Book Report Recipe

Book Report Recipe

Your recipe must include the following ingredients. You may use the template on the following page or design your own.

1 cup of plot

Tell briefly what the story is about, in your own words, but don't give away the ending.

2 teaspoons of characters

Who are the main characters? Describe them briefly. Use at least 2 character traits.

2 tablespoons of excitement

Select a short passage from the book that describes something exciting that happened. Try to find a passage that has the main character in it. Copy the passage down and tell why you chose it.

Mix thoroughly and bake. When cool, frost with this special icing:

5 1/2 cup of opinion

What did you like about the book? What didn't you like?

6 1 teaspoon of recommendation

Whom do you think would enjoy this book? Why?

Finally sprinkle on the following information:

8 title of book

9 name of author

10 name of publisher

11 number of pages

12 literary genre


Recipe For _______________________________________________

From ___________________________________________________

Serves : An Entire Class


|1 cup plot |  |1 teaspoon recommendation |

|2 teaspoons characters | |a dash of title and author |

|2 tablespoons excitement | |a hint of publisher and pages |

|1/2 cup opinion | |a teaspoon of literary genre |






































Number of Pages_________________________________________________________



Book Report Recipe Grading Rubric

Plot –told briefly what the story was about, was in your own words, did not give away ending. /20

Characters- named the main character(s), described each using at least 2 character traits and details from the story. /20

Passage- chose an appropriate passage, included the main character, told why you chose this passage, gave multiple reasons. / 15

Opinion- gave what you liked about the book and why and/or what you did not like about the book and why. Gave multiple reasons; used details from the book. /15

Recommendation- told whom you would recommend this book to and why. /10

Author-included the author with correct capitalization and spelling /2

Title- included the title with correct capitalization and spelling /2

Publisher- included the publisher with correct capitalization and spelling /2

Pages- gave the correct number of pages /2

Genre- gave the correct literary genre /2

G.U.M.S.- Grammar, Usage, Mechanics, Spelling /10


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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