National Honor Society - Tripod

Candidate Number:

Langham Creek National Honor Society

Selection Process – Personal Information

1. All students qualifying for NHS with GPA minimum (5.8) will receive notification of possible eligibility during the Fall Semester. NHS Induction will take place during the Fall Semester.

2. Qualified students must attend an informational meeting or contact the NHS sponsor prior to the meeting.

(Mrs. Robinson Rm. #2207 or Mr. Hutchins Rm. #2202.)

3. Access NHS selection files from

4. Complete the NHS Personal Information and Service and Leadership Documentation files in their entirety with all signatures. All information should be typed within the file using Microsoft Word with the exception of signatures.

5. Print two (2) copies of the Character Reference Form and write the names of ten (10) teachers/sponsors/coaches that you have worked with during your tenure at Langham Creek High School (one name on each slip.) Return these with your selection packet.

6. Print one (1) copy of the Teacher Recommendation Form and give it to a teacher to complete. The teacher will return this form directly to the mailbox of Mrs. Robinson or Mr. Hutchins.

7. Provide a copy of your first six weeks report card.

8. Turn in NHS selection process documents to the box in Rm. #2207 by the deadline.

Late selection process documents will not be considered.

Submission Deadline Date: OCTOBER 15 @ 3:00 pm

|Name: |Nickname:       |

|E-Mail:       |Student ID :       |Grade:    |

|Home Address:       |

|Home Phone:       | |

| | |

|Father/Guardian:       |Mother/Guardian:       |

|Day Phone:       |Day Phone:       |

|Cell Phone:       |Cell Phone:       |

| | |

|Name of teacher completing Recommendation Form:       |

Verification of Accuracy

*Minimum requirements must be met in all areas in order to be considered for selection to NHS.*

|I understand that completing the NHS selection process documents does not |I have read the information provided by my son/daughter regarding the NHS |

|guarantee selection to NHS, and that the information presented here is accurate. |selection process and can verify that it is true, accurate, and complete in its |

|I also understand that failure to complete these selection process documents |presentation. |

|honestly will be grounds for my disqualification from the selection process. | |

| | |

| | |

|Student Signature |Parent Signature |

Student Checklist:

| Attend Informational Meeting | Complete Personal Information |

|Submit teacher names for Character Reference |Complete Service & Leadership Documentation |

|Distribute Teacher Recommendation |Copy of 1st Six Weeks Report Card |

|Returned by deadline |*If you believe that special circumstances should be made known to the selection |

| |committee, please put these in writing and attach to your documentation packet. |


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