest standards of honesty and reliabilityRegularly shows courtesy, concern, and respect for othersObserves instructions and rules, is punctual, and faithful both inside and outside the classroomHas powers of concentration, self-discipline, and sustained attention as shown by perseverance and application to studiesManifests truthfulness in acknowledging obedience to rules, avoiding cheating in written work, and showing unwillingness to profit by the mistakes of othersActively helps rid the school of bad influences or environment. ................

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